Fun topic - What Bothers You Now That Didn't Before?



  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I'm revving up this thread again because I'm having a VERY passive-aggressive pregnant b!tch day today, LOL! One thing to add to my list is when my husband's friends don't seem to quite comprehend that he has a baby on the way (and I think others have posted along these lines too). I think some of his friends are starting to get jealous the closer we get to having the baby and it's driving me insane! He has this one friend who is a total workout fanatic and health nut (to the point of obsession, really, I can't even look at the dude's Instagram some days) and he keeps asking my husband to do all these relay races with him and stuff. Sometimes it's joking and other times it's not, and it's starting to really piss me off. Today on Facebook he says to my husband, "We should totally sign up to do the Amazing Race together, it would be so cool and I'd love to have you as my partner." Granted, it's a TV show and slim to none chance they'd get on anyway, but STILL. Sorry, but no way is my husband going to race around the world with you and leave me at home with our baby.

    I honestly think there are some people who have no clue how much time/effort/money a baby needs! Especially for dads, I think other guys think that the mom just does all the work and that dad can continue to go play golf/bowl/fantasy football/tailgating/whatever else the dad likes to do.

    But yeah, the Amazing Race? Go find a new partner (not you, your husband's friend). I actually know someone who was on that show, and she told me it was CRAZY! At the time, though, she was free as a bird to do that sort of thing. She's still sort of a nomad, though, but she's settling down. I'm not a fan of the show, but it was fun to catch bits of the show just to see her.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I used to not care when friends popped by without an invite now IT DRIVES ME CRAZY.

    We also have a 'roommate' (unpaid of course) living with us. She is 24 and claims office jobs are too boring for her so she works sporadic entertainment industry jobs at $11 an hour rigging lights and unloading stuff. I used to be all 'yeah you can stay with us whatever', but now every time she pays $5 for a beer in bar or buys ANOTHER PAIR of theme socks, or heres the kicker. - the most expensive new android phone or talks about how she needs to get online (you know that internet WE PAY FOR) because modcloth came out with the holiday dresses...I am like WTF!? GET YOUR OWN #$%^& PLACE.

    I will also blatantly start a bunch of chores while she sits on the couch and she has never, in 4 months, offered to help even like, 'say pregnant lady, let me take out the trash'...

    Geez, I feel so much better now ;)

    PLEASE tell me you are kicking her out before the baby arrives!

    Then again, a crying newborn may be just the thing to get her to leave...
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    This week have been a *****y week for me too.

    I swear i may smack my MIL soon. Now the child i am carrying is "hers" and he is going to look like her. Seriously maybe i would like my child to look like his PARENTS! And no this child is not yours its mine so hands off!!!! Speaking of hands off, she is constantly touching my belly, it totally grosses me out. My own mother hasnt even done this.

    Ugh, what is it about mothers-in-law? I seriously envy people who love theirs.

    She's overexcited, which is good on its own, but she needs boundaries. Hopefully she will learn them (I hope?), but the enthusiasm for her grandchild will (hopefully) pay off when your child is old enough to want to go to grandma's for a visit so you can go on vacation or something! My in-laws are a little overbearing at times, but I try to console myself that they will be dying to take our kids off our hands whenever we want to go somewhere :wink:
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    If anyone other than my husband referred to what I am carrying as 'theirs' I would remove my shoe and throw it at them. ;)


    Edited to clarify that this is supposed to be an evil laugh. I guess it should have been "mwahahahahahahah" or something like that. :devil:
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    If anyone other than my husband referred to what I am carrying as 'theirs' I would remove my shoe and throw it at them. ;)

    OMG and people who aren't related to you and you aren't even very close with saying "I'm going to be an auntie" or "I'm going to be an uncle", no you aren't! I am not your sister and you are not my husband's sibling therefore you are not going to be a relative of the baby.

    I had people I wasn't even related to bugging me about who was going to be the Godmother/Godfather. Um, we're Catholic, and the Catholic Church requires that Godparents not only be Catholic but practicing Catholics - in that they require a letter from their parish stating such (unless, of course, they go to the same church, in which case they know). So, yeah, that narrows the field a bit, random co-worker who is definitely NOT going to be a Godparent!

    It's like, that's fine to be enthusiastic about my baby, but let's not force a weird relationship here, thanks.
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    This week have been a *****y week for me too.

    I swear i may smack my MIL soon. Now the child i am carrying is "hers" and he is going to look like her. Seriously maybe i would like my child to look like his PARENTS! And no this child is not yours its mine so hands off!!!! Speaking of hands off, she is constantly touching my belly, it totally grosses me out. My own mother hasnt even done this.

    Ugh, what is it about mothers-in-law? I seriously envy people who love theirs.

    She's overexcited, which is good on its own, but she needs boundaries. Hopefully she will learn them (I hope?), but the enthusiasm for her grandchild will (hopefully) pay off when your child is old enough to want to go to grandma's for a visit so you can go on vacation or something! My in-laws are a little overbearing at times, but I try to console myself that they will be dying to take our kids off our hands whenever we want to go somewhere :wink:

    She does need boundarties but to be honest i have a feeling im gonna have to be the mean one and tell her straight up. She doesnt seem to take anything my boyfriend says to heart.

    I am hoping that I can count on her to watch the kids when we need a break since all of my family lives far away but to be honest she has a bit of a drinking problem and im not so sure i would want her to watch the kids on the weekend. Its kind of a sticky situation. I grew up in a household where I never even knew my parents drank ( even an occasional beer!) until i was an adult. Their family on the other hand will use any get together for an excuse to get smashed. It makes me uncomfortable as it is now I cant even begin to imagine how it will be with little kids.
  • ha! I subtly brought it up by offering her some of the old furniture I need to get rid of to make room for baby, you know, for her new place she is getting soon ;)

    They are interviewing a 4th (yes 4!) roommate for a much nicer than they can afford place. Gotta let people learn on their own sometimes I guess. Good parenting practice, lol.
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    I'm revving up this thread again because I'm having a VERY passive-aggressive pregnant b!tch day today, LOL! One thing to add to my list is when my husband's friends don't seem to quite comprehend that he has a baby on the way (and I think others have posted along these lines too). I think some of his friends are starting to get jealous the closer we get to having the baby and it's driving me insane! He has this one friend who is a total workout fanatic and health nut (to the point of obsession, really, I can't even look at the dude's Instagram some days) and he keeps asking my husband to do all these relay races with him and stuff. Sometimes it's joking and other times it's not, and it's starting to really piss me off. Today on Facebook he says to my husband, "We should totally sign up to do the Amazing Race together, it would be so cool and I'd love to have you as my partner." Granted, it's a TV show and slim to none chance they'd get on anyway, but STILL. Sorry, but no way is my husband going to race around the world with you and leave me at home with our baby.

    I honestly think there are some people who have no clue how much time/effort/money a baby needs! Especially for dads, I think other guys think that the mom just does all the work and that dad can continue to go play golf/bowl/fantasy football/tailgating/whatever else the dad likes to do.

    But yeah, the Amazing Race? Go find a new partner (not you, your husband's friend). I actually know someone who was on that show, and she told me it was CRAZY! At the time, though, she was free as a bird to do that sort of thing. She's still sort of a nomad, though, but she's settling down. I'm not a fan of the show, but it was fun to catch bits of the show just to see her.

    I know right?! GRR. It continued today - my husband did a Tough Mudder on 10/6 and the friend was on his team (it's a 10-12 mile obstacle course with lots of running) and the 2013 event is in April in Vegas. He already said he's not doing it because he'll have a newborn at home (I'm due 2/19) and the friend posts on his Facebook today: "So are you allowed to start training for Tough Mudder 2013?" One of these days I am going to comment and say "NO, he's not doing X because he's going to have a freakin BABY, so get over it!"

    I feel so much better now. I haven't mentioned anything to my husband today but Friday I was having a bad hormone day so I did tell him that the Amazing Race comment set me off lol. He thinks I am ridiculous but does concede that I am pregnant and his friends can be weird.
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member

    Sorry, I just had to delete this last post I made venting on my husband's ex. Too much personal information. Although anyone who wants to vent with me about your partner's ex, please feel free to PM me. :-)
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    I really wish i had a punching bag about now!!!

    Have any of you ladies experienced a husband/boyfriend who feels he has to cram in "guy time" because he wont have it after the baby is born? My boyfriend seems to feel like he has to hang out with everyone before the baby comes, like he will never be able to leave the house and see anyone after our baby arrives. I guess i never thought we had to be hermits after having kids.

    Anyone of you have a man who thinks this???
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    My whole house is so messy. We've been remodeling, getting rid of some furniture, doing rearrangements, getting gifts, and it's just a disaster area right now. I HATE IT!
  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    So glad I finally found this thread...I have definitely become "Pregnant Mega-B*****" in the past few months. Not only has every pet peeve been intensified by about 5 times, but the following have been added:

    * Parents who e-mail me too much. As a 2nd grade teacher, I am not usually bothered by the constant flood of parent e-mails (unless they are mean e-mails). Now, however, it really drives me crazy to get e-mails asking me questions that they could easily figure out on their own or by asking their kids.

    * People who complain about how tired they are when they don't have actual, full-time jobs.

    * People who say things like "Well, you won't be able to __________ anymore after the baby comes!" Yes...I know that, once the baby comes, I won't be able to do some of the things I used to enjoy. But I am really annoyed by people who tell me I won't be able to work late doing private tutoring, go running, have people over, etc. I HAVE to do tutoring in order to afford to take care of the baby...I'm going to have to find a way to pick up running again so I don't gain back everything I lost...and I will still have people over, because that's what I do.

    * My husband wanting sexy times. Enough said.
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    My whole house is so messy. We've been remodeling, getting rid of some furniture, doing rearrangements, getting gifts, and it's just a disaster area right now. I HATE IT!

    SAME HERE!!!!!!!!! Mine is almost put back together. .....whew!!!!!!!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I will also add to the list:

    (1) People who don't have kids giving out parenting/pregnancy advice as though they are experts.
    (2) People who have kids who are totally undisciplined and unruly giving out parenting/pregnancy advice as though they are experts.
    (3) Strangers asking me if I'm breastfeeding or not (REALLY? WTF do you care if I am or am not?)
    (4) People giving me the, "you must be insane" or "you'll change your mind when you actually go through labor" about having a natural childbirth. Pisses me off.
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    My latest is EVERY SINGLE SOUND my husband makes in his sleep. I don't know if I just didn't notice it as much before or what but he makes the weirdest noises in his sleep and I'm about to get some ear plugs to sleep with!

    Also, my dog, I am seriously ready to give away the dog. I LOVE my dog to death but he has recently decided to start snapping if anyone comes near his treats, not so bad b/c he's little but he did it to my friends two-year-old and that is NOT ok. And he barks like there is a stranger in the house if the cat walks near his crate in the middle of the night, oh yes and digging in the yard, that's a favorite of his....Dog whisperer, I need you!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    (3) Strangers asking me if I'm breastfeeding or not (REALLY? WTF do you care if I am or am not?)
    (4) People giving me the, "you must be insane" or "you'll change your mind when you actually go through labor" about having a natural childbirth. Pisses me off.

    These are my favorites.

    I'm the opposite of you on the natural childbirth thing; I was open about the fact that I was open to having an epidural (I figured I'd make the decision day-of). I got so much backlash for it, then in the next breath the offender would tell me they had an epidural. So what's good for the goose is not good for the gander? I see.

    The breastfeeding comments are so awful. People are the worst when it comes to that. There is so little compassion and understanding when there are so many factors in play, any one of which can destroy your ability to breastfeed or produce enough breastmilk. There's also basically zero acceptance of the choice not to breastfeed, too, regardless of reason (or lack thereof). I cried so much in those first few weeks over my inability to produce enough because I felt so guilty about it. I wouldn't wish that feeling on anyone!
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    I will also add to the list:

    (1) People who don't have kids giving out parenting/pregnancy advice as though they are experts.
    (2) People who have kids who are totally undisciplined and unruly giving out parenting/pregnancy advice as though they are experts.
    (3) Strangers asking me if I'm breastfeeding or not (REALLY? WTF do you care if I am or am not?)
    (4) People giving me the, "you must be insane" or "you'll change your mind when you actually go through labor" about having a natural childbirth. Pisses me off.

    ALL OF THIS! You hit the nail on the head for me... my husband's female coworkers are telling him I won't be able to not have an epidural, etc. His response is, "Well, you don't know my wife." Also the snarky responses to every little thing I say, like I'm currently going through a lupus flare and having bad joint pain so I say I'm just relaxing as much as possible and I get in return, "Oh well enjoy it while you can because you won't be able to get any of THAT later." Coming from my sister with two brats who run her life.

    Don't even get me started on Thanksgiving planning with the inlaws... so help me God!
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    (3) Strangers asking me if I'm breastfeeding or not (REALLY? WTF do you care if I am or am not?)
    (4) People giving me the, "you must be insane" or "you'll change your mind when you actually go through labor" about having a natural childbirth. Pisses me off.

    These are my favorites.

    I'm the opposite of you on the natural childbirth thing; I was open about the fact that I was open to having an epidural (I figured I'd make the decision day-of). I got so much backlash for it, then in the next breath the offender would tell me they had an epidural. So what's good for the goose is not good for the gander? I see.

    The breastfeeding comments are so awful. People are the worst when it comes to that. There is so little compassion and understanding when there are so many factors in play, any one of which can destroy your ability to breastfeed or produce enough breastmilk. There's also basically zero acceptance of the choice not to breastfeed, too, regardless of reason (or lack thereof). I cried so much in those first few weeks over my inability to produce enough because I felt so guilty about it. I wouldn't wish that feeling on anyone!

    It's funny, the only person who's really given me any grief over my decision to switch from natural to definitely-want-that-epidural is my mother--my mother who had epidurals with both me and my brother. So I definitely take the grief with a grain of salt.

    I am planning to breastfeed, but I completely understand the many reasons someone wouldn't. I don't understand why this is such a hot-button issue. Also, it's funny, I can't recall the exact statistics, but there seems to be data indicating that the vast majority of women actually don't breastfeed past the first couple of months. If this is so, then I just don't get why people get all hot and bothered by a woman admitting she's one of the many...
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I am planning to breastfeed, but I completely understand the many reasons someone wouldn't. I don't understand why this is such a hot-button issue. Also, it's funny, I can't recall the exact statistics, but there seems to be data indicating that the vast majority of women actually don't breastfeed past the first couple of months. If this is so, then I just don't get why people get all hot and bothered by a woman admitting she's one of the many...

    Yeah, I suspect a lot of women lie about whether or not they breastfeed exclusively, at least past a certain point. I tried, and it didn't work out. Some of it was my fault, and some of it wasn't. We supplemented with formula, and when my son was two months old and I was taking every herb, using the hospital-grade pump and going on a pumping binge, then buying a new personal-use pump and going on a pumping binge, and still only being able to produce an ounce and a half or two ounces from both breasts in a 24-hour period, I gave up. Plus I got my period, so there was really no more benefit to putting myself through hellish frustration.

    I wanted desperately to exclusively breastfeed, but it didn't work out. The "lactivists" (especially the lactation consultant) were the people who were the worst about it, but the funny thing is that 99% of women I knew in real life with whom I talked about it had all supplemented with formula at some point. The ones who were able to exclusively breastfeed, I told them that was great, and I wished I had had their success, but thankfully they were never jerks about it. I really do applaud them!

    I have learned from my mistakes, and hopefully this time we will do better, though I am prepared that it may not work out perfectly. However, I have a good relationship with my pump, so if I have to pump exclusively, that's what I'll do. If I have to use formula, that will be fine, too. Hopefully not, since that stuff is expensive!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I have to revive this thread after the holiday weekend! I'm sure many of you had people rub you the wrong way, so here is your opportunity to vent.

    As for me, I would be lying if I said my MIL didn't bother me before, but she has been bothering me more than ever lately!

    First, it was inappropriate questions. When I was about 9 or 10 weeks pregnant, she asked me multiple times if I had to get up to pee in the middle of the night yet. I changed the subject the first couple of times, but she persisted. First, why do you care? Second, why does it matter? Third, why are you getting such satisfaction over my need to pee in the middle of the night? (The answer was and still is "no." I curb liquids after a certain hour for that reason, and I still have to pee pretty badly in the morning.)

    Then on Thanksgiving, she continued the annoying questions/comments. First, with our son, who's 22 months old, she kept commenting on how great he was walking. I said something along the lines of, "Um, he's been walking since he was 11 months old. I sincerely hope he's walking well by now." It's hardly the first time she's seen him walk, too. I think she's comparing him to her 13-month-old granddaughter who's just learning to walk, which is annoying because I shouldn't have to explain to her that the 9-month age difference between them is HUGE at this point in time.

    Then she asked me when my due date was (for the umpteenth time), so I told her May 25th. She got all excited about how close that was two her two sons' birthdays (my two BILs), as well as her jerk brother (who defrauds their mother, but that's another story for another day - not exactly the person with whom I'd like my child to be identified in any way, shape, or form). She COMPLETELY forgets that, oh, yeah, MY birthday is in May and actually much closer to my due date than said jerk brother's birthday. When my husband pointed that out to her (and added that my mother and my sister's birthdays are also in May plus that my due date is the same day as my late grandmother's birthday), she blew it off! One of my BILs (one whose birthday was mentioned) made a point to emphasize how cool it would be for me to have a baby near my birthday, but she acted like he hadn't said anything. Even my husband, who's normally very forgiving of her weirdness, brought it up to me later, saying that he thought she was trying to make it all about her for whatever reason.

    Finally, she asked me if we wanted a girl this time. I said no, I would actually prefer another boy, but I certainly wouldn't be disappointed if I didn't get my wish. Then she went on and on about how we need to have a little girl (because, you know, we have a choice), and then she literally asked us three times if we've decided on a girl's name yet. I told her once, and my husband told her a second time (the third time we ignored her), that we have a long way to go before we talk about names, that we are keeping our shortlist private, and that it will be like last time when we did not know the sex of our baby and would not decide on a name until we meet him/her. I'm sorry, but just because my SIL had monogrammed luggage and vanity plates ready for her child the second they confirmed they were having a girl does NOT mean I want to do the same. Honestly, I am half-expecting an e-mail with name suggestions for the girl we are sure to be having.

    I know my MIL is generally clueless about a lot of things, and I understand that she's excited about becoming a grandmother again, but I really don't get what it is with her and wanting specifics when (1) there are no specifics to be had, (2) some specifics are inappropriate to be asking about, and (3) she knows very well how we are about certain things (like naming), but she keeps pushing us to do things the way she'd like us to.

    And she wonders why I'm not close with her. (Frankly, I think she killed any chance we had when she cornered me and my husband and initiated a really uncomfortable conversation about premarital sex when we were engaged but not yet married. But again, that's another story for another day!)

    Edited to add that I know I am overreacting somewhat, but she really pisses me off. Anyway, that is kind of the point of this thread - to vent, whether the topic of your vent is reasonable or not! In fact, it's implied that it may not be reasonable because it might not have bothered you if you were not pregnant :happy:
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Edited to add that I know I am overreacting somewhat, but she really pisses me off. Anyway, that is kind of the point of this thread - to vent, whether the topic of your vent is reasonable or not! In fact, it's implied that it may not be reasonable because it might not have bothered you if you were not pregnant :happy:

    Vent away, and irrational irritations are definitely what this thread it all about. Mine is everyone asking every. single. day. if we know the gender yet. And then proceeding to tell me I think it's a boy because of xyz, or I think it's a girl b/c of xyz

    Most irritating for me this week was on Thanksgiving my friends grandma kept saying "that's gotta be twins you are SO BIG!" Then if there was any mention of me being pregnant she would throw in "it's twins" and I would have to explain to everyone it's not twins....really I don't think I'm THAT big and the doc said my belly is the perfect size.

    The other thing is my freaking boss, who happens to be obese. The very site of him pisses me off...the reason him being obese is pertinant is because a few weeks ago he said "I notice you have been expanding, you might want to look into getting a bigger uniform." i wanted so badly to say "yeah I'm pregnant what is your excuse!" So now, whenever I see his gut sticking out of his uniform I want to tell him to go get a bigger uniform. UGH!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    RBX -wow! So sorry you had to deal with that! Sounds very frustrating!

    I know these have been said before but the only things now that bother me the most are people's lack of confidence that I'll be able to have a natural birth or the ability to breastfeed. Most people comment on my determination and have good things to say but there's always those who bring you down lol I will add that I know there's a chance I may have to have the epidural and am okay with that and I also know that there's a chance I may not be able to breastfeed but I'm sure staying optimistic about it!

    One other thing is all the negativity!!! When people ask me if I'm miserable yet or things like that drive me nuts! Pregnancy is an amazing thing and I'm so blessed to have this chance to experience it! Even if I had a rough pregnancy I would still be thankful!
  • My mother in law mentioned over t'giving lunch how she breast fed for a year like, oh...about 14 times. No exaggeration.

    I actually like her, it was just so sooo awkward. I plan on BF'ing if I can too, but what do you say after the 10th time in front of 5 other people? "Congrats on your bountiful boob milk?!"
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    "Congrats on your bountiful boob milk?!"

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:....I want to make that my profile quote hahahaha
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    "Congrats on your bountiful boob milk?!"

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:....I want to make that my profile quote hahahaha

    LOL, that was seriously funny! (I almost never write "LOL" except when I actually do laugh out loud. I think I spat out a bit of water, too.)
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    This pregnancy has brought with it an entire new level of *****'s like PMS on steroids. I would list all of my complaints but it would take top three:

    Since my last pregnancy two years ago, my MIL has gotten on my very last never went away and has doubled with this pregnancy! I could strangle her! It doesn't matter what she says or does, she just irks me. Sad, but true.

    Everything smells bad to me including the scent the dry cleaner put on my much that I can barely sleep with it.

    Meat and veggies are grossing me is sad how crappy I have been eating. I am force feeding myself but it is so not like me to hate meat or veggies. Thank god for vitamins and protein powder!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    "Congrats on your bountiful boob milk?!"

  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    RBX - My MIL drives me bonkers, too!

    I'm not pregnant anymore, but my latest peeve is that after correcting ILs and telling them our baby's name is not the nickname they've chosen to use, MIL is still calling her by the nickname. Luckily I wasn't speaking with her when she did this the other day, but DH said he corrected her a few times and she still kept doing it.

    Also, MIL is an avid shopper with expensive taste. Sure, it means she's been buying some nice things to send, but not all of it is practical (we just had to return a snow suit for size 6m+, because it was way too large for our 3 week old baby. Also, after we told her we weren't sure what size snowsuit we would need and MIL agreed to wire DH money so we could pick our own, but then changed her mind) Not to mention I want to buy things for my baby, too! And not just the boring stuff like diapers and wipes. I want to buy her bedroom decor (we didn't know the gender in advance and therefore skimped on decor), I don't want to use the ugly bedding set MIL sent us (and can't be returned).
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    RBX - My MIL drives me bonkers, too!

    I'm not pregnant anymore, but my latest peeve is that after correcting ILs and telling them our baby's name is not the nickname they've chosen to use, MIL is still calling her by the nickname. Luckily I wasn't speaking with her when she did this the other day, but DH said he corrected her a few times and she still kept doing it.

    Also, MIL is an avid shopper with expensive taste. Sure, it means she's been buying some nice things to send, but not all of it is practical (we just had to return a snow suit for size 6m+, because it was way too large for our 3 week old baby. Also, after we told her we weren't sure what size snowsuit we would need and MIL agreed to wire DH money so we could pick our own, but then changed her mind) Not to mention I want to buy things for my baby, too! And not just the boring stuff like diapers and wipes. I want to buy her bedroom decor (we didn't know the gender in advance and therefore skimped on decor), I don't want to use the ugly bedding set MIL sent us (and can't be returned).

    My mom did that with my niece. Her name is Anne Caroline (I know, sounds like it should be switched), and my mom, who fancies herself a Spanish language expert (trust me, she's far from it), used to call her "Ana Carolina" or "Ana Carolina mi valentina" all the time. Drove us all nuts! My SIL even approached me to see if there wasn't some way I could kindly suggest to my mom that she not do it, but there's really no gentle way to do it (my mom is pretty sensitive). I kid you not, we removed certain names from our shortlist before our son was born because my mother could "Spanicize" them too easily. However, Anne is now five and goes by Annie, and my mom has cooled it for the most part on the Spanish thing.

    Thankfully our families asked us what nickname(s), if any, we were using for our son. His name is Thomas. We call him that, not Tom, not Tommy, just Thomas. We call him all sorts of other cutesy things, too, but we figure as he gets older, a nickname might evolve between him and his friends, and we'll go with it. Heck, my name is Rebecca, my family called me Becky from day 1 - and I always hated it! I figure we'll let him have a nickname he actually likes, if he wants to have one.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    RBX -wow! So sorry you had to deal with that! Sounds very frustrating!

    I know these have been said before but the only things now that bother me the most are people's lack of confidence that I'll be able to have a natural birth or the ability to breastfeed. Most people comment on my determination and have good things to say but there's always those who bring you down lol I will add that I know there's a chance I may have to have the epidural and am okay with that and I also know that there's a chance I may not be able to breastfeed but I'm sure staying optimistic about it!

    One other thing is all the negativity!!! When people ask me if I'm miserable yet or things like that drive me nuts! Pregnancy is an amazing thing and I'm so blessed to have this chance to experience it! Even if I had a rough pregnancy I would still be thankful!

    I am amazed that people are so negative, like if you do X when they did Y, you're somehow better, so they have to put you down first so you don't get too haughty. People are also really insensitive - what if it had taken you years to get pregnant? Would they be badgering you about being uncomfortable?

    I would love to answer, "Yes, I'm a little uncomfortable, but it's temporary, unlike your lack of tact." However, I am too nice and non-confrontational to actually say that.