Accountability - work out log



  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    Today I did back and Biceps. It was a good workout. Afterwards went for a quick walk/jog. I'm feeling energized and great but i'ts getting so much harder to get up in the A.M. with the chilli weather and being super dark. Can't wait for daylight savings time to end.
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Did Plyo today. Wore my knee brace that I wear when I play basketball, for the 1st time. Wish I had been wearing it the entire time. My knee feels much better tonight then it did all the other nights after Plyo.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Good job guys though I dunno about wishing for the end of daylights savings time. Blasphemy!!!!

    p90x day 45 check in. Half way baby!!!!

    Greetings again from Chicago. Got up at 4:15am equiv home time and busted out back and biceps in my hotel room. Bands + door attachment = the bomb for traveling. Workout went pretty good. Not a lot of improvement from last week. Ab ripper was awesome. I did an extra rep for each move until obliques which I did 6 extra each side. Also did 14 no grab leg climbs and 75 mason twists for a total of 50 extra reps or 399 total. Also walked everywhere rather than take a cab with coworkers.

    Food was great relative to being out of town and participating in work lunch and dinners. Skipped the free lunch food and went with my chipotle special. For dinner I did salmon and steamed broccoli from an uber nice steak house. Man I wanted that Cajun ribeye and chocolate desert but I resisted. Macros were at 48/32/20 headed into dinner but apparently plain old salmon has a lot of fat as I ended up with macros of 44/33/25. I'm still cilling food today a success though.

    Water was awesome. I'm over 120 oz for the day.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    p90x day 46 check in

    Did yoga in the hotel room. Bright and early this morning. Due to the back/neck thing I had to skip pushups before downward dogs, plow shoulder stand and crane but did great the rest of the workout.

    Food was good for another day of riding airplanes. Calories were spot on and macros of 45/34/21. Week to date is 43/37/20

    Water was a bit low again due to being stuck on the plane half the day.

    Tomorrow and the weekend will be a challenge. I'm home for less than 24 hours before jumping on a plane again...

    Bring it!!!
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    Did legs and back today. It was a good workout. I think the fact that I had 8 hours of sleep helped. One more workout this week and next week I start week 9. Yeah! First time that Ive made it this far. Missed a couple of workouts here and there but I'm determined to sticking with it.
    @ Dude, I don't know how you manage to stick with it with all the traveling that your doing but congratulations on your determination and not getting sidetracked. That's awesome.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Did legs and back today. It was a good workout. I think the fact that I had 8 hours of sleep helped. One more workout this week and next week I start week 9. Yeah! First time that Ive made it this far. Missed a couple of workouts here and there but I'm determined to sticking with it.
    @ Dude, I don't know how you manage to stick with it with all the traveling that your doing but congratulations on your determination and not getting sidetracked. That's awesome.

    Gratz on making it to week 9!!! You are close to 60 days in then. How are your results coming along?

    I've found that the travel doesn't hit my workout motivation or ability too much but man it makes food tough!! Getting back on a plane less than 24 hours later has me a bit worried about eating right. Good news is today's flight is only an hour and I'm visiting family so I think I will be able to grill up chicken and do other healthy food options when I get there.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    p90X day 47 check in

    Catching up here. Was super tired last night after landing and getting food that I crashed and forgot to check in here.

    Workout was great. Made lots of improvements. I was starting to bounce up against 20 reps on a lot of pull up moves with the. Lack band so I added about a food of additional distance. Wow that made things a lot tougher. Feels good. Every leg move that someone used weights on I also used weights. I've made a deal with myself that if I finish found 1 of p90X strong and drop below 15% body fat then I will buy adjustable dumb bells for round 2.

    Ab ripper was another kickass personal best. I did 407 reps!!!!

    Since fallonrhea's motivation and idea to do extra reps I've been trying to do a little more each ARX session. Not sure I will be able to do more than this morning without my form suffering so I'm going to try and maintain the level I did today.

    Today's stats

    In/outs - 27 reps - hands held above head
    Forward bicycle - 27 reps - hands held above head
    Reverse bicycle - 27 reps - hands held above head
    Crunchy frog - 27 reps
    Wide leg sit ups - 26 reps
    fifer scissors - 26 reps - still have to take a mini break at 15 reps. So hard to do these when you can't get your leg even close to vertical
    Wide leg things - 26 reps
    heals to heaven - 26 reps
    v up roll up - 28 reps - back all the way off the floor
    oblique v ups - 32 reps each side - touch elbow to leg but still bending my knees just a tad (same as Tony in the video even though he says to keep em straight)
    Leg climbers - 14 reps each side - zero grabs, leg next to but
    Mason twists - 75 reps
    Total - 407 reps

    I'm really excited for recover week and hope I can make real progress on healing my neck/back/shoulder injury. Push ups really seem to ause it to flare up so a week off is great. I found that by skipping pushups in yoga, shoulder stand, and crane that yoga really helped loosen things up so two rounds will be great too!

    For being out of food at home and home less than 24 hours so I didn't go to the store I've done good for food. I hit macros of 39/42/19 for a week to date total of. 42/38/20.

    Water was good. 90+ oz and since I weigh 190 now that is pretty close. With using glasses not from home I have to guess and am conservative. Probably closer to 100 oz but calling it 90.

    Ok time to go press play on Kenpo and get my back unkinked for the day!
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Got all caught up for the week.
    Wed Plyo
    Thurs - Back & Bicep
    Fri - Yoga
    Sat - Legs & Abs and later in the day Kenpo

    Work out, then a bunch of yard work getting ready for the hurricane, and then another workout. I think I could be as bad as I want to be for dinner and still come in below calories today.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Way to go Mets.

    P90X day 48 check in

    Today was Kenpo X. Workout was good. Back didn't loosen up like I expected sadly.

    Food was great. Did grocery shopping today to make sure that while out of town this weekend I eat properly. Macros today are 44/36/20 and week to date are 42/38/20.

    Water was good today. Don't know exact amount but it was a LOT. I was a drinking machine today.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    P90X day 49 check in for me

    Did stretch X this morning. Went pretty good, hamstring stretches didn't go as well, feel like I lost some flexibility today for some reason. Got over 10K steps today as well.

    Food was great and today is only the 2nd time in 49 days that I felt unreasonable hungry. Just one of those days I think. Macros today were 44/37/19 and for the week they ended at 42/38/20.

    Water was good.

    Looking forward to recover week starting tomorrow!
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    p90X day 50 check in!.

    I still love it when I hit another 10 days and that first digit changes!

    Workout today was great!! After yoga this morning and a Chiropracter visit combined with over a week since any push ups and my back is feeling the best it has in a week and I have a whole week of recovery to go I'm modifying yoga and not doing any push ups, crane or plow/shoulder stand but the rest of it I can push hard on. I'm excited that the last three yoga sessions I've made great progress on the warrior and half moon sequences as well as yoga belly 7. Those two sections are still far and above the most challenging but now I can do them without pausing and without setting a leg down.

    Food today was great. I upped my calories two weeks ago and felt like body fat loss may have slowed so I dropped them down a bit. I was at a 1k deficit per MFP and had gone to 500 so I'm going to go back down to 750. Macros today were 45/40/14. Low on fats which is funny because tonight at Costco I bought almonds. Almond butter and salmon burgers all of which have healthy fats but I want to keep the overall fat under 20.

    Water was over 100 oz today so good there.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    P90X Day 51 Check in

    Catching up for yesterday since I got home at midnight, ugh!

    Workout was good. Yesterday was core synergistics which I forgot included so many push up moves. My plan was to do no push ups at all this week during "recovery week" as they have been aggravating my back/neck/shoulder problem. So I did jumping jacks the entire duration of the offset push ups and sphinx push ups. For the other push ups like the reach high and low, I modified so I was in the push up stance doing the reach portion but not doing the actual push up. Otherwise, it was a good workout. Go lots of steps yesterday too, over 15K

    Food was pretty good. I went to the Lakers game last night so it was my 2nd professional sporting event while on P90X and I love nachos and other junk food you get at stadiums but I resisted. I had even prepared my dinner in the morning and brought it with me but they stopped me at security as you can’t bring it inside. So I waited outside and ate it. Macros were 39/43/18 and week to date of 42/41/17.

    Water was good. Approx 95 oz.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    P90X Day 52 Check in

    Getting up this morning at 5:45 was a bit rough with only 6 hours of sleep. I hit snooze for the first time in 52 days but after doing it I was so annoyed I got up anyways :) Once I started my Kenpo X I was on fire though. My goal was to never not be doing something. So I did lots of extra reps and jogging in between moves. I wear a pedometer every day and it differentiates between total steps and "aerobic" steps which are only recorded when you record a pace faster than 60 steps per minute for more than 10 minutes. Previously my best was 26 minutes of aerobic steps but today I got 39 minutes and over 4500 total steps. I brought it hard. I'm also very excited that I've gone 3 days now with my back feeling significantly better each day. Recover week is really living up to its name so far and I'm hoping to be in push up condition again by next Monday!

    Food was good today. I experimented with three new food items. Tuna fish sandwiches made with nonfat Greek yogurt instead of mayo, the salmon burgers from Costco and almond butter. All were yummy. Macros today are 39/40/21 and week to date are: 41/41/18.

    Water was good. Currently at between 95-100 oz.

    Took my body fat measurements today for kicks. Been meaning to for a while but was inspired by a new low on the scale. I have the beachbody calipers and at the start of P90X I had 20.7% body fat and as of this morning it came in at 15.7-17.5%, kind of in between.

    Also, forgot to mention a NSV as folks on MFP like to say. When I was shopping at Costco on Monday night a woman wanted to squeeze by me in the check out with her cart and said something along the lines of "Excuse me, may I squeeze by behind you..." and then as she came by she said "you are skinny." It was funny but made me smile.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Hey guys,

    This group is basically dead at this point. I'll leave it up just in case but no longer plan to post accountability updates here. Might post my day 60 results next week though :)

    Good luck to everyone continuing to push play and those who still want to get back into it. I'll be spending my time over in the "P90 X/Insanity The Game Changers" group here:

    It is run by a beachbody coach (sadly IMO) but he isn't pushy other than wanting you to select him as your coach and there is a lot more activity over there than here with actual discussion.

    Thanks again to everyone who helped me ignite the fire in the beginning when it is easiest to get side tracked. If you don't join up in the other group I'd love to hear about folks results when they hit day 60 or finish.
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    Hello Dude,

    Sad to se you go:sad: but I guess everyone is gone. I did Shoulders and arms today. Missed yesterday cause I have been super busy at work and my back has been killing me as well. I'm determined to go the 90 days though and not getting discouraged by workouts that I missed. I have not taken progress pictures nor weighted myself. I don't like to weight when my food hasn't been that good or when I miss workouts cause it's kind of discouraging but today I also had a NSV. I pulled out a pair of pants from my closet that I bought in the early summer for work that were to tight when I bought them. I put them on today and they were lose. Great feeling.

    Keep up the good work and anxious to see your end results! :glasses:
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Hello Dude,

    Sad to se you go:sad: but I guess everyone is gone. I did Shoulders and arms today. Missed yesterday cause I have been super busy at work and my back has been killing me as well. I'm determined to go the 90 days though and not getting discouraged by workouts that I missed. I have not taken progress pictures nor weighted myself. I don't like to weight when my food hasn't been that good or when I miss workouts cause it's kind of discouraging but today I also had a NSV. I pulled out a pair of pants from my closet that I bought in the early summer for work that were to tight when I bought them. I put them on today and they were lose. Great feeling.

    Keep up the good work and anxious to see your end results! :glasses:

    I'm sad so many that started or were planning to start in September fell by the wayside too. At this point it is pretty much just 3 of us left I think. You, Mets86champs and myself and it turns out Mets86champs was hit by Sandy so he will be MIA for a bit but his family is ok.
  • The_Dude
    The_Dude Posts: 171 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Just thought I'd check in for week 8 being one for this history books!! 56 days of pushing play every single day! I'm getting excited for my day 60 pics and measurements though I wont' be able to take pics until day 62ish as my wife is out of town. My back/shoulder injury made a lot of progress in the healing department during phase 2 recovery week which I'm thankful for. I haven't yet found out how much better it is because I haven't done today's chest and back workout yet. Broke my new golden rule of working out before anything else because I got a physical today and had to fast until the appointment. Working out on an empty stomach I can handle but not being able to eat afterwards... no thanks. So I still have to do tonight's workout.

    Food was great for week 8. My seven day macro numbers were 42/39/19 P/C/F and for the week I was 269 cals under my goal on MFP.

    I'm out there still bringing it even if I don't check in here daily anymore. Hope you guys are doing the same!
  • mpf1
    mpf1 Posts: 1,437 Member
    great to hear the progress. I started insanity to overlap with my last P90x month, so I am doing Insanity 5-6 times a week and the P90x strength. I love mixing it up. Although I don't get to say I did the program as it was mean to be!
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I start week 10 today. Could not get up for the life of me this A.M. but I am determined to do it tonight when I get home. Everyone have a great week and keep pushing play.
  • mets86champs
    mets86champs Posts: 64 Member
    Just jumped on the site at work to give an update.

    Still no power and tonight will be the 10th night. Saw some hope last night when the power company was working on the pole at the end of the street. Maybe tonight if today's storm doesn't screw things up even more.

    Still waiting to start week 10. As soon as we have power and water back then I'll start. I can run the generator to the DVD and TV to do the workout, but since I can't shower daily, (i'm at the mercy of friends that invite us over to shower) I don't think I'd have any friends left after a few workouts.