Oct. 22 Mad Hatter Chatter



  • mercinursi
    mercinursi Posts: 17 Member
    Good morning everyone. I hope everyone is doing well this morning, and all are safe. Here is middle Ga all is well, just too dry and very cold for us. I have been extremely busy, with all the normal work and family things, adding that this is the end of Breast Cancer Awareness month tonight the "best night of the year" according to my children. At least all of our big programs are over, yesteday being the last day. I don't know about the rest of the world, but here in the south, we can't have any type of gathering without food being involved. That throws me off all my good intentions more than anything. If you don't eat what is being offered it is a true insult. The only good thing is we also added a 1.25 mile walk to one of the events yesterday.
    As long as I keep myself from touching the candy tonight, all will be good. I eat one, I know I am done for.

    Hope eveyone has a good day, I will try my best to remember Snooozie's rules about candy today. :-)
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Snoozie, take care of yourself and don't work to hard. Hopefully...the pups will be coming to live with us this Saturday! It may be another week but it is a possibilty

    Bis- So glad you are doing ok.

    Merci- I too live in GA, just north of Atlanta. I know how the food and insults if you don't eat it can be so hard. I try to eat before and then eat just one bite of everything....or I just pretend I don't have an appetite due to tummy troubles:blushing: Hopefully I won't get in trouble too much for telling a little white lie. :wink:

    I hope all of you have a great day and a Happy Halloween!
  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member
    It's not a white lie Tonya. You are having tummy troubles. You don't want it to stay that size and eating all that food is trouble! lol!:wink::laugh:

    Enjoy your day hatters, and let's just say no to the candy and move right away from it!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Love your candy guideline Snoozie! Halloween is a challenge! it's like the Olympics of restraint for me after a year of practice and pretrials because my husband is a chocoholic and has always snacked on candy while he is at the computer right next to me every night! :ohwell: However, in an effort to show me support, he now hides his stash and tries to refrain from eating it in front of me most of the time at least:smile:
    Who needs that stinkiin candy anyway :grumble:
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    A good Halloween food possibility. I am going to stop at Target tomorrow on my way to the office. They will have all of their Halloween goodies at ½ price. Most of it is candy and I won’t be getting that. But they have also stocked some healthy treats which were not selling very well and sure to be available pretty cheaply. They have large bags of single serving little pretzels, 50 calories and perfect for scooping up salsa, and single serving kettle corn popcorn, 100 calorie bags. Both of these treats are the kinds of things that I can eat a single serving-IF I have a single serving size bag. They also won’t be going stale anytime soon, so I will stock up.
    In the past, I have not had trouble with Halloween itself, but it would usually symbolize the start of holiday weight gain. When the kids wouldn't eat most of their candy, the week after Halloween I would because it would talk to me in ever louder voices! November is filled with family and work birthday celebrations, our anniversary, Thanksgiving and then onto December with the calories of the holiday celebrations.
    I decided I need a plan to deal with it all, so I can end 2012 no longer obese and for the rest of my life I will be able to say that I used to be obese, but I have not been since 2012! Only 3 more pounds to get to that magical number. So I am working on my healthy holiday plans and looking forward to sharing my efforts and hearing of your efforts to ending this year on a fitness high.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Evening, Hatters!

    5 shifts down,only 2 to go which means I get to be part of the "TGIF"for real this week. yay!!

    Promised myself some Hatter catch up time today; so indulged myself with reading all the posts, so glad to hear everyone who has chcked in is ok but we still havent heard from a few .. am hoping it may just be a time constraint or lack of hydro power in some areas still, but will rest easier once roll call is complete!

    I even treated myself to a glass of wine and a healthy pasta dinner while I put together a post to start off a brand new month tomorrow morning before I go to work.. strangely enough, it ties in very much with what Janet just posted on several counts.. must be Hatter ESP! :laugh: I'm heading for bed shortly, but a couple of notes before I plunge into the arms of Morpheus (and I better stay there tonight; last night had a nasty nightmare which resulted in a short set of zzzz's :sad: (and no, contrary to rumour it did not involve a large glass of vino just out of reach LOL) Sleep well tonight ladies.. for tomorrow... well, be warned.. it's a LONG post LOL!!

    Hugs all around!!

    Janet FAB idea on scoring the sized treats! It's amazing how grazing acn destroy a perfectly good day - I'm learning that and taking your earlier suggestion about doling out amounts in advance of eating them.. more re the holiday stuff in tomororows post but cannot WAIT til your post of the 3rd pound gone... so proud of you and happy for you!! You have done awesome work!

    Seehee.. how are the leg/foot? loed the pics.. and bless hubby for making the effort to hide his "stash" Let us know how ya did my friend.. I chose my treat of a cooked dinner with a glass of wine and a mock "ice cream" bar for dessert!

    PatriceL HOWLED at the "you DO have tummy trubbles" line... what a great idea for all of us!! Everyone understands if you don't each much once you tell them youre just feeling a little "off"... and i totally get the "insult" thing too.. east coasters are like that.. i gained 20 lbs in a month driving up the wes coast of Newfoundland one summer visiting family who all made my "favourite" foods... sigh!

    tonya.. puppies might be home on the weekend? awesome!!! now that you have the pics down pat.. we'll expect to see more.. and cant wait to hear the names altho i have to admit im loving rumple lol
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    had to post because i was afraid i was going to lose it.. but wanted to finish!

    merci - hang in there !! and did i mention its lovely to have you back..

    cbm - glad your enjoyng the mini vcation.. good work organizing those cloets!

    Time2: seems like u were leaving work late today; hope it wasnt too crazy!

    TA Hope all is good with you..

    Think abbe is leaving tonite for the Breeders cup.. hope u have a great time! Merobi any picsof the cruise???

    k.. my puter is slower than i am at this point so signing off ... see ya in a few hours... in November!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    I'm impressed with everyone's Halloween choices- I think I'm the only one who gave in and had a Reese's snack cup :embarassed: Well, at least it was just one! I don't think we had a single trick or treater, so lots of left overs-I'm going to ask Bob to hide it all with the rest of his stash :wink:

    Snoozie, I read your Halloween substitution suggestion of a glass of wine too late, but will definitely remember that next year. BTW my right thigh is thankfully doing much better today ; my left ankle is a little slower to heal, but is getting better.- thanks for asking. It was all very well worth it, though. Funny how I am just not as agile as I used to be:tongue: On another note, I'm glad your shifts are getting better and that you get a real TGIF!:drinker:

    Janet: great idea about the healthier bargains available tomorrow-guess I'll be at target , too :-) That is fantastic only 3 more pounds to get out of the OB category. What great motivation to help deal with the holidays.

    Hope everyone has recovered from the storm and all are safely tucked under their covers snoozing away at this time (Snoozie, no pun intended lol)
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Seehee: I should have phrased it better about the candy - nothing wrong with having a piece or 2 on Hallowe'en at all my dear.. it isn't 'giving in" at all.. I just meant we should trade up for something we absolutely adore instead of just a candy LOL.. but if Reese's is a favourite of yours, good on ya!! I chose a glass of wine and a frozen ice cream bar lol - figured we get a treat too since it was Hallowe'en, but nothing says we have to eat the stuff we bought for the kids.. we could have our own treat giggle snort!!! So you did great just having one and hope it was a yummers for ya!

    I got up a few minutes early to start a new thread.... be warned.. it's gonna be long ladies!! Need mroe coffee first...head on over to the new month when you've caught up!:love: