Accountability - work out log



  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    On Monday, I did Yoga to start week 8

    Today I did Core Synergistics for week 8 day 2 - Day 51 overall.

    Dude - great job on Yoga last week. Doing a first for any of the exercises is a great feeling.
    Yesterday, I had my first toe grab in the leg extensions during the balance postures. Never thought I could do that.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    On Monday, I did Yoga to start week 8

    Today I did Core Synergistics for week 8 day 2 - Day 51 overall.

    Dude - great job on Yoga last week. Doing a first for any of the exercises is a great feeling.
    Yesterday, I had my first toe grab in the leg extensions during the balance postures. Never thought I could do that.

    Nice! I too cannot picture myself every doing the toe grab in leg extensions. That is awesome!!
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    P90X day 37 check in

    Had a GREAT workout today. My body is starting to adapt to plyo which makes the workout a little less torturous and more about exercise lol. Today was my first time doing Plyo without modifying a single move while not pausing even once. I also made lots of progress on my intensity in my jump knee tucks and rock star hops. Shoulder/back pain was almost 100% gone while I was hot and sweaty which was a nice break. Just wish it would last longer than the cool down.

    Food was good today. I'm really liking the 40/40/20 macros SOOOO much better than 50/30/20. Macros today are on track to be 44/38/18 and week to date 45/36/19. Need to do a costco run tonight to restock though.

    Fingers still crossed for tomorrow's workout. Not sure what i will be able to do.
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Did Week 8 Day 3 Kenpo today.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Did Week 8 Day 3 Kenpo today.


    P90X Day 38 Check in

    So I woke up in the wee hours of the morning and realized that I didn't have any burning shoulder blade/back pain. I got so excited that it might be gone and I might be able to have a great workout today in back & biceps I had trouble sleeping. I ended up getting up early (5:30am) and working out cause I couldn't go to sleep. My back isn't fully recovered but I had a relatively great workout! I did some extra warm up time and the first pull up move I just used the weak green band and took it easy. But after that it was game on with the black band and lots of distance for my pull up moves. Stepped it up quite a bit in my curls too. I had some great pump going for a while, which my arms looked like that all the time lol. ARX I did two more leg climbs with no grabs (now doing 4 with grab and 8 without each side), an extra 25 mason twists and oh yeah a 26th vup roll up (like Adam does). And no, I don't have even a hint of a six pack and I still can't do all 25 fifer scissors reps without at least one mini break. Don't want anyone to think I'm some kind of ab machine!

    Once I got to the office and sat in my chair the back pain came roaring back. I've been the chiropractor Monday and today and go back Wednesday for a 1 hour massage and adjustment. Its costing me a fortune but I'm doing what I can to heal this injury and not miss a day of P90X.

    Food is good today. I continue to eat clean and without much variety but its working good. Macros will be 46/37/17 and week to date 45/36/19.

    Water is good today.

    I don't remember if I mentioned this in an earlier post but I had to renew my license where you have to go into the DMV. I'm 36 and haven't updated my weight since I got my motorcycle license at 21. I'm 1.6 lbs away from what I weighed when I was 21! Pretty cool.
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    @mets86champs and Dude, glad to hear you guys are still pushing play. I only got one work out in this week. It's been crazy, my son has been sick so had to go in everyday to Dr. Office to get a shot before work which takes forever. Also super busy at work so I havent had the energy in the a.m. to get up and work out plus I have to leave earlier for Dr. office. Food, I don't even want to talk about that, since I have been so busy Im ashamed to say that I have been surviving on coffe and whatever lunch I can get my hands on since I havent had time to cook or eat meals. Well I guess I will be restarting week 7 next week and skip recovery week and go right into week 9 afterwards but I'm not giving up.

    Have a great rest of the week!
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Had an easy day today with Stretch.

    Insanity2bSan - Don't skip the recovery week. Your body needs the controlled rest. Hope your son is getting better. Nothing occupies a parents time more then a sick child.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    @mets86champs and Dude, glad to hear you guys are still pushing play. I only got one work out in this week. It's been crazy, my son has been sick so had to go in everyday to Dr. Office to get a shot before work which takes forever. Also super busy at work so I havent had the energy in the a.m. to get up and work out plus I have to leave earlier for Dr. office. Food, I don't even want to talk about that, since I have been so busy Im ashamed to say that I have been surviving on coffe and whatever lunch I can get my hands on since I havent had time to cook or eat meals. Well I guess I will be restarting week 7 next week and skip recovery week and go right into week 9 afterwards but I'm not giving up.

    Have a great rest of the week!

    Stuff happens :( Sounds like you have a plan. Just get "back on that horse" and start pushing play again! Are you calling your week that you haven't worked out "recovery week" as then I think that would be ok.
    Had an easy day today with Stretch.

    Insanity2bSan - Don't skip the recovery week. Your body needs the controlled rest. Hope your son is getting better. Nothing occupies a parents time more then a sick child.

    Stretch X, I'm looking forward to that this Sunday :)
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    P90X day 39 Check in

    I remember being so excited to hit double digits at day 10. Can't believe tomorrow is day 40!!! I love hitting another decade :)

    Today's workout was Yoga X. It was a good workout. Did all my push ups before downward dog and a full 60 seconds of crane. Also, did all of warrior III and half moon on both sides though my form was NOT pretty. Sadly, Yoga X did not hit the spot for easing my back/shoulder pain. This is the first workout I've done since Friday of last week that getting my body hot and sweaty didn't really provide any relief.

    Oh well, looking forward to legs & back tomorrow and seeing if I can do the workout still like I was able to on Wednesday. I also get a one hour massage tomorrow and see the chiropractor for the 3rd day this week. A good 40 day present to myself :)

    Food was good today. Macros of 46/34/20 for a week to date 43/38/19. If trying to loose body fat is it better to maintain the high protein/low carb diet into phase 3?

    Water is pretty good today. 88 oz so far.

    I updated my ticker and MFP weight to 190 lbs which was my age 21 weight though except for the blip and corresponding weight loss from my cheat meal almost two weeks ago my weight isn't really changing. Long as body fat is going down I'm fine with that.
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Did Week 8 Day 5 Core Synergistics tonight.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    P90X day 40 check in

    Excited to be at day 40, can't believe its been 40 days already.

    Quick check in today as I have guests over. L&B w/ ARX today went great. I'm not 100% recovered but by easing into the workout I was able to do the whole thing and make improvements over last week.

    Food was good today. Macros per MFP are 46/40/15 (yeah 101, oh well) and week to date are 44/34/18.

    Water is good today. Over 100 oz. Good thing to as I got a one hour massage. Didn't help my shoulder/back one bit but it felt great getting the massage lol.

    Ok I"m out. Keep up the good work everyone!
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Did Yoga X today. - Off to do yard work.

    Day 55 completed.
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Did Stretch workout today to end week 8.

    35 days left to go.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Did Stretch workout today to end week 8.

    35 days left to go.

    Doing good!!! You getting excited? Think you will continue into another round or take a break at the end?

    P90X day 41 check in

    This check in is for yesterday (Saturday). It was a tough day and by the end I was way to tired to post when I got home.

    The good news is that the workout was great. I did Kenpo X and kept focused on bringing the intensity! Usually, I'm not too drained at the end even if I work up a big sweat but yesterday I was pretty beat, so I even used recovery drink. Oh and I got over 18k steps on my pedometer yesterday :) though the only aerobic steps were during Kenpo X.

    Food was my worst food day in a while. No "bad" food but poor planning and forgetfulness caused me to go long stretches between meals and at the end of the day not eat enough. First I had to get my car worked on and forgot my first snack, then the car took 3 extra hours so I was missing my snack and lunch but my wife rescued me with lunch. At that point I was so hungry that some avacado (guacamole) sounded to good to pass up. When I mapped our the rest of the day in MFP it would only put my fat macro at 21 so I went for it. However, as soon as my car was done I was meeting my family at Disneyland. I resisted some hardcore ice cream cravings while there (my family even ate ice cream) as well as sitting through dinner without eating anything because fried chicken and pasta didn't look too healthy. I had remember to bring some snacks (two protein bars to Disneyland) but since I didn't get home until 11:00 it was too late for dinner and I just ate another protein bar and protein shot. Soo that is a long winded way of saying my calories were too low and macros were 44/32/24. Soo fat ended up being higher than I wanted but I'm blaming the guac for part of that and avacado is good fat. Week to date I'm at 44/37/19.

    Water was terrible. No way to drink anything at the shop and at Disneyland I had trouble getting to much water down.

    Going to Chicago Tuesday and staying in a hotel so I'm going to face even tough food challenges for Tues-Thurs :/
  • mpf1
    mpf1 Posts: 1,437 Member
    I'm 6 weeks in... I do the 3 strength workouts and plyo per week. I do my own cardio to supplement and skip yoga and usually kempo. 6 more weeks to go!
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    I'm 6 weeks in... I do the 3 strength workouts and plyo per week. I do my own cardio to supplement and skip yoga and usually kempo. 6 more weeks to go!

    Hey mpf1

    Glad you are still going strong. Do you do anything for flexibility since you don't do yoga x?

    P90X day 42 check in

    Today was stretch x which I did in the afternoon. I also went for a nice quick 26 min 3.5 mph walk today.

    Food was good today. at 48/37/15 which rounds out the week at 44/37/19.

    Water was under again today. Should be back on track tomorrow since I'll be at work and easy to focus on the water.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    P90X day 43 check in

    Today was Chest/shoulders/triceps. Had a great workout and improved most places but shortly afterwards my back/shoulder/neck flared up big time. Worse pain I've had since I injured it 10 days ago. So the rest of today has sucked. I did manage to do 387 reps in ab ripper (total of an extra 38 reps) before the pain set in.

    Food was good today. Macros were 40/40/20.

    Water was good today. 95 oz and counting.

    Today I weighed in and it was my 2nd MFP weight goal. I now weight what I did as a 21 y/o.
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    I'm 6 weeks in... I do the 3 strength workouts and plyo per week. I do my own cardio to supplement and skip yoga and usually kempo. 6 more weeks to go!
    Nice to see i'm not the only one skipping yoga. Sorry, but I hate it so I supplement with my own cardio. Also do the 3 strenth workouts and Plyo. It's just nice to have some variety and not see Tony every single day of the week.

    I had a really busy weekend so I did chest shoulder and triceps today instead of yesterday and tomorrow I will try to double up on my workout to catch up for yesterday. Don't know if it will happen though since it's cooler now and I seem to want to get into bed earlier (which really doesn't happen, but i'm tired and don't feel like doing anything) and covers stick to me in the A.M. since it's nice and chilli. Obviously I am a desert rat. Also, since it's cooler I have trouble drinking more water. I just want to drink coffe all day.

    Congrats to everyone else on keeping up with your workouts!
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    I missed yesterday's workout - too much unexpected stuff going on after work.

    So today I started week 9 with Chest and Back and Ab Ripper

    So I'll be a day off until I can double up with Back & Legs on Saturday morning and Kenpo on Saturday afternoon. That's something to look forward to :-(

    Didn't drink enough water today and I think that's why I was getting a cramp in my foot during Ab Ripper.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Sounds like both of you guys missed Mondays workouts but have a solid plan for the rest of the week. One workout won't kill ya though it's easy for me to say and not so easy for me to apply to myself.

    P90X day 44 check in

    Quick check in from my hotel room in Chicago. Plyometrics was a good workout today. Had to focus on exactly what I was doing and be careful with my neck/back issues but I pushed through the whole workout and while my pace was off on a few moves I didn't modify or need to press pause :)

    Food today was great given that I was traveling most of the day. I hit macros of 42/41/17 and avoided one of my all time favorite foods; Chicago deep dish pepperoni pizza. Tomorrow will be harder. I have a work lunch and dinner and the destination is beyond my control.

    Water today was low. Couldn't catch up from the airplane.