Daily check in log

Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
This is the area where we will be checking in every day to keep each other motivated and accountable. Please comment on the post directly above your post. This will allow us to interact with each other and keep one another motivated


  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    I've got my workout sheets printed up. Have my calories planned for the day. I went out and bought a new bench, curl bar and Olympic weights. Already have my adjustable dumbbells. Ready to hit it tomorrow and Bring out the Beast! Here's my workout home for the next 90 days....what does yours look like?

  • uspp223
    uspp223 Posts: 32 Member

    day 31 of the beast - phase 2, day 3 - bulk arms - great workout!

    you'll be sore, real sore, at first - however, at his point (a month in), even when really pushing it, I'm not nearly as sore -
  • uspp223
    uspp223 Posts: 32 Member
    Day 32 - DONE - Bulk Back
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    uspp223: Way to get it DONE, Who else worked out today???

    Huge Beast Day 1/90

    Nutrition A. Hit macros perfect at 25/50/25 and just 25 calories under goal of 3000

    Water A-, had 8 8 ounce glasses so far. Still early here on east coast and will be drinking the rest of the evening, Should be able to hit my goal of 90 ounces before bed

    Workout B+ Build Chest and Tris. 1st time workout for me. This was intense. Had to pause DVD a couple of times to get room set up properly to do the flys. I was hitting the things in the room. Had to re-arrange a bit. Will take a little bit to figure out the proper weights to be able to maximize results. I did get a great pump on the tris. Really felt swollen when I was done. It is GREAT to be back working out (finished P90X 10 days ago and was itching to get back to exercise). Very different than P90X, but I LOVED it. I really feel like I going to get great results with this program.

    I will be using all the recommended Beach Body supplements to maximize my results. Having my post workout supplements right now. Mixed them with Results and recovery drink and 1/2 a banana, very tasty!
  • ShawnDMuth
    ShawnDMuth Posts: 270 Member
    Day 1 of Build Chest and Triceps- was really nice to get that great pump going. I was sweating like a beast! LOL I really love these workouts, they are no joke. Tomorrow is the TOUGH day with Legs! You have to seriously DIG DEEP to push through that intensity. I still have the rest of the day to go on food and water but on track so far. I love my recovery drink of Fuel shot, base shake, creatine, Tropical Shakeology, added protein scoop, added glutamine scoop and TONS of ice- body sucks it up- I look forward to having it!
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Going to have to give that recovery drink a try, sounds good!
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    Glad to see others working on this too. I'm not going to lie, I hate the leg work out. LOL

    Finished 12/90 Tempo Chest and Tris I enjoy the Tempo workouts already.

    I failed in about the same place as last time, but all of my sets before were heavier. I'm feeling good about it.

    Nutrition. Not bad just a little heavy on the protein. I managed 42 (c) / 36 (p) / 22 (f) and only left 572 calories on the table.

    Water, a little behind..again at 7 cups.
  • c4z101
    c4z101 Posts: 13
    Woops! Forgot to check in!

    I did BULK Chest yesterday. Great workout. I much prefer it to the chest n tris one.
    All my weights the same as the week before and still struggling so they will stay the same next week too I think.
    I followed the workout immediately with Insanity, Insane Abs, to get my heart rate up a little an my abs an extra kick :)

    On the books for today is BULK legs. I almost threw up last week so wish me luck haha!
  • uspp223
    uspp223 Posts: 32 Member
    great job! day one is always the hardest - seems like day 90 is sooooo far away!
  • uspp223
    uspp223 Posts: 32 Member
    Day 33 - DONE - Bulk Shoulders -

    pretty sure this is my favorite workout! I can see the difference in my shoulders more than any other body part!

    taking pics and measurements tomorrow - wed is rest day for me -
  • c4z101
    c4z101 Posts: 13
    BULK Legs done! I followed it with Asylum Relief for some nice stretching!
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    jar41yo6m: good job on the workout, time to get serious about the water. Get a big glass or two down as soon as you get out of bed.

    uspp223: Post those pics on here so we can see your progress!

    C4z101, let us know if you got through legs without throwing up....I almost didn't!

    Huge Beast Day 2/90. Build legs

    Water A 12 glasses and still drinking

    Nutrition A- 25/50/25, 97 calories under goal of 3000

    Workout B. Build legs is HARD! Did all the reps, but had to use the pause button several times. There were times where I almost felt a little sick I was working so hard. Burned 437 calories which is a ton for me with my low resting heart rate (46) I was gassed the entire workout and this is after having just finishing P90X Classic 11 days ago! That one was brutal my friends.Think I will have difficulty walking tomorrow. Drinking my recovery drink right now in hopes to ward off some of the lactic acid.

    Remember, lets get some interaction going in this group, that is what really makes a great support group. Comment on the poster above you as a minimum. We will get to know each other better and the extra support will help us push through those tough days where we may not be feeling it. I look forward to getting to know you all better. We have a good start here, let's roll with it.
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    Jfearn64 way to push through the workout. It amazes me how this workout pushes our cardio system when it isn't a cardio workout. I'll keep working on the water intake, it really comes down to how much I'm in the office. I know..no excuses "whatever it takes". LOL

    C4z101 I agree this workout needs more stretching. I'm not willing to pop in another dvd, but I usually run through the standard Insanity stretches.

    Workout Build Legs for the 3rd time. It was a tough one. This video is sort of fast paced, all the others I've experience have me waiting for Sagi. This one I can't keep up. I don't know if I adjust my range of motion or just keep muddling through. Pause seems to be necessary tool just for me to finish my sets.

    Nutrition. I consumed all my calories; ate at BK (on the road today) and still only missed my macros by 2-3 points. I was pleasantly surprised I can make the right choices when I'm ill prepared. But I had a diet soda...
  • ShawnDMuth
    ShawnDMuth Posts: 270 Member
    Day 2 of Body Beast- I really had to push myself today to get in Build Legs. I so didn't want to deal with it, I just was having one of those tough days and a hard workout wasn't exactly what I was looking for BUT....I did finally forced myself to do it. I poured out the sweat and got it done. The word "man up" comes to mind with these workouts. I made a mess with puddles of sweat.
    Best part of working out is knowing my recovery shake is coming, don't know exactly what is it but I just love it! I see it as my "candy".
    I worked harder today to get my carbs UP!
    Food A
    Water A
    Workout a sweaty A+.
  • pgp90xer
    pgp90xer Posts: 219 Member
    Body Beast - Block 3 - Bulk Legs and Ab Ripper X done early this morning. ( I usually do early morning 4:30 workouts so I will not be listing water and food intake for the day here ) Bulk Legs is a killer workout, basically a cardio workout with weights added on!! Burned 723 calories.

    Workout A+

    - Shawn, Excellent workout bro. I know these leg workouts make you swim in sweat!
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    I was planning on doing my workout in the evening as I alway do. Once I got to work today (6:00 am) they told me I have to stay until 10:00 PM and be back here at 6:00 am the next morning. So No work out for me. Macros will be all messed up to as I did not plan to be here until 10:00 PM and have to go and find something to eat. GRRRRRRRR!!!!!

    Hate having to skip my workout and mess up my macros. Will try and make up the workout tomorrow (moving my rest day I guess)
  • ShawnDMuth
    ShawnDMuth Posts: 270 Member
    I was planning on doing my workout in the evening as I alway do. Once I got to work today (6:00 am) they told me I have to stay until 10:00 PM and be back here at 6:00 am the next morning. So No work out for me. Macros will be all messed up to as I did not plan to be here until 10:00 PM and have to go and find something to eat. GRRRRRRRR!!!!!

    Hate having to skip my workout and mess up my macros. Will try and make up the workout tomorrow (moving my rest day I guess)
    Your boss is a slave driver!
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    Workout Build Tempo Back and Bis. My first time with this one, I like the Tempo workouts. My first time through usually has some poor weight choices. I got a good burn, but will fill better about it when I'm starting with the right weight.

    Nutrition I was a third each in the Macros. Not on target, but could have been worse. Almost finished my calories today again.

    Water Finishing my 11 cup today right now. Let me count coffee? LOL
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Huge Beast Day 4/90

    Water A 13 glasses and still drinking

    Nutrition A 170 calories short of goal, but MFP says I am at my limit for Carbs, fat, and protein. Have been having this issue. Something must be off in the nutrition values. What does everyone think, is it more important to hit the macros perfect as indicated on MFP or get enough calories to be able to bulk up/build muscle?

    Workout B. First time through on all these DVDs so not sure what weight to use. I am writing it all down so next time I will know. I have adjustable dumbbells so it is hard to keep up on the drop sets. Have to use pause to switch the weights. Overall a good workout, but it will get better. This workout was for the one I missed yesterday because I was held over 8 hours at work. I have to go in late tomorrow and stay late as well. Will get my workout done in the morning. Contemplated a double to get back on schedule.
  • ShawnDMuth
    ShawnDMuth Posts: 270 Member
    Jfearn64- I think it is important to get close to those calories but the protein can run higher.

    Build Back and Biceps today- I really had to dig deep to find the energy to pull it off. Even though I have done all these workouts before they really beat me up. I go all out with hard intensity no matter what and I will adjust. I will have to up complex carbs and I have added more glutamine for recovery.
    What do you guys think- toughest program you have ever done?
    Eating is on track- A
    Water is excellent A
    Training was A-( I pushed hard but expect more- have to get my endurance up)