October check-in and chat thread



  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    This week marks the first week that I've gone to he gym for 3days! Lol.

    Squat: 85 3x5
    Bench and Rows: 65 5x5
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    Hi Guys

    Well it feels a bit odd to be here because up until last night I was set on doing NROL4W - however I lift at home and it just seemed like I would be making modifications all over the place - plus the workouts are kinda complicated.

    So last night I did my first Stronglifts routine - huzzah. However I started out CRAZY low - I ignored his starting weights completely. I have a history of back problems and figured I'd start out with my weenie bar and gradually progress. This ISN'T a race, I'll get there in the end and I'm super concerned about form and safety as I lift at home by myself.

    I have 160kg of weight in total - just ordered some 1.25kg weights so I can go up in 5lb-ish increments - but I don't have Olympic weights - so starting with my tiny bar - think it's 7kg with the collars on which is a heck of a difference. I put 10kg of weight on after my practice sets with the bar only so am just under the starting weight of an Olympic bar proper.

    Form, form, form - as I was lifting that empty bar I was listening to Mehdi talk through each lift on my laptop - like I said the only person I am in competition with is myself and I'll get there eventually and hopefully injury free. I think once I get to much heaiver weights I'll want to take this into a gym but I had such an awful experience a month ago with some little twerp PT who set out to humiliate me when I asked for some coaching on my squat technique that right now lifting at home suits me better.

    Anyway, hello! Pleased to meet you, hope to be seeing much, much more of you over the coming months :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I deloaded a little on bench and row yesterday at the start of week 5. Bench because I've really been struggling, row because my form was getting really sloppy, and both because I'm tired of being achy and sore. :laugh:

    I also got a couple of plastic soda crates (about 3-4" high... the kind that 20 oz bottles are shipped in) to put under my feet for the bench. WHAT an improvement! I was using plates under my feet, but it just never felt right... I think my ski-slope butt made aligning my spine tricky. Having my feet an inch or so higher was just what I needed.

    Also, I'm amazed that 70 pounds on the bench seemed so easy now, but 77 felt damn near impossible a few days ago. It's like the difference of adding my purse. :ohwell:
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Yesterday did 25kg OHP, 80kg deadlift, and varied squats from 80-92.5 kg (stopped doing a full set of 5x5 as Ive been stuck with progressing, more going for max lifts every few days with them, and strengthening lower numbers).
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    Great idea on the crates, I'm going to have to try that. At home I've been bending my knees and keeping my feet on the bench. At my gym in Chicago though my feet touch the ground with no problem. I didnt realize there were different height benches but may have to look for a lower one for home.

    I did some deloading this week too on OHP and rows because my form was getting sloppy. Right now I'm at:

    Squat 102.5
    Bench 77.5
    OHP 57.5
    Deadlift 100
    Row 75

    I'm traveling today through Sunday and don't know what kind of equipment I'll have access to so this week I'll focus more on stretching and running - gonna run up and down the Vegas strip!! Will likely have to deload a little on everything when I get back :(, oh well.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Good Morning!

    Felt good today with form/progress but I can tell that the bench is going to be realllyyy tough next time!

    squat 140lbs 5x5
    bench 82.5 5x5
    rows 75 5x5 I did the same weight as last time since I am not sure how great my form is. Actually I am going to do some research on rows to make sure my grip is where it should be. I have been keeping my hands shoulder width apart, which feels good, but not sure if they should be wider....

    Everyone is doing fantastic!!!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I haven't been lifting in over a week, since Oct 13! First, I had a work trip which took me out of town (miss Tue/Thu workouts). Then the day we were supposed to go to the gym (Friday), husband threw out his back at work. He's been hurting all weekend. So we're skipping again today. Here's hoping he's fine for Thursday. I suppose I'll have to deload quite a bit, as it'll be almost two weeks.
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    Hi everyone, just done my first workout B - verdict? LOVE deadlifts but sense OHP are the devil's lift - starting out with super low weights as I get my form down and even then I felt really weak and it took me a while to finish them.

    But hurrah, I feel like I've properly started now, bring it on!
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Upped my deadlift to100...Booya!
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hi everyone, just done my first workout B - verdict? LOVE deadlifts but sense OHP are the devil's lift - starting out with super low weights as I get my form down and even then I felt really weak and it took me a while to finish them.

    But hurrah, I feel like I've properly started now, bring it on!

    Thats the best way to do it, I used sloppy form and ended up impinging my rotator cuff, so Ive started working back up from empty bar with good form.

    Yesterday I did 70-80kg squats, 32.5kg bench and 40kg row.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Hey all!

    Even though I am doing Wendler's 5/3/1, just popped in to whoop about my 2 mile run in 20 mins (yeah not fast but have not run in AGES), and upping my bench press to 60 kg (132 lbs) after a long 57.5 kg stall....am considering doing Wendler's for 3 more cycles (12 weeks) and then doing stronglifts again. Have seen a gym I am going to join next year (after my current membership runs out) with some amazing equipment. And they have an outside area which is ace. 3 power/squat racks, so no waiting about...will be the only woman in there but hey it looks great!

    Hope everyone is doing well...
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    I am on my 2nd week of Stronglifts and loving it. I did the full NROLFW and tried to go back to P90X after, but did not enjoy it at all. I needed my heavy lifting!!!

    I did make a few mistakes, with not lifting enough for row and deadlift in the beginning but I have rectified that and am enjoying this.

    Right now I am at:

    Squat: 65lbs
    Bench Press- 65 lbs
    Row- 65lbs
    Shoulder press- 45lbs (this will take a little bit of time to increase)

    I have to pick up some 2.5 pound weights off of Amazon, so increasing in 5lb increments will be doable. Right now I just increase by 10 and stay there for two workouts.
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    I just started yesterday and am really looking forward to this program!!

    Had a trainer set up my program - I gave her a print out of the program.

    A few questions on what she set me up to do though:

    - Trainer had me do squats with 2x20lbs dumbells (wants to start me on those first?)

    - She had me do 5x5 deadlifts instead of the one set

    - The bar for the bench press is 45lbs and she added 20lbs to that; so I consider this 65lbs

    She also wants me to do sprinting, skipping, etc inbetween sets - Does anyone else do this?

    I know this is not the program, any suggestions?

    Thanks, slightly confused newbie.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    I think I injured my wrist lifting...owwie...it's been hurting for two days. This sucks. :frown:

    On a good note, I finally invested in a squat rack for my garage! No more saw horses, yay!!!!

    Also, I did 65lbs on the overhead press and totally suprised myself! Those things are a mofo. Yay again!
  • siriusalien
    I just started yesterday and am really looking forward to this program!!

    Had a trainer set up my program - I gave her a print out of the program.

    A few questions on what she set me up to do though:

    - Trainer had me do squats with 2x20lbs dumbells (wants to start me on those first?)

    - She had me do 5x5 deadlifts instead of the one set

    - The bar for the bench press is 45lbs and she added 20lbs to that; so I consider this 65lbs

    She also wants me to do sprinting, skipping, etc inbetween sets - Does anyone else do this?

    I know this is not the program, any suggestions?

    Thanks, slightly confused newbie.

    I would, as I did, tell the PT to get with the 5x5 program as written. Stronglifts starts with just the Olympic Bar, which is 45lbs. If that's too heavy for a newbie the standard bar or a "women's bar" is 35lbs..
    My PT was initially shocked at my firm direction, but has since become a 5x5 convert.
    Something to consider: if your PT is a little fluffy cardio girl- SHE maybe intimidated and know she can't spot you safely

    Oh BTW: when your weights get higher- you won't have the energy for skipping etc.. I'm starting to see that now
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I can not imagine increasing muchmore on OHP. I struggle so much with it. TO day was better;

    squats 145 5x5
    OHP 60 3x5, 2x4
    deads 135 1x5

    I found today that when doing deadlifts I really felt the pull and strain in my lower back. I focus on using my leg muscles, but I suspect that I may have real issues increasing from here just because of the lower back discomfort. It didnt 'hurt' when lifting, but I could really feel the strain.
    Does this happen with anyone else??? I have lower back issues anyways from years of nursing, so i am worried. What else could I do instead of deads if those dont workout for me??
  • siriusalien
    I'm starting lower back strain at 135 on deads. But my major issue is hand pain.. I feel like my fingers are being ripped off
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Ugh... On the 1st set, 3rd rep of bench press, my sweaty palms slipped and I whacked the top of my hand against the uprights on the bench. Holy mother ouch! :sad:

    But after applying some pressure for a few minutes to minimize bruising, and opening the window to get better airflow so I'm not so sweaty, I went started over and did the full 5x5.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Ouch, Lorina!

    Oh, I forgot to mention, on OHP on Tuesday, I *tried* to do the bounce thing from that Rip video. It kinda worked...but another thing I did was narrow my grip and widen my stance a but. HUGE DIFFERENCE. I only did 50, but I did 5x5 and didn't feel like my arms were going to fall off.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Wrapping up week 3 today and I can't wait to get to the gym later!

    Can't believe I actually got 60 lbs 5x5 OHP on Wednesday.. I actually had to take the three minutes in between sets instead of the normal 1:30 I do..