Fun topic - What Bothers You Now That Didn't Before?



  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member

    Oh and one more thing....I'm not saying I will be able to go all natural with having this baby but I want to try...I'm open to the possibility that I may have to get the epidural and that's fine. But when you tell someone you want to try going all natural and they look and you like your crazy or laugh and say "good luck", it really drives me NUTS!!!!!!! :explode: just because they couldn't doesn't mean I won't be able to! There are PLENTY of women who have.

    ^^^^ This. Or they say " you know you dont have to be superwoman" . I would like to try natural also but want the option for an epidural if i need one. Most people think i am trying to be some kind of martyr because I would prefer going natural. I will be in a hospital so its not like im attempting this at home. I have done plenty of readin and have many friends that are nurses. Seems to me the best option for me and my beliefs is to go natural if possble. It irritates the hell out of me when people cant respec that

    Right!? I second everything you just wrote!!!!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    ^^^^ This. Or they say " you know you dont have to be superwoman" . I would like to try natural also but want the option for an epidural if i need one. Most people think i am trying to be some kind of martyr because I would prefer going natural. I will be in a hospital so its not like im attempting this at home. I have done plenty of readin and have many friends that are nurses. Seems to me the best option for me and my beliefs is to go natural if possble. It irritates the hell out of me when people cant respec that

    I honestly think that the majority of the time, at least with people asking my husband about it, is that when someone hears that someone else isn't doing what "they" did, it makes them get defensive and question their own choices so that's why they act stupid about it. I don't think I'm better than anyone else for trying to go natural or whatever, but other people who haven't gone that route project that attitude on to me when I've done nothing that warrants it. Just makes me even more determined to do things my way if it works out!

    AGREED! :happy:
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Good replies to terrible things people say to you while pregnant:

    There are also links to part 2, part 3, and "multiples edition" at the bottom of the post.

  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    I'm at the point now where anything and everything is pissing me off! I wasn't too "hormonal" until a couple weeks ago, I've darn near had to stay off of Facebook completely because any time I post something, someone says dumb crap. I don't post often but the other day after a long day at work, I posted that I was "over it" (meaning the day) and my friend gets on there and says, "Already over it? Sorry my friend but you still have a few months to go before you're due!" It made me SO mad... I wasn't even talking about the pregnancy and I have nine weeks left, not a few months. I just deleted the post and I'm going to stay the hell off of there. You'd think I'd have learned my lesson by now. Sounds totally stupid, I know. Seems like I'm just on an endless rampage lately. Everyone assumes everything is about the pregnancy and that's all anyone wants to talk to me about... I'm extremely excited about having my baby boy but at the same time, I'm at the point where I want people to just stay out of my business and only I have control over that.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Everyone assumes everything is about the pregnancy and that's all anyone wants to talk to me about... I'm extremely excited about having my baby boy but at the same time, I'm at the point where I want people to just stay out of my business and only I have control over that.

    ^This is basically me now that the news has been shared with everyone.

    Today our receptionist, who's just become a grandma again, saw me while I was talking to my husband about something totally business-related and interrupted us to say, "I can't wait to see you all big and uncomfortable." Um, what? First of all, WTF? We were actually talking about something important before you interrupted with your random comment. Second, WTF? Why do you want to see me big and uncomfortable? It's not cute, I promise. This morning she came in my office just to ask me if morning sickness had hit me. My response was that I'm 17 weeks and long past that, and even still, I didn't have it too badly. She went in on a whole thing about morning sickness and told me that since I didn't get it that badly that I must be about to get it later. (She's one of those women who's big into old wives' tales.) Um, honey, in case you forgot, I KNOW WHAT I'M IN FOR BECAUSE THIS ISN'T MY FIRST BABY, SO PLEASE STOP TALKING TO ME LIKE I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT PREGNANCY. I'm seriously waiting for her to be thrilled when heartburn sets in for good.

    Last time I was pregnant, I had a co-worker who reported to me and everyone else every day whether or not I looked "preggo." (I also really $#@!ing hate that word, so it was extra annoying because of that.) It got really old, really fast. I am seriously hoping I don't have to go through that again!

    Point being, just because I am pregnant does not mean it's what I want to talk about all the time. In fact, I appreciate the opportunity to talk about anything but!

    Btw, that response to your Facebook post is tantamount to saying "Just wait 'til you have the baby" in response to your saying you are tired. :explode:
  • LOL, sorry about the pain RBX, but know that it cracked me up because people say the same stuff to me ;)

    I also got a co-worker asking if I was 'sure it wasn't twins because I was so big'. It was so ludicrous I am still giggling at that.

    I'd also like to point out I think (and so do others) I look perfectly normal for nearing 6 months along...*edited to add: I ran/waddled a 5k toy drive race Saturday and a girlfriend of a friend was shocked to learn I was even pregnant in my loose fitting pullover. So, ha! on my co-worker...
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    Last time I was pregnant, I had a co-worker who reported to me and everyone else every day whether or not I looked "preggo." (I also really $#@!ing hate that word, so it was extra annoying because of that.) It got really old, really fast. I am seriously hoping I don't have to go through that again!

    Point being, just because I am pregnant does not mean it's what I want to talk about all the time. In fact, I appreciate the opportunity to talk about anything but!

    Btw, that response to your Facebook post is tantamount to saying "Just wait 'til you have the baby" in response to your saying you are tired. :explode:

    Ohh yeah I feel you x1,000 on these! This one coworker of mine likes to make big deal about it every time she sees me. One day I was feeling particularly cranky and ran into her. She said, "Gee, SOMEONE is looking really pregnant today!" I responded with, "Oh, did you just eat lunch?" Might've been rude but I sure didn't care LOL.

    My MIL and GMIL like to say, "Oh wow look at your belly." I would like to respond back, "Yeah I see mine, have you looked at yours in the mirror lately?"

    Seems like ANYTHING I/we say in a public forum is "Oh welcome to parenthood" or "Oh, you think you're losing your mind now, just wait." Makes me want to retort with:

    Dear Busybodies:

    I have been battling chronic autoimmune diseases (Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis in case you didn't know) for over six years, attended law school part time at night while WORKING FULL TIME for four years, and also studied and sat for the Nevada Bar Exam while working part time (and passed it on the first try, mind you). I know what tired is, I know what stressed out is, and I wasn't born yesterday. Therefore, maybe you should think twice about making any stupid comments regarding my ability to handle parenthood, because while this is my first child it isn't my first rodeo.

    Hehe, maybe one day this should be my status update! :-P
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I'd also like to point out I think (and so do others) I look perfectly normal for nearing 6 months along...*edited to add: I ran/waddled a 5k toy drive race Saturday and a girlfriend of a friend was shocked to learn I was even pregnant in my loose fitting pullover. So, ha! on my co-worker...

    My theory is that those who are not pregnant/not recently pregnant/are not around pregnant women often think that if they can see a belly it means you are "about to pop" (another phrase I can't stand - because that's totally what happens). So they see a normal 6-month belly and think, "OMG she must be due any day now!"

    Admittedly I have been guilty of having those thoughts way back when (before I had friends and close relatives having babies), but I had the presence of mind NEVER to comment about a pregnant woman's body other than to say she looks lovely :wink:
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Dear Busybodies:

    I have been battling chronic autoimmune diseases (Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis in case you didn't know) for over six years, attended law school part time at night while WORKING FULL TIME for four years, and also studied and sat for the Nevada Bar Exam while working part time (and passed it on the first try, mind you). I know what tired is, I know what stressed out is, and I wasn't born yesterday. Therefore, maybe you should think twice about making any stupid comments regarding my ability to handle parenthood, because while this is my first child it isn't my first rodeo.

    Hehe, maybe one day this should be my status update! :-P

    I studied for the GA bar while working part-time (passed on the first try) and, a year and a half later, decided to sit for the SC bar (a freaking 3-day exam, including the MBE - no "attorney's exam", since they don't let you waive in here). I studied for SC while working full-time (also passed on the first try). I also had a colleague sit for FL at the same time I sat for SC, and she took a full two weeks off before the exam, leaving me with no option to take time off. My firm was awesome, though, and sent support so I could take off the second half of the week before the exam. Point being, I only had a few days to focus on studying full-time before the exam started the following Monday morning.

    Trust me, studying for the bar and taking it were more stressful, in my opinion, than having a newborn. You don't sleep either way. At least with a newborn, you're handling immediate needs, and you can have someone else help out from time to time with the baby and/or other tasks. I don't think the Nevada Bar would look kindly on your having somebody take over for one of your essays so you could take a nap!

    I'd take care of a newborn in a heartbeat before I would sit for another bar exam.
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    I'd take care of a newborn in a heartbeat before I would sit for another bar exam.

    WOW, good for you!!! That's awesome. I'm sure I will share this exact same sentiment too! Nevada's exam is 2.5 days and there is no reciprocity here, so I won't be moving to a different state unless I want to give up being an attorney.
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    My mom LOL

    So, not only did my mom inform me I'm am NOT getting an epidural ("I didn't use one with any of your guys you can handle it, just look at all your tattoos") but I told her I wanted to know how long the doc would let me go before insisting I be induced and she said "I just plain think you shouldn't be induced, the baby will come when it wants too."

    Ok, I want to do all natural anyway but that is MY decision and it is MY body, sorry mother you do not get to make that decision for me. 2nd, while I really would like to not be induced, if the doc is saying it's probably better to induce because things aren't looking so hot and there are extra potential problems with being overdue then i'm going to listen to the person who does this for a living not the woman who birthed 3 children 30 years ago. If she gets out here for the birth and makes any comments she may get punched in the face (afterall, being in that much pain from a natural birth is likely to make someone a bit cranky and I hear women in labor have super strength ;) )
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Good replies to terrible things people say to you while pregnant:

    There are also links to part 2, part 3, and "multiples edition" at the bottom of the post.


    awesome! I love the "how you feeling" one. That question makes me nuts! Especially from men. Unless you are a. my husband b. my bestie or c. also pregnant DO NOT ASK ME THAT. I don't care that you own a freaking health food store and have all sorts of natural remedies, I feel freaking fine and don't need your hocus pocus! Or, if I respond with "good aside from a little backache" the whole "oh get used to that it's only going to get worse." Yes I know thank you for pointing that out jerk face!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Good replies to terrible things people say to you while pregnant:

    There are also links to part 2, part 3, and "multiples edition" at the bottom of the post.


    awesome! I love the "how you feeling" one. That question makes me nuts! Especially from men. Unless you are a. my husband b. my bestie or c. also pregnant DO NOT ASK ME THAT. I don't care that you own a freaking health food store and have all sorts of natural remedies, I feel freaking fine and don't need your hocus pocus! Or, if I respond with "good aside from a little backache" the whole "oh get used to that it's only going to get worse." Yes I know thank you for pointing that out jerk face!

    That drove me nuts too!!!! It shocked the crap out of people when I said I was feeling awesome, they didn't have much of a comeback lmbo
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Good replies to terrible things people say to you while pregnant:

    There are also links to part 2, part 3, and "multiples edition" at the bottom of the post.


    awesome! I love the "how you feeling" one. That question makes me nuts! Especially from men. Unless you are a. my husband b. my bestie or c. also pregnant DO NOT ASK ME THAT. I don't care that you own a freaking health food store and have all sorts of natural remedies, I feel freaking fine and don't need your hocus pocus! Or, if I respond with "good aside from a little backache" the whole "oh get used to that it's only going to get worse." Yes I know thank you for pointing that out jerk face!

    That drove me nuts too!!!! It shocked the crap out of people when I said I was feeling awesome, they didn't have much of a comeback lmbo

    When I say I feel great they almost sound disappointed. "really? no morning sickness?....back pain?" Yes, my back hurts here and there but I'm certainly not going to complain about a minimal amount of pain
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    Every d@mn thing. :explode:
  • Missmissy0003
    Missmissy0003 Posts: 250 Member
    EVERYTHING!!! I don't even want to go out in public anymore. I can be so rude lately. It's embarrassing. Luckily, driving nor my job (although I already know my coworkers disagree) haven't been bothering me. No road rage whatsoever. But, the grocery store, Walmart (why do I even go there), any kind of public environment - it's awful.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    The comments on how pregnant I look! One staff member in particular wants me to show off my belly to her. I laughed it off and didn't do it, but I don't know how to nicely say, "I don't appreciate your putting my body on display and prefer not to make it a spectacle, thanks."
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    The comments on how pregnant I look! One staff member in particular wants me to show off my belly to her. I laughed it off and didn't do it, but I don't know how to nicely say, "I don't appreciate your putting my body on display and prefer not to make it a spectacle, thanks."

    say exactly that, and if they say you are being hormonal, remind them that what they are doing is a form of sexual harassment. Case closed! (I tend to bring out the big guns right of the me and over-reacer ;) )
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Good replies to terrible things people say to you while pregnant:

    There are also links to part 2, part 3, and "multiples edition" at the bottom of the post.


    awesome! I love the "how you feeling" one. That question makes me nuts! Especially from men. Unless you are a. my husband b. my bestie or c. also pregnant DO NOT ASK ME THAT. I don't care that you own a freaking health food store and have all sorts of natural remedies, I feel freaking fine and don't need your hocus pocus! Or, if I respond with "good aside from a little backache" the whole "oh get used to that it's only going to get worse." Yes I know thank you for pointing that out jerk face!

    That drove me nuts too!!!! It shocked the crap out of people when I said I was feeling awesome, they didn't have much of a comeback lmbo

    When I say I feel great they almost sound disappointed. "really? no morning sickness?....back pain?" Yes, my back hurts here and there but I'm certainly not going to complain about a minimal amount of pain

  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    I took a few days off work for Christmas and came in to the office today. "Boy, YOU sure have grown!" My response was, "You do realize this is MY body and I look in the mirror every day when I get ready for work, right?" I wanted to add, "Captain Obvious" but I refrained from being an uber b!tch about it. Reality is, I haven't grown outwardly in the past 2-3 weeks. Since I am so tall, I barely look 6 months pregnant. Seems people either comment on how "big" I've gotten, or how small I am. On Christmas my father in law was looking at my stomach and shaking his head, then he actually asked me how much weight I had gained! Men, LOL.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    The comments on how pregnant I look! One staff member in particular wants me to show off my belly to her. I laughed it off and didn't do it, but I don't know how to nicely say, "I don't appreciate your putting my body on display and prefer not to make it a spectacle, thanks."

    say exactly that, and if they say you are being hormonal, remind them that what they are doing is a form of sexual harassment. Case closed! (I tend to bring out the big guns right of the me and over-reacer ;) )

    It helps that we are lawyers, too :tongue: But seriously, I had that happen last time I was pregnant, too. It makes me really uncomfortable having my body constantly scrutinized by others. I know this employee is well-meaning, but I wish I had a nice way of telling her to please stop before she catches me on a bad day and I do say something nasty!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I took a few days off work for Christmas and came in to the office today. "Boy, YOU sure have grown!" My response was, "You do realize this is MY body and I look in the mirror every day when I get ready for work, right?" I wanted to add, "Captain Obvious" but I refrained from being an uber b!tch about it. Reality is, I haven't grown outwardly in the past 2-3 weeks. Since I am so tall, I barely look 6 months pregnant. Seems people either comment on how "big" I've gotten, or how small I am. On Christmas my father in law was looking at my stomach and shaking his head, then he actually asked me how much weight I had gained! Men, LOL.

    Yeah, the #1 thing every woman, pregnant or not, wants to hear is how BIG she is... Stupid people!

    I know there will be certain people who will ask me how much weight I've gained, to which I plan to reply, "I'm not sure; what about you?"
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    I took a few days off work for Christmas and came in to the office today. "Boy, YOU sure have grown!" My response was, "You do realize this is MY body and I look in the mirror every day when I get ready for work, right?" I wanted to add, "Captain Obvious" but I refrained from being an uber b!tch about it. Reality is, I haven't grown outwardly in the past 2-3 weeks. Since I am so tall, I barely look 6 months pregnant. Seems people either comment on how "big" I've gotten, or how small I am. On Christmas my father in law was looking at my stomach and shaking his head, then he actually asked me how much weight I had gained! Men, LOL.

    Yeah, the #1 thing every woman, pregnant or not, wants to hear is how BIG she is... Stupid people!

    I know there will be certain people who will ask me how much weight I've gained, to which I plan to reply, "I'm not sure; what about you?"

    Haha right?!! My sister is throwing my baby shower and you know what her bright idea for a "game" was? To have people guess the combined weight of me and my husband. FOR REAL?! I told her no way I am not comfortable with that, we will do the belly measurement with the yarn thing. She kept insisting on it saying it wasn't a big deal because my weight would be combined with my husband's. I told her absolutely not, it is off the table PERIOD lol.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Haha right?!! My sister is throwing my baby shower and you know what her bright idea for a "game" was? To have people guess the combined weight of me and my husband. FOR REAL?! I told her no way I am not comfortable with that, we will do the belly measurement with the yarn thing. She kept insisting on it saying it wasn't a big deal because my weight would be combined with my husband's. I told her absolutely not, it is off the table PERIOD lol.

    Your sister needs her woman card revoked NOW.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Lately, I've pretty much had zero tolerance for anything remotely annoying. I need to calm down and chill out. I'm just tired of being pregnant already.
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    Lately, I've pretty much had zero tolerance for anything remotely annoying. I need to calm down and chill out. I'm just tired of being pregnant already.

    I think I had some kind of hormone surge along with Brock's growth spurt the past couple weeks and it's somewhat calmed down now. My thoughts are with you! We don't have much longer to go, and who knows, you and I might have our babies on the same day! :-)
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Lately, I've pretty much had zero tolerance for anything remotely annoying. I need to calm down and chill out. I'm just tired of being pregnant already.

    I think I had some kind of hormone surge along with Brock's growth spurt the past couple weeks and it's somewhat calmed down now. My thoughts are with you! We don't have much longer to go, and who knows, you and I might have our babies on the same day! :-)

    I think Ben definitely hit a growth spurt. I put on 3 lbs in the last two weeks, and his fundal height is a full 2 weeks ahead now. We could feel his little butt digging in above my belly button last night. My husband was trying to tickle it. LOL
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    I think Ben definitely hit a growth spurt. I put on 3 lbs in the last two weeks, and his fundal height is a full 2 weeks ahead now. We could feel his little butt digging in above my belly button last night. My husband was trying to tickle it. LOL

    Awe, how funny LOL! Brock keeps shoving his feet under the right side of my ribcage, so all of a sudden I'll have to sit up super straight. I know I am retaining water now too because my vision has started to blur slightly (but no crazy swelling and no high BP). It's truly amazing how pregnancy affects our bodies!
  • honkytonks85
    honkytonks85 Posts: 669 Member
    HOnestly i think everything pisses me off now. I am angry when i have to do laundry, im angry when i have to cook, clean or pretty much anything. My boyfriend is a typical guy that doesnt normally do this stuff unless asked. I am too stubborn to ask so i just do it all myself, of course i make alot of noise while i am doing i ( slamming stuff down) and tell him that nothing is wrong. I was NEVER like this before i just went with the flow.

    Also my boyfriends family has REALLY been irritating me, to the point i would love nothing more than to move away from them! its terrible! I am teriible! lol I know its the hormones but man do i feel like an uber b*tch!!!!!!

    That's really funny, I am in the same boat. My boyfriends family have never pissed me off before, ever. But when we did Christmas together everything they were doing was pissing me off.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I have one to add.

    The incessant condescending "oh, you'll HAVE to change once the baby gets here" / "get used to being awake all the time with no sleep!!!" / other "words of wisdom" that are blazingly obvious...

    NO! I'd thought I was going to be able to sleep 10 hours a day with a newborn!

    DER! I'm not that clueless just because this is my first child people...

