Making Excercise a Habit



  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Fri 09/08 - TDEE: 4,051 cals, Intake: 2,681 cals, Deficit: 1,370 cals, Steps: 26,127 , Active Minutes: 273

    Average Daily Deficit: 670 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Finished week's list plus a new client with a rush requst. Added bonus, Saturday off since we volunteered to work the Monday holiday.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    edited September 2017
    Sat 09/09 - TDEE: 2,628 cals, Intake: 3,682 cals, Deficit: -1,054 cals, Steps: 6,754 , Active Minutes: 48

    Average Daily Deficit: 423 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Unexpected purchase. Been keeping an eye on Craig's List for anvils and saw one less than 5 miles away. It is damaged, missing a section of hard plate on the working face but it is a good name anvil. 125# Hay Budden made sometime in the late 1800s or early 1900s. Was kinda hoping seller would reject my offer as it was $105 less than his asking price. Nope. Its mine now.




    Now I gotta get my brake rotor blacksmith's forge up and running (still need time during working hours to hit iron yards.. and don't see it coming anytime soon).
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    edited September 2017
    Sun 09/10 - TDEE: 3,920 cals, Intake: 3,797 cals, Deficit: 123 cals, Steps: 21,976 , Active Minutes: 310

    Average Daily Deficit: 123 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Mowed my place and the shop. Not sure where all the steps and active minutes came from as I'm feeling juggling that 125 lb anvil yesterday in my lower back today. (Getting old I guess. [sigh])

    Picked up two leather welding jackets and a blacksmith's leather apron/chaps combo for $50 off Craig's List.

    20 day dry streak, and looks like Irma isn't going to add any moisture to our area. Another 10 days of dry weather predicted.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    edited September 2017
    Mon 09/11 - TDEE: 3,484 cals, Intake: 1,958 cals, Deficit: 1,526 cals, Steps: 16,172 , Active Minutes: 60

    Average Daily Deficit: 825 cals (Sunday - Present)

    TDEE, Steps, and Active Minutes are guesstimates. My Charge HR stopped syncing with my iphone at 10 AM. The tracker was still working otherwise so able to manually record TDEE and Steps when I hit the sack but Active Minutes do not display on the tracker itself. I decided to low ball the guess on that. Simply doubled what I had at last sync.

    Dry out there. Half our yards were skips so got back tp shop around 1:30 PM. Gave me time to run to local big box electronic store and puck up a replacement tracker. Kinda wanted to try a Garmin VivoSmart HR+ but out of stock (sigh) so went with Fitbit's Charge HR2. Won't change my calorie adjustment until I build up some data... say end of October.

    Also had time to run to local steelyard and pick up some scrap for the blacksmith's forge. That will have to wait for Sunday as we have been told we will be working Saturday.

    Went back to shop and started looking for all the parts to put our oldest rider back into service. Unfortunately, after several months in peices, the parts have gotten scattered pretty good. Best I could do is clear the work area and make a list of missing items.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Tue 09/12 - TDEE: 3,650 cals, Intake: 3,267 cals, Deficit: 383 cals, Steps: 20,510 , Active Minutes: 142

    Average Daily Deficit: 677 cals (Sunday - Present)

    First full day with new Fitbit Charge HR2. Numbers look reasonable.

    Mowing slowing done after 21 days of no precipitation. Started dropping Step 4 of our fertilization program. My crew dropped 16 and a half 50 lb. bags (thats 825 lbs) and still back at shop by 4:30 PM.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Wed 09/13 - TDEE: 3,875 cals, Intake: 3,408 cals, Deficit: 467 cals, Steps: 21,807 , Active Minutes: 207

    Average Daily Deficit: 625 cals (Sunday - Present)
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Thu 09/14 - TDEE: 3,238 cals, Intake: 2,555 cals, Deficit: 683 cals, Steps: 14,613 , Active Minutes: 60

    Average Daily Deficit: 636 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Finished week's mows, yes its that dry, and dropped 23 bags of fert. (1,150 lbs).

    Not sure why my numbers are down.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    edited September 2017
    Fri 09/15 - TDEE: 3,733 cals, Intake: 4,145 cals, Deficit: -412 cals, Steps: 17,836 , Active Minutes: 231

    Average Daily Deficit: 462 cals (Sunday - Present)

    2 yrds topsoil (prep for laying sod), 4 tons 2" rock, 5 yrds mulch, 6 guys, 8 hrs.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Sat 09/16 - TDEE: 3,451 cals, Intake: 2,981 cals, Deficit: 470 cals, Steps: 12,918 , Active Minutes: 98

    Average Daily Deficit: 463 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Finished dropping Step 4 of our fertilizer program Thursday. Now we have 2,000 lbs of seed to drop.

    Our normal procedure for overseeding a yard;
    1. Scalp the yard, that is mow an inch to inch and a half lower than normal collecting all the grass clipping in a bagger system. We aim to get the yard down to 2.5 inches.
    2. Aerate the yard using a corer machine. This removes a half inch plug from the ground every six inches or so as deep as four inches depending on the quality of the soil. Three inch plugs are typical for our area. The plugs are left lying on top of the turf.
    3. Dethatch the yard using a power rake (also called a slicer). This should leave a groove through the sod and about 1/8" into the dirt. Slicer also grinds and spreads all the plugs of dirt so yard looks neater after we're done.
    4. Run the mower with bagger back over the yard again to collect all the thatch raised by the slicer.
    5. Drop seed using casting spreaders, drop spreaders and hand seeding.

    Three yards, 500 lbs of seed, 5 guys, 7 hrs - done.

    Our irrigation guy had some jobs lined up during the morning hours. When he showed up about noon, I jumped into the truck and headed back to the shop to install a new engine on an older 60" rider that had thrown a rod last Fall. Just short of firing it up when the boys returned. Might run in this afternoon (Sunday) and finish just to get the initial 30 minutes on the engine. Rider still needs some parts (we've been cannibalizing it to keep the other two running) before it is ready to go back into service.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    edited September 2017
    Sun 09/17 - TDEE: 2,152 cals, Intake: 4,549 cals, Deficit: -2,397 cals, Steps: 2,941 , Active Minutes: 0

    Average Daily Deficit: -2,397 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Lazy, drizzly day. Caught up on a bunch of Netflix movies on my To-Watch list. Barely moved other than to the kitchen for something to munch on.

    Yah... run to the shop didn't happen.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    edited September 2017
    Mon 09/18 - TDEE: 3,590 cals, Intake: 2,973 cals, Deficit: 617 cals, Steps: 21,128 , Active Minutes: 160

    Average Daily Deficit: -890 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Normal Monday plus a couple of small seed jobs thrown in. Only dropped 60 lbs of seed so no big deal.

    Got a text from the bossman on the way home letting all of us know that First New Guy is no longer with the company. Not sure what happened there but knew he already had two strikes in the three weeks he has been with us.

    Second New Guy gets promoted to First New Guy.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Tue 09/19 - TDEE: 3,104 cals, Intake: 3,173 cals, Deficit: -69 cals, Steps: 13,663 , Active Minutes: 82

    Average Daily Deficit: -616 cals (Sunday - Present)
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Wed 09/20 - TDEE: 3,528 cals, Intake: 2,784 cals, Deficit: 744 cals, Steps: 18,847 , Active Minutes: 132

    Average Daily Deficit: -276 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Weather gal a week or so back predicted we were seeing the last 90+ day of the season... she was wrong. 93 F with a heat index hitting 100 F.

    Next two days are likely to hit the same or be slightly warmer.

  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    edited September 2017
    Thu 09/21 - TDEE: 3,991 cals, Intake: 3,207 cals, Deficit: 784 cals, Steps: 24,717 , Active Minutes: 182

    Average Daily Deficit: -64 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Another unexpected purchase. This one is a blacksmith's post vise. Picked it up late last even at dusk so no pics yet.

    This was on Craig's List again. Guy lives out near my wife's family, roughly 20 miles from my place. Turns out this guy played Little League with my wife's dad back in the day. Both are in their 80s now.

    Vise needs a little TLC. Main issue will be reshaping the jaw spring. Vise is about 150 years old and was this guy's great great granddaddy's who had a shop in Sibley, MO at the start of the Santa Fe trail.

    He also has Peter Wright anvil but isn't ready to sell it... yet. Maybe I can get it on loan for a bit. ;)
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Fri 09/22 - TDEE: 3,683 cals, Intake: 2,992 cals, Deficit: 691 cals, Steps: 19,235 , Active Minutes: 157

    Average Daily Deficit: 62 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Tough week. Summer temps are back but we are heavy into Fall jobs. Exhaustion isn't just a word, its a state of being. Leg muscles threatening to cramp up all night long from pushing spreaders loaded with seed.

    Another hard push through seeding today (Saturday) and then one day off before doing it all again next week. After seeding is done, there's Fall shrub trimmimg to look forward to. That will take us through to near the end of October and then leaf cleanups will start. Last year's cleanups continued until a few days befor Christmas.


    OK, crying done. Bring it on.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    edited September 2017
    Sat 09/23 - TDEE: 4,120 cals, Intake: 2,724 cals, Deficit: 1,396 cals, Steps: 24,273 , Active Minutes: 326

    Average Daily Deficit: 252 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Four seeding jobs. First two are neighbors and both are large high dollar yards in a golfing community. First time this year I've had to wring the sweat out of my shirt. Skipped lunch and back at shop by 2 PM

    475 lbs of seed dropped, Brings total, with the small odd jobs during the week, up to about 1,300 lbs. Only 700 lbs to go. Plan is to be finished with seeding by end of next Saturday. Not sure about the sod work at one client's, but that's just one job.

    Had time to mow shop before calling it a day.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    edited September 2017
    Sun 09/24 - TDEE: 3,440 cals, Intake: 2,554 cals, Deficit: 886 cals, Steps: 14,905 , Active Minutes: 154

    Average Daily Deficit: 886 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Bunch of little chores.

    1) First step in making casting sand, hydrate bentinite clay. 3/4 cup of cheap kitty litter and 1/3 cup of water in a gallon freezer ziplock bag. Multiply by 30. Give that a few days to soften.
    2) Made up a batch of BLOT. An old blacksmith finish that works on steel, wood, and leather. Two parts Beeswax, one part boiled Linseed Oil, and two parts Turpentine. Melt 1/2 lb of beeswax in double boiler then take off flame. Add 1/2 cup linseed oil and one cup of turpintine. Mix well. Take can out of boiler and let set up. Makes a soft paste that is applied with a cloth.
    3) Mowed my place.
    4) Ran up to shop and sharpened the chainsaw and four shrub trimmers.
    5) While at shop, removed main screw from my post vise and took oxy-acetylene torch to the flattened spring. Got it cherry red and then reshaped it. Air cooled and then reassembled.
    6) Ran up to my Mom's and took care of a few computer and home maintenance chores for her.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Mon 09/25 - TDEE: 3,346 cals, Intake: 3,424 cals, Deficit: -78 cals, Steps: 17,241 , Active Minutes: 96

    Average Daily Deficit: 404 cals (Sunday - Present)
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Tue 09/26 - TDEE: 3,446 cals, Intake: 3,438 cals, Deficit: 8 cals, Steps: 20,172 , Active Minutes: 124

    Average Daily Deficit: 200 cals (Sunday - Present)
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    So, here's the thing. My daughter decided she was going to buy a FitBit Charge 2 and I said 'let me order a Garmin VivoSmart HR and you can have this Charge 2 I'm currently wearing' and she said 'K'. The VivoSmart comes in Tuesday and I wear it all day Wednesday and most of Thursday ... I do NOT like it at all.

    Yes, it is waterproof and you can set your own Max Heart Rate; two things lacking on the FitBit Charge 2. But everything else I like about activity trackers that Charge 2 has is TOTALLY lacking in the VivoSmart HR. The band sucks, the software sucks, I've earned 0, yes, 0 Active Minutes, TDEE is way off, and when linked to MFP I'm get next to nothing in the way if exercise calories. (ARRRRRGH)

    So, I went back to the big electric store and exchanged the Garmin VivoSmart HR for another FitBit Charge 2. (ahhhh) Life is good again.

    Fri 09/29 - TDEE: 3,854 cals, Intake: 3,920 cals, Deficit: -66 cals, Steps: 19,692 , Active Minutes: 225

    Average Daily Deficit: 134 cals (Sunday - Present)

    I'll have to spend some time on Sunday to figure out how to plug the holes in my data for Wed. and Thurs.