Fun topic - What Bothers You Now That Didn't Before?



  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    I'm not generally a touchy-feely person, but it really, really, really agitates me when anybody tries to touch me since I've been pregnant!
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Gisele Bunchin( or however you spell her last name) irritates me. She is pregnant with her second kid and somehow thinks she is the pregnant guru. First she made that breastfeeding remark and now she claims those women who have birth in a hospital are subjecting their babies to "violent" births.

    She needs to shut up, plus i think she is an alien! lol
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    Gisele Bunchin( or however you spell her last name) irritates me. She is pregnant with her second kid and somehow thinks she is the pregnant guru. First she made that breastfeeding remark and now she claims those women who have birth in a hospital are subjecting their babies to "violent" births.

    She needs to shut up, plus i think she is an alien! lol

    I didn't know she was pregnant with her second. Now I have to Google the story so I can be annoyed/laugh at her. :-)
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    Thankfully my Thanksgiving weekend was relatively calm because hubs had a long talk with his mother about her mother. They both have the same name so when we talk about them it gets kind of confusing... anyway, grandma caused all these problems on Facebook so we had both deleted her. She came into town for Thanksgiving and to watch his mom's house/dogs while she goes on vacation next week. He basically told his mom that if grandma said anything to upset either one of us while we visit then we would leave, and that goes beyond the forbidden politics/religion chatter that caused the Facebook drama. I also found out that his mom told her boyfriend's sister that she was afraid grandma would piss us off and then we wouldn't let her see her grandson, so obviously she's very worried about how my husband would react to things.

    Fast forward through Thanksgiving, nothing happened except when grandma was talking about how much her friend's daughter's twins weighed and my mother in law said, "I wonder how much OUR baby is going to weigh?" That's the second time she has referred to my son as hers and I know it's nitpicky but I want to slap her when she says stuff like that. We are his parents, not her or anyone else, and just because they're blood-related doesn't mean they're entitled to my son in any way, shape, or form! Grr.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Gisele Bunchin( or however you spell her last name) irritates me. She is pregnant with her second kid and somehow thinks she is the pregnant guru. First she made that breastfeeding remark and now she claims those women who have birth in a hospital are subjecting their babies to "violent" births.

    She needs to shut up, plus i think she is an alien! lol

    I didn't know she was pregnant with her second. Now I have to Google the story so I can be annoyed/laugh at her. :-)

    She says that breastfeeding should be a "worldwide law." As a lawyer, I had a nice chuckle over that. I am going to declare new worldwide laws now, ok? How about celebrities and models are no longer allowed to go around and make blanket statements about topics on which they have little to no education?
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Thankfully my Thanksgiving weekend was relatively calm because hubs had a long talk with his mother about her mother. They both have the same name so when we talk about them it gets kind of confusing... anyway, grandma caused all these problems on Facebook so we had both deleted her. She came into town for Thanksgiving and to watch his mom's house/dogs while she goes on vacation next week. He basically told his mom that if grandma said anything to upset either one of us while we visit then we would leave, and that goes beyond the forbidden politics/religion chatter that caused the Facebook drama. I also found out that his mom told her boyfriend's sister that she was afraid grandma would piss us off and then we wouldn't let her see her grandson, so obviously she's very worried about how my husband would react to things.

    Fast forward through Thanksgiving, nothing happened except when grandma was talking about how much her friend's daughter's twins weighed and my mother in law said, "I wonder how much OUR baby is going to weigh?" That's the second time she has referred to my son as hers and I know it's nitpicky but I want to slap her when she says stuff like that. We are his parents, not her or anyone else, and just because they're blood-related doesn't mean they're entitled to my son in any way, shape, or form! Grr.

    In the states where I am licensed to practice law, parents have a right to visitation (termination of parental rights is required to, well, terminate that right permanently - but that right can certainly be suspended otherwise for good cause), but grandparents do not have any right to visitation. I believe that is the norm in most, if not all, US states, so legally speaking, she likely has zero legal entitlement to your child.

    Your baby is your child, not hers. Your baby will be her grandchild, and that's it. Keep repeating that, and if you have to say it out loud to her, then by all means, do so! Make sure your husband is backing you, too. Both my mother and my MIL have their own weirdness, and my husband and I agreed early on that we would deal with our respective families, so while I don't mind speaking up, he has to back me. I'm his wife - I take precedence over his mother, and if he agrees with her, then we discuss it privately, NOT in front of her or anyone else.

    Maybe she's speaking out of habit, albeit a dated one. Last summer we spent a week on vacation with my parents when our son was a few months old, and my mom slipped a few times calling him "her" baby and referring to herself as "mama." She quickly corrected herself to say "grandma," and I've admittedly slipped while playing with my nephew who's close in age to my son. (As in, "Mama's right here - I mean, I'm right here," though admittedly I am in the midst of raising a toddler.) Since my mom does not have a weird, unhealthy attachment to our son, it didn't bother me.

    However, your MIL's use of the word "our" - like it's hers and your husband's baby, or yours, hers, and your husband's - is very strange! I think that would bother me enough to say something.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    RBX - My MIL drives me bonkers, too!

    I'm not pregnant anymore, but my latest peeve is that after correcting ILs and telling them our baby's name is not the nickname they've chosen to use, MIL is still calling her by the nickname. Luckily I wasn't speaking with her when she did this the other day, but DH said he corrected her a few times and she still kept doing it.

    Also, MIL is an avid shopper with expensive taste. Sure, it means she's been buying some nice things to send, but not all of it is practical (we just had to return a snow suit for size 6m+, because it was way too large for our 3 week old baby. Also, after we told her we weren't sure what size snowsuit we would need and MIL agreed to wire DH money so we could pick our own, but then changed her mind) Not to mention I want to buy things for my baby, too! And not just the boring stuff like diapers and wipes. I want to buy her bedroom decor (we didn't know the gender in advance and therefore skimped on decor), I don't want to use the ugly bedding set MIL sent us (and can't be returned).

    My mom did that with my niece. Her name is Anne Caroline (I know, sounds like it should be switched), and my mom, who fancies herself a Spanish language expert (trust me, she's far from it), used to call her "Ana Carolina" or "Ana Carolina mi valentina" all the time. Drove us all nuts! My SIL even approached me to see if there wasn't some way I could kindly suggest to my mom that she not do it, but there's really no gentle way to do it (my mom is pretty sensitive). I kid you not, we removed certain names from our shortlist before our son was born because my mother could "Spanicize" them too easily. However, Anne is now five and goes by Annie, and my mom has cooled it for the most part on the Spanish thing.

    Thankfully our families asked us what nickname(s), if any, we were using for our son. His name is Thomas. We call him that, not Tom, not Tommy, just Thomas. We call him all sorts of other cutesy things, too, but we figure as he gets older, a nickname might evolve between him and his friends, and we'll go with it. Heck, my name is Rebecca, my family called me Becky from day 1 - and I always hated it! I figure we'll let him have a nickname he actually likes, if he wants to have one.

    MIL/FIL do the nickname thing with DH/BIL, too, They both have a "y" tacked onto their name when spoken to (ie. Mikey, except they are Polish, so it's the Polish version of a "y" sound). I think it's ridiculous, especially since both men are in their mid-thirties. ILs have three other grandchildren and they've given them all nicknames, too. I think one thing that really bothers me about it is that because we have a crazy long Polish last name, we all chose short, easy first names for our kids and there is no need to have nicknames for any of them.

    They are generally great people, they mean well and they love their sons and grandchildren to death, but they do such weird/annoying things...

    As for Gisele, she can stuff it. :laugh:
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    Thankfully my Thanksgiving weekend was relatively calm because hubs had a long talk with his mother about her mother. They both have the same name so when we talk about them it gets kind of confusing... anyway, grandma caused all these problems on Facebook so we had both deleted her. She came into town for Thanksgiving and to watch his mom's house/dogs while she goes on vacation next week. He basically told his mom that if grandma said anything to upset either one of us while we visit then we would leave, and that goes beyond the forbidden politics/religion chatter that caused the Facebook drama. I also found out that his mom told her boyfriend's sister that she was afraid grandma would piss us off and then we wouldn't let her see her grandson, so obviously she's very worried about how my husband would react to things.

    Fast forward through Thanksgiving, nothing happened except when grandma was talking about how much her friend's daughter's twins weighed and my mother in law said, "I wonder how much OUR baby is going to weigh?" That's the second time she has referred to my son as hers and I know it's nitpicky but I want to slap her when she says stuff like that. We are his parents, not her or anyone else, and just because they're blood-related doesn't mean they're entitled to my son in any way, shape, or form! Grr.

    In the states where I am licensed to practice law, parents have a right to visitation (termination of parental rights is required to, well, terminate that right permanently - but that right can certainly be suspended otherwise for good cause), but grandparents do not have any right to visitation. I believe that is the norm in most, if not all, US states, so legally speaking, she likely has zero legal entitlement to your child.

    Your baby is your child, not hers. Your baby will be her grandchild, and that's it. Keep repeating that, and if you have to say it out loud to her, then by all means, do so! Make sure your husband is backing you, too. Both my mother and my MIL have their own weirdness, and my husband and I agreed early on that we would deal with our respective families, so while I don't mind speaking up, he has to back me. I'm his wife - I take precedence over his mother, and if he agrees with her, then we discuss it privately, NOT in front of her or anyone else.

    Maybe she's speaking out of habit, albeit a dated one. Last summer we spent a week on vacation with my parents when our son was a few months old, and my mom slipped a few times calling him "her" baby and referring to herself as "mama." She quickly corrected herself to say "grandma," and I've admittedly slipped while playing with my nephew who's close in age to my son. (As in, "Mama's right here - I mean, I'm right here," though admittedly I am in the midst of raising a toddler.) Since my mom does not have a weird, unhealthy attachment to our son, it didn't bother me.

    However, your MIL's use of the word "our" - like it's hers and your husband's baby, or yours, hers, and your husband's - is very strange! I think that would bother me enough to say something.

    It's so funny you say that because I am a lawyer and here in Nevada I believe there are grandparents' rights (my aunt went through it with my cousin) but I don't know a whole lot about it since my practice area is in-house (UnitedHealthcare). However, my MIL is VERY careful not to piss my husband off in any way. Without going into detail, he had a rough childhood with her (both him and his sis) and is closer to his dad than to her. She is 50, he's 30. By comparison, my parents are 63, I'm 28. While I don't think age is "THE" factor, it played a huge role in how we were each raised, and he has more of a "friend" type relationship with his mom than anything else. He looks like his mom but takes after his dad personality-wise because she wasn't around for the majority of his childhood (parents are divorced). You're exactly right that he should be the one to handle her! I have discussed things with him and I know that if anything gets out of hand or if I get upset, he will take care of it.

    With the Thanksgiving thing, she called me the Friday before the holiday (and he hadn't talked to her yet) and said she told grandma not to talk about certain things, etc. because she knew what was going on. I was candid and told her that Rob still wanted to talk to her about some things, and that he would call her and let her know what our plans were. I'm very careful about what I say these days because I don't want to step in between them, he needs to deal with it (although if something happens directly to me I will handle it as well). So then I heard about her making the comment about not being able to see her grandbaby and I knew that it's because she's worried about how he reacts to things. He won't hesitate to 86 someone but it would take a lot to prevent someone from seeing our baby. That being said, my concern is I don't want her to use our baby to try to make up for what she didn't do for him and his sister. I honestly don't think it'll get to that point but it's in the back of my mind and he's aware of it, so I am just focusing on us for the time being and we will deal with things if/when they happen. I don't have ANY problems whatsoever with my parents, they're awesome and would never overstep. I have an excellent relationship with both of them. This is his mom's first grandchild and his sister does not want children, so I am just concerned that she'll go all crazy lol. You may not have read my previous post but on 4th of July when we were at her house, she said she can't wait to "have her own baby", referring to our child. I corrected her right then and there!
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    I can't say this didn't bother me before because I could not have encountered it before but....

    My husband told a co-worker our babies name Zulma (his late mom's name) well apparently it's not just a Puerto Rican name she knows it because it's Russian too, and Arlena is also a russian equivolent because they both mean peace. (now you have the background) So he comes home, tells me all this then says "so, Zulma Arlena Eileen (my mom's middle name)"....then he got all "what why don't you like it" when I said "no." #1 I am not giving my child two middle names #2 we aren't russian #3 no one will ever pronounce Arlena as pretty as my husband does and #4 our babie's name is very significant to both of us, I'm not throwing some other random name in there just because it also happens to mean peace!......I know it's totally irrational but I was fuming that he would even mention it!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    It's so funny you say that because I am a lawyer and here in Nevada I believe there are grandparents' rights (my aunt went through it with my cousin) but I don't know a whole lot about it since my practice area is in-house (UnitedHealthcare). However, my MIL is VERY careful not to piss my husband off in any way. Without going into detail, he had a rough childhood with her (both him and his sis) and is closer to his dad than to her. She is 50, he's 30. By comparison, my parents are 63, I'm 28. While I don't think age is "THE" factor, it played a huge role in how we were each raised, and he has more of a "friend" type relationship with his mom than anything else. He looks like his mom but takes after his dad personality-wise because she wasn't around for the majority of his childhood (parents are divorced). You're exactly right that he should be the one to handle her! I have discussed things with him and I know that if anything gets out of hand or if I get upset, he will take care of it.

    With the Thanksgiving thing, she called me the Friday before the holiday (and he hadn't talked to her yet) and said she told grandma not to talk about certain things, etc. because she knew what was going on. I was candid and told her that Rob still wanted to talk to her about some things, and that he would call her and let her know what our plans were. I'm very careful about what I say these days because I don't want to step in between them, he needs to deal with it (although if something happens directly to me I will handle it as well). So then I heard about her making the comment about not being able to see her grandbaby and I knew that it's because she's worried about how he reacts to things. He won't hesitate to 86 someone but it would take a lot to prevent someone from seeing our baby. That being said, my concern is I don't want her to use our baby to try to make up for what she didn't do for him and his sister. I honestly don't think it'll get to that point but it's in the back of my mind and he's aware of it, so I am just focusing on us for the time being and we will deal with things if/when they happen. I don't have ANY problems whatsoever with my parents, they're awesome and would never overstep. I have an excellent relationship with both of them. This is his mom's first grandchild and his sister does not want children, so I am just concerned that she'll go all crazy lol. You may not have read my previous post but on 4th of July when we were at her house, she said she can't wait to "have her own baby", referring to our child. I corrected her right then and there!

    I just did a little internet research, which we all know is Gospel Truth, and apparently there is some variation from state to state on grandparent visitation. Very few states allow it without considering the child's parents (essentially, the grandparents' child), but basically in most states, and here in SC, the grandparents' visitation depends on their child's (the parent's) visitation with the child in question. So if, say, dad is denied visitation, his parents also get no visitation unless the mother allows it of her own accord - the courts can't do anything to enforce that. The problem with grandparent visitation, especially when the parent has no visitation or has supervised visitation, is that the grandparents will often let the parent (who's not supposed to have visitation or unsupervised visitation) see the child, unsupervised.

    Anyhow, now that everyone has gotten their legal lesson for the day... Your MIL sounds really, um, interesting. I do remember your previous story about how she kept referring to your baby as "her baby." She needs to step back and realize that this isn't her chance for a do-over! I would keep her at arm's length, and hopefully your husband will draw boundaries with her whenever necessary. At least you recognize the weirdness before it completely manifests itself, though!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I can't say this didn't bother me before because I could not have encountered it before but....

    My husband told a co-worker our babies name Zulma (his late mom's name) well apparently it's not just a Puerto Rican name she knows it because it's Russian too, and Arlena is also a russian equivolent because they both mean peace. (now you have the background) So he comes home, tells me all this then says "so, Zulma Arlena Eileen (my mom's middle name)"....then he got all "what why don't you like it" when I said "no." #1 I am not giving my child two middle names #2 we aren't russian #3 no one will ever pronounce Arlena as pretty as my husband does and #4 our babie's name is very significant to both of us, I'm not throwing some other random name in there just because it also happens to mean peace!......I know it's totally irrational but I was fuming that he would even mention it!

    Not irrational to neg the name - but it sounds irrational of him to push it on you, especially when you were already settled on a name.

    For the record, one of my nephews has two middle names. Now that he's getting a bit older, he ends up having to drop the second middle name on official forms, etc., so it's like the second one never existed. Meaning your mom's middle name would get shoved out, eventually.
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    I can't say this didn't bother me before because I could not have encountered it before but....

    My husband told a co-worker our babies name Zulma (his late mom's name) well apparently it's not just a Puerto Rican name she knows it because it's Russian too, and Arlena is also a russian equivolent because they both mean peace. (now you have the background) So he comes home, tells me all this then says "so, Zulma Arlena Eileen (my mom's middle name)"....then he got all "what why don't you like it" when I said "no." #1 I am not giving my child two middle names #2 we aren't russian #3 no one will ever pronounce Arlena as pretty as my husband does and #4 our babie's name is very significant to both of us, I'm not throwing some other random name in there just because it also happens to mean peace!......I know it's totally irrational but I was fuming that he would even mention it!

    Not irrational to neg the name - but it sounds irrational of him to push it on you, especially when you were already settled on a name.

    For the record, one of my nephews has two middle names. Now that he's getting a bit older, he ends up having to drop the second middle name on official forms, etc., so it's like the second one never existed. Meaning your mom's middle name would get shoved out, eventually.

    EXACTLY! That's what I said, "i am not writing that one every form +most forms don't have room for it".....he's not pushing the name really, it was more that he mentioned it and was a little bummed I nixed it, but I was pissed he even mentioned it. i think today the full force of pregnancy hormones have it. I've been relatively stable for the last 5 months so I guess it's time for me to get a lot pissed over little thing.
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    It's so funny you say that because I am a lawyer and here in Nevada I believe there are grandparents' rights (my aunt went through it with my cousin) but I don't know a whole lot about it since my practice area is in-house (UnitedHealthcare). However, my MIL is VERY careful not to piss my husband off in any way. Without going into detail, he had a rough childhood with her (both him and his sis) and is closer to his dad than to her. She is 50, he's 30. By comparison, my parents are 63, I'm 28. While I don't think age is "THE" factor, it played a huge role in how we were each raised, and he has more of a "friend" type relationship with his mom than anything else. He looks like his mom but takes after his dad personality-wise because she wasn't around for the majority of his childhood (parents are divorced). You're exactly right that he should be the one to handle her! I have discussed things with him and I know that if anything gets out of hand or if I get upset, he will take care of it.

    With the Thanksgiving thing, she called me the Friday before the holiday (and he hadn't talked to her yet) and said she told grandma not to talk about certain things, etc. because she knew what was going on. I was candid and told her that Rob still wanted to talk to her about some things, and that he would call her and let her know what our plans were. I'm very careful about what I say these days because I don't want to step in between them, he needs to deal with it (although if something happens directly to me I will handle it as well). So then I heard about her making the comment about not being able to see her grandbaby and I knew that it's because she's worried about how he reacts to things. He won't hesitate to 86 someone but it would take a lot to prevent someone from seeing our baby. That being said, my concern is I don't want her to use our baby to try to make up for what she didn't do for him and his sister. I honestly don't think it'll get to that point but it's in the back of my mind and he's aware of it, so I am just focusing on us for the time being and we will deal with things if/when they happen. I don't have ANY problems whatsoever with my parents, they're awesome and would never overstep. I have an excellent relationship with both of them. This is his mom's first grandchild and his sister does not want children, so I am just concerned that she'll go all crazy lol. You may not have read my previous post but on 4th of July when we were at her house, she said she can't wait to "have her own baby", referring to our child. I corrected her right then and there!

    I just did a little internet research, which we all know is Gospel Truth, and apparently there is some variation from state to state on grandparent visitation. Very few states allow it without considering the child's parents (essentially, the grandparents' child), but basically in most states, and here in SC, the grandparents' visitation depends on their child's (the parent's) visitation with the child in question. So if, say, dad is denied visitation, his parents also get no visitation unless the mother allows it of her own accord - the courts can't do anything to enforce that. The problem with grandparent visitation, especially when the parent has no visitation or has supervised visitation, is that the grandparents will often let the parent (who's not supposed to have visitation or unsupervised visitation) see the child, unsupervised.

    Anyhow, now that everyone has gotten their legal lesson for the day... Your MIL sounds really, um, interesting. I do remember your previous story about how she kept referring to your baby as "her baby." She needs to step back and realize that this isn't her chance for a do-over! I would keep her at arm's length, and hopefully your husband will draw boundaries with her whenever necessary. At least you recognize the weirdness before it completely manifests itself, though!

    That's interesting about the grandparents' rights, I've never read up on it or anything. Thanks for the info! :-)

    I love the word you used - interesting. That's definitely the best adjective LOL. While I haven't said anything directly to her regarding those comments, I try to negate them whenever I can. Yesterday I sent her a text giving her an update from my doctor's appointment and said, "My little Brock weighs 2 lbs. 15 oz." and I do things like that at every opportunity. I don't go out of my way to emphasize that my child is mine but I do make a little extra effort here and there. My husband knows I'm very apprehensive about things getting out of hand after he's born, but at least I know that she won't do anything to piss my husband off since her greatest fear is him retaliating by keeping the baby from her. I have other concerns as well when it comes to her babysitting, etc. My mom is our primary babysitter but I've heard some stories and talked to his dad about his mom. Granted she has changed a lot in 20 years, but I just don't know how she's going to react to all of this. My husband took a daddy boot camp class that was really beneficial for him, and one of the guys in there said that as soon as his first baby was born he understood what his wife was going through while being pregnant and very territorial. He would only let certain people hold the baby at first and not for too long. I know we will be like that too. I already have my claws out since I'm carrying him and have the emotional/hormonal connection, and I know once my husband holds our son for the first time it'll kick in for him too!

    Edit: I just looked at Facebook and yesterday my husband posted "Baby already weighs about three pounds, he's going to be a big boy!" In the comments his dad posted, "So how is "Our" Baby doing?" He's not afraid to push the envelope with his ex-wife, I'm leaving that one alone LOL.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Edit: I just looked at Facebook and yesterday my husband posted "Baby already weighs about three pounds, he's going to be a big boy!" In the comments his dad posted, "So how is "Our" Baby doing?" He's not afraid to push the envelope with his ex-wife, I'm leaving that one alone LOL.

    At least you have someone else on your side!
  • Does anyone else's stomach make embarrassing noises from heck? That is bothering me right now!
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    Edit: I just looked at Facebook and yesterday my husband posted "Baby already weighs about three pounds, he's going to be a big boy!" In the comments his dad posted, "So how is "Our" Baby doing?" He's not afraid to push the envelope with his ex-wife, I'm leaving that one alone LOL.

    At least you have someone else on your side!

    YES! He understands me being territorial and is a total smartass, which I love haha.
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    Does anyone else's stomach make embarrassing noises from heck? That is bothering me right now!

    I haven't had that exact problem but I do burp a heck of a lot more than I used to, to the point where it gets annoying!
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    It bothers me that maternity clothes mostly seem to be made for women without hips or butts, which is ironic, since they're MATERNITY!. I had both before I got pregnant and even though ONLY my stomach has grown, I'm still a curvy lady and I'm 6' 0". Throw me a bone please! Grr.
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    It bothers me that maternity clothes mostly seem to be made for women without hips or butts, which is ironic, since they're MATERNITY!. I had both before I got pregnant and even though ONLY my stomach has grown, I'm still a curvy lady and I'm 6' 0". Throw me a bone please! Grr.
    I have had a problem finding shirts and pants that are long enough. I am in the last few weeks and pretty much dont care how i look so i just wear my boyfriends shirts and old sweatshirts from my fat days. I look like a frumpy housewife! lol
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    It bothers me that maternity clothes mostly seem to be made for women without hips or butts, which is ironic, since they're MATERNITY!. I had both before I got pregnant and even though ONLY my stomach has grown, I'm still a curvy lady and I'm 6' 0". Throw me a bone please! Grr.
    I have had a problem finding shirts and pants that are long enough. I am in the last few weeks and pretty much dont care how i look so i just wear my boyfriends shirts and old sweatshirts from my fat days. I look like a frumpy housewife! lol

    This^^ I have a couple maternity shirts but I feel like I wear them all the time! I'm glad I kept some of my fat shirts bc those are the ones I've been wearing...and at 9 months pregnant they're still big! THAT makes me feel good lol
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    It bothers me that maternity clothes mostly seem to be made for women without hips or butts, which is ironic, since they're MATERNITY!. I had both before I got pregnant and even though ONLY my stomach has grown, I'm still a curvy lady and I'm 6' 0". Throw me a bone please! Grr.
    I have had a problem finding shirts and pants that are long enough. I am in the last few weeks and pretty much dont care how i look so i just wear my boyfriends shirts and old sweatshirts from my fat days. I look like a frumpy housewife! lol

    This^^ I have a couple maternity shirts but I feel like I wear them all the time! I'm glad I kept some of my fat shirts bc those are the ones I've been wearing...and at 9 months pregnant they're still big! THAT makes me feel good lol

    I hate how hard I had to work to find maternity clothes that didn't look terrible. I am also tall (5'9") so a lot of things (especially pants) I tried on were just proportionally ridiculous. My husband and I are more than likely going to adopt our next child. He has two sons from a previous marriage, this one will be a boy, I've always wanted to adopt, and we (all of us, my step-sons included) would like a little girl (which we could pretty much control through adoption). That said, there is a small chance we may have one more that is biologically our own. And based on that small chance, I am donating most of my tops, etc, but I will not be parting with my pants. They were too hard to find to risk having to go through all that work to find more ever again.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    It's official. I have permanent cankles and can't reach my feet anymore.... hrmph
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    It bothers me that maternity clothes mostly seem to be made for women without hips or butts, which is ironic, since they're MATERNITY!. I had both before I got pregnant and even though ONLY my stomach has grown, I'm still a curvy lady and I'm 6' 0". Throw me a bone please! Grr.
    I have had a problem finding shirts and pants that are long enough. I am in the last few weeks and pretty much dont care how i look so i just wear my boyfriends shirts and old sweatshirts from my fat days. I look like a frumpy housewife! lol

    This^^ I have a couple maternity shirts but I feel like I wear them all the time! I'm glad I kept some of my fat shirts bc those are the ones I've been wearing...and at 9 months pregnant they're still big! THAT makes me feel good lol

    I hate how hard I had to work to find maternity clothes that didn't look terrible. I am also tall (5'9") so a lot of things (especially pants) I tried on were just proportionally ridiculous. My husband and I are more than likely going to adopt our next child. He has two sons from a previous marriage, this one will be a boy, I've always wanted to adopt, and we (all of us, my step-sons included) would like a little girl (which we could pretty much control through adoption). That said, there is a small chance we may have one more that is biologically our own. And based on that small chance, I am donating most of my tops, etc, but I will not be parting with my pants. They were too hard to find to risk having to go through all that work to find more ever again.

    I haven't bought any pants except yoga capris, I've been wearing mostly dresses to work, either long ones or shorter ones with tights and boots. I did get some nice maternity tights that I'm getting good wear out of. I justified spending some $$ at Gap for maternity shirts (their Pure Body line is awesome) because they're ruched on the sides and will be really long like tunics post-partum. The long-sleeved ones are great but they only have three boring neutral colors. I also have quite the open cardigan collection now! They're so comfy and will double as nursing wraps so I'm sure I must own like, 20 LOL. I've tried to find more dresses and such but the current styles are awful, and I can't find any full-length pants (even yoga pants) that are long enough. Bleh! Oh well, less than 3 months left for me.
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    What's getting increasingly more annoying is when people ask me and/or the hubs about whether we plan on having a medicated birth, and when we give our answer they get all uppity, pass judgment and say stupid crap. How about next time mind your own business in the first place? GRR.
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    What's getting increasingly more annoying is when people ask me and/or the hubs about whether we plan on having a medicated birth, and when we give our answer they get all uppity, pass judgment and say stupid crap. How about next time mind your own business in the first place? GRR.

    Are you having one? I totally am. I thought it would be great to do non-medicated, and then I realized I don't deal well with pain. Actually, the doctor told me that with my back issues, it could be dangerous for me to do non-medicated.

    As for me, I don't care how you want to get your baby out--non-medicated, with epidural, c-section. Whatever. Just don't be passing judgement if I choose not to do things the way you do.

    This and the whole "Breast feed or die!" movement really annoys me. (Edited to note that I do plan to breast feed, but if it doesn't work out for me, I'm not going to beat myself up either.)
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    What's getting increasingly more annoying is when people ask me and/or the hubs about whether we plan on having a medicated birth, and when we give our answer they get all uppity, pass judgment and say stupid crap. How about next time mind your own business in the first place? GRR.

    Are you having one? I totally am. I thought it would be great to do non-medicated, and then I realized I don't deal well with pain. Actually, the doctor told me that with my back issues, it could be dangerous for me to do non-medicated.

    As for me, I don't care how you want to get your baby out--non-medicated, with epidural, c-section. Whatever. Just don't be passing judgement if I choose not to do things the way you do.

    This and the whole "Breast feed or die!" movement really annoys me. (Edited to note that I do plan to breast feed, but if it doesn't work out for me, I'm not going to beat myself up either.)

    Actually it's the opposite for us. I am planning on non-medicated and have done a lot of preparation, research, etc. and we also hired a doula to help us out. However, I would never diss on anyone for not doing things the way I did or for any other reason because I believe people make the decision that is best for them. I'm also open for things to change because nothing will go exactly the way I want/expect and that's fine. My husband has been hearing it from both men and women at his workplace "Oh your wife won't be able to handle childbirth without an epidural" or "Oh she says that now but just wait until she's in labor." So they ask what our plans are and then act like total jerks.
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    What's getting increasingly more annoying is when people ask me and/or the hubs about whether we plan on having a medicated birth, and when we give our answer they get all uppity, pass judgment and say stupid crap. How about next time mind your own business in the first place? GRR.

    Are you having one? I totally am. I thought it would be great to do non-medicated, and then I realized I don't deal well with pain. Actually, the doctor told me that with my back issues, it could be dangerous for me to do non-medicated.

    As for me, I don't care how you want to get your baby out--non-medicated, with epidural, c-section. Whatever. Just don't be passing judgement if I choose not to do things the way you do.

    This and the whole "Breast feed or die!" movement really annoys me. (Edited to note that I do plan to breast feed, but if it doesn't work out for me, I'm not going to beat myself up either.)

    Actually it's the opposite for us. I am planning on non-medicated and have done a lot of preparation, research, etc. and we also hired a doula to help us out. However, I would never diss on anyone for not doing things the way I did or for any other reason because I believe people make the decision that is best for them. I'm also open for things to change because nothing will go exactly the way I want/expect and that's fine. My husband has been hearing it from both men and women at his workplace "Oh your wife won't be able to handle childbirth without an epidural" or "Oh she says that now but just wait until she's in labor." So they ask what our plans are and then act like total jerks.

    So annoying! Of course you can have a non-medicated birth. That's the only way people did it for years, and lots of people do that now. I just really don't get the judgement (I guess, from all camps.)

    My own dearly beloved husband is actually very anti-C-section, which I find annoying. I am not planning to have one, but he will say stuff like (and I'm paraphrasing), "I really don't want you to have one. Women who have C-sections don't produce a special hormone that helps their bonding experience with their children, and this could make them not connect to them as well." Now, please keep in mind, my husband would never in a million years share that opinion with anyone other than me. In other words, he's not one to push an agenda. But I just think it's absurd. One of my dear friends had both of her two children by C-section, and I've honestly never seen anyone so devoted or loving toward her children. Hence, the point about the C-section...just absurd.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    My own dearly beloved husband is actually very anti-C-section, which I find annoying. I am not planning to have one, but he will say stuff like (and I'm paraphrasing), "I really don't want you to have one. Women who have C-sections don't produce a special hormone that helps their bonding experience with their children, and this could make them not connect to them as well." Now, please keep in mind, my husband would never in a million years share that opinion with anyone other than me. In other words, he's not one to push an agenda. But I just think it's absurd. One of my dear friends had both of her two children by C-section, and I've honestly never seen anyone so devoted or loving toward her children. Hence, the point about the C-section...just absurd.

    What about adoptive parents? I have a really good friend who's adopted, as is her brother, and I don't think I've ever met more wonderful, devoted parents. They also have a biological child, and there's absolutely no difference in treatment between the three. My friend maintains that there wasn't when they were growing up, either.

    My guess is that he read that somewhere about hormonal differences and clung onto it for some reason. He may have some other fear about a c-section (which may be totally legitimate, like you will end up being bedridden (or couch-ridden) for a couple of weeks, meaning he'll have to take on more responsibility) that he's not sharing.
  • BananaCat83
    BananaCat83 Posts: 77 Member
    It drives me crazy now when there is clutter around the house. I usually keep a clean house but now I find myself straightening up constantly. The mess/clutter makes me feel anxious and stressed. I work til 9pm and I've been coming home and cleaning/doing dishes! Totally not like me, lol. DH has been getting better at recognizing this and has been picking up his dishes and whatnot, but just putting them in the sink. Hey buddy, take the extra 20secs to rinse those glasses and put them in the dishwasher! And pick up your socks while you're at it. And sweep up all of these stupid needles from the christmas tree.
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    It drives me crazy now when there is clutter around the house. I usually keep a clean house but now I find myself straightening up constantly. The mess/clutter makes me feel anxious and stressed. I work til 9pm and I've been coming home and cleaning/doing dishes! Totally not like me, lol. DH has been getting better at recognizing this and has been picking up his dishes and whatnot, but just putting them in the sink. Hey buddy, take the extra 20secs to rinse those glasses and put them in the dishwasher! And pick up your socks while you're at it. And sweep up all of these stupid needles from the christmas tree.

    Omg me too!!!!!!!! Its like I can't have one single thing out of place or see any dirt on the floor, I don't even like a dirty dish in the sink!! Hahahaha