Fun topic - What Bothers You Now That Didn't Before?

RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
Since before I even found out I was pregnant, I have been rather moody. I've bitten my husband's head off a few times, and then afterwards I felt really awful about it. I remember last time that I got into some huge fight with him over nothing, and I ended up getting in the car, driving to a part of our neighborhood that was still under construction, parking, and sobbing in the car. When I got back I told him to get out of the house. (To his credit, he knew to just disappear somewhere else in the house and not actually leave.)

Anyway, I am living proof that we can be moodier than usual and/or more sensitive, emotionally speaking, when we are pregnant.

So what bothers you now that did not before you were pregnant?

My bathroom trash can has been pissing me off lately. It's too damn small, and I have to change the bag every other day, plus the bag is hard to put in and take out. We've had this trash can for a year, and it never bothered me before. We are currently in the market for a new one. It has to have a lid because one of our dogs likes to raid it. Thankfully he's not smart enough (yet) to open it.

Edited to correct verb tense.


  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    HOnestly i think everything pisses me off now. I am angry when i have to do laundry, im angry when i have to cook, clean or pretty much anything. My boyfriend is a typical guy that doesnt normally do this stuff unless asked. I am too stubborn to ask so i just do it all myself, of course i make alot of noise while i am doing i ( slamming stuff down) and tell him that nothing is wrong. I was NEVER like this before i just went with the flow.

    Also my boyfriends family has REALLY been irritating me, to the point i would love nothing more than to move away from them! its terrible! I am teriible! lol I know its the hormones but man do i feel like an uber b*tch!!!!!!
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    My mother-in-law.

    She's great, she's an awesome lady - but everything she says and every bit of advice that comes out of her mouth makes me want to scratch her into 1000 pieces with my nails.

    SHE - only gained 22 pounds and worked until her due date and nobody even knew she was pregnant!
    SHE - was up and dressed every morning at 7am with her one week old baby!

    The list goes on and on... I think she is just old and forgot what actually happened!

    It's totally the hormones, and unfortunately she is the target of my wrath ... but she drives me bonkers!!!

    Thank-you. I love this thread.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    My inlaws have always driven me crazy, but luckily we live very far away and I rarely speak to them. However, this weekend ILs said they're thinking of visiting for (Canadian) Thanksgiving in less than 2 weeks. Uh, fine, but the baby is due 3 weeks after that. Why not visit later? Realistically, though, they're always all talk, and probably won't visit after, either. They'll have to wait and meet their grandchild when we get home next summer!

    Cigarette smoke bothers me. Again, it always has, but now it bothers me even more. Our city recently banned smoking on outdoor patios, public parks/beaches, etc, which is awesome, but I'd just like to see a ban on people smoking outside of their own home PERIOD. I don't like walking past someone on the sidewalk who is smoking, and I hate getting stuck next to a smoker who has their windows down in traffic (even with mine closed, I can still smell it).

    People who don't pay attention to where they're going. I totally snapped at a woman in the grocery store the other day because she wasn't watching where she was going and even though I tried to avoid her, she pretty much ran me down with her cart (I was heading back to my cart, so I was unable to deflect the impact). Then she got mad at me for snapping at her. I wouldn't normally snap at a stranger, the hormones made me do it!
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    Lately my dog has been driving me nuts. Bless his heart, I love my 90-pound beast of a German Shepherd, but it seems like every time I sit down to relax then he needs to go outside. Then he won't go to the bathroom right away and just runs around the yard and I get irritated. While in the house, it seems like he's always underfoot and in my way and has almost tripped me a couple times. He was like this before sometimes but I feel really bad because I'm getting so PISSED at him!

    Akin to the snapping-at-a-stranger story, I did a Body Pump class at the gym a couple weeks ago and I always set up in the back of the room so no one can go behind me (I need room for lunges with my long legs). It was busy and this chick set up right behind me and left me literally two feet of space. I actually barked at her and told her there was no way I was going to have enough room! Usually I let it go but the *****iness is seeping out lately, LOL.

    Other than that I haven't been too bad. Facebook has been an issue though too. I "checked in" at a Mexican place a few weeks ago and my mother in law's cousin (whom I've never met) gets on there and comments that I'd better eat all my spicy food now because if I want to breastfeed, I can't. Then I retorted and my cousin's wife said I'd better give it up or I'll have a crabby baby. Um... HELLO... I haven't even had the baby yet, most of that crap is just a myth, and how about I find out for myself??? I can't even say where I'm eating without people talking smack. I just deleted the entire post. I'm also planning a natural birth and going to use cloth diapers, and I've done my research and all that.... everyone is criticizing me and saying I won't be able to do it. Well, that just gives me more willpower! Every mom does her own thing and especially for us first time mothers, we learn from experience. Leave me to mine!
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    My nose has gotten a lot more sensitive so cigarette smoke bothers me a lot more now as well as cars' exhaust (have to keep the AC on recycle it bothers me that much). And my younger dog - she's gotten more needy/clingy and is constantly wanting on me and has gotten very vocal if I don't let her right away xD
  • kerrbear79
    kerrbear79 Posts: 229 Member
    OMG I love this thread! Makes me feel normal. Just about everything has bothered me this pregnancy. I hate being so irritable and grouchy about almost everything. Especially driving. I get so ticked off when I'm driving because of all the morons out there lol.

    Oh yeah the cigarette smoke thing really gets me. It has always bothered me as I've never even tried a cigarette. But when I'm pregnant it makes me mad to be around it because I worry about my growing baby's health as well as mine. My dad is a doctor and he feels so strongly about smoking that he will not accept a new patient if they are a smoker and will "fire" ones that do!

    I'm just so tired of being hormonal and not being happy. One more week to full term....yay.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    The only thing that has really bothered me throughout this pregnancy is the lack of acknowledgement from my husband's family. Since they live 12 hours away, I send ultrasound photos, belly pics, nursery pics, let them know when I have doc appts, etc - and 99.9% of the time I get no response.

    On occasion, my FIL or SIL will ask me how I'm doing - but my MIL has yet to acknowledge this pregnancy and I'm 23 weeks.

    It doesn't bother me so much for me, but it bothers me for my husband - his own mother won't even be at our baby shower. He says it doesn't bother him too much, but knowing him like I do, I think it does really hurt him that they aren't showing any interest.

    I'll eat my words when they are grandparents of the year - but as of now, I'm not seeing that happening.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    Lately my dog has been driving me nuts. Bless his heart, I love my 90-pound beast of a German Shepherd, but it seems like every time I sit down to relax then he needs to go outside. Then he won't go to the bathroom right away and just runs around the yard and I get irritated. While in the house, it seems like he's always underfoot and in my way and has almost tripped me a couple times. He was like this before sometimes but I feel really bad because I'm getting so PISSED at him!

    Do we have the same dog? My 90lb german shepherd acts exactly the same! He's almost 2 years old, so he's still a puppy - but always under foot, takes FOREVER to pick a spot to go to the bathroom, etc. He also always wants to sit in my lap while I'm on the couch - uhhh, you don't fit lil guy!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I love this thread!!!!!! I hate to say this but my own child has been getting on my nerves. He is 8 so I should cut him some slack but he is driving me nuts like asking him to clean his room is ridiculous and I end up doing it myself then I sit there and complain about it. Getting him to do his homework and not complain about it or try to get me to do it for him. There have been a couple of times I have had to walk away because I have found myself just wanting to grab him. Yesterday morning I told him 3x to brush his teeth he looked right at me and said ok then 2 minutes before we leave he still hasn't brushed his teeth and he had the audacity to look at me and tell me he didn't hear me. I swear he does it on purpose. Grocery shopping irritates me especially people who sit in the middle of the aisles and just stand there. The guys at my office bother me too. Especially this one guy I am a total witch to this one guy for no apparent reason just the sight of him sets me off and before I was pregnant he and I were friends.

    I know this thread is about what bothers us but what about mood changes with your husbands/boyfriends. My husbands mood has been ridiculous like last night we were walking in the door after our nightly walk and he started complaining about his stomach being upset and how he was going to be sick and all I did was sigh and he completely let me have it about how it was sarcastic and how he listens to all my complaints and aches and pains and how I do not care about his problems. WTF where the hell did that come from. All I did was sigh and that was because I told him not to eat that chicken spiedie sub with deep fried bacon on it for dinner that was why his stomach hurt all that grease and then exercise not a good combo. How do you sigh sarcastically I am still trying to figure that out. Anyways we are still not speaking to each other over that. That is just one time we had another argument last week over something absolutely ridiculous I am sure. Can't remember what it was but I remember giving him the cold shoulder for a few days. So I know it was stupid because I can't remember what it was over.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I'm glad you all love this thread.

    Honestly I was waiting for someone to answer, "Threads like this."

    But then again we probably don't have the meanies that exist on the regular boards :heart: My opinion is, if you don't like the topic, ignore it!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Lately my dog has been driving me nuts. Bless his heart, I love my 90-pound beast of a German Shepherd, but it seems like every time I sit down to relax then he needs to go outside. Then he won't go to the bathroom right away and just runs around the yard and I get irritated. While in the house, it seems like he's always underfoot and in my way and has almost tripped me a couple times. He was like this before sometimes but I feel really bad because I'm getting so PISSED at him!

    Do we have the same dog? My 90lb german shepherd acts exactly the same! He's almost 2 years old, so he's still a puppy - but always under foot, takes FOREVER to pick a spot to go to the bathroom, etc. He also always wants to sit in my lap while I'm on the couch - uhhh, you don't fit lil guy!

    My baby is a 65lb boxer and he is the same way always under my feet I trip over him constantly he is 2 1/2 and thinks he is a lap dog and he constantly wants me to take him for walks and he doesn't understand that I do not move as fast as I used to my balance is a little off. I did manage to break him from sleeping in my bed. He likes to curl up against my stomach and now that I am getting bigger I am running out of room on my bed. I made him his very own sleep pillow and put it on the floor right next to the bed on my side so I can reach over and pet him. My husband thinks I baby him but I do love my puppy he is a good boy and I want him to adjust to the baby well so I try not to ignore him.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    My inlaws have always driven me crazy, but luckily we live very far away and I rarely speak to them. However, this weekend ILs said they're thinking of visiting for (Canadian) Thanksgiving in less than 2 weeks. Uh, fine, but the baby is due 3 weeks after that. Why not visit later? Realistically, though, they're always all talk, and probably won't visit after, either. They'll have to wait and meet their grandchild when we get home next summer!

    Cigarette smoke bothers me. Again, it always has, but now it bothers me even more. Our city recently banned smoking on outdoor patios, public parks/beaches, etc, which is awesome, but I'd just like to see a ban on people smoking outside of their own home PERIOD. I don't like walking past someone on the sidewalk who is smoking, and I hate getting stuck next to a smoker who has their windows down in traffic (even with mine closed, I can still smell it).

    People who don't pay attention to where they're going. I totally snapped at a woman in the grocery store the other day because she wasn't watching where she was going and even though I tried to avoid her, she pretty much ran me down with her cart (I was heading back to my cart, so I was unable to deflect the impact). Then she got mad at me for snapping at her. I wouldn't normally snap at a stranger, the hormones made me do it!

    My inlaws have driven me crazy from day one too so being pregnant it has intensified especially my mother in law. They live 4 miles away and the last time I even saw them or my son seeing them was July and then she said that I have to bring the baby to see her because she won't go to the hospital because she can't walk up 4 flights of stairs (she has emphysema) and she refuses to get in an elevator. Hope she can wait till next year to see her grandchild because I am not bringing a new baby to that house (she is the worst housekeeper ever). His family was the only reason why we moved to this hellhole in the first place. like I said really irritating.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    My mother-in-law.

    She's great, she's an awesome lady - but everything she says and every bit of advice that comes out of her mouth makes me want to scratch her into 1000 pieces with my nails.

    SHE - only gained 22 pounds and worked until her due date and nobody even knew she was pregnant!
    SHE - was up and dressed every morning at 7am with her one week old baby!

    The list goes on and on... I think she is just old and forgot what actually happened!

    It's totally the hormones, and unfortunately she is the target of my wrath ... but she drives me bonkers!!!

    Thank-you. I love this thread.

    Remember - she was up and dressed every morning at 7AM because she was still in her clothes from the day before...

    But yeah, I love those "I did it all, so I am better than you, and there must be something wrong with you" women. For years my mom swore she had all four of us with no drugs. I recently found out she had pain meds with ALL of us. It's not like I would have judged her for it, so I don't know what she thought she was gaining other than good grounds for a guilt trip.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Cigarette smoke bothers me. Again, it always has, but now it bothers me even more. Our city recently banned smoking on outdoor patios, public parks/beaches, etc, which is awesome, but I'd just like to see a ban on people smoking outside of their own home PERIOD. I don't like walking past someone on the sidewalk who is smoking, and I hate getting stuck next to a smoker who has their windows down in traffic (even with mine closed, I can still smell it).

    Cigarette smoke bothers me, too. Here in SC you can pretty much smoke anywhere (there are no bans about doing it right outside doors in public), except most restaurants don't have smoking sections anymore.

    But it burns me (no pun intended) when people smoke in their cars and hang the cigarette out the window (or have the window just cracked so that the cigarette smoke goes outside). It offends you so much, Mr./Ms. Smoker, that you have to put your cigarette outside, but it's NOT offensive for me to have to smell it because I am stopped in traffic next to you.

    As a habit I set my AC so that it recycles the air, but this still bothers me because sometimes I can still smell it, and probably other people can, too.

    Also, don't flick your butts out the window so that they hit my car. It's plain rude, and it is littering.

    Sorry, rant over. I used to be a social smoker, but I always tried to be considerate about it. People have a right to smoke, so I don't agree with how far some of the bans go in the US, but my problem is when it affects me and/or others who don't smoke.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Other than that I haven't been too bad. Facebook has been an issue though too. I "checked in" at a Mexican place a few weeks ago and my mother in law's cousin (whom I've never met) gets on there and comments that I'd better eat all my spicy food now because if I want to breastfeed, I can't. Then I retorted and my cousin's wife said I'd better give it up or I'll have a crabby baby. Um... HELLO... I haven't even had the baby yet, most of that crap is just a myth, and how about I find out for myself??? I can't even say where I'm eating without people talking smack. I just deleted the entire post. I'm also planning a natural birth and going to use cloth diapers, and I've done my research and all that.... everyone is criticizing me and saying I won't be able to do it. Well, that just gives me more willpower! Every mom does her own thing and especially for us first time mothers, we learn from experience. Leave me to mine!

    Wow, people need to shut their pieholes!

    I ate a lot of Mexican the first time I was pregnant, and my son was/is far from crabby. Though I probably just jinxed myself with that.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    My nose has gotten a lot more sensitive so cigarette smoke bothers me a lot more now as well as cars' exhaust (have to keep the AC on recycle it bothers me that much). And my younger dog - she's gotten more needy/clingy and is constantly wanting on me and has gotten very vocal if I don't let her right away xD

    Three of our four dogs are up my butt all the time, all of a sudden. Only one of them got like this last time I was pregnant, so I don't know if it's just chance or if they know and have become protective/possessive of me. They don't bug me to go out, though, and my husband usually handles that.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I'm just so tired of being hormonal and not being happy. One more week to full term....yay.

    Last time I was very up and down, mood-wise, for a few weeks postpartum. I think at about 2 months I started to calm down and feel normal again, but I think it was because I felt very overwhelmed, plus I wasn't succeeding with nursing and gave myself a really hard time about it. (This time I will know better overall, I hope.) Hopefully you will be more even-keeled than I was!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    My baby is a 65lb boxer and he is the same way always under my feet I trip over him constantly he is 2 1/2 and thinks he is a lap dog and he constantly wants me to take him for walks and he doesn't understand that I do not move as fast as I used to my balance is a little off. I did manage to break him from sleeping in my bed. He likes to curl up against my stomach and now that I am getting bigger I am running out of room on my bed. I made him his very own sleep pillow and put it on the floor right next to the bed on my side so I can reach over and pet him. My husband thinks I baby him but I do love my puppy he is a good boy and I want him to adjust to the baby well so I try not to ignore him.

    This reminds me of the last time I was pregnant. We had three dogs at the time (we now have four; we adopted another about a year ago), and they are not big dogs. One is ~30lbs, and the others are ~20lbs. They are also trained, generally well-behaved, and non-destructive. However EVERYONE and their mom told me that I would be sorry that we had so many dogs and that I should try to find new homes for them before the baby arrives. They kept telling me my dogs would become the biggest pains in the a** and that I would ignore them.

    They couldn't have been more wrong. My dogs were awesome company during those first few weeks when I was up at all hours of the night (it does get very lonely), and we love them as much as we did before, if not more. They took to our son really, really well without being up in his face. I still cuddle them on the couch every night, and they still sleep on our bed.
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    I am so glad this thread was posted right now. I totally need a good vent and can related to everything all of you have said.
    I am having my own little pitty party today and everyone is invited ;) Here is my list-
    Laundry, dishes, cleaning at home. Everytime I get all the clothes put up, the basket is full of dirty clothes, again!
    The nightime cleaning crew at work- moves my pens around but does not sweep the floors or change the trash bags.
    My husbands- feels like he is so unsupportive and he is never around.
    Seems like everytime I get in the car, I am out of gas.
    Oh, the internet connection at work has been soo slow the last 2 days and my schedule has been empty too so I have all this free time but cant stand to even play on the internet bc it is so slow. Right now as I type the cursor is like 2 sentances behind. So I prob wont be on much today.
    Seems like no matter how much I get done, there is still 10x the stuff that still needs doing (ex- laundry). This usually does not bother me much when I am not preg.
    I could go on and on. It is comforting to know that I am not out there all alone. Even though that is bugging me too. Loneliness and despair always seem to set in around the last 2 months of my pregnancies. 5 weeks left but it seems like an eternity!!!
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    hahaha this makes me laugh!

    EVERYTHING bothers me now, what was a minor irritation before makes me want to punch someone in the face now. Unfortunately the majority of my rage is directed at my poor husband, he smacks my butt and I scoul at him, he doesn't put the scissors away and I yell at him, he gets up before i'm done eating dinner and I have to fight back tears LOL....I'm a mess haha

    Luckily i'm pretty good at keeping my rage under wraps but he has definitely experienced it a time to two
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    I could go on and on. It is comforting to know that I am not out there all alone. Even though that is bugging me too. Loneliness and despair always seem to set in around the last 2 months of my pregnancies. 5 weeks left but it seems like an eternity!!!

    If lonliness and despair get worse the last 2 months of pregnancy I'm in trouble, I get upset everytime my husband leaves to room before i'm ready for him to be gone, and I can't stop thinking about how much I want my friend from VA to live closer...on the other hand, i get pissed when i want my husband to leave and he doesn't haha
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    My mother-in-law.

    She's great, she's an awesome lady - but everything she says and every bit of advice that comes out of her mouth makes me want to scratch her into 1000 pieces with my nails.

    SHE - only gained 22 pounds and worked until her due date and nobody even knew she was pregnant!
    SHE - was up and dressed every morning at 7am with her one week old baby!

    The list goes on and on... I think she is just old and forgot what actually happened!

    It's totally the hormones, and unfortunately she is the target of my wrath ... but she drives me bonkers!!!

    Thank-you. I love this thread.

    Remember - she was up and dressed every morning at 7AM because she was still in her clothes from the day before...

    But yeah, I love those "I did it all, so I am better than you, and there must be something wrong with you" women. For years my mom swore she had all four of us with no drugs. I recently found out she had pain meds with ALL of us. It's not like I would have judged her for it, so I don't know what she thought she was gaining other than good grounds for a guilt trip.

    Ugh- every time I talk to my mother in law all she does is tell me how seriously she took being a mother. It's a full time job and needs to taken seriously. Kids are important and poor parenting can really impact how they turn out in the long run... WHAT? She's nuts. She also tries to make me feel bad/guilty for having to put my baby in daycare. I get comments like "that poor baby will be with strangers all day" or "she won't be around anyone who loves her." I seriously want to punch her in the face.

    Her children are all obviously perfect so I have a lot to live up to...
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    HOnestly i think everything pisses me off now. I am angry when i have to do laundry, im angry when i have to cook, clean or pretty much anything. My boyfriend is a typical guy that doesnt normally do this stuff unless asked. I am too stubborn to ask so i just do it all myself, of course i make alot of noise while i am doing i ( slamming stuff down) and tell him that nothing is wrong. I was NEVER like this before i just went with the flow.

    Also my boyfriends family has REALLY been irritating me, to the point i would love nothing more than to move away from them! its terrible! I am teriible! lol I know its the hormones but man do i feel like an uber b*tch!!!!!!

    This is also so me! I just posted about my MIL- crazy woman.

    But I went through a phase where I could not stand my husband- didn't want him in the same room. His breathing bothered me. He's finally given in to reading some of the articles I've printed off and listening to other new moms, so he's finally empathisizing a little and helping out. Thank goodness it only took 8 1/2 months...

    haha- writing this out is getting me a little worked up haha! Good thing we have plans to clean the house together tonight. If it was a solo mission, I'd be on the phone calling him right now! Love it :)
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    My mother-in-law is pretty awesome. So far just two pet peeves:

    1) She is 5'2" and maybe 100 pounds when wet. She revealed that during her three pregnancies she gained 19, 15, and 10 pounds respectively. WTF? How is this even possible? At the same time, it resolved my wondering about how a woman so tiny could even carry three babies.

    (NB: I have gained 22 pounds at 28 weeks, and would just be thrilled to limit the rest of my weight gain to another 10 pounds!)

    2) She really wants us to name our son Jayden. This is just not happening. As one of my friends pointed out, our mothers and MILs had their chance to name their babies. It's our turn! :-)

    But really, she is awesome. Our son is going to be lucky to have her as his gramma.
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    HOnestly i think everything pisses me off now. I am angry when i have to do laundry, im angry when i have to cook, clean or pretty much anything. My boyfriend is a typical guy that doesnt normally do this stuff unless asked. I am too stubborn to ask so i just do it all myself, of course i make alot of noise while i am doing i ( slamming stuff down) and tell him that nothing is wrong. I was NEVER like this before i just went with the flow.

    Also my boyfriends family has REALLY been irritating me, to the point i would love nothing more than to move away from them! its terrible! I am teriible! lol I know its the hormones but man do i feel like an uber b*tch!!!!!!

    This is also so me! I just posted about my MIL- crazy woman.

    But I went through a phase where I could not stand my husband- didn't want him in the same room. His breathing bothered me. He's finally given in to reading some of the articles I've printed off and listening to other new moms, so he's finally empathisizing a little and helping out. Thank goodness it only took 8 1/2 months...

    haha- writing this out is getting me a little worked up haha! Good thing we have plans to clean the house together tonight. If it was a solo mission, I'd be on the phone calling him right now! Love it :)

    My boyfriend will not read any of the books i have bought him about the baby. He doesnt look things up on line or anything. Basically he know nothing about how the baby grows, i have to tell him all these things. Another thing that irritates me is that he decided to join a bowling league with his brothers for guys nite on hte only night my hospital offers childbirth classes. Now i know my boyfriend is very happy about the baby but man it makes me feel like he could give a **** when he doesnt do any research on his own. Its like he relies on me to get all the info and tell him. What i wouldnt give to hear him tell me something about the baby that I have not found out yet!! Dont get me wrong I LOVE HIM will all my heart but there sure are sometimes i want to smack the crap outta him. lol
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    2) She really wants us to name our son Jayden. This is just not happening. As one of my friends pointed out, our mothers and MILs had their chance to name their babies. It's our turn! :-)

    This is one of the reasons why (1) we didn't find out the sex of our baby beforehand and (2) we did not share our shortlist of names beforehand with anyone. It's much easier to announce the birth of so-and-so. If you tell people your name choice(s) beforehand, they have an opinion, and it is rarely positive. I didn't discuss naming with anyone but my husband because it was no one's business but ours.

    The only comment I've heard afterwards is curiosity (from my mom) as to why we chose such a traditional name (Thomas). We simply liked it, and he was named after St. Thomas More, which has a lot of meaning to us.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    My boyfriend will not read any of the books i have bought him about the baby. He doesnt look things up on line or anything. Basically he know nothing about how the baby grows, i have to tell him all these things. Another thing that irritates me is that he decided to join a bowling league with his brothers for guys nite on hte only night my hospital offers childbirth classes. Now i know my boyfriend is very happy about the baby but man it makes me feel like he could give a **** when he doesnt do any research on his own. Its like he relies on me to get all the info and tell him. What i wouldnt give to hear him tell me something about the baby that I have not found out yet!! Dont get me wrong I LOVE HIM will all my heart but there sure are sometimes i want to smack the crap outta him. lol

    This is just guys in general, I think. It's not that they don't care, but they know how much reading up we are doing and probably only really need the highlights we share. The childbirth class is really important, though. Our hospital has a bunch of them with different options for spreading it out over time or doing it all in one day, but other hospitals are less flexible. As such we had a bunch of people in our class who were delivering elsewhere. I recommend checking out other hospitals' class schedules to see if one better suits his bowling schedule :tongue:
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    My boyfriend will not read any of the books i have bought him about the baby. He doesnt look things up on line or anything. Basically he know nothing about how the baby grows, i have to tell him all these things. Another thing that irritates me is that he decided to join a bowling league with his brothers for guys nite on hte only night my hospital offers childbirth classes. Now i know my boyfriend is very happy about the baby but man it makes me feel like he could give a **** when he doesnt do any research on his own. Its like he relies on me to get all the info and tell him. What i wouldnt give to hear him tell me something about the baby that I have not found out yet!! Dont get me wrong I LOVE HIM will all my heart but there sure are sometimes i want to smack the crap outta him. lol

    This is just guys in general, I think. It's not that they don't care, but they know how much reading up we are doing and probably only really need the highlights we share. The childbirth class is really important, though. Our hospital has a bunch of them with different options for spreading it out over time or doing it all in one day, but other hospitals are less flexible. As such we had a bunch of people in our class who were delivering elsewhere. I recommend checking out other hospitals' class schedules to see if one better suits his bowling schedule :tongue:

    This just made me think about something my SIL told me... She and her husband (aka, my brother, the *MD*) have one child, and they signed up for a 2-day childbirth class over a weekend. It was taught by an L&D nurse, which is pretty standard, and my brother, in his haughty I'm-a-medical-resident way, decided that she didn't know what she was talking about, so they skipped the second day.

    Then, when they were leaving the hospital after my niece was born, my brother asked why his wife was being discharged because she was still bleeding! :laugh:

    When I heard that, I literally smacked him on the head and told him that's why they should have gone to the second day of childbirth class. Just because you're a doctor doesn't mean you know everything about every field of medicine!!!
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    2) She really wants us to name our son Jayden. This is just not happening. As one of my friends pointed out, our mothers and MILs had their chance to name their babies. It's our turn! :-)

    This is one of the reasons why (1) we didn't find out the sex of our baby beforehand and (2) we did not share our shortlist of names beforehand with anyone. It's much easier to announce the birth of so-and-so. If you tell people your name choice(s) beforehand, they have an opinion, and it is rarely positive. I didn't discuss naming with anyone but my husband because it was no one's business but ours.

    The only comment I've heard afterwards is curiosity (from my mom) as to why we chose such a traditional name (Thomas). We simply liked it, and he was named after St. Thomas More, which has a lot of meaning to us.

    We're doing the exact same thing, RBX! Gender is unknown, and we don't tell anybody ANY of our name ideas. Not even the ones we've decided not to use. My mom has stated a few times that she loves the name Jack (Good for you, mom!). IL's were so disappointed with their first grandchild's name that when BIL/SIL were pregnant with #2 they were given a list of suggestions. Included on this list was FIL's name, and all of the male/female variations.
    This just made me think about something my SIL told me... She and her husband (aka, my brother, the *MD*) have one child, and they signed up for a 2-day childbirth class over a weekend. It was taught by an L&D nurse, which is pretty standard, and my brother, in his haughty I'm-a-medical-resident way, decided that she didn't know what she was talking about, so they skipped the second day.

    Then, when they were leaving the hospital after my niece was born, my brother asked why his wife was being discharged because she was still bleeding!

    When I heard that, I literally smacked him on the head and told him that's why they should have gone to the second day of childbirth class. Just because you're a doctor doesn't mean you know everything about every field of medicine!!!

    Haha, that's awesome!

    Bad/inattentive drivers have been bugging me more than usual lately. Twice this week I've been stuck behind someone at a red light who was texting/reaching for something in the back when the light turned green and I've honked because they've taken way too long to notice. This morning I was on my way to work and got stuck in a line of cars behind some guy on a road hog who decided he was out for his Sunday drive. He was going 10-15 km/h below the speed limit for quite a while. Get a move on, people, I need to get to work!!!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I am so glad this thread was posted right now. I totally need a good vent and can related to everything all of you have said.
    I am having my own little pitty party today and everyone is invited ;) Here is my list-
    Laundry, dishes, cleaning at home. Everytime I get all the clothes put up, the basket is full of dirty clothes, again!
    The nightime cleaning crew at work- moves my pens around but does not sweep the floors or change the trash bags.
    My husbands- feels like he is so unsupportive and he is never around.
    Seems like everytime I get in the car, I am out of gas.
    Oh, the internet connection at work has been soo slow the last 2 days and my schedule has been empty too so I have all this free time but cant stand to even play on the internet bc it is so slow. Right now as I type the cursor is like 2 sentances behind. So I prob wont be on much today.
    Seems like no matter how much I get done, there is still 10x the stuff that still needs doing (ex- laundry). This usually does not bother me much when I am not preg.
    I could go on and on. It is comforting to know that I am not out there all alone. Even though that is bugging me too. Loneliness and despair always seem to set in around the last 2 months of my pregnancies. 5 weeks left but it seems like an eternity!!!