Fun topic - What Bothers You Now That Didn't Before?



  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    I thought of another peeve! Sippy cups - the disappearing of them to be specific!!! Dang things are $8 plus tax for 2 of the kind that I like (and you know I am not going to stand for a leaky half *ss sippy cup so I am going to fork out the eight bucks). But they keep disappearing (not on my watch- its my husband and MIL) and I am starting to get pissed!.

    and also for all the MIL rants- mine has not bought her own bottles or sippy cups or kids eating utensils for my children to use at her house for 4 yrs now. I have to supply everything (extra clothes, diapers, wipes, Destin, food, and milk) when they stay with her. And she wants all of those things to stay at her house. It's nice not to tote the diaper bag and I can understand mom supplying the diapers and wipes but for cryin out loud- go to the store and buy your own freakin sippy cups and eating utenisils if u want to keep them at your house and dont keep loosing the ones I have given you and then ask for me to bring another the next time!
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    blink- i was going to tell u earlier not to feel bad ab ur own kids getting on ur nerves. i am right there with u on that.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    IL's were so disappointed with their first grandchild's name that when BIL/SIL were pregnant with #2 they were given a list of suggestions. Included on this list was FIL's name, and all of the male/female variations.

    Wait, what?

    I would have framed it as a testament to how crazy my in-laws were. Holy crap.

    The only name I considered sharing in an effort to "reserve" it* was my late aunt's name. She died four years before I was born, but she was my mother's only sibling. My brothers and sister are all done having kids, but right after I had my son, my BIL and SIL found out she was pregnant. I thought about asking them not to use the name if they had a girl, but I figured it was unlikely, plus they assumed they were having a girl from the start and named her rather early. (Turns out they were right, as was I about their not happening to choose that name.) I have no need to make mention of it again, assuming all goes well, since they are extremely unlikely to have another baby before I have this one.

    *Disclaimer: I am generally against "reserving" baby names. I feel that it is a free-for-all unless it is a name that has a reasonably sentimental meaning to you (and neither said meaning nor a comparable meaning exists for the other person). An example would be that the above-mentioned SIL had a brother who passed away a couple of years ago, and if I were to have another boy, I would not dream of naming him Ben, simply out of respect for her.
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    I'm glad you all love this thread.

    Honestly I was waiting for someone to answer, "Threads like this."

    But then again we probably don't have the meanies that exist on the regular boards :heart: My opinion is, if you don't like the topic, ignore it!
    Actually, LOL
    There is one person in particular that really bothers me.
    This person is also pregnant and every day she whines and complains about something new. Not the same problem, but something new, every day! One day its weight gain, the next its ligament pain, the next its back pain, the next its nausea, etc.....Its really getting annoying!!! I mean ****, already, I feel it too ya know, but I don't need to yell it out on my status update everytime! I just find this person overly dramatic.
    I should just delete this person from my friend list.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    IL's were so disappointed with their first grandchild's name that when BIL/SIL were pregnant with #2 they were given a list of suggestions. Included on this list was FIL's name, and all of the male/female variations.

    Wait, what?

    I would have framed it as a testament to how crazy my in-laws were. Holy crap.

    The only name I considered sharing in an effort to "reserve" it* was my late aunt's name. She died four years before I was born, but she was my mother's only sibling. My brothers and sister are all done having kids, but right after I had my son, my BIL and SIL found out she was pregnant. I thought about asking them not to use the name if they had a girl, but I figured it was unlikely, plus they assumed they were having a girl from the start and named her rather early. (Turns out they were right, as was I about their not happening to choose that name.) I have no need to make mention of it again, assuming all goes well, since they are extremely unlikely to have another baby before I have this one.

    *Disclaimer: I am generally against "reserving" baby names. I feel that it is a free-for-all unless it is a name that has a reasonably sentimental meaning to you (and neither said meaning nor a comparable meaning exists for the other person). An example would be that the above-mentioned SIL had a brother who passed away a couple of years ago, and if I were to have another boy, I would not dream of naming him Ben, simply out of respect for her.

    Yup, true story. DH's family is Polish (DH and BIL were born there) and IL's were disappointed they used the name "Liam" because it is not Polish, nor is it SIL's background of Ukranian. Uh, it was better than some of their other options, and the kid deserves an easy name given how difficult our last name is! #2 (girl) ended up with an easy name that is common in many cultures (and unknowingly to SIL when she chose it, it's also MIL's middle name!), and niece #3 has a common english name, but spelled the french way. :huh:

    Another thing that drives me nuts about MIL and names is that when she makes suggestions she lists off names that are already used in my/our family. "What about X?" "No, it's neiece's name with an extra letter at the beginning. Too confusing!" "What about Y?" "No, that's my cat's name!" (That's right, she suggested my cat's name. And my parents' cat's name!) Just because your family recycles names, doesn't mean I want to. (In DH's family there is FIL, a cousin with FIL's name, and DH/BIL BOTH have FIL's name as their middle name. Plus, DH and a cousin share the same first name. MIL didn't care her brother already chose the name for his son, she decided she wanted to use it, too!)
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    *Disclaimer: I am generally against "reserving" baby names. I feel that it is a free-for-all unless it is a name that has a reasonably sentimental meaning to you (and neither said meaning nor a comparable meaning exists for the other person). An example would be that the above-mentioned SIL had a brother who passed away a couple of years ago, and if I were to have another boy, I would not dream of naming him Ben, simply out of respect for her.

    i really wanted to "reserve" my Grandpa's name and I was so pissed my brother took it. I understand the whole shared sentimental meaning thing but it wasn't my bro who picked the name it was his wife. I had talked about if/when i had a son wanting to name him after papa then she comes along and says "oh we should name him after your grandpa." GRRRR....I still hold a grudge can you tell ;) other than that I love her to death though, and my hubs and I do have an awesome boys name now, though I still would have really liked to name a boy after my Gramps
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Yup, true story. DH's family is Polish (DH and BIL were born there) and IL's were disappointed they used the name "Liam" because it is not Polish, nor is it SIL's background of Ukranian.

    I don't blame them for not choosing a Polish name. Case in point: my Polish grandmother's name was Hedwige (pronounced head-wig). She hated it and was known by all but her parents as "Hattie." Granted there are some very, very pretty Polish names, but most are hard to spell and/or pronounce for English-speakers.
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    wasn't Harry Potter's owl named Hedwige?
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    *Disclaimer: I am generally against "reserving" baby names. I feel that it is a free-for-all unless it is a name that has a reasonably sentimental meaning to you (and neither said meaning nor a comparable meaning exists for the other person). An example would be that the above-mentioned SIL had a brother who passed away a couple of years ago, and if I were to have another boy, I would not dream of naming him Ben, simply out of respect for her.

    i really wanted to "reserve" my Grandpa's name and I was so pissed my brother took it. I understand the whole shared sentimental meaning thing but it wasn't my bro who picked the name it was his wife. I had talked about if/when i had a son wanting to name him after papa then she comes along and says "oh we should name him after your grandpa." GRRRR....I still hold a grudge can you tell ;) other than that I love her to death though, and my hubs and I do have an awesome boys name now, though I still would have really liked to name a boy after my Gramps

    See, that's a tough one because you and your brother would have equal "claims" to the name. However, given that it was your SIL who decided she wanted to use it, if you brother was lukewarm, he should have left it to you. But then again, what if you never had any boys? It's a bit of a quandary.

    If your son and your brother's son won't have the same last name, though, you could potentially still use it. My brother has a very common name, but he was not named after anyone. My aunt had a son much later (when my brother was 20), and she named her son after her husband, who happens to have the same name as my brother. So in my family have two first cousins with the same first name but different last name.

    Honestly I think in a situation like that, if you both had a strong connection to your grandfather and would not be giving your kids the same first name *and* last name, then it would be fair for you to use the name. At worst, you could always use it as a middle name.

    However, if your brother and/or SIL would be totally pissed about this, you'd have to decide if it was a hill worth dying on.

    Or, as you did, you could just choose another name and try to get past it :smile:
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    wasn't Harry Potter's owl named Hedwige?

    I don't know - I never read the books (nor have I seen any of the movies).

    Ok, Google says it's "Hedwig."

    And I know there's some show called "Hedwig and the Angry Inch" about a transsexual punk rocker.

    It just doesn't sound very pretty to me, I guess. I loved my Grandma, though :heart: And Hattie was a cute nickname for her.
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    Lately my dog has been driving me nuts. Bless his heart, I love my 90-pound beast of a German Shepherd, but it seems like every time I sit down to relax then he needs to go outside. Then he won't go to the bathroom right away and just runs around the yard and I get irritated. While in the house, it seems like he's always underfoot and in my way and has almost tripped me a couple times. He was like this before sometimes but I feel really bad because I'm getting so PISSED at him!

    Do we have the same dog? My 90lb german shepherd acts exactly the same! He's almost 2 years old, so he's still a puppy - but always under foot, takes FOREVER to pick a spot to go to the bathroom, etc. He also always wants to sit in my lap while I'm on the couch - uhhh, you don't fit lil guy!

    My baby is a 65lb boxer and he is the same way always under my feet I trip over him constantly he is 2 1/2 and thinks he is a lap dog and he constantly wants me to take him for walks and he doesn't understand that I do not move as fast as I used to my balance is a little off. I did manage to break him from sleeping in my bed. He likes to curl up against my stomach and now that I am getting bigger I am running out of room on my bed. I made him his very own sleep pillow and put it on the floor right next to the bed on my side so I can reach over and pet him. My husband thinks I baby him but I do love my puppy he is a good boy and I want him to adjust to the baby well so I try not to ignore him.

    Our dog is crated when we aren't home and at night during sleep so thank goodness I don't have the bed and couch problem LOL! I agree with both the potty issues and the walking thing, our dogs are alike! Mine is just over 19 monts so he's still a puppy too. He's been better lately because he IS trained, he's just in the teenage phase where he tries to play dumb and I have to be persistent. WIth walking I've had to go slower because I have some pelvic pain and stuff, but at least he doesn't pull me too bad.
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    This just made me think about something my SIL told me... She and her husband (aka, my brother, the *MD*) have one child, and they signed up for a 2-day childbirth class over a weekend. It was taught by an L&D nurse, which is pretty standard, and my brother, in his haughty I'm-a-medical-resident way, decided that she didn't know what she was talking about, so they skipped the second day.

    Then, when they were leaving the hospital after my niece was born, my brother asked why his wife was being discharged because she was still bleeding! :laugh:

    When I heard that, I literally smacked him on the head and told him that's why they should have gone to the second day of childbirth class. Just because you're a doctor doesn't mean you know everything about every field of medicine!!!

    This just made me laugh hysterically LOL... I needed that!
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    Other than that I haven't been too bad. Facebook has been an issue though too. I "checked in" at a Mexican place a few weeks ago and my mother in law's cousin (whom I've never met) gets on there and comments that I'd better eat all my spicy food now because if I want to breastfeed, I can't. Then I retorted and my cousin's wife said I'd better give it up or I'll have a crabby baby. Um... HELLO... I haven't even had the baby yet, most of that crap is just a myth, and how about I find out for myself??? I can't even say where I'm eating without people talking smack. I just deleted the entire post. I'm also planning a natural birth and going to use cloth diapers, and I've done my research and all that.... everyone is criticizing me and saying I won't be able to do it. Well, that just gives me more willpower! Every mom does her own thing and especially for us first time mothers, we learn from experience. Leave me to mine!

    Wow, people need to shut their pieholes!

    I ate a lot of Mexican the first time I was pregnant, and my son was/is far from crabby. Though I probably just jinxed myself with that.

    Right?! Most of the issues with breastfeeding and food problems arise from allergies, like wheat, dairy, eggs, soy, etc. NOT spicy food! Plus what I am eating right now is what baby Brock is getting used to (that's our son's name) and to heck with what other people say anyway. The same cousin who started all that crap also leaves weird comments on my pictures. My profile pic is the one I posted yesterday and she wrote, "Colorful kid." I know it's not mean of her or anything to say that but literally everything she says makes me raise an eyebrow. If she is ANYTHING like my MIL's mom, which I know she is, then it explains a lot. I can only take her in very small doses, so thank goodness she lives on the east coast in NC (I'm in Vegas). Nice lady but overbearing, annoying, and writing me pages and pages about how I need to be informed about childbirth and C-sections and all this crap... listen lady, I got this, okay? Hahahaha.

    Just got another example of cousin's weird comments... I posted "Life is Good" and she said, "I'm glad you know that..."

  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    Haha! That is so funny about your in-laws passing on a list of names they like. My MIL actually did the same. She initially told me that she liked the name Jayden. Then she sent my husband an email with names she likes (Jayden heading the list). We're Jewish and the "J" is to honor my husband's brother/her son who died way too young a couple of years ago. I do understand where she is coming from. The thing is though, neither of us is crazy about J names (I'm allowed to say that because I have the most common one of all), and we're thinking we'll find one that is acceptable to us and use it as our son's middle name. The name we chose for the his first starts with a G to honor my grandfather. I hope my MIL is not too pissed when we reveal this. (Eeeks.)
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    My boyfriend will not read any of the books i have bought him about the baby. He doesnt look things up on line or anything. Basically he know nothing about how the baby grows, i have to tell him all these things. Another thing that irritates me is that he decided to join a bowling league with his brothers for guys nite on hte only night my hospital offers childbirth classes. Now i know my boyfriend is very happy about the baby but man it makes me feel like he could give a **** when he doesnt do any research on his own. Its like he relies on me to get all the info and tell him. What i wouldnt give to hear him tell me something about the baby that I have not found out yet!! Dont get me wrong I LOVE HIM will all my heart but there sure are sometimes i want to smack the crap outta him. lol

    Yup- mine is in a pool league on Wednesdays which is the only night childbirth classes are offered. He didn't have a choice though- he's attending the classes. He wants a medal or a pat on the back for missing pool. He's such a great guy to give up pool for me and the baby... blah!

    He only knows what I tell him too. There have been a few surprising moments though. He told me was looking up daycare rules at work. I thought that was really nice (except we still haven't found a daycare to take the baby to!).
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    *Disclaimer: I am generally against "reserving" baby names. I feel that it is a free-for-all unless it is a name that has a reasonably sentimental meaning to you (and neither said meaning nor a comparable meaning exists for the other person). An example would be that the above-mentioned SIL had a brother who passed away a couple of years ago, and if I were to have another boy, I would not dream of naming him Ben, simply out of respect for her.

    i really wanted to "reserve" my Grandpa's name and I was so pissed my brother took it. I understand the whole shared sentimental meaning thing but it wasn't my bro who picked the name it was his wife. I had talked about if/when i had a son wanting to name him after papa then she comes along and says "oh we should name him after your grandpa." GRRRR....I still hold a grudge can you tell ;) other than that I love her to death though, and my hubs and I do have an awesome boys name now, though I still would have really liked to name a boy after my Gramps

    My SIL did that to me and yes I am still mad at her and its been 5 years. She asked me what would I have named my son if he had been a girl and like an idiot I told her not knowing that she recently found out she was pregnant and she ended up having a girl and stole my name. Now I am having a girl and still have no name. I do not tell anyone now because of that. Now my husband blabs it to anyone who will listen even after I tell him not to. Perfect example he told his mother a name we were considering and all she heard was this is the babies name and she posted it all over facebook she had some nerve. Now my parents mean well but they give their two cents all the time with "ideas." Although this was hilarious my husband wanted an irish name this time around and I foolishly agreed told my mom about it and she set to work on the internet and printed off a list of irish names now not all were crazy but most of them we couldn't pronounce or even say needless to say after that he decided he wasn't going to be that picky.
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    *Disclaimer: I am generally against "reserving" baby names. I feel that it is a free-for-all unless it is a name that has a reasonably sentimental meaning to you (and neither said meaning nor a comparable meaning exists for the other person). An example would be that the above-mentioned SIL had a brother who passed away a couple of years ago, and if I were to have another boy, I would not dream of naming him Ben, simply out of respect for her.

    i really wanted to "reserve" my Grandpa's name and I was so pissed my brother took it. I understand the whole shared sentimental meaning thing but it wasn't my bro who picked the name it was his wife. I had talked about if/when i had a son wanting to name him after papa then she comes along and says "oh we should name him after your grandpa." GRRRR....I still hold a grudge can you tell ;) other than that I love her to death though, and my hubs and I do have an awesome boys name now, though I still would have really liked to name a boy after my Gramps

    My SIL did that to me and yes I am still mad at her and its been 5 years. She asked me what would I have named my son if he had been a girl and like an idiot I told her not knowing that she recently found out she was pregnant and she ended up having a girl and stole my name. Now I am having a girl and still have no name. I do not tell anyone now because of that. Now my husband blabs it to anyone who will listen even after I tell him not to. Perfect example he told his mother a name we were considering and all she heard was this is the babies name and she posted it all over facebook she had some nerve. Now my parents mean well but they give their two cents all the time with "ideas." Although this was hilarious my husband wanted an irish name this time around and I foolishly agreed told my mom about it and she set to work on the internet and printed off a list of irish names now not all were crazy but most of them we couldn't pronounce or even say needless to say after that he decided he wasn't going to be that picky.

    I must be one of the lucky ones! other than my inlaws not showing much interest in the name we picked , no one else in the family has given us suggestions. Even before we picked the name no one was pushy about anything. I decided that Colton's middle name would honor my late grandfather, my MIL was kinda ehhh about it but my grandmother cried, she said it meant so much to her and that Peepaw ( my late grandfather would make sure he is his guardian angel) I couldnt ask for more than that.

    With all the problems you guys are having with names, i think it may be wise to just keep it between you and your partner and when someone suggests something just let it go in one ear and out the other. Remember this is YOUR baby not THEIRS!
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    *Disclaimer: I am generally against "reserving" baby names. I feel that it is a free-for-all unless it is a name that has a reasonably sentimental meaning to you (and neither said meaning nor a comparable meaning exists for the other person). An example would be that the above-mentioned SIL had a brother who passed away a couple of years ago, and if I were to have another boy, I would not dream of naming him Ben, simply out of respect for her.

    i really wanted to "reserve" my Grandpa's name and I was so pissed my brother took it. I understand the whole shared sentimental meaning thing but it wasn't my bro who picked the name it was his wife. I had talked about if/when i had a son wanting to name him after papa then she comes along and says "oh we should name him after your grandpa." GRRRR....I still hold a grudge can you tell ;) other than that I love her to death though, and my hubs and I do have an awesome boys name now, though I still would have really liked to name a boy after my Gramps

    My SIL did that to me and yes I am still mad at her and its been 5 years. She asked me what would I have named my son if he had been a girl and like an idiot I told her not knowing that she recently found out she was pregnant and she ended up having a girl and stole my name. Now I am having a girl and still have no name. I do not tell anyone now because of that. Now my husband blabs it to anyone who will listen even after I tell him not to. Perfect example he told his mother a name we were considering and all she heard was this is the babies name and she posted it all over facebook she had some nerve. Now my parents mean well but they give their two cents all the time with "ideas." Although this was hilarious my husband wanted an irish name this time around and I foolishly agreed told my mom about it and she set to work on the internet and printed off a list of irish names now not all were crazy but most of them we couldn't pronounce or even say needless to say after that he decided he wasn't going to be that picky.

    I must be one of the lucky ones! other than my inlaws not showing much interest in the name we picked , no one else in the family has given us suggestions. Even before we picked the name no one was pushy about anything. I decided that Colton's middle name would honor my late grandfather, my MIL was kinda ehhh about it but my grandmother cried, she said it meant so much to her and that Peepaw ( my late grandfather would make sure he is his guardian angel) I couldnt ask for more than that.

    With all the problems you guys are having with names, i think it may be wise to just keep it between you and your partner and when someone suggests something just let it go in one ear and out the other. Remember this is YOUR baby not THEIRS!

    She's so right! We already had one name picked out for each sex and would not tell anyone what they were. Then when we found out it's a boy, we made an announcement and included his name - Brock Stanley Crofford. Some people don't like it but I couldn't care less.
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    *Disclaimer: I am generally against "reserving" baby names. I feel that it is a free-for-all unless it is a name that has a reasonably sentimental meaning to you (and neither said meaning nor a comparable meaning exists for the other person). An example would be that the above-mentioned SIL had a brother who passed away a couple of years ago, and if I were to have another boy, I would not dream of naming him Ben, simply out of respect for her.

    i really wanted to "reserve" my Grandpa's name and I was so pissed my brother took it. I understand the whole shared sentimental meaning thing but it wasn't my bro who picked the name it was his wife. I had talked about if/when i had a son wanting to name him after papa then she comes along and says "oh we should name him after your grandpa." GRRRR....I still hold a grudge can you tell ;) other than that I love her to death though, and my hubs and I do have an awesome boys name now, though I still would have really liked to name a boy after my Gramps

    My SIL did that to me and yes I am still mad at her and its been 5 years. She asked me what would I have named my son if he had been a girl and like an idiot I told her not knowing that she recently found out she was pregnant and she ended up having a girl and stole my name. Now I am having a girl and still have no name. I do not tell anyone now because of that. Now my husband blabs it to anyone who will listen even after I tell him not to. Perfect example he told his mother a name we were considering and all she heard was this is the babies name and she posted it all over facebook she had some nerve. Now my parents mean well but they give their two cents all the time with "ideas." Although this was hilarious my husband wanted an irish name this time around and I foolishly agreed told my mom about it and she set to work on the internet and printed off a list of irish names now not all were crazy but most of them we couldn't pronounce or even say needless to say after that he decided he wasn't going to be that picky.

    I must be one of the lucky ones! other than my inlaws not showing much interest in the name we picked , no one else in the family has given us suggestions. Even before we picked the name no one was pushy about anything. I decided that Colton's middle name would honor my late grandfather, my MIL was kinda ehhh about it but my grandmother cried, she said it meant so much to her and that Peepaw ( my late grandfather would make sure he is his guardian angel) I couldnt ask for more than that.

    With all the problems you guys are having with names, i think it may be wise to just keep it between you and your partner and when someone suggests something just let it go in one ear and out the other. Remember this is YOUR baby not THEIRS!

    She's so right! We already had one name picked out for each sex and would not tell anyone what they were. Then when we found out it's a boy, we made an announcement and included his name - Brock Stanley Crofford. Some people don't like it but I couldn't care less.

    Brock was actually a name i liked when we were coming up with a boys name. I loved the show Reba and her ex husbands name was Brock i always though it was cool.
  • mainesm
    mainesm Posts: 107 Member
    Things that bother me now that didn't before?

    hmm I can't think of anything new at the moment, but I can tell you that EVERYTHING has intensified. I've had a lot of life changes in the past 6 months. New house, new job and pregnant!!! I've always been emotional here and there... but last night was off the charts!!!
    I cried my self home from work b/c I got all the way out of the building before I realized I couldn't find my keys. So I walked my happy @$$ back to my desk, only to find my keys in the purse!!! While walking back out to my car I started thinking about how I have no "friends" to talk to in my division. No one cares about me unless they need a conference room booked. I was a mess. I got better during dinner but then DH and I sat down to watch SOA. They unexpectedly and very brutally killed of my fav. character - I BAWLED!!!!! and swore I am never watching the show again... I didn't sleep well last night. Kept replaying the scene in my head. Even this morning I was still having a self pity party at my desk.

    But also since being pregnant, I've cried over Comcast Internet trying to charge me for a wireless router and over DirectTV not being about to give us service.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Things that bother me now that didn't before?

    hmm I can't think of anything new at the moment, but I can tell you that EVERYTHING has intensified. I've had a lot of life changes in the past 6 months. New house, new job and pregnant!!! I've always been emotional here and there... but last night was off the charts!!!
    I cried my self home from work b/c I got all the way out of the building before I realized I couldn't find my keys. So I walked my happy @$$ back to my desk, only to find my keys in the purse!!! While walking back out to my car I started thinking about how I have no "friends" to talk to in my division. No one cares about me unless they need a conference room booked. I was a mess. I got better during dinner but then DH and I sat down to watch SOA. They unexpectedly and very brutally killed of my fav. character - I BAWLED!!!!! and swore I am never watching the show again... I didn't sleep well last night. Kept replaying the scene in my head. Even this morning I was still having a self pity party at my desk.

    But also since being pregnant, I've cried over Comcast Internet trying to charge me for a wireless router and over DirectTV not being about to give us service.

    I have admittedly been really weepy since becoming pregnant. (That was one of the signs - I got choked up about picture day at my son's preschool a little less than a week before I got a positive pregnancy test.) The other day I played "Anything Like Me" by Brad Paisley in the car and started crying when he got to the lines:

    He's gonna hug his mama, he's gonna shake my hand
    He's gonna act like he can't wait to leave
    But as he drives out he'll cry his eyes out
    If he's anything like me

    Another song made me cry yesterday, too, but I can't recall what it was.

    Anyway, it's very weird for me because I am NOT an emotional person. I rarely cry.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    TV. More specifically, when I get home from work I hate that DH has the tv on while he's cooking supper. He has it turned up loud so he can hear the news, and then it automatically gets louder when a commercial comes on. I work in a quiet office, and I find it so annoying to come home to a loud tv, plus the fan over the stove running, pots and pans banging, etc.
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    This thread makes me feel so normal :) I'm glad i'm not alone in all this!....This weekend I made my husband and his dad (he was staying with us for the weekend) breakfast. I plated both of their meals before making my waffle because they were planning to go fishing soon. His dad sat down and hubs said "I'll eat later."....I unplugged the waffle iron, calmly walked into the bedroom, closed the door and bawled my eyes out. I felt so dumb crying over breakfast but I think it was all the stress of the month building up. Sigh...I'm a LITTLE more emotional stable today.
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    I'm revving up this thread again because I'm having a VERY passive-aggressive pregnant b!tch day today, LOL! One thing to add to my list is when my husband's friends don't seem to quite comprehend that he has a baby on the way (and I think others have posted along these lines too). I think some of his friends are starting to get jealous the closer we get to having the baby and it's driving me insane! He has this one friend who is a total workout fanatic and health nut (to the point of obsession, really, I can't even look at the dude's Instagram some days) and he keeps asking my husband to do all these relay races with him and stuff. Sometimes it's joking and other times it's not, and it's starting to really piss me off. Today on Facebook he says to my husband, "We should totally sign up to do the Amazing Race together, it would be so cool and I'd love to have you as my partner." Granted, it's a TV show and slim to none chance they'd get on anyway, but STILL. Sorry, but no way is my husband going to race around the world with you and leave me at home with our baby.
  • I used to not care when friends popped by without an invite now IT DRIVES ME CRAZY.

    We also have a 'roommate' (unpaid of course) living with us. She is 24 and claims office jobs are too boring for her so she works sporadic entertainment industry jobs at $11 an hour rigging lights and unloading stuff. I used to be all 'yeah you can stay with us whatever', but now every time she pays $5 for a beer in bar or buys ANOTHER PAIR of theme socks, or heres the kicker. - the most expensive new android phone or talks about how she needs to get online (you know that internet WE PAY FOR) because modcloth came out with the holiday dresses...I am like WTF!? GET YOUR OWN #$%^& PLACE.

    I will also blatantly start a bunch of chores while she sits on the couch and she has never, in 4 months, offered to help even like, 'say pregnant lady, let me take out the trash'...

    Geez, I feel so much better now ;)
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    This week have been a *****y week for me too.

    I swear i may smack my MIL soon. Now the child i am carrying is "hers" and he is going to look like her. Seriously maybe i would like my child to look like his PARENTS! And no this child is not yours its mine so hands off!!!! Speaking of hands off, she is constantly touching my belly, it totally grosses me out. My own mother hasnt even done this.
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    I used to not care when friends popped by without an invite now IT DRIVES ME CRAZY.

    We also have a 'roommate' (unpaid of course) living with us. She is 24 and claims office jobs are too boring for her so she works sporadic entertainment industry jobs at $11 an hour rigging lights and unloading stuff. I used to be all 'yeah you can stay with us whatever', but now every time she pays $5 for a beer in bar or buys ANOTHER PAIR of theme socks, or heres the kicker. - the most expensive new android phone or talks about how she needs to get online (you know that internet WE PAY FOR) because modcloth came out with the holiday dresses...I am like WTF!? GET YOUR OWN #$%^& PLACE.

    I will also blatantly start a bunch of chores while she sits on the couch and she has never, in 4 months, offered to help even like, 'say pregnant lady, let me take out the trash'...

    Geez, I feel so much better now ;)

    I swear I had the same "roommate" earlier this year (she is my much younger sister-in-law). She wouldn't clean, never paid for anything...thankfully she moved out, but just a couple of weeks ago, she said she was moving back in with us! Didn't ask, didn't assume that this might be a stressful time for us with a baby coming....ugh!
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    This week have been a *****y week for me too.

    I swear i may smack my MIL soon. Now the child i am carrying is "hers" and he is going to look like her. Seriously maybe i would like my child to look like his PARENTS! And no this child is not yours its mine so hands off!!!! Speaking of hands off, she is constantly touching my belly, it totally grosses me out. My own mother hasnt even done this.

    OMG how rude! That would drive me crazy too. I was worried about my MIL acting like that because she has made a couple comments such as "I can't wait to have my own baby" (meaning our child) and I just retort and say, "Oh you mean MY baby, your grandchild?" and she shuts right up. I have had MAJOR issues with her mom (Rob's grandma) lately on FB, she was starting fights with my friends and relatives on both of our pages over politics and stuff and just started acting totally out of line. It's okay to have your opinions and stuff but she was blatantly insulting my friends and offending a ton of people. We both deleted her, good riddance!
  • If anyone other than my husband referred to what I am carrying as 'theirs' I would remove my shoe and throw it at them. ;)
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    If anyone other than my husband referred to what I am carrying as 'theirs' I would remove my shoe and throw it at them. ;)

    OMG and people who aren't related to you and you aren't even very close with saying "I'm going to be an auntie" or "I'm going to be an uncle", no you aren't! I am not your sister and you are not my husband's sibling therefore you are not going to be a relative of the baby.