Leslie Sansone November 2012 Walk Challenge



  • eahouston
    eahouston Posts: 1,015 Member
    I'm at 30 miles out of 50. I'm aiming for one of the 4-mile walks tonight before I do my 30 Day Shred :-D
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    I am back...yeah.. my ring worm condition improved so much so can start to do the walking again.

    Goal: 100 miles
    Todate : 55miles
    Left: 45miles

    Good for you!!! Glad that you are healing :heart:
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member

    3 miles: Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan: Monday (3 miles)

    Goal for November: 60

    So far: 53 miles

    Nighty Night :flowerforyou:
  • olliekat3
    olliekat3 Posts: 1,792 Member
    Nov. 15th, 16th, 17th...... 1 mile per day w/ Leslie

    Goal...... 25 miles

    Miles left to go ......14 miles


    Look at you , you're getting there , well done :flowerforyou: And I bet you already love it. Keep walking:drinker:
  • olliekat3
    olliekat3 Posts: 1,792 Member
    I'm getting there Barbara, baby steps, I feel better !!!

    Nov 19th .....1 mile w/Leslie

    Goal 25 miles

    13 miles left.

  • olliekat3
    olliekat3 Posts: 1,792 Member
    Oops!!! I didn't do that quote thing right, still learning this website.

  • Luthien007
    Luthien007 Posts: 281 Member
    Nov 1 - 5 really big miles with resistance bands
    Nov 2 - 5 really big miles with resistance bands
    Nov 5 - 4 mile power walk
    Nov 6 - 5 Mile Ultimate Walk
    Nov 7 - 4 Fast Miles, jogged 2 of those miles
    Nov 8 - 4 Fast miles, jogged 10 min, walk 2 min x3 times
    Nov 10 - 5 Fat Burning Miles, jogged 5 minutes x 5 times
    Nov 12 - 5 fat burning miles, jogged 5 minutes x 5 times
    Nov 13 - 5 fat burning miles, jogged 5 minutes x 5 times
    Nov 14 - 5 really big miles with resistance bands
    Nov 15 - 5 fat burning miles
    Nov 18 - 3 mega miles with resistance bands
    Nov 19 - 3 mega miles with resistance bands
    Total 58

    Hope you feel better today christchick
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    Goal 150
    today 5

    Total done: 94
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    It's great to see everyones progress. We are really laying down the miles, aren't we?

    2essie: love the reference to Leslie: talking to body parts. Ha-ha. "I'm talking to the legs."

    TexasGardnr, Melanie/Princess, Luthien007, Chefsusan and Ollikat3-you are all so close, that's got to feel good.

    Setang: so glad you are better and back in "the race."

    Cnocnacu-Gotta love Leslie. She's encouranging and motivating, isn't she?

    JCD4ever, 2essie and eahouston - Ladies, we are going to make. it... , like someone here told me it's like eating an elephant.

    Dear Sue (Christchick7) We're praying you will be back at it as soon as possible. God bless and know we are cheering you on.

    Ya'll are really just a bunch of enablers! There's no way to read this thread without getting enthused about doing this. Everyone have a great day and WALK, WALK WALK!

    ? Who's your favorite walker (other than Leslie, of course) in the workouts. I love Mary Kay. She's funny and she's a good instructor when she does her mile on some of the workouts.
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    Hi all, I posted this and wanted to share with all my super walking buddies also :heart:

    NSV: When Leslie Sansone Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan came out and I borrowed it from our library sometime in the early summer and it "kicked me to the curb" (how I described it back then). This week I borrowed it again for the first time since then, and I can do each mile!!! Had to share. For a reference I started loosing my last chunk of weight (15 -16 pounds)with L.S. DVDs in April this year, and later joined MFP for the last 8 of those pounds.

    texasgardnr :flowerforyou:
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    ........ Who's your favorite walker (other than Leslie, of course) in the workouts. I love Mary Kay. She's funny and she's a good instructor when she does her mile on some of the workouts.

    My # 1 is Carol, because she is a woman of a certain age who is aging gracefully and with strength. On one of the DVDs that I have I read that she is leading classes at her church. She is giving back what she received.

    My # 2 is Mary Kay for the above reasons quoted. Also, she is out there walking and leading while on her journey to strength and fitness.
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member

    4 miles: Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan: Tuesday (4 miles)

    Goal for November: 60

    So far: 57 miles

    Walk strong!! :flowerforyou:
  • m23gm25
    m23gm25 Posts: 157
    Oh Hi Ladies! I just discovered this group! I've been using Leslie Sansone since about September. I walked 3 miles today so I'll set my goal at 30 more miles this month. Hope it's ok to just jump in like this. I've been reading your posts you are all so ambitious. I like that!

    Lynn K.
  • christchick7
    christchick7 Posts: 533 Member
    Love and thank you to each of you who prayed for me...I was able to walk to the
    bathroom with help this AM. I did 2 miles of the 4 Mile Fast & Firm today, all of
    that is an NSV. What still needs prayer is my stiffness and spasticity. Several
    times today I almost slipped out of the wheelchair. Thanks again!
  • christchick7
    christchick7 Posts: 533 Member
    Goal: 75 miles

    Today: 2 miles

    Total: 77 miles
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    Love and thank you to each of you who prayed for me...I was able to walk to the
    bathroom with help this AM. I did 2 miles of the 4 Mile Fast & Firm today, all of
    that is an NSV. What still needs prayer is my stiffness and spasticity. Several
    times today I almost slipped out of the wheelchair. Thanks again!

    Sue, that is awesome. So glad you are better. Still have you in my prayers, you know that.

    Love ya,

  • olliekat3
    olliekat3 Posts: 1,792 Member
    Nov 20 th ........ 1 mile walk with Bassett Sophie

    Goal 25 miles

    Miles left to go.....12 miles

  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    Oh Hi Ladies! I just discovered this group! I've been using Leslie Sansone since about September. I walked 3 miles today so I'll set my goal at 30 more miles this month. Hope it's ok to just jump in like this. I've been reading your posts you are all so ambitious. I like that!

    Lynn K.

    Welcome Lynn. The Leslie board is full of fun people. Glad you joined the challenge and hope we see you here a lot.
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    Hi all, I posted this and wanted to share with all my super walking buddies also :heart:

    NSV: When Leslie Sansone Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan came out and I borrowed it from our library sometime in the early summer and it "kicked me to the curb" (how I described it back then). This week I borrowed it again for the first time since then, and I can do each mile!!! Had to share. For a reference I started loosing my last chunk of weight (15 -16 pounds)with L.S. DVDs in April this year, and later joined MFP for the last 8 of those pounds.

    texasgardnr :flowerforyou:

    Wonderful NSV. And congrat's on reaching your goal!
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    ........ Who's your favorite walker (other than Leslie, of course) in the workouts. I love Mary Kay. She's funny and she's a good instructor when she does her mile on some of the workouts.

    My # 1 is Carol, because she is a woman of a certain age who is aging gracefully and with strength. On one of the DVDs that I have I read that she is leading classes at her church. She is giving back what she received.

    My # 2 is Mary Kay for the above reasons quoted. Also, she is out there walking and leading while on her journey to strength and fitness.

    I like Carol too. :-)