October check-in and chat thread



  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member

    Really? I always use the pad... The bar really really hurts my neck if I don't. The bone on the back of my neck will be sore for days like so sore it hurts when my shirt rubs against it. Am I doing something wrong? I'm squatting 110 5x5 right now and I weigh 129.

    The bar shouldn't be on your neck. It should be resting on your shoulders. Have you looked at the videos on the website? It would be worth checking out. The exerpt below is from the SL website on "How To Squat"

    Bar Position. Put the bar low, below the bone at the top of your shoulder-blades and on your back muscles - NOT on your spine.
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member

    Really? I always use the pad... The bar really really hurts my neck if I don't. The bone on the back of my neck will be sore for days like so sore it hurts when my shirt rubs against it. Am I doing something wrong? I'm squatting 110 5x5 right now and I weigh 129.

    The bar shouldn't be on your neck. It should be resting on your shoulders. Have you looked at the videos on the website? It would be worth checking out. The exerpt below is from the SL website on "How To Squat"s

    Bar Position. Put the bar low, below the bone at the top of your shoulder-blades and on your back muscles - NOT on your spine.

    What she said.

    I don't feel any pain from the bar, and I've squatted as much as 130 lbs.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Finally reached the point where I couldn't pump out 5x5 on an exercise today.. and surprise, surprise, it was OHP! Here are my stats so far, and I'm on my second workout of my fourth week.

    Squat: 90 lb 5x5
    Deadlift: 125 lb 1x5
    Bench: 65 lb 5x5
    Overhead Press: 65 lb 5x5x5x4x5
    Barbell Row: 65 lb 5x5
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I dont use a pad either and I am squating about 150 right now. I do feel it on my back, but once I get going it doesnt bother me. I usually wear a tanktop/sport bra with a sweatshirt over and when i take off my sweatshirt and the bar is on my skin its a little more uncomfortable. I mainly dont use the pad because I havent seen one in my gym :laugh:
    As for postion, I never even thought about it, but I know the bar sits across the shoulders more than anything else.

    Also related to nutrtion: ugh, went over by 1000 cals today:noway: :blushing: and didnt even workout!! Oh well. Hitting the gym tomorrow!
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    Hm ok, I'll watch the video to check, I'm probably not putting the bar in the right spot. It always hurts me! I'll try it differently next time. I squatted 5x5 120lbs today!! Very excited to almost be at my body weight (130) :)
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    It's amazing how much strength I can lose taking two weeks off. My OHP is back at 60, and I barely passed 3x5! So much for 71 lbs...
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Yeah, Q...but you know you've done 71 before. You'll be back to it in no time!

    I brought my fractionals to the gym...despite the strange looks from the high school boys, I'm glad I had them. I'm also adding 2 moves to my workout (similar to Stroutman's 2day a week routine.) I'm just having a hard time getting to the gym 3x a week.

    Squat: 90
    Bench: 67 ( thank you wee weights!)
    Row: 70
    Single-leg rdl: 20 w/kettlebell
    3x60sec planks
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Happy halloweeen!!!!

    Today was a fairly decent day!
    Squats 150 5x5
    OHP 60 5x5. I really struggled with last set, and cant imagine increasing, but yay for me for doing 5x5 for the first time at this weight!!
    Deads 135 1x5. I didnt increase weight because I wanted to make sure I was good on form.

    Now to stay away from all the candy :laugh:
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Looks like you are all making some good progess! That's great!

    Did my 3rd workout today

    squat 75 lb
    bench 50 lb
    row 70 lb

    See you in the November thread! :-)