Making Excercise a Habit



  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Sun 08/20 - TDEE: 3,361 cals, Intake: 2,829 cals, Deficit: 532 cals, Steps: 16,623 , Active Minutes: 105

    Average Daily Deficit: 532 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Rest day.

    Fired up melt foundry first thing this morning. went through the better part of a 50 lb dog food bag full of crushed soda cans resulting in eleven muffin sized aluminum ingots. Total run time was 90 minutes.

    Ran up and mowed the shop then fired up our new oxy-actylene cutting torch. My first cutting project... two ~15" pieces of 3.5" pipe (1/8" walls) to form a 'T'. After cutting a hole in the middle of one and a saddle on the end of the other, welded them together. Not half bad. Learned a bunch... like next time cut the saddle first, then the hole. This piece will be used to transfer air from a blower to the bottom of a brake rotor blacksmith's forge.

    Back home, picked out a large round from the wood pile and started forming a base for an anvil... or in my case an anvil shaped object. A 12x12 I-beam about 20 inches long. I'll trim 3 inches off either side of the top giving me a 6x20 inch work area. I'll cut in a hardy hole and a pritchel hole on one end and then thinking about welding on a front wheel drive axle spindle for a horn on the other end.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    edited August 2017
    Mon 08/21 - TDEE: 4,421 cals, Intake: 4,975 cals, Deficit: -554 cals, Steps: 32,404 , Active Minutes: 292

    Average Daily Deficit: -11 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Eclipse... 96% totality. Was expecting it to get too dark to work for fifteen or twenty minutes. Nope. Got hard to see in the shadows while wearing my normal sun/safety glasses, but was able to work through it. Did bring along appropiate welding helments to look at the progression between yards.

    Otherwise, tough day. My third man was sent with the other crew as traffic due to the eclipse was predicted to be heavy in town (it wasn't) so that slowed us down. Enough rain over the last two week that grass is growing like it was Spring and that slowed us down. Bossman called us in at 5pm with three yards still on the list. We'll pickup those three tomorrow.

    Turned into a feeding frenzy when I got home. :/
  • PlunderingSteelGorilla
    Any time I feel overworked or stupid busy, I come here and read your thread.
    You make me feel lazy, good on ya!
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Tue 08/22 - TDEE: 3,301 cals, Intake: 3,385 cals, Deficit: -84 cals, Steps: 16,073 , Active Minutes: 94

    Average Daily Deficit: -35 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Thanks for the words PSG. Always good to hear.

    Four hour rain delay... in August! Oh well, Gave me and bossman time to run into town and pick up that new Miller Multimatic 215 MIG, TIG, and stick welder combo. But not enough time to unbox it and play. Guess that will have to wait for the weekend.

    Mowing started right after noon. Was afraid everyting would be too wet to mow but we only bypassed three yards as too wet to put mowers on. Finished day nine yards short of finishing day's list. Not bad considering late start, picking up three leftovers from Monday, and the unseasonably Springlike condition of the yards.

    Next ten days look like unseasonably cool with highs in the upper 70s to low 80s and no rain. Should be easy to finish the week's mowing list by Friday.

    We'll lose a guy starting next week. Been with us for 18 months now. Was hoping he'd stick to be a crew foreman next year, allowing me more time to stay in the shop and maintain the eqipment (sigh) but that is the nature of the business. Very high turnover rate.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Wed 08/23 - TDEE: 4,208 cals, Intake: 3,206 cals, Deficit: 1,002 cals, Steps: 29,287 , Active Minutes: 238

    Average Daily Deficit: 224 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Worked ten and a half hours and ended day five yards short. Slowly catching up.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Thu 08/24 - TDEE: 4,159 cals, Intake: 3,288 cals, Deficit: 871 cals, Steps: 24,004 , Active Minutes: 196

    Average Daily Deficit: 353 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Another 10+ hour day. Unbelievable for August. One more day of pushing hard should catch us up for the week. Gotta say, looking forward to a two day weekend off.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Fri 08/25 - TDEE: 4,772 cals, Intake: 3,119 cals, Deficit: 1,653 cals, Steps: 35,035 , Active Minutes: 355

    Average Daily Deficit: 570 cals (Sunday - Present)

    11+ hr day but week's list is done.

    Was suppose to be this one guy's last day. Surprise! He didn't show. Didn't call, didn't text. Nice.

    Sometime good people can be *kitten*.

    Oh well. Another guy starts on Monday.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    edited August 2017
    Sat 08/26 - TDEE: 3,125 cals, Intake: 2,899 cals, Deficit: 226 cals, Steps: 9,254 , Active Minutes: 151

    Average Daily Deficit: 521 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Making a change to my calorie adjustment (increasing to 300) today (Sun 8/27) so this data (Sat 8/26) is the last day still using the previous 100 calorie adjustment.

    Started the day working on my anvil stump. Peeled the bark, squared up the base and then dished out its center. Not sure if this is really needed as the shed it's going to live in has a dirt and gravel floor. But you never know, I may pour a concrete floor in there someday.

    Bossman interrupted my play to run into town and pick up our SCUBA gear. We had dropped them off several weeks back for servicing, anticipating a Caribbean dive trip this winter. I still need to replace my old dive computer and mask but they had sold their last computer that I was interested in just last weekend. No rush, we still have a few months to familiarize ourselves with new equipment.

    Stopped at a couple of local hardware stores to pick up a plug and receptacle to make a 220V adaptor for the new MIG welder. The MIG uses a NEMA 6-50P which doesn't fit into the shop's NEMA 10-50R.

    Back home I squared off the top of the stump and gave the whole thing a quick 80 grit belt sanding. I still need to seal the end grain (old timer recipe that works on wood, leather and metal; 2 part beeswax, 2 part turpentine, 1 part boiled linseed oil) then, after it's completely dry, add steel bands around both ends.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    edited August 2017
    Sun 08/27 - TDEE: 4,384 cals, Intake: 2,283 cals, Deficit: 2,101 cals, Steps: 20,174 , Active Minutes: 361

    Average Daily Deficit: 2,101 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Nice easy morning. Then ran out to the shop to mow and then played with new Miller 215 welder.

    Had to change out two idler pulleys on the mower deck and bend out an inner baffle that had gotten knocked hard enough that a blade was ticking on it. Did the trick. Mowed like a champ.

    That Miller Multimatic 215 is a nice welder! Had so much fun with it beefing up my aging mowing trailer that I forgot to eat lunch. If I hadn't run out of 2" angle iron stock and actylene for the cutting torch, I might still be out there. Only down side is I can no longer blame the welder for my crappy welds. :D
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Mon 08/28 - TDEE: 4,941 cals (PB), Intake: 3,682 cals, Deficit: 1,259 cals, Steps: 29,956 , Active Minutes: 377 (PB)

    Average Daily Deficit: 1,680 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Two personal bests for the year; TDEE and Active Minutes. Still short 200 cals and 20 minutes of breaking last year's bests.

    New guy started. 23 years old but the job still had him dry heaving under a shade tree by the end of the day despite our advice to take it easy and drink more water. Takes about two weeks to get over the job's physical hump. Knocking on wood he shows up for day two.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Tue 08/29 - TDEE: 4,284 cals, Intake: 3,863 cals, Deficit: 421 cals, Steps: 25,565 , Active Minutes: 249

    Average Daily Deficit: 1,260 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Hmmm. Deficits are a bit high but not seeing the scale move... yet. I'll try and be patient.

    New guy came back for a second day. Good on him.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Wed 08/30 - TDEE: 4,020 cals, Intake: 4,395 cals, Deficit: -375 cals, Steps: 25,677 , Active Minutes: 195

    Average Daily Deficit: 852 cals (Sunday - Present)

    New guy made it through day three. Moving like a zombie and suffering from allergies but still moving.

    Bit of a refeed after getting home but more 'cause I forgot to log a morning snack until just now than feeding frenzy.

    Remnants of Harvey may move in this afternoon but just clouds. Should be no rain.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Thu 08/31 - TDEE: 3,653 cals, Intake: 4,562 cals, Deficit: -909 cals, Steps: 20,266 , Active Minutes: 109

    Average Daily Deficit: 499 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Major feeding frenzy. Smoked brots. Thought I could stop after four. Nope. Ate them all.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Fri 09/01 - TDEE: 4,002 cals, Intake: 4,211 cals, Deficit: -209 cals, Steps: 26,976 , Active Minutes: 267

    Average Daily Deficit: 381 cals (Sunday - Present)
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    edited September 2017
    Sat 09/02 - TDEE: 3,621 cals, Intake: 3,977 cals, Deficit: -356 cals, Steps: 18,184 , Active Minutes: 258

    Average Daily Deficit: 276 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Worked on trimming 3" off either side of my ASO (anvil shaped object) using a sawzall. Had to give saw time to cool off every so often, so string trimmed yard, mowed, ate lunch, and poured three new pedestals for the aluminum melt foundry.



    (50lb dog food bags in background are full of crushed soda cans waiting their turn in the melt foundry.)

    I'll cut one of the 3" strips in half and weld them back on the top as skirts. The other strip I'll cut into triangles and weld back on as stiffeners top and bottom.

    Not much progress on the blacksmith forge. Have to wait for a rainy day to hit the iron yard for scraps. They are not open on weekends.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Sun 09/03 - TDEE: 3,309 cals, Intake: 3,002 cals, Deficit: 307 cals, Steps: 17,729 , Active Minutes: 171

    Average Daily Deficit: 307 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Took the ASO to the shop and, after mowing the 4 acres there, ground all the burrs off all the edges. Then wire brushed off all the dirt and rust.

    Retinking what to do next. Maybe full skirts rather than half. Will need more scrap for the stiffeners if I go with full skirts. Guess I'll wait for that rainy day before doing anything else on the ASO.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    edited September 2017
    Mon 09/04 - TDEE: 3,285 cals, Intake: 2,985 cals, Deficit: 300 cals, Steps: 15,670 , Active Minutes: 156

    Average Daily Deficit: 304 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Labor Day holiday... but all the guys volunteered to work. This is 'cause catching up after a Monday holiday totally sucks. (Working like a dog for a Friday holiday not so bad.) Only hit commercial clients. Made for a short 6 hr day but we are that much closer to being caught up for the week.

    Also predicted to be the last 90+ day of the season. Big cold front moved through overnight and high temps should be down to mid 70s for next 10 days or so.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Tue 09/05 - TDEE: 4,107 cals, Intake: 3,562 cals, Deficit: 545 cals, Steps: 27,678 , Active Minutes: 264

    Average Daily Deficit: 384 cals (Sunday - Present)

    High temp low to mid 70s. Nice.

    New guy was a no show. Claimed sick. Not a good sign for his continued employment.

    Second new guy to start Wednesday.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Wed 09/06 - TDEE: 3,828 cals, Intake: 2,902 cals, Deficit: 926 cals, Steps: 24,200 , Active Minutes: 168

    Average Daily Deficit: 520 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Both new guys did show. Bossman put first new guy on other crew and we got newest new guy (gotta find a better system to identify new guys). Seems like a sharp and steady guy. Could have a future in the industry. Time will tell. (You might have noticed that I didn't say that about first new guy.)
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Thu 09/07 - TDEE: 3,748 cals, Intake: 3,109 cals, Deficit: 639 cals, Steps: 19,992 , Active Minutes: 138

    Average Daily Deficit: 529 cals (Sunday - Present)