Oct. 22 Mad Hatter Chatter



  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Good Morning Hatters,

    We are off to see the puppies in a bit. They are 5 weeks old today and doing well. I hope all of you have a great day and a wonderful weekend. For those in Sandy's path stay safe...we need you!

    Bis- The male puppy (the one Rick is holding) we are thinking of Rumple..as in rumplestitskin..haha. It may not be that once we get them home but it is an idea. No clue and his sister yet.

    You mentioned Lake Winnepausakee???? sp? Growing up we had a small amusement park named Lake Winnepasauka in the next town over. It's still there today. It's been around almost 100 years. It has a lake with huge carp and cheesy rides but the little kids love it and back in the day they had musical acts come through and play. Three Dog Night, the Beach Boys and such. It was pretty awesome for those of us from the one red light town...it was very upscale to see "concerts" there....

    Be back later hopefully with more puppy pics...and I will try to make them smaller :laugh:
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    don't hate - now wearing size L / XL tops from Ann Taylor and size 14 pants....

    couldn't have done it without you... "smiles"...

    even though the diary says i went over - did some shopping / running errands today....
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Big IPOU....sent out to you, Carol... I don't know where you were at your top numbers, but I know a size 14 would seem soooooo small to me.. Great job!! You'll be at your goal in no time.
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Hello ladies, We are hunkering down in Maryland waiting for Sandy. I don't live near any water and our house is on a slight hill, so I am not worried about the water, just expect to deal with power outages. Others in my family live, work and go to school near the water. My youngest goes to school right on the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay, the school sent us an email saying they would be taking care of our babies.
    THANK YOU for all of the concern sent my way because of my car accident on Thursday. I went to the doctor's to rule out a concussion and she said I would probably wake up sore and achey. Instead I woke up feeling perfectly fine, was able to do body pump in the morning and tennis in the evening. I convinced my husband to go with me an hour early because my normal 90 minutes doubles match is not the work out that it used to be. Last autumn, pre-mfp, I had to schedule my doubles matches with at least 48 hours in between and even then, sometimes I would turn so red from the exertion that the other players sometimes worried that I might be having a heart attack! This weekend I was able to play Friday, Saturday and Sunday and if it wasn't for this hurricane, I would happily play tomorrow!
    Tonya, the puppies are ADORABLE. Did you decide on their names? I liked Rumplestilskin, it just fit the little wrinkly face.
    Carol, Ann Taylor clothes are lovely, congrats for getting there. I am hoping to see some at my consignment shop. Speaking of clothes I have finally finished removing the too large clothes from my room. I have a suitcase full for my cousin, a box for Tonya and a large bag for Purple Heart. I thought it would be more difficult to get rid of these clothes, but I am not worried, through MFP I have finally really separated the emotions from the eating. But the biggest breakthrough is that I have also learned that on those rare times when I do slip and find comfort in junk food, it does not mean that I am destined to regain all the weight I have lost. It is just a temporary setback that is reversible. That is something I learned from all of my Hatter friends.
    MeRoBi, how is life in Maintenance World?????
    Snoozie, I am looking forward to your Monday post, you always start us on our weeks in such a positive way! thanks
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Quote from Hairsprayhon: "But the biggest breakthrough is that I have also learned that on those rare times when I do slip and find comfort in junk food, it does not mean that I am destined to regain all the weight I have lost. It is just a temporary setback that is reversible.

    Janet - reading that in your post really resonated with me... thank you for sharing it... wish I could do a longer post tonight but am falling asleep on my keyboard (and i can't rock the look of a "jkl" stamped into my cheek).. know a lot of the Hatters are dealing with the storm; will keep everyone in prayers and thoughts and just ask if you can all check in over the next few days WHEN you can, just so we know everyones ok.. hope everyone had a great weekend and is rested and ready to continue our journeys!

    Hugs all around:flowerforyou:
  • KateinND
    KateinND Posts: 8 Member
    Good evening Hatters,

    Been busy with winter preparations on the farm, colder weather has now crept in and livestock will need to be brought home from summer pastures. Having a hot flash on a 4-wheeler in 28 degree weather feels like a spring breeze. Frustrated with myself though that I really have not yet prioritized what I need to do to keep myself focused on healthy eating. For the short time I checked in MFP daily I made good strides, but this past week other work needed to get done and became my focus. During downtime I picked up my crochet hook rather than logging my food – which if I would have, I would have seen the chocolate chip cookie did not have fewer calories because I ate in in four separate chunks. And the second THICK slice of homemade bread was going to require I cut something else to make up for those calories. Geez. You'd think this was rocket science.

    Spent some time this afternoon catching up with everyone's posts ~ held my breath as I started reading Janet's story of her accident and so relieved to learn she was not hurt. And now this evening listening to news of Sandy's progress, hoping everyone is in a safe place and will keep their electricity through the storm.

    The puppies are so cute Tonya. We have a black lab and a black German shorthair. I never thought of it before, but the lab is like me (laid back but cautious and protective, and overweight) and my DH is like the shorthair (act now, ask questions later; and a body part is always moving – toe tapping, finger strumming, etc., could live on ice cream and never gain a pound) I think the dogs are more like us than our kids are !!!

    Carol you rock! Your accomplishment is awesome and inspiring. Those must be some pair of purple pants to get so many offers to take them off your hands. And I had to share your dressing after 50 tips with my friends and family. I just think the in-line skates with a walker would be safer than in-line skates alone, don't you?

    Snoozie, your quote of “choice, not chance, determines destiny” will be taped to my bathroom mirror and the refrigerator door by morning. Indeed if it is to be it is up to me. Thank-you for sharing that bit of wisdom, it so reflects where I need to be right now with food choices.

    I am out of time for now. God speed Hatters. You are a wonderful group.:flowerforyou:
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    ok everyone - once I get a size 14 pair of purple (really more of a plum color - will try to remember to post a pic in my profile tomorow):laugh: ...

    highest bidder gets them....

    will work out the details in Nov if we all remember... and no major snow storms...

    wish sandy would arrive and depart already - but the good news is that tomorrow is a "no work" day - paid off (love working for the gov't).... and will move the clothes to more seasonable in the main closet and the off season clothes get put away...

    and possibly off Tuesday too... depending on the storm...

    stay safe everyone...

    Here's to hoping that MeRobi is on maintenance.... and hoping that since she probably had to evacuate due to the storms (she lives near the Jersey Shore)... she is safe with family / friends.... and that we don't need to raise bail money for her..."smiles"..:wink:

  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    @ time 2 -

    size 1x / 2x for tops

    size 18w for pants....

  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    cbmcphillips: Congrats on your success and great sizes :-)

    hairspray: I'm so glad you are feeling OK and also that your house is on a hill!

    Tonya: Your puppies are just the cutest things and nice job on the pics!

    TIme 2 : Thanks for requesting me as a friend :-)

    Snoozie: Thanks as always for all the words of encouragement :-)

    And to all , I had a wonderful time at the lodge outside of Payson AZ and in Tonto State Park. It was an absolutely grueling 1/2 hour hike down to the base of the natural bridge and the 1/2 back up. On the way down I slipped and pulled my right hamstring, and on the way back l I twisted my ankle! But it was absolutely worth it. I took a lot of photos, and thought I'd share a few. The last one is of my husband and I almost all the way back up which is why we look pooped!



    That's water coming down from a waterfall in the pic above and the pics below





  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them -- every day begin the task anew ( Saint Francis de Sales )

    Good morning Hatters..
    I figured since there were only two days left in the month, would hold onto this thread til Nov 1st... am running a little late this morning but good to hear from Kate and Seehee - LOL @ the hot flashes on the 4 wheeler, and loved the pics.. will try to sneak in at work later but until this storm passes is going to be crazy busy there - for this morning just want to say please everyone stay safe, and take care of yourselves while taking care of everyone else too.. !!
  • KateinND
    KateinND Posts: 8 Member
    Beautiful Seehe. Thanks for sharing!
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Katein, enjoyed hearing from you. Sounds like you live on a ranch. I really enjoy hearing from the different hatters, their life styles and the same battles we share. Seehee, I have added this park to my bucket list. Your pictures are beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

    We still have power, but heavy wind & rain. My area is projected as likely to loose power today and told to expect it out for a couple of days. Work has been canceled for today. I am working on some projects for next weeks church fair and keeping an eye to the storm. I am about 5 miles from the ocean, I do live across the street from a major river, that is tidal, but 60 feet above it so am safe from any flooding, unless I see Noah & the Arc comming up river. If I do I will be sure to keep my camera handy and post a picture so you can know what happened to me.

    Take care all my Hatter friends.
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Bisland, don't mess around - evacuate when advised to!!!
    Seehee, gorgeous pictures! But how is your ankle? Ice-20 minutes on, 20 minutes off. There are a number of places out west that I have on my bucket list and this park needs to get on the list! We always went to the ocean on vacation, and I was surprised how much I liked Santa Fe and Taos.
    Kate, even though it was as if I had to be forced into it, kicking and screaming, I now find that logging food is critical to keep me on track. Once you have been doing it for a while it gets quicker, because most of us do have a relatively small circle of foods.
    Snoozie, enjoy the day shift.
    Speaking of oceans, while we still have power we are watching the wrath of Sandy playing havoc on our beloved barrier islands. Hopefully Merobi and all of our coastal hatters are safely evacuated.
    When our kids were little, losing power was always an adventure, we would play games, a monopoly marathon, one year and a card tournament another time. But now the kids are gone and it is just the two of us and MIL. I really don't know what she will do when the tv goes off. Although I won't mind, because she is driving me nuts telling me to do every goofy thing that the tv tells her to do, when I sign off, I am going around the house to take pictures of everything for insurance in case a tree comes flying from across the street and knocks down our house. I guess I should take pictures of the three of us and post them on shutterfly, so my kids can prove that we were in the house, because if the house is destroyed I am pretty sure we would be too.
    Although freaky things can happen. In Anne Tyler's newest book a tree is the reason that the main character is a widower.Speaking of freaky things, a young coworker is in Hawaii on a trip with her parents and when she told me where she was staying I told her to be aware of where she would need to go in case of a tsunami and suggested she go up the hill to the landfill. Fortunately, the tsunami was very weak, but she would have heard the sirens and I hope she followed my evacuation advice!
    The only thing that has me concerned is being in this house, with no tv and listening to MIL that I will be sorely tempted to eat anything and everything and won't have access to my MFP pals to help me avoid the temptation.
    Until then I am going to taste my new iced tea. I bought loose tea and empty tea bags and used my K cup machine. I am psyched that it worked, because there are so many loose teas that smell amazing and I have never brewed loose tea at home.
    Be safe Hatters! Janet
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    @seehee - beautiful pics
    @katie - friend request sent
    @hairspray - stay safe and good luck with the MIL ... "smiles" - you can get thru this.... I personally prefer my tea from long island - now i'm addicted!... "jk"... "smiles":drinker:
    @bisland- stay safe up there - the water sounds way too close for comfort!:noway: :glasses: :flowerforyou:

    Sandy hit landfall - I think near Cape May / Atlantic City / - near MeRobi's neck of the wooods.... still hoping she's OK....
    Cape May / AC are about an hour or so south - we just have lots of wind and rain.... and of course Monday Nite TV (CBS) has been taken over by the storm:grumble: .... no 2 broke girls or mike / molly....:frown:

    but the good news is watched once up on a time last night... the vault with all the hearts was "interesting".... and the frankenstein reference too.... looks like CPT Hook and Snow's daughter (what is her name again?) have to climb a bean stalk....

    See you later...
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Just checking in to say that we have weathered Sandy. Most of the town lost power and still don't have power, but we have been good with electric, cable and internet service. Still waiting to hear news of family members who live next to rivers. Praying for them and for everyone so impacted. Hope to hear from MeRoBi and other Hatters in Sandy's path, a very wide path!
    This morning since I could not get out, I put some music on and did my own makeshift body pump class, when I was cleaning out my closet I found a pair of 3 lb weights and I used them, for most of the exercises, when I did squats I used our fire extinguisher for weight. Not as good as a class, but got me moving. Janet
  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    Hey girls! Starting to get caught up on your posts, such success!

    Carol/Janet "Sisterhood of the Traveling Purple Pants"?

    Carol, I'm sure you've seen the pictures of your beloved beach and boardwalk, surreal isn't it?

    Tonya, OMG too cute (I'm very jealous!)

    Snooozie, as always inspirational thoughts...much appreciated!!

    Gail/Tonya, as soon as we get power back, I am so watching that show!

    Glad you're all doing well. I feel like I've been on a roller coaster...dealt with the broken collar bone/surgery of our 16 year old, and then leaving for 12 days. I had done a lot of research and preparation for our trip and then left without any of it...left it sitting on the steps for me to grab on the way out...idiot! Thoroughly enjoyed the time with my husband but thought on occasion how fun it would be with friends who LOVE to eat ;). Now dealing with the storm and its aftermath...no power, no gym, no bike (all my routes either gone (Atlantic City Boardwalk), or under a foot of water (Ocean City)...so unbelievable, the scope of the devastation. We feel so fortunate.

    Hope I can get back on track soon. Although I've stopped the weight gain, it would be nice to drop some of this vacation weight (which I had so much fun putting on!).

    Thanks for your support and words of kindness, you guys are great!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hi Hatters!

    Thanks to all who have checked in so far, will be glad once all the Hatters are accounted for after Sandy; hoping everyone has been as lucky as the rest of us as far as limited damage and no injuries.. we only got the tail end of it here overnight; winds were hitting 100km when I left for work but as I write most of the province has power restored, and of course we didn't get anywhere near the horrific weather those in the U.S. did; I did take 2 min to call a friend of mine who lives in NJ from work yesterday afternoon; they were huddled in the basement and fine but a neighbour's big old tree had just been ripped out by the roots and fallen across their lawn, missing the house, just scared the heck out of them! Got an email today they're all ok so once I know our Hatters and MFP friends are all unharmed, I'll sleep better! Sorry I haven't been posting much; things like the storm place a heavy demand on our resources in my gov't department, so not much energy left by the time I get home and just wanna crawl into bed; have been trying to keep an accurate log but once or twice, have just done a quick calorie count (but I rounded UP just to play it safe!)

    Hope to do a full, slow read catch up on everyones posts tomorrow when I get home; I have speed read all of them but just not enuf brain cells left for all the comments here tonite.. sowwy.. but i've been thinking of each of you over the past 2 days; funny how things now remind me of each of you in some way during the day; today between wedding talk and that of the teachers on a work to rule, janet and TA came to mind, and stairs always remind me of T2 and bikes Merobi, while purple will always bring cbm to mind! One of my bosses has been emailing me pics of her new lab puppies; i snuck into work and brot up Tonya's pups as payback today!! i also saw some of our hatters are celebrating losses, some having a bit of a struggle (gsp - hope you're feeling better!) and glad to see merci and some of our newer members like Kate joining in.. so know you're all in my thoughts even when I can't get to comment for a day or 2.. expect by tomorrow things will slow at work so tomorrow night im booking time for me and my hatters (and quite possibly a glass of wine!!)

    Will keep popping in til all Hatters are accounted for; big hugs to everyone!
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Just a quick check in to let everone know I am ok. In the 20 years I have lived here I have never felt my whole house shake like it did yesterday. Winds were clocked locally at 82mph, We lost power for 24 hours, but no damage. I caved & did some stress eating and did not log despite my best intentions. I notice when I start off my day with exercise I do well for the day. I will hit the treadmill tomorrow with a new resolve.

    Well take care my friends,
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Thanks for checking in Bis.. glad to hear everyone is ok.. have to hit the sack but will check in at 0400 again before heading to work.. hugs to all the Hatters!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Happy Hallowe'en Hatters!!

    Have a great day, and remember... you only get to eat candy if you're under 12 years old!! :bigsmile: