October check-in and chat thread



  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    End of week 1, awww I feel like such a noob :laugh: - but LOVING IT! Hammering the weight up every session as I started out so low due to being paranoid about my 'bad back' - and still don't think I'm there yet as I added planks on to the end of tonight's session. Love that you can crack it out really quickly (at this stage), loving that each time you feel stronger - just flat out loving it! Feeling it in my quads tonight though - YAY!

    Who knew? Seriously, who knew it would feel this good? Can't wait to get heavier and heavier, lifting day just doesn't come quickly enough :smile:
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    UGH. Bench was no bueno today. Had to deload.
    ANd squat is getting really tough and I am worried about form because a couple times I was trying to get low and I felt myself sort of tipping forward and felt a strain in my upperback to keep from toppling over. May have to stay at this weight for a couple times to get better form.

    Squats: 150 5x5
    bench 85 1x4, deload 80 1x4, 1x4,1x5,1x4
    rows 85 5x5
  • Jaxster92708
    Jaxster92708 Posts: 130 Member
    I found today that when doing deadlifts I really felt the pull and strain in my lower back. I focus on using my leg muscles, but I suspect that I may have real issues increasing from here just because of the lower back discomfort. It didnt 'hurt' when lifting, but I could really feel the strain.
    Does this happen with anyone else??? I have lower back issues anyways from years of nursing, so i am worried. What else could I do instead of deads if those dont workout for me??

    Yep, another nurse here and I feel the same when doing deadlifts. Not pain exactly, but a definite increased awareness of my lower back. I also get dizzy. I don't want to substitute any other move, but have deloaded and will do this weight until I feel stronger and more confident in this lift. Ten pounds is a lot to add at the higher weights: Think that I'm going to slow down the progression like I have had to do with OHP.

    Not sure if using a belt would help, too...has anyone tried using a belt? I was browsing online and there are some pretty cute ones out there!!

  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I would like to be able to do pull ups and feel kind of lame for not being able to do even a single one. Does anyone do any other type of exercises when they are done with their stronglifts routine? I was thinking of doing some "pull ups" (assisted) afterwards just to work on them. Is that a bad idea? I don't really want to do them on my off days because I'd like to let my muscles rest.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I would like to be able to do pull ups and feel kind of lame for not being able to do even a single one. Does anyone do any other type of exercises when they are done with their stronglifts routine? I was thinking of doing some "pull ups" (assisted) afterwards just to work on them. Is that a bad idea? I don't really want to do them on my off days because I'd like to let my muscles rest.

    I would love to do a pull up. i cant do any at all.. At best i can jump to a chin up and hold myself up for a few seconds.....that is my ultimate goal! I dont do any other strength exercises....I have debated whether I should/would substitue deadlifts for assisted pull ups or tricep dips, but havent done that as of yet.....Or maybe sub rows for something. Not really sure if it is a goodd idea or not......
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    I'm frustrated because taking some time off and eating crappy means I'm back at weights I was at in early September. I don't even want to report them! Diet matters. Eat your protein!

    But a bit of a funny, yesterday I was doing squats and this guy comes over and tries to hand me a bar pad. There were already two of them on the ground near the rack that I was NOT using. He was surprised when I shook my head no, like he was doing me this huge favor. I was all, "It messes up the balance."

    He didn't seem to understand what I was saying.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I have never used those pads before, but I also have only ever squatted up to 100 pounds lol.

    Men at the gym are so weird though sometimes. There was some guy who put 3 45 pound plates on each end of the bar and was doing these weird really quick half-squats. Like up and down up and down really fast. i was like "what the heck are you doing? because those are definitely not squats."
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Hi ladies - just starting here. Almost finished NROLW (had one workout left), but I was just done and ready to move on. Started SL on Saturday

    squat - 65 lbs
    bench - 45 lbs
    row - 65 lbs

    and today

    squat - 70 lbs
    ohp - 45 lbs
    dead - 95 lbs

    I would like to do a pull up as well and will be adding these in possibly next week when I have the program down. I think it's best to do them on the same day you lift so you can have your rest day.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    I'm frustrated because taking some time off and eating crappy means I'm back at weights I was at in early September. I don't even want to report them! Diet matters. Eat your protein!

    But a bit of a funny, yesterday I was doing squats and this guy comes over and tries to hand me a bar pad. There were already two of them on the ground near the rack that I was NOT using. He was surprised when I shook my head no, like he was doing me this huge favor. I was all, "It messes up the balance."

    He didn't seem to understand what I was saying.

    Hee! I always try and kick the stupid pad away so it cannot be found again, horrid things!
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    Hi! I just switched over from NROL4W to SL on 10/23. I really liked Stage one of NROL and have did most of stage one during the summer, and then restarted after vacation and completed it. I had a lot of trouble moving up in my squats especially. I <3 SL, as I was able to squat 55x5x5 last night, which is the most I have ever done! My husband, who refers to himself as "the squat rack" even commented and said "you are squatting this? its heavy." I have deads tomorrow at 105...and then I will have maxed out my dinky free weights and will have to move to the gym to keep increasing.

    I am sorry, I just had to gush...I can't wait to squat heavy - as I feel that my squats have been lagging behind every other lift!
  • _lizzie_
    _lizzie_ Posts: 130
    Hi! I'm new to the group, been doing this at home for a few months now...I was having trouble with my deadlifts. Going to have to deload and make a few changes to my form I think. I posted about it earlier before I knew there was a group. Link if anyone is interested; I put a video of my form on it http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/782034-my-deadlifts-arent-geting-better-help
  • _lizzie_
    _lizzie_ Posts: 130
    I would like to be able to do pull ups and feel kind of lame for not being able to do even a single one. Does anyone do any other type of exercises when they are done with their stronglifts routine? I was thinking of doing some "pull ups" (assisted) afterwards just to work on them. Is that a bad idea? I don't really want to do them on my off days because I'd like to let my muscles rest.

    I would love to do a pull up. i cant do any at all.. At best i can jump to a chin up and hold myself up for a few seconds.....that is my ultimate goal! I dont do any other strength exercises....I have debated whether I should/would substitue deadlifts for assisted pull ups or tricep dips, but havent done that as of yet.....Or maybe sub rows for something. Not really sure if it is a goodd idea or not......

    I think this routine helps on its own with pull ups. I can almost do a pull up now when before I just kind of hung there :laugh: I haven't been doing pull ups or anything at all to improve it... just SL
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Hi! I'm new to the group, been doing this at home for a few months now...I was having trouble with my deadlifts. Going to have to deload and make a few changes to my form I think. I posted about it earlier before I knew there was a group. Link if anyone is interested; I put a video of my form on it http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/782034-my-deadlifts-arent-geting-better-help

    Try the deload first, see if that helps (can't see the video at work but I'll try to watch it later). Also I didn't see if you'd mentioned, but if you haven't switch to a mix grip, try that as well and see if it helps.
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    So, my last rant about diet matters? Yeah, it really does.

    Today I couldn't lift what I lifted last week, much less what lifted in the middle of last month.

    I've been eating like crap. Way too much sugar and not nearly enough protein.

    (And we won't even talk about what that's done to my waistline.)

    My fitness goals aren't related to my looks (although I do want to lose weight), but to my performance.

    I had not been able to fix my eating when it was affecting my weight and my measurements, but now that it's affected my performance, I'm p!ssed off.

    Better eating starting right now.
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    Start of week 2 for me - nothing to report about last night's workout apart fromt the fact I LOVE SQUATS!

    I was talking to my 18 YO who started lifting a couple of months ago and he said the best thing he did for OHP was to really, really tighten his core so I tried this last night and it made a hella difference. Still on miniscule tiny weights though.

    Happy lifting everyone!
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    I've been fighting crud since the weekend, so I haven't lifted in a week. Crap. I did get my wee weights in the mail yesterday, so I'm going to try and get to the gym today and try them out.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I was hoping to get 3 lifting sessions in this week but because of the storm the gym is closed today:grumble:

    So looks like I will have to go tomorrow and friday which means getting up at like 445. No Bueno! Plus since I am going before work, I only have a short amt of time at the gym so I will do the same workout on both day, or at least similar, which is squat/OHP/Dead. Friday I can do squat, row and something other than bench since I wont have time to set up rack for bench....
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member

    Not much to report here. I finally moved up twice in succession on squats, and also moved up in rows, but fell wayyyy back in deadlifts. Couldn't lift what I had lifted only 4 days prior. I'm blaming it on a really horrible night's sleep the night before. Yeah. Let's go with that.

    New goal: get more sleep.
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    I'm frustrated because taking some time off and eating crappy means I'm back at weights I was at in early September. I don't even want to report them! Diet matters. Eat your protein!

    But a bit of a funny, yesterday I was doing squats and this guy comes over and tries to hand me a bar pad. There were already two of them on the ground near the rack that I was NOT using. He was surprised when I shook my head no, like he was doing me this huge favor. I was all, "It messes up the balance."

    He didn't seem to understand what I was saying.

    Hee! I always try and kick the stupid pad away so it cannot be found again, horrid things!

    Really? I always use the pad... The bar really really hurts my neck if I don't. The bone on the back of my neck will be sore for days like so sore it hurts when my shirt rubs against it. Am I doing something wrong? I'm squatting 110 5x5 right now and I weigh 129.

    Anyways I'm new to strong lifts, about to do my 6th workout today. I was doing nrolfw but I got tired of the super long workouts. This is what I'm up to so far
    Squat: 110
    Ohp: 55
    Row: 70
    Bench: 60

    I currently do my rows and deadlifts with the smaller pre weighted Barbells that are near the free weights because I am too lazy to put the weights onto the bar on the floor and there are always lines for the squat racks so I try to get in and out as fast as possible. Anyways it's going well so far but I haven't been able to increase weight as quickly as the app suggests. I also want to add pull ups but it's embarrassing that I ant even do one!! I think I might get a pull up bar at home.

    Nce to meet everyone!
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    So, my last rant about diet matters? Yeah, it really does.

    Today I couldn't lift what I lifted last week, much less what lifted in the middle of last month.

    I've been eating like crap. Way too much sugar and not nearly enough protein.

    (And we won't even talk about what that's done to my waistline.)

    My fitness goals aren't related to my looks (although I do want to lose weight), but to my performance.

    I had not been able to fix my eating when it was affecting my weight and my measurements, but now that it's affected my performance, I'm p!ssed off.

    Better eating starting right now.

    I'm with you! Though I convinced myself I was carb loading over the weekend for my long run, chips and pancakes really dont help :)