Mid September start Body revolution



  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    Phase 1 results:

    SW 177
    CW 174 (went up 1lbs this morning grr)

    Neck lost 1 inch
    waist lost 1 inch
    hips lost 1 inch
    thigh lost 1/2 inch
    chest lost 1 inch
    upper arm lost 1/2 inch
    lower belly/abs/baby pouch lost 2 inchs!!

    As per Fat2Fit website I lost 1.1% Body Fat (military standard)

    I've been feeling frustrated at the lack of scale movement but am happy at inches lost!!!

    I know I really need to eat 'cleaner'... and that is a mini goal for Phase 2.
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    High five Dani! Inches lost (and looser clothes) feels awesome doesn't it? Eating cleaner is a great goal.
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    Thanks Sweetd!

    Just finished my first workout 5... that was a challenge!

    At one ponit when she said Crab Dips I thought she was giving us a break to grab a snack!! lol!! Needless to say... my leg only made it up for a small handfull of those moves. Also, I just couldn't get the one legged squat,I had to put my toes down and do my best not to fall over. My arms were killing after the cable moves too. Some of the moves I've done in RI30 and NMTZ but all in all... my butt was kicked today!!

    Wondering what workout 6 will bring tomorrow!!

    As Jillian said today... it's all about skinny jeans, bikinnis and sex with the lights ON!! lol!!
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    Dani - I don't remember what happened in WO 6. All i know is that it will help you later!

    OMG, I couldn't do crab dips for the life of me before. I was tired from the previous exercises, my upper left arm felt like it was going to give out and my elbows felt like they were going to pop out. But you do them again in WO 9 but with light weights on your hips and by then it will be easier!
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    Also, I just couldn't get the one legged squat,I had to put my toes down and do my best not to fall over.

    Oh me too! I literally paused it, tried a few times on my own and restarted... and still don't think I got it right. Oh well... we've got more times to try it and perfect it!

    Did C25K this morning for my cardio but then my plans fell through tonight... so I came home and did Cardio2. Whew.

    My biggest change lately, its got me wondering if I should be happy or disgusted... I've got stretch marks... on my butt! (or bummy as Jillian would say). At first I was EWWWW!!! then i thought, well, yay? That means its getting smaller? Smaller but looking like it was attacked by Freddie Krugar's cat? It is Halloween season. Time to bust out the heavy duty moisturizers!

    Sorry... that was TMI... maybe those burpees are going to my head! ha!
  • JenMcCrory
    JenMcCrory Posts: 105 Member
    Well done Dani excellent results!

    Phase 1 complete yeah!!! Looking forward to posting stats tomorrow :happy:
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    I've been knocked down by a bad cold and sinus congestion - again! This change in weather is for the birds. I'll be back at JMBR on Saturday. Ugh....!
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    Workout 6 finished... I have crappy balance!! The statue of liberty move... again... had to put toe down for balance. I loved/hated the ab routine (crunches with weights, lower ab raises and wipers) I love that it will shed the inches.. just hate doing them!!

    Poeticmoe - hope you feel better soon!

    Keep up the great work ladies!!
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Phase 1 results:

    SW 177
    CW 174 (went up 1lbs this morning grr)

    Neck lost 1 inch
    waist lost 1 inch
    hips lost 1 inch
    thigh lost 1/2 inch
    chest lost 1 inch
    upper arm lost 1/2 inch
    lower belly/abs/baby pouch lost 2 inchs!!

    As per Fat2Fit website I lost 1.1% Body Fat (military standard)

    I've been feeling frustrated at the lack of scale movement but am happy at inches lost!!!

    I know I really need to eat 'cleaner'... and that is a mini goal for Phase 2.

    AWESOME results Dani! You're doing great! :)
  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member
    This board is such an inspiration to keep doing this every day! This week I have hit a personal best (its a sad small one don't laugh lol) but for the first time this month I have done consecutive WO 3 WO 4 Cardio 1 WO 3, I know it's only four days but it's the first time I've stayed committed all week so I am happy I am hoping to have to full 6 day weeks in by 10/31 and move on to phase 2. I've only lost 5 lbs so far but i've been so hit and miss it really doesn't count. Hopefully I will hit my goal of 177.6 by 10/31 that will be 10 lbs lost for phase 1! Lost a half inch total of the body due to one inch going up and the other's staying the same but it's still a loss! Clothes are fitting better and that's amazing! Hoping to drop a jean size by new years. It's the craziest thing I've lost 31 lbs total since January and have actually gone down a full jean size. That is frustrating but I can tell my pants are looser thats for sure

    Anybody have any high protein low carb snack ideas?
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    This board is such an inspiration to keep doing this every day! This week I have hit a personal best (its a sad small one don't laugh lol) but for the first time this month I have done consecutive WO 3 WO 4 Cardio 1 WO 3, I know it's only four days but it's the first time I've stayed committed all week so I am happy I am hoping to have to full 6 day weeks in by 10/31 and move on to phase 2. I've only lost 5 lbs so far but i've been so hit and miss it really doesn't count. Hopefully I will hit my goal of 177.6 by 10/31 that will be 10 lbs lost for phase 1! Lost a half inch total of the body due to one inch going up and the other's staying the same but it's still a loss! Clothes are fitting better and that's amazing! Hoping to drop a jean size by new years. It's the craziest thing I've lost 31 lbs total since January and have actually gone down a full jean size. That is frustrating but I can tell my pants are looser thats for sure

    Anybody have any high protein low carb snack ideas?

    You are doing great! 10 lbs in Phase 1 - I'm so jealous!!

    I like cottage cheese, greek yogurt and hard boiled eggs for post workout snacks. I found a clean eating magazine online that has tons of great reciepes, I'm trying to incorporate more new and healthy meals.
  • JenMcCrory
    JenMcCrory Posts: 105 Member
    Phase 1 results
    Weight - 5.6 pounds down
    Waist - 2.5 inches down
    Hips - 2 inches down
    Body Fat - 3.6% down

    Very happy with all that. Can definitely feel a big difference in my legs and my abs (still a big layer of fat there but I can feel the muscle underneath dying to get out!)

    Protein snacks are tough cos a lot are high in fat as well like nuts so at the moment I've been eating yoghurt, eggs, chicken and fish but a bit boring so next week I am off to buy protein bars and some shakes. I never thought I would buy anything like that but upping my protein really has helped. Would love to hear everyone elses ideas.
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    Phase 1 results
    Weight - 5.6 pounds down
    Waist - 2.5 inches down
    Hips - 2 inches down
    Body Fat - 3.6% down

    Very happy with all that. Can definitely feel a big difference in my legs and my abs (still a big layer of fat there but I can feel the muscle underneath dying to get out!)

    Protein snacks are tough cos a lot are high in fat as well like nuts so at the moment I've been eating yoghurt, eggs, chicken and fish but a bit boring so next week I am off to buy protein bars and some shakes. I never thought I would buy anything like that but upping my protein really has helped. Would love to hear everyone elses ideas.

    GREAT results!! You are really inspiring me to crack down on my eating.

    I am off to buy a food scale today... I've been guessing at portions so I'm hoping it really helps.

    I am also looking at Heart Rate Monitors or a Fitbit... any of you girls have one? I was leaning towards the fitbit, but now that I am running (C25K) and starting some weight lifting I am thinking a HRM that tracks calories burned would be better?

    It still makes me laugh to see me call myself a runner!! The last time I ran was in school... before everything started to jiggle!! lol!!
  • healthy4heidi
    healthy4heidi Posts: 113 Member
    Fitbit seems hard core (I don't know much about it). I have a Polar FT4 heart rate monitor I bought on Amazon for a little over $60 bucks (free shipping). I love it. I wear it to do JMBR and any other cardio/weight training activity (and for my running). I use it to gauge my heart rate during each activity and I try to get that heart rate higher the next time I do that same exercise. It's great motivation for me.

    I use a food scale every day to measure out my meat (you are suppose to measure before cooking). I have plastic tablespoon I keep in my purse so I can always measure my salad dressings and coffee creamers.

    Just finished Workout 6 for the last time in this first round of JMBR. I love Workout 6, besides running man it's probably my favorite. I love wood choppers and all the ab work.
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    Wow... amazing results everyone! Congrats!

    High protein/low carb is tough... but my favorite snacks lately are hard boiled eggs or almonds. (Trader Joe's has prepacked 200 calories of almonds. LOVE these.) And I started making fake deviled eggs... I use chipolte hummus and mix it with yolk. Or I just put a little hummus on the egg. Not sure about carbs but its 110 calories... and good!

    I have a timex HRM and it gives me crazy numbers. (Mind you my heart rate gets HIGH) but it tells me I burned like 400+ calories for 1/2 hour C25K. When I use online calcs with distance/time/weight they are sometimes 1/2. So I usually just enter lower to be safe. (I figure I forget to log some food so it evens out).

    I did WO6 this a.m... during windmills? (ab move lying down/swinging legs) I said outloud "I think I am going to break a rib!" OW!
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member

    My biggest change lately, its got me wondering if I should be happy or disgusted... I've got stretch marks... on my butt! (or bummy as Jillian would say). At first I was EWWWW!!! then i thought, well, yay? That means its getting smaller? Smaller but looking like it was attacked by Freddie Krugar's cat? It is Halloween season. Time to bust out the heavy duty moisturizers!

    Gatx hahaha you make me laugh - I've been having stretch marks all over, mostly from having my son 13 years ago, but on my arms and legs from weight gain/loss. My friend calls them "battle scars". :)
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    I have a timex HRM and it gives me crazy numbers. (Mind you my heart rate gets HIGH) but it tells me I burned like 400+ calories for 1/2 hour C25K. When I use online calcs with distance/time/weight they are sometimes 1/2. So I usually just enter lower to be safe. (I figure I forget to log some food so it evens out).

    Hm that's weird. I have a Polar FT4 and it seems to be pretty consistent with circuit training estimates for the same duration on MFP. I usually burned 250-275 during JMBR phase 2. (of course everyone is different and could have different numbers).
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    I've only lost 5 lbs so far but i've been so hit and miss it really doesn't count. Hopefully I will hit my goal of 177.6 by 10/31 that will be 10 lbs lost for phase 1! Lost a half inch total of the body due to one inch going up and the other's staying the same but it's still a loss! Clothes are fitting better and that's amazing! Hoping to drop a jean size by new years. It's the craziest thing I've lost 31 lbs total since January and have actually gone down a full jean size.

    Of course 5 lbs count! Body inch/clothes fitting is a better way to gauge your progress anyways.
  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member

    GREAT results!! You are really inspiring me to crack down on my eating.

    I am off to buy a food scale today... I've been guessing at portions so I'm hoping it really helps.

    I am also looking at Heart Rate Monitors or a Fitbit... any of you girls have one? I was leaning towards the fitbit, but now that I am running (C25K) and starting some weight lifting I am thinking a HRM that tracks calories burned would be better?

    It still makes me laugh to see me call myself a runner!! The last time I ran was in school... before everything started to jiggle!! lol!!

    I used a Body Media Fit core arm band for a month and wasn't all the way happy with it for the money so i sent it back. I am really looking into getting a plain polar heart rate monitor a middle of the road price as intensity of work out really seems to be key and from every body on MFP it seems to be the favorite choice! I've heard Garmins are great!
  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member
    Phase 1 results
    Weight - 5.6 pounds down
    Waist - 2.5 inches down
    Hips - 2 inches down
    Body Fat - 3.6% down

    Very happy with all that. Can definitely feel a big difference in my legs and my abs (still a big layer of fat there but I can feel the muscle underneath dying to get out!)

    Protein snacks are tough cos a lot are high in fat as well like nuts so at the moment I've been eating yoghurt, eggs, chicken and fish but a bit boring so next week I am off to buy protein bars and some shakes. I never thought I would buy anything like that but upping my protein really has helped. Would love to hear everyone elses ideas.

    I never thought I'd be a big protein shake person but I LOVE THEM now i get Jillians whey Protein Powder (Triple chocolate is my fav but the vanilla is okay) and I blend them with Coconut Milk and fruit some times peanut butter for snacks. If I am doing it as a meal replacement I try to get the shake to around 300 calories but for just snacks i'll do half coconut milk half water and ice for about 135 calories Her Protein powder is 100 calories per scoop and 15g of Potein 3 of fiber I believe! I Love eggs but everything kept telling me I was taking in waaayyyy too much cholesterol. I don't believe I have a problem with cholesterol should I be worried about having a couple hard boiled eggs for a post work out snack?