Fun topic - What Bothers You Now That Didn't Before?



  • BananaCat83
    BananaCat83 Posts: 77 Member
    It drives me crazy now when there is clutter around the house. I usually keep a clean house but now I find myself straightening up constantly. The mess/clutter makes me feel anxious and stressed. I work til 9pm and I've been coming home and cleaning/doing dishes! Totally not like me, lol. DH has been getting better at recognizing this and has been picking up his dishes and whatnot, but just putting them in the sink. Hey buddy, take the extra 20secs to rinse those glasses and put them in the dishwasher! And pick up your socks while you're at it. And sweep up all of these stupid needles from the christmas tree.

    Omg me too!!!!!!!! Its like I can't have one single thing out of place or see any dirt on the floor, I don't even like a dirty dish in the sink!! Hahahaha

    Ahhhh the floors drive me nuts! We bought a house earlier this year with wood floors and I can see EVERYTHING...I'm constantly getting out the swiffer to clean it. In fact, on my break (I work from home), I am vaccing/mopping it. It doesnt help having 3 cats and the cat hair tumbleweeds that I always see :explode:
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    It drives me crazy now when there is clutter around the house. I usually keep a clean house but now I find myself straightening up constantly. The mess/clutter makes me feel anxious and stressed. I work til 9pm and I've been coming home and cleaning/doing dishes! Totally not like me, lol. DH has been getting better at recognizing this and has been picking up his dishes and whatnot, but just putting them in the sink. Hey buddy, take the extra 20secs to rinse those glasses and put them in the dishwasher! And pick up your socks while you're at it. And sweep up all of these stupid needles from the christmas tree.

    Omg me too!!!!!!!! Its like I can't have one single thing out of place or see any dirt on the floor, I don't even like a dirty dish in the sink!! Hahahaha

    Ahhhh the floors drive me nuts! We bought a house earlier this year with wood floors and I can see EVERYTHING...I'm constantly getting out the swiffer to clean it. In fact, on my break (I work from home), I am vaccing/mopping it. It doesnt help having 3 cats and the cat hair tumbleweeds that I always see :explode:

    So happy I'm not alone!!!!!!! We recently (in the last 6 months) put wood flooring down and I can totally relate!!!!!!!!! We live in the country, have four dogs, and one cat and they all go in/out throughout the day so the odds are against me!!!! I feel like I am constantly vacuuming lol
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    It drives me crazy now when there is clutter around the house. I usually keep a clean house but now I find myself straightening up constantly. The mess/clutter makes me feel anxious and stressed. I work til 9pm and I've been coming home and cleaning/doing dishes! Totally not like me, lol. DH has been getting better at recognizing this and has been picking up his dishes and whatnot, but just putting them in the sink. Hey buddy, take the extra 20secs to rinse those glasses and put them in the dishwasher! And pick up your socks while you're at it. And sweep up all of these stupid needles from the christmas tree.

    The dishes thing drives me NUTS. My hubs doesn't rinse them and just leaves them there. Last night he had A1 sauce all over his plate because he made steak, so I made it a point to clean it off in front of him. Number one the smell bugs me and number two we don't need our cat chillin out in the sink in the middle of the night with a little midnight snack (which will totally happen because my cat is a holy terror!).
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    It drives me crazy now when there is clutter around the house. I usually keep a clean house but now I find myself straightening up constantly. The mess/clutter makes me feel anxious and stressed. I work til 9pm and I've been coming home and cleaning/doing dishes! Totally not like me, lol. DH has been getting better at recognizing this and has been picking up his dishes and whatnot, but just putting them in the sink. Hey buddy, take the extra 20secs to rinse those glasses and put them in the dishwasher! And pick up your socks while you're at it. And sweep up all of these stupid needles from the christmas tree.

    My house is a disaster area of epic proportions. I can't get half the stuff on the floor myself anymore. We bought a shed that hasn't been installed yet, and all the crap we dragged out to put in the shed is piled up in our formal dining room. Baby's room is nothing but boxes of stuff.

  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    What's getting increasingly more annoying is when people ask me and/or the hubs about whether we plan on having a medicated birth, and when we give our answer they get all uppity, pass judgment and say stupid crap. How about next time mind your own business in the first place? GRR.

    Are you having one? I totally am. I thought it would be great to do non-medicated, and then I realized I don't deal well with pain. Actually, the doctor told me that with my back issues, it could be dangerous for me to do non-medicated.

    As for me, I don't care how you want to get your baby out--non-medicated, with epidural, c-section. Whatever. Just don't be passing judgement if I choose not to do things the way you do.

    This and the whole "Breast feed or die!" movement really annoys me. (Edited to note that I do plan to breast feed, but if it doesn't work out for me, I'm not going to beat myself up either.)

    Actually it's the opposite for us. I am planning on non-medicated and have done a lot of preparation, research, etc. and we also hired a doula to help us out. However, I would never diss on anyone for not doing things the way I did or for any other reason because I believe people make the decision that is best for them. I'm also open for things to change because nothing will go exactly the way I want/expect and that's fine. My husband has been hearing it from both men and women at his workplace "Oh your wife won't be able to handle childbirth without an epidural" or "Oh she says that now but just wait until she's in labor." So they ask what our plans are and then act like total jerks.

    So annoying! Of course you can have a non-medicated birth. That's the only way people did it for years, and lots of people do that now. I just really don't get the judgement (I guess, from all camps.)

    My own dearly beloved husband is actually very anti-C-section, which I find annoying. I am not planning to have one, but he will say stuff like (and I'm paraphrasing), "I really don't want you to have one. Women who have C-sections don't produce a special hormone that helps their bonding experience with their children, and this could make them not connect to them as well." Now, please keep in mind, my husband would never in a million years share that opinion with anyone other than me. In other words, he's not one to push an agenda. But I just think it's absurd. One of my dear friends had both of her two children by C-section, and I've honestly never seen anyone so devoted or loving toward her children. Hence, the point about the C-section...just absurd.

    I don't get the judgment either. I don't personally agree with C-Sections (or induction) unless there is an absolute emergency, but your husband should understand that if there is an emergency then you might have to have one. I don't know what "special hormone" he's referring to but like someone else said, he probably read something somewhere and it stuck. My sister had a C-Section with my niece and then just scheduled one for my nephew so he had a predetermined birth date. She did her own thing and I'll do mine, but I don't chastise her about it. She also didn't breastfeed (and has the "been there done that" attitude among many other personality issues, and she doesn't live here) so I am prepared for her to make some comments to me or my mom about that. She is also going to visit in early March when Brock will only be a few weeks old, so everything is going to be on my terms. I'm getting off on a tangent here so I'll stop now LOL.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    What's getting increasingly more annoying is when people ask me and/or the hubs about whether we plan on having a medicated birth, and when we give our answer they get all uppity, pass judgment and say stupid crap. How about next time mind your own business in the first place? GRR.

    Are you having one? I totally am. I thought it would be great to do non-medicated, and then I realized I don't deal well with pain. Actually, the doctor told me that with my back issues, it could be dangerous for me to do non-medicated.

    As for me, I don't care how you want to get your baby out--non-medicated, with epidural, c-section. Whatever. Just don't be passing judgement if I choose not to do things the way you do.

    This and the whole "Breast feed or die!" movement really annoys me. (Edited to note that I do plan to breast feed, but if it doesn't work out for me, I'm not going to beat myself up either.)

    Actually it's the opposite for us. I am planning on non-medicated and have done a lot of preparation, research, etc. and we also hired a doula to help us out. However, I would never diss on anyone for not doing things the way I did or for any other reason because I believe people make the decision that is best for them. I'm also open for things to change because nothing will go exactly the way I want/expect and that's fine. My husband has been hearing it from both men and women at his workplace "Oh your wife won't be able to handle childbirth without an epidural" or "Oh she says that now but just wait until she's in labor." So they ask what our plans are and then act like total jerks.

    So annoying! Of course you can have a non-medicated birth. That's the only way people did it for years, and lots of people do that now. I just really don't get the judgement (I guess, from all camps.)

    My own dearly beloved husband is actually very anti-C-section, which I find annoying. I am not planning to have one, but he will say stuff like (and I'm paraphrasing), "I really don't want you to have one. Women who have C-sections don't produce a special hormone that helps their bonding experience with their children, and this could make them not connect to them as well." Now, please keep in mind, my husband would never in a million years share that opinion with anyone other than me. In other words, he's not one to push an agenda. But I just think it's absurd. One of my dear friends had both of her two children by C-section, and I've honestly never seen anyone so devoted or loving toward her children. Hence, the point about the C-section...just absurd.
    More than likely he's referring to Oxytocin which occurs at different levels at different stages of birht, but especially at the end is what cause the mother & baby to fall in love with each other. I did a quick google search and this article does a decent job at explaining it: I read about it first in one of Ina May Gaskin's books.
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    What's getting increasingly more annoying is when people ask me and/or the hubs about whether we plan on having a medicated birth, and when we give our answer they get all uppity, pass judgment and say stupid crap. How about next time mind your own business in the first place? GRR.

    Are you having one? I totally am. I thought it would be great to do non-medicated, and then I realized I don't deal well with pain. Actually, the doctor told me that with my back issues, it could be dangerous for me to do non-medicated.

    As for me, I don't care how you want to get your baby out--non-medicated, with epidural, c-section. Whatever. Just don't be passing judgement if I choose not to do things the way you do.

    This and the whole "Breast feed or die!" movement really annoys me. (Edited to note that I do plan to breast feed, but if it doesn't work out for me, I'm not going to beat myself up either.)

    Actually it's the opposite for us. I am planning on non-medicated and have done a lot of preparation, research, etc. and we also hired a doula to help us out. However, I would never diss on anyone for not doing things the way I did or for any other reason because I believe people make the decision that is best for them. I'm also open for things to change because nothing will go exactly the way I want/expect and that's fine. My husband has been hearing it from both men and women at his workplace "Oh your wife won't be able to handle childbirth without an epidural" or "Oh she says that now but just wait until she's in labor." So they ask what our plans are and then act like total jerks.

    So annoying! Of course you can have a non-medicated birth. That's the only way people did it for years, and lots of people do that now. I just really don't get the judgement (I guess, from all camps.)

    My own dearly beloved husband is actually very anti-C-section, which I find annoying. I am not planning to have one, but he will say stuff like (and I'm paraphrasing), "I really don't want you to have one. Women who have C-sections don't produce a special hormone that helps their bonding experience with their children, and this could make them not connect to them as well." Now, please keep in mind, my husband would never in a million years share that opinion with anyone other than me. In other words, he's not one to push an agenda. But I just think it's absurd. One of my dear friends had both of her two children by C-section, and I've honestly never seen anyone so devoted or loving toward her children. Hence, the point about the C-section...just absurd.
    More than likely he's referring to Oxytocin which occurs at different levels at different stages of birht, but especially at the end is what cause the mother & baby to fall in love with each other. I did a quick google search and this article does a decent job at explaining it: I read about it first in one of Ina May Gaskin's books.

    I think you're right about the oxytocin.

    If someone had a c-section though, wouldn't the oxytocin also be produced when breastfeeding? I'm not an expert. I'm really curious.

    Also, what if you adopted your children? I can't believe someone wouldn't be as bonded to her child just because of how the child came to physically appear in her life.

    Sorry for ranting on about this. I'm not normally so feisty. I think I'm just, you know, 37 weeks pregnant and ranty in general today. :-)
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Warning: RANT!

    So here's a little back story...most of our friends were friends with my husband first, meaning they are closer to his age and have at least one if not multiple kids. My hubs is 32 and I will be 23 next month. He was always the one no one really expected to have kids so now that we're expecting everyone is super duper excited. Okay well I get that! One of the friends he grew up with and his wife just had their first baby about 3 months ago..well since, at least once a month she'd ask me how I'm doing, okay great.. the closer I get the more she texts me asking if the baby is coming! I think she even started asking me before I was term! It didn't really bother me until now, I get a message at least once a week that says "Baby?" And I think over the past week its been multiple times. I'm like AHHH I know she's excited but trust me, NO ONE is more excited about our baby than me!!!! I'm usually not bothered but its starting to bug me. At least its almost over! :wink:

    Oh and one more thing....I'm not saying I will be able to go all natural with having this baby but I want to try...I'm open to the possibility that I may have to get the epidural and that's fine. But when you tell someone you want to try going all natural and they look and you like your crazy or laugh and say "good luck", it really drives me NUTS!!!!!!! :explode: just because they couldn't doesn't mean I won't be able to! There are PLENTY of women who have.
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    Oh and one more thing....I'm not saying I will be able to go all natural with having this baby but I want to try...I'm open to the possibility that I may have to get the epidural and that's fine. But when you tell someone you want to try going all natural and they look and you like your crazy or laugh and say "good luck", it really drives me NUTS!!!!!!! :explode: just because they couldn't doesn't mean I won't be able to! There are PLENTY of women who have.

    Yes, THIS! I don't get people's reactions sometimes and in my previous posts I was talking about how they're doing it to my husband now too!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Oh and one more thing....I'm not saying I will be able to go all natural with having this baby but I want to try...I'm open to the possibility that I may have to get the epidural and that's fine. But when you tell someone you want to try going all natural and they look and you like your crazy or laugh and say "good luck", it really drives me NUTS!!!!!!! :explode: just because they couldn't doesn't mean I won't be able to! There are PLENTY of women who have.

    Yes, THIS! I don't get people's reactions sometimes and in my previous posts I was talking about how they're doing it to my husband now too!

    Grrrrrrr!!!!! SO annoying!!!!!!!!!!! People just need to keep their negative opinions to themselves lol
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Oh and one more thing....I'm not saying I will be able to go all natural with having this baby but I want to try...I'm open to the possibility that I may have to get the epidural and that's fine. But when you tell someone you want to try going all natural and they look and you like your crazy or laugh and say "good luck", it really drives me NUTS!!!!!!! :explode: just because they couldn't doesn't mean I won't be able to! There are PLENTY of women who have.

    Yes, THIS! I don't get people's reactions sometimes and in my previous posts I was talking about how they're doing it to my husband now too!
    I don't get why not using medication has suddenly become radical. Women did it for centuries before now, my mom didn't even know there were drugs she could take. Quit rolling your eyes at me when I say I'm going natural...they especially get all crazy when I say that if there had been a birthing center I would do that rather than a hospital "what if you need a c-section, what if something goes wrong?!?!" grrrr
    Grrrrrrr!!!!! SO annoying!!!!!!!!!!! People just need to keep their negative opinions to themselves lol
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Oh and one more thing....I'm not saying I will be able to go all natural with having this baby but I want to try...I'm open to the possibility that I may have to get the epidural and that's fine. But when you tell someone you want to try going all natural and they look and you like your crazy or laugh and say "good luck", it really drives me NUTS!!!!!!! :explode: just because they couldn't doesn't mean I won't be able to! There are PLENTY of women who have.

    Yes, THIS! I don't get people's reactions sometimes and in my previous posts I was talking about how they're doing it to my husband now too!
    I don't get why not using medication has suddenly become radical. Women did it for centuries before now, my mom didn't even know there were drugs she could take. Quit rolling your eyes at me when I say I'm going natural...they especially get all crazy when I say that if there had been a birthing center I would do that rather than a hospital "what if you need a c-section, what if something goes wrong?!?!" grrrr
    Grrrrrrr!!!!! SO annoying!!!!!!!!!!! People just need to keep their negative opinions to themselves lol

    Right!?! I'm happy using my hospital as I love my OB and he is cool with whatever I want but really, its not their body or life therefore its not their concern.
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    Oh and one more thing....I'm not saying I will be able to go all natural with having this baby but I want to try...I'm open to the possibility that I may have to get the epidural and that's fine. But when you tell someone you want to try going all natural and they look and you like your crazy or laugh and say "good luck", it really drives me NUTS!!!!!!! :explode: just because they couldn't doesn't mean I won't be able to! There are PLENTY of women who have.

    Yes, THIS! I don't get people's reactions sometimes and in my previous posts I was talking about how they're doing it to my husband now too!
    I don't get why not using medication has suddenly become radical. Women did it for centuries before now, my mom didn't even know there were drugs she could take. Quit rolling your eyes at me when I say I'm going natural...they especially get all crazy when I say that if there had been a birthing center I would do that rather than a hospital "what if you need a c-section, what if something goes wrong?!?!" grrrr
    Grrrrrrr!!!!! SO annoying!!!!!!!!!!! People just need to keep their negative opinions to themselves lol

    Right!?! I'm happy using my hospital as I love my OB and he is cool with whatever I want but really, its not their body or life therefore its not their concern.

    I don't care is people think I am crazy, I can give tons of reason why intervention- free labors are better for mom and baby, so if anyone tries to argue with me, they don't have a leg to stand on! I have had three all- natural births and two of them were water births. I have had no complications, and my babies were healthy and perfect! I also didn't even tear with 8.5 and 9 lb babies while in the water. Now that I am having this baby at home, I get frequent comments about it, and it is driving me nuts!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Oh and one more thing....I'm not saying I will be able to go all natural with having this baby but I want to try...I'm open to the possibility that I may have to get the epidural and that's fine. But when you tell someone you want to try going all natural and they look and you like your crazy or laugh and say "good luck", it really drives me NUTS!!!!!!! :explode: just because they couldn't doesn't mean I won't be able to! There are PLENTY of women who have.

    Yes, THIS! I don't get people's reactions sometimes and in my previous posts I was talking about how they're doing it to my husband now too!
    I don't get why not using medication has suddenly become radical. Women did it for centuries before now, my mom didn't even know there were drugs she could take. Quit rolling your eyes at me when I say I'm going natural...they especially get all crazy when I say that if there had been a birthing center I would do that rather than a hospital "what if you need a c-section, what if something goes wrong?!?!" grrrr
    Grrrrrrr!!!!! SO annoying!!!!!!!!!!! People just need to keep their negative opinions to themselves lol

    Right!?! I'm happy using my hospital as I love my OB and he is cool with whatever I want but really, its not their body or life therefore its not their concern.

    I don't care is people think I am crazy, I can give tons of reason why intervention- free labors are better for mom and baby, so if anyone tries to argue with me, they don't have a leg to stand on! I have had three all- natural births and two of them were water births. I have had no complications, and my babies were healthy and perfect! I also didn't even tear with 8.5 and 9 lb babies while in the water. Now that I am having this baby at home, I get frequent comments about it, and it is driving me nuts!

    I can only imagine how much grief you are given!! As I've said, I'm not against the epidural as I know its a possibility I may give in and get it but I've always been pro natural and after learning the not so many pros compared to the long list of cons for the analgesics and the epidural in my childbirth classes its really turned me that much more against them. I will say I am not getting any analgesics...I can't fathom the idea of drugging my baby!
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    ok, so I know that few if any of you will be able to relate to this but EVERYONE telling me I should stay in the Coast Guard. I do not want to do a career, i have never wanted to do a career and I want to stay home with my freaking baby. Even when they ask why I'm getting out and I say "I want to stay home with my kid" they say "oh but the retirement...blah blah blah blah." For the record, military retirement is really not that great, the only thing that's good about it is you can retire at 20 years and recieve retirement while have a second career.

    This has always bugged me but way more now. So irritating. Every single day, at least one person at my work says "you're totally going to stay in, kids are expensive you need the income" GRRRRR
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    ok, so I know that few if any of you will be able to relate to this but EVERYONE telling me I should stay in the Coast Guard. I do not want to do a career, i have never wanted to do a career and I want to stay home with my freaking baby. Even when they ask why I'm getting out and I say "I want to stay home with my kid" they say "oh but the retirement...blah blah blah blah." For the record, military retirement is really not that great, the only thing that's good about it is you can retire at 20 years and recieve retirement while have a second career.

    This has always bugged me but way more now. So irritating. Every single day, at least one person at my work says "you're totally going to stay in, kids are expensive you need the income" GRRRRR

    This is so dumb (not you, what others say). It's hardly a ticket to an easy life. My FIL is retired Air Force and then was a Delta pilot before he retired from that. The money he gets from his AF retirement plus his Delta pension is not much. They do fine, but they're hardly swimming in money.

    Trust me, you'll make it work. Money was and still is incredibly tight for us, both when I was a SAHM (or attempt-to-work-at-home-mom) and now that I am in the office full-time. But we made it work because it was the right decision for us.
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    ok, so I know that few if any of you will be able to relate to this but EVERYONE telling me I should stay in the Coast Guard. I do not want to do a career, i have never wanted to do a career and I want to stay home with my freaking baby. Even when they ask why I'm getting out and I say "I want to stay home with my kid" they say "oh but the retirement...blah blah blah blah." For the record, military retirement is really not that great, the only thing that's good about it is you can retire at 20 years and recieve retirement while have a second career.

    This has always bugged me but way more now. So irritating. Every single day, at least one person at my work says "you're totally going to stay in, kids are expensive you need the income" GRRRRR

    This is so dumb (not you, what others say). It's hardly a ticket to an easy life. My FIL is retired Air Force and then was a Delta pilot before he retired from that. The money he gets from his AF retirement plus his Delta pension is not much. They do fine, but they're hardly swimming in money.

    Trust me, you'll make it work. Money was and still is incredibly tight for us, both when I was a SAHM (or attempt-to-work-at-home-mom) and now that I am in the office full-time. But we made it work because it was the right decision for us.

    Completely agree!

    My father was career Air Force. He retired after 35 years of service, and my parents are not rolling in the money from his pension, I assure you. Plus, I think my father's benefits (joining in 1958 when he graduated from high school) may be significantly better than what is offered by the military today.

    I am planning to be a SAHM too--at least for a while. For me, I worry I might start to get bored (especially once the wee ones are in school full-time), so I am trying to think of work that I can do that gives me an outlet for myself, but won't require me to hire someone else to take care of my kid(s).

    But money-wise, I really felt like holding onto my job as a teacher for the city of NY made no sense. We don't have any family in the immediate area who could watch our son, and the cost of day care/nannies here would have been basically exactly what I was earning. I liked my job, but I didn't love it enough to pay someone else (daycare worker/nanny) for the privilege of keeping it.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    But money-wise, I really felt like holding onto my job as a teacher for the city of NY made no sense. We don't have any family in the immediate area who could watch our son, and the cost of day care/nannies here would have been basically exactly what I was earning. I liked my job, but I didn't love it enough to pay someone else (daycare worker/nanny) for the privilege of keeping it.

    Yeah, what I earned at my old job (which I abhorred) would have basically covered day care, and that's it. And I wasn't even happy with the day care facility we would have had to use based on the somewhat remote location of my office.
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    A recent annoyance for me is people (mostly women) coming in to my office and asking me to get up from my desk so they can see my baby bump and comment on how "big" I've gotten. Really? Number one I'm working and number two, maybe I don't feel like standing up right now... LOL
  • TRHuston
    TRHuston Posts: 69 Member
    Thank you to whomever started this post. I have a feeling I will be frequently adding to it, but for now:

    1) Every person who finds out you are pregnant has to tell you the most horrifying pregnancy story they know.
    2) Strangers (or friends of friends) giving advice and trying to steer you away from making "huge mistakes that can detrimentally effect you or your baby. (Big deal, I ate Mexican food, I wasn't dabbling with heroine.)
    3) Internet pop ups. Those *kitten* know you've got a bun in the oven and bombard you with adds for ice-cream, fast food and generally all the crap you try to avoid on a regular basis, but have considerably less will power when your pregnant brain is at the wheel.

    That is all. Whew.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    A recent annoyance for me is people (mostly women) coming in to my office and asking me to get up from my desk so they can see my baby bump and comment on how "big" I've gotten. Really? Number one I'm working and number two, maybe I don't feel like standing up right now... LOL

    Ugh, last time I had a co-worker who, upon seeing me every morning, would opine as to whether or not I looked pregnant on that particular day. It got to the point where I would deliberately avoid her until we were heavily involved enough in work that she wouldn't have the presence of mind to bring it up!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Thank you to whomever started this post. I have a feeling I will be frequently adding to it, but for now:

    1) Every person who finds out you are pregnant has to tell you the most horrifying pregnancy story they know.
    2) Strangers (or friends of friends) giving advice and trying to steer you away from making "huge mistakes that can detrimentally effect you or your baby. (Big deal, I ate Mexican food, I wasn't dabbling with heroine.)
    3) Internet pop ups. Those *kitten* know you've got a bun in the oven and bombard you with adds for ice-cream, fast food and generally all the crap you try to avoid on a regular basis, but have considerably less will power when your pregnant brain is at the wheel.

    That is all. Whew.

    You're welcome!

    Yes, the interwebs know I am pregnant, and they don't let me forget it! So annoying.

    This is the second time I've heard that about Mexican food. What gives? I love me some Mexican food, and I know I ate plenty of it the first time around after which I had a healthy baby.
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    2) Strangers (or friends of friends) giving advice and trying to steer you away from making "huge mistakes that can detrimentally effect you or your baby. (Big deal, I ate Mexican food, I wasn't dabbling with heroine.)

    HAHA, ditto on the Mexican food! I "checked in" to a Mexican place on Facebook when I was about 10 weeks and got a flurry of comments about how spicy food isn't good for the baby and I won't be able to eat spicy food and breastfeed, etc. Really people? I ended up just deleting the post and now all I post are bump pictures.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    2) Strangers (or friends of friends) giving advice and trying to steer you away from making "huge mistakes that can detrimentally effect you or your baby. (Big deal, I ate Mexican food, I wasn't dabbling with heroine.)

    HAHA, ditto on the Mexican food! I "checked in" to a Mexican place on Facebook when I was about 10 weeks and got a flurry of comments about how spicy food isn't good for the baby and I won't be able to eat spicy food and breastfeed, etc. Really people? I ended up just deleting the post and now all I post are bump pictures.

    I seriously never heard this before a couple of months ago! What is their rationale? That the spice will somehow get through to the baby?

    Additionally, the Mexican food I eat doesn't tend to be particularly spicy anyway, plus I am dealing with heartburn, I definitely eat mild stuff.
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    2) Strangers (or friends of friends) giving advice and trying to steer you away from making "huge mistakes that can detrimentally effect you or your baby. (Big deal, I ate Mexican food, I wasn't dabbling with heroine.)

    HAHA, ditto on the Mexican food! I "checked in" to a Mexican place on Facebook when I was about 10 weeks and got a flurry of comments about how spicy food isn't good for the baby and I won't be able to eat spicy food and breastfeed, etc. Really people? I ended up just deleting the post and now all I post are bump pictures.

    I seriously never heard this before a couple of months ago! What is their rationale? That the spice will somehow get through to the baby?

    Additionally, the Mexican food I eat doesn't tend to be particularly spicy anyway, plus I am dealing with heartburn, I definitely eat mild stuff.

    Yeah it's some old-fashioned thing, that spicy foods will make the baby cranky. Re: breast milk, I have read that more than likely it's sensitivities like gluten and dairy that upset the baby, not spices. Also what you eat during pregnancy "flavors" the amniotic fluid somewhat so the bubs gets used to it. I eat a ton of spicy stuff and have a very high spice tolerance but I love the flavor! There's a Thai place I frequent pretty regularly here in Vegas and the waitresses know me, so they found out I am pregnant... in the beginning the one older lady literally would not put my order in "hot" like I wanted because she said it wasn't good for the baby. I would say I wanted the tofu panang hot and she would say back, "No, medium." I finally had enough and told her that I want my food the way I want it, otherwise I wouldn't come there and eat anymore! The bubs does just fine and in fact I think he likes it :-)
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Yeah it's some old-fashioned thing, that spicy foods will make the baby cranky. Re: breast milk, I have read that more than likely it's sensitivities like gluten and dairy that upset the baby, not spices. Also what you eat during pregnancy "flavors" the amniotic fluid somewhat so the bubs gets used to it. I eat a ton of spicy stuff and have a very high spice tolerance but I love the flavor! There's a Thai place I frequent pretty regularly here in Vegas and the waitresses know me, so they found out I am pregnant... in the beginning the one older lady literally would not put my order in "hot" like I wanted because she said it wasn't good for the baby. I would say I wanted the tofu panang hot and she would say back, "No, medium." I finally had enough and told her that I want my food the way I want it, otherwise I wouldn't come there and eat anymore! The bubs does just fine and in fact I think he likes it :-)

    Crazy! I have a friend who, when she was pregnant with her second, went to a Dunkin' Donuts to order a cup of coffee. She ordered it regular (ie, not decaf) as her one caffeinated drink her OB said she could have every day. The lady went to hand her the coffee and then yanked it back at the last second, exclaiming that she should have made it a decaf. My friend told her that it was fine, she could have some caffeine, and the DD lady proceeded to insist that she not give her caffeinated coffee. My friend has a big mouth and got her caffeine fix :smile:

    I am surprised they would not spice up your food for you! I would have threatened the same thing... Who knew I was doing my baby wrong by having all that red pepper on my beef with broccoli the other night?
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member

    Oh and one more thing....I'm not saying I will be able to go all natural with having this baby but I want to try...I'm open to the possibility that I may have to get the epidural and that's fine. But when you tell someone you want to try going all natural and they look and you like your crazy or laugh and say "good luck", it really drives me NUTS!!!!!!! :explode: just because they couldn't doesn't mean I won't be able to! There are PLENTY of women who have.

    ^^^^ This. Or they say " you know you dont have to be superwoman" . I would like to try natural also but want the option for an epidural if i need one. Most people think i am trying to be some kind of martyr because I would prefer going natural. I will be in a hospital so its not like im attempting this at home. I have done plenty of readin and have many friends that are nurses. Seems to me the best option for me and my beliefs is to go natural if possble. It irritates the hell out of me when people cant respec that
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member

    Oh and one more thing....I'm not saying I will be able to go all natural with having this baby but I want to try...I'm open to the possibility that I may have to get the epidural and that's fine. But when you tell someone you want to try going all natural and they look and you like your crazy or laugh and say "good luck", it really drives me NUTS!!!!!!! :explode: just because they couldn't doesn't mean I won't be able to! There are PLENTY of women who have.

    ^^^^ This. Or they say " you know you dont have to be superwoman" . I would like to try natural also but want the option for an epidural if i need one. Most people think i am trying to be some kind of martyr because I would prefer going natural. I will be in a hospital so its not like im attempting this at home. I have done plenty of readin and have many friends that are nurses. Seems to me the best option for me and my beliefs is to go natural if possble. It irritates the hell out of me when people cant respec that

    The grass is always greener... Last time I was pregnant, people asked me if I was going all-natural or having an epidural. I said I was probably going to have an epidural but would see how it was going and take it as it comes. (For the record, I did have one.) Even though the two women asking me fully admitted to having epidurals with their kids, they chastised me for even considering one. That was not the only time someone tried to shame me for possibly wanting one.

    I don't know why I even answered them. It's nobody's business!
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member

    Crazy! I have a friend who, when she was pregnant with her second, went to a Dunkin' Donuts to order a cup of coffee. She ordered it regular (ie, not decaf) as her one caffeinated drink her OB said she could have every day. The lady went to hand her the coffee and then yanked it back at the last second, exclaiming that she should have made it a decaf. My friend told her that it was fine, she could have some caffeine, and the DD lady proceeded to insist that she not give her caffeinated coffee. My friend has a big mouth and got her caffeine fix :smile:

    I am surprised they would not spice up your food for you! I would have threatened the same thing... Who knew I was doing my baby wrong by having all that red pepper on my beef with broccoli the other night?

    This reminds me of when I went to Wal-Mart a couple months ago when my husband was really sick. I got him some Mucinex and the checkout lady looked at my belly then looked at me and said, "You're not taking Mucinex, are you?" I told her no, my husband is sick... but felt like adding, "If I was taking it, would you refuse to sell it to me?!" People always think THEY know what is best and they're way too nosy sometimes but couch it in terms of looking out for you. My body + my baby = none of YOUR business.
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    ^^^^ This. Or they say " you know you dont have to be superwoman" . I would like to try natural also but want the option for an epidural if i need one. Most people think i am trying to be some kind of martyr because I would prefer going natural. I will be in a hospital so its not like im attempting this at home. I have done plenty of readin and have many friends that are nurses. Seems to me the best option for me and my beliefs is to go natural if possble. It irritates the hell out of me when people cant respec that

    I honestly think that the majority of the time, at least with people asking my husband about it, is that when someone hears that someone else isn't doing what "they" did, it makes them get defensive and question their own choices so that's why they act stupid about it. I don't think I'm better than anyone else for trying to go natural or whatever, but other people who haven't gone that route project that attitude on to me when I've done nothing that warrants it. Just makes me even more determined to do things my way if it works out!