Daily check in log



  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    jar41: Too funny hitting a bumper with a golf ball, I'm a hacker too plus, it makes me say bad words!

    Body Beast Day 10/85

    Workout: Body Beast Cardio w/Abs & 2 hr tennis match; burned over 1,000 cals

    Nutrition: Clean eating but little over on cals and carbs

    Water: 88 oz

    Have a good night!
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Body Beast round 2 Day 10/84

    Beast cardio and abs. Burned nearly 400 calories. It was an intense workout and HRM was really buzzing! Got a good workout.

    Was hungry all day today, bu managed to eat healthy snacks and kept under my calorie goals. (trying to lose a few pounds of fat while maintaining muscle)

    Water was good, still drinking. Starting to become a routine and something I look forward to again. Hope I am over the hump now.
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    Great workouts, I'm starting to feel the routine too Jeff.

    I had Bulk Back today and really enjoyed the quick workout. I got the Mrs out for a 3 mile walk also, so a good day.

    Nutrition was good calorie wise, but I'm still struggling with the macros.

    72 ozs of water for me today.
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Body Beast Day 11/84 of round 2:

    Did Build Shoulders. This is one of my favorites. Really like the way it makes my shoulders look. Raised the weights on all from last week. Kept good form.

    Followed that workout with 45 minutes on the elliptical to get some carido in.

    Nutrition was good, under calorie goal. Trying to maintain muscle tone and lose a few pounds around the waist that I gained when I took a two month hiatus.

    Water was good as usual. Headed off to Orlando this weekend for a stay-cation with my sweetie. Nutrition will be off I am sure. But we will play tennis so I'll get my cardio in. Will get my workout in for today before we leave, tomorrow is rest day, back home Sunday for the next workout so I don't get off track.

    Everyone have a great weekend, I know I will!
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in for yesterday and Early check in for today:

    jar41: It's nice you got the Mrs out for a walk, keep encouraging her and soon she'll love it too!

    Body Beast Lean - Day 11/85

    Workout: Played 2 hrs tennis, trim & edged the lawn plus completed Body Beast Shoulders; burned over 1k calories.

    Nutrition: Goal 1370 @ 40/40/20 - today 1669 @ 30/39/31 - need to adjust my goals for the extra cardio, was really tired this afternoon but could be due to lunch not being the best.

    Water: 104 oz

    Body Beast Lean - Day 12/85

    Workout: Played 2 hrs fun tennis, then BB Chest/Tris - good workout, starting to feel really good and love working out with my hubby again, makes it so much more enjoyable!

    Nutrition: Off to a great start - also starting to crave healthy food again!

    Water: 64 and going strong

    I won't be checking in this weekend as I'll be on a stay-cation with my hubby. He and I will finally be having our tennis challenge match this weekend. For those of you who don't know; I started playing tennis 6 years ago & my hubby would always beat me until, I got better! Now I can beat him but, the last time we played (last yr) he won the last set & I haven't been able to get him back on the courts. So we will be enjoying ourselves (in moderation) and having a wonderful workout on the courts, he's already talking trash so I'm determined to kick his bootie. Wish me luck and I'll take all the good vibes you can send my way, I'll keep you posted!

    Have a great weekend and keep pushing play!
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    intotennis, if he was smart he would avoid the rematch. My wife still holds the largest crappie catch and hasn't fished a couple years since.

    I've been trying to catch up on work around the house. I pulled weeds for a couple hours thursday and followed that with Build Chest. Last night I had a couple hours of garage cleaning, but was sort of dizzy and skipped my workout.

    Nutrition hasn't been great, but calories have been in a deficit. The calorie count eludes me, I seem to be gaining at 1600 calories. It has to be water, but I'm up 3 pounds in 2 weeks. I don't mind getting bigger, but like Jeff I would like to lean out and maintain what I have.
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    jar41: I love a good challenge; sounds like your wife is using great strategy holding onto the winners' cup! Sorry to hear you got dizzy, maybe you need more calories but I'll let the men answer that one. Take care of yourself.


    Day 13 & 14 of 85


    Day 13: Rest day so Played 2 hrs tennis doubles - very competitive.

    Day 14: BB Legs - felt really good, love the burn!

    Nutrition: Was on a stay-cation; watched my portion size but did enjoy myself.

    Water: always good ;)

    Tennis Challenge Accomplished! Had a beautiful day on the courts with my hubby; he can run like a maniac! I took the win at 6-1 & 6-4 but, I must say for someone not being on the tennis courts for over a year, he played very well. We had a lot of deuces and with his running ability, he took several of my winning shots away! We had a lot of fun - I'll need to wait another year to get him back out on the courts; if he played 1/3 of the time I played, he'd kick my bootie big time!
    (just don't tell him I said that). :happy:
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    Glad to hear you two had fun.

    Yesterday was Bulk Legs. I had a good one, but I've been very active with garage and yard work lately. I'm just dead tired by the time I get in the house to start my workouts. It was brutal, but I got it done.

    Nutrition was bad all weekend, with two birthday parties and Father's day.

    Water was good on Sunday.
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    jar41: Sounds like you did some heavy working out in the yard so awesome job getting your other workout done! I'm sure you burned extra cals so I wouldn't worry about the parties! Happy Fathers Day a little late ;(

    Day 15 of 85

    Workout: Had a busy day so got my workout done early. Body Beast - Lean Back/Bis - not one of my favorites but pushed & increase some of the weights then played 2 hrs fun tennis!

    Nutrition: Goal 1370 @ 40/40/20 - hit 1366 @ 38/42/20 - back on track!

    Water: 112 oz - almost doubled goal

    Over all good day , keep hitting it hard! ;)
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Body Beast Round 2 Day 15/84 Build Legs

    Got home a bit later than normal so a late start on the workout. Had a good one though. Raised the weights on mostly all exercises and still concentrating on good form.

    Nutrition pretty good. Getting all my supplements in and eating healthy. Didn't quite get my normal water intake due to workload.

    Had a good weekend as well and did indulge a small amount, nothing too crazy but had a few drinks.
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    I didn't get in the house until 9 and was tired enought that I let myself veg on the couch with the kids for an hour instead of working out. I'm still sore from leg day so I'll add that excuse too. LOL

    Way to go with the late workout Jeff, I've done a few and it is hard to be motivated and break a sweat when you're ready to crash for the night.

    Nutrition wasn't too bad, I'm still gaining on 1600 calories. I'm going to go with some extra focus on the food logging. I'm either letting myself down or need to adjust my calories again. I'm close to 187 and 190 isn't a number I'm comfortable being near. So in 3 weeks of working out 3x a week and 2 weeks of good committment 5x a week I've gained 7 pounds.

    The gains are in all the right places and I'll keep them; except for that 1" on the waist. I'm afraid my feet and knees will tire of carrying my weight again, and I'll sit around and get fat again. This round was supposed to be about keeping the strenght while I cut the weight.
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Day 16/85

    Workout: Body Beast Lean - Cardio; waited till afternoon so I could workout w/my hubby. Felt good but cal burn low.

    Nutrition: Goal 1370 @ 40/40/20 - today 1433 @ 38/37/25, pretty clean but nuts raised the fats.

    Water: 96 oz

    Thought: Do one thing each day that makes you happy! (I kiss my hubby :love: )
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    jar41: We all feel like that some times. They key is to not make it a habit. I hear you about the weight. I have been working out for over two weeks now and doing extra cardio (elliptical most days) and haven't dropped a pound. Getting stronger though so I'll take that.

    Intotennis: It isn't always about the calorie burn, especially with Body Beast. You are getting toned and I know you get pretty of cardio and calorie burns with all that tennis that you do.

    Body Beast Day 16/84 Beast Cardio and Abs

    Not the best energy level when I started and struggled with the plyo push-ups. But at least I did it. Feels good to be working out every day again. Helps having someone to do my workouts with as well.

    Water was good.

    Nutrition just ok. Old friend in town and we went out to dinner where I had ribs and two beers. Still well under calorie goal but not really quality nutrients if you take away my supplements. Oh well, won't make a habit of that.
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    The new update seems to have an issue syncing my workouts. However I got in a double header tonight. A three mile walk with the Mrs, a kid free conversation and some exercise is good for the mind and body.

    Bulk Back was my second round of exercise. I haven't done this one in a while and enjoyed the short but intense workout.

    Nutrition was excellent and water was excellent. I felt good today, maybe I just needed a down day
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Day 17 of 85


    Played little over 2hrs tennis & Body Beast Build Shoulders - good workout.

    Nutrition: 1370 @ 40/40/20 - today 1733 @ 21/46/33 Gave into my chocolate cravings today but didn't think I was doing to bad until I realized I forgot to deleted my workout calories so ended up way off! Protein really low but didn't want to increase cals to bump it up. Better day tomorrow, all ready pre-planning my day!

    Water: 72 oz & still early

    You never know who you might inspire so, thank you all for the support!
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    Intotennis, I love chocolate. Pizza and chocolate are my greatest weaknesses. Lucky for me chocolate whey powder with peanut butter, milk and frozen strawberries in a smoothie satisfies my crave. No answer for pizza, I just try to avoid it.

    Still having sync issues with my android. Another double night with a 4 mile walk with the Mrs and Bulk Shoulders. Good workouts.

    Nutrition was great, I've been very militant on my logging. These abs are coming out in August, whatever it takes.
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Check in for yesterday

    Day 17/84 Body Beast Lean Round 2

    Did Build Shoulders. I think this is my favorite one. I really enjoyed the workout. Started out with the wrong "old" sheet in front of me, Problem was is was for Back and Bis. Was wondering why I was struggling so much , then I figured it out. Was about 20 lbs above my previous weight on my exercise because of the error! Got that squared away and enjoyed the rest of the workout.

    Nutrition was good except no dinner. Felt full after my protein shake post workout and went to bed early.

    Will be doing a Shakeology cleanse for three days starting this morning. Not sure how the workouts will be but we will see. Luckily one is a scheduled rest day.

    Water was good today. Take care and Beast up!
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    jar43: Keep rocking that nutrition and you'll be showing those abs! I'll have to try the smoothie, sounds yummy!

    fearn: Great job getting it done & doing a cleanse to boot!


    Day 18 / 85

    Workout: Body Beast Build Chest/Tris, - not a ton of energy but increase some weights

    Nutrition: Goal 1370 @ 40/40/20 - Today 1488 @ 37/36/27 - Mostly clean, had 1 chicken drumstick and that little thing messed up my macros (pre log, I'm very hard headed) lol. FYI: This is more to keep myself accountable. I updated my food diary for yesterday, didn't eat what was planned and blew it big time. I love when you hit submit and MFP will tell you "hey, you're going to get big if you keep this up!", puts me back in check. :)

    Water: 72 oz so good

    Have a great night!
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Intotennis: Good job getting your workout in and being honest with yourself, it does keep us accountable when we do that.

    Jar41: I guess I am the lucky one. I can take or leave chocolate and I actually dislike dark chocolate and rich foods.The abs are all about eating well. I got mine to show after P90X and Body Beast (But have since covered them partially back up!)

    Body Beast Lean Day 18/84

    Build Chest and Triceps today. Had a good workout. Started a Shakeology cleanse today for the next three days. Surprisingly had plenty of energy and the workout didn't seem to suffer at all. Actually went up on the weights still.

    Nutrition: Only 680 calories, but two servings of Shakeology so I still feel good. That stuff has some high quality foods in it to be able to fuel my body all day and still do a workout. Still feel normal too, kinda surprised about that.

    Water was excellent today because of the cleanse. Have to drink more than normal.
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    Apparently I did something to my right elbow during the upright rows the other day. It is swollen and hurts to fully straighten or fully bend it. I've got a bone fragment floating around in there and it gets a little funky from time to time. So I didn't do bulk Arms yesterday, just went for a 4 mile walk with the Mrs.

    I'll thumb through my calendar/logs and make some adjustments, but it looks like it will be legs (if holding the dumbells isn't painful) or cardio for a couple days. I needed a cortisone shot to get over this several years ago, so I know it is a little differnent than the normal aches and pains.

    Nutrition was really good, although eating hasn't been overly enjoyable as I've really gone back to the basics. I get free farm fresh eggs, but there are only so many ways to eat an egg or chicken breast.