Daily check in log



  • uspp223
    uspp223 Posts: 32 Member
    Day 35 - Bulk Chest - DONE - and KILLED IT!

    Had a great workout - not really increasing weight very much - however, tried to go 5 or 10 lbs more on each of my 8 reps - best part was the inclined push-ups at the end (15, 10, and 8) - first time to finish the complete set all inclined (had to drop to regular push-ups last week, and the week before), so thought that was awesome - was really pumped tonight, feel HUGE - lol -

    Nutrition - goal 3000 - hit 2700 and 12 glasses of water - really couldn't eat another thing though! some days I have no problem getting to 2900+, other days like today, I'm short - still haven't gone over 3000 even when it seems like I'm eating all the time--

    Have a great workout - see ya tomorrow -

    side note - have gained 10 lbs (start 165 / today 175), and I've actually gone down on BF% (start 16% / today 15%) didn't get those pics yesterday, hopefully this weekend
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Huge Beast Day 5/90

    Have to stay late at work again, but this time I found out before I went in at 6:00 am. Not leaving the house until 2:00 pm today. That gave me time to catch up on the missed workout from Wednesday. So today was a double

    Nutrition: A, have the rest of the day scripted, I'll end up with 25/50/25 on the macros and at 3046 calories (goal is 3000)

    Water A so far. 5 glasses in and will drink the rest of the day. Water is all I ever drink now.

    Workout A+ Build Shoulders and Beast Cardio with Beast Abs. Shoulder workout was good, enjoyed it and got a good burn. Cardio was much harder than I thought it would be. Maybe that is because my legs were still shredded from the legs workout on Tuesday! Really got my heart rate up though, it was a good workout. My abs are strong and the ab workout wasn't that challenging. May replace it with P90X Ab Ripper X going forward.
  • ice826
    ice826 Posts: 5 Member
    Past two days have been fairly good. This ankle has me moving slow but I am determined to get back into my workout routine. Worked on biceps, triceps, lats, and chest. Won't start my cardio until Monday or Tuesday right aft my physical therapy.
  • ShawnDMuth
    ShawnDMuth Posts: 270 Member
    Day 5 of modified 120 Body Beast Part 2-
    I did build Shoulders today. I have to say this is where I saw the most visual improvement of all my muscles when I first did Body Beast. Granted, I improved every where but the shoulders really showed with this picture below.
    This workout BURNS! LOL

    Eating is A so far (CA time)
    Water is A
    Workout was A. I made the floor pay for my pain with sweat puddles.
  • uspp223
    uspp223 Posts: 32 Member
    Day 36 - DONE - Bulk Legs

    Like many of you, I love to hate this one! and, yes, sweat like a beast on this one-- looking forward to arms tomorrow!

    Nutrition pretty good today, hit 3050, first time over 3000 - tons of water too

    Shawn - nice results, hoping for the same

    Jeff - I knocked Beast Cardio out of the program after the first one (had to try I guess) - have been doing Cardio X as well ever since - if you're going to do cardio, DO CARDIO!

    see ya tomorrow - Hoot
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Huge Beast Day 6/90
    Was supposed to be a rest day by the schedule. I had golf planned but got rained out. I was bored so I pulled tomorrow's workout up a day

    Build Chest and Tris; had a good workout. Increased the weights from the first day. Had a really good burn on the triceps, not so much on the chest. May need to bump up the weight more than I think I can handle.

    Water A so far. 8 glasses and counting.
    Nutrition will be an A- with what I have planned for the day. I have to go into work in a little bit so won't be able to post later.

    Good luck everyone with your workout today. Beast up!
  • ShawnDMuth
    ShawnDMuth Posts: 270 Member
    I did P90X2 yoga to stretch out my beasted up body. Eating was a B yesterday. I had a bad meal due to stress, I am human. I look forward to hitting it hard on Monday. The weight training really allows for stress relief and an great pump. How is everyone's elses body feeling so far?
  • uspp223
    uspp223 Posts: 32 Member
    Days 37 (Sat) / 38 (Sun) - DONE -

    Yesterday - Bulk Arms - worked out with a coworker, was great pushing each other, and having a real person to talk to instead of talking to the dvd - nutrition yesterday pretty good - all in all, an A

    Today - Football Sunday, few too many beers, but having fun with the neighbors - on left coast, so the Packers play at 10 a.m., took a long, long nap after the game - and just finished Beast Abs - give myself a solid C

    @ Shawn - the way I look at the stress eating is this - it only makes up about <5% of my weekly nutrition, so I don't hold it against myself - you're right about the "pumps" doing their natural thing against stress - feel SO much better after a workout!
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    Trying to stay the course, but getting to the messages boards is a bear.

    Lots of drama, budgeting, theft, HS wrestling and my Junior blew his knee wrestling. We are both crushed, he has been wrestling since he was 4 and this year he looked to be a State Qualifier. MRI on Monday to determine his recovery, it is about the only thing I can think about.

    Nutrition has been on the fat side.

    Water has been mediocre, but well today.

    Workouts, I got Tempo Shoulder and Tris done today. My weights are still going up. The burn during the dips was unreal.
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Check in for Sunday.

    Body Beast Day 6/90 Scheduled rest day for me since on my normal rest day (Saturday) I was bored and worked out

    Workout N/A Although I did shoot 76 playing golf :smile:

    Water C didn't drink enough to counteract the beer, see below.

    Nutrition D. Woke up with a really stiff neck for some reason. It was killing me all day. Tried to self medicate with beer on the course and the club afterwards. Had 6 I think. Still didn't help the pain. Got home and felt like crap all day, laid on the couch watching football. Skipped dinner, had a couple of protein bars. Felt so terrible I didn't get to the computer at all to log what I ate.

    Used Ice then a heating pad on my neck. Took Ibuprofen and Tylenol to no avail. Going to try to get in to see chiropractor today as the neck still hurts, not as bad as yesterday, but something is amiss.
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Huge Beast Day 8/90 Build Legs

    Nutrition A+ 25/50/25 and right on calorie goal

    Water B, didn't have my normal access today as I was in a few long meetings. Had 8 8 ounce glasses. Not up to my normal standards.

    Workout B+ Got a little lost on one section of the DVD. This one moves quite fast with virtually no time between moves. I have to switch weights (adjustable dumbbells and it takes a few seconds). Have to pause and stop and start a bit, Gets a little frustrating at times.

    Neck is better today. Went to the chiropractor. Still a little sore, but definitely on the mend.
  • ShawnDMuth
    ShawnDMuth Posts: 270 Member
    Check in for Monday.
    I did Build Chest and Triceps
    My body is feeling the pump! I have a sore shoulder but I think that is from actually sitting on the computer too long.
    I feel short on my calories yesterday. B - ate really clean and had 6 meals but feel short. I was hungry late at night which certainly adds up to short on calories despite breaking well over 3100 calories.

    Water intake is always on A.
    Workout effort was A- I was working hard and the puddles of sweat showed it.

    Note for people in group- Lets get some more check ins and sharing going on. Don't just be a "watcher".
  • pgp90xer
    pgp90xer Posts: 219 Member
    Tuesday - Early 4:30am workout - Body Beast Bulk Shoulders and Beast Abs. Love this workout, one of my favs!

    Workout A

    Water Intake A

    Nutrition B+ - still find it hard not to go over in my carbs, looks like it is lower today though

    Good work Shawn on Monday's workout!! Keep it up!
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    pgp90xer: Working out at 4:30 am, impressive dedication! Are you doing 25/50/25 P/C/F ? That is a lot of carbs. I struggle getting enough fat.

    Shawn: Nice job getting Monday's workout in. Take care of that shoulder, don't want an injury to derail your efforts.

    Huge Beast Day 9/90 (10% done LOL) Back and Biceps.

    Workout A: Had a great workout, really pushed myself on the weights. May need to go out and buy some more plates soon. Still struggle with chinups. Have to use the chin-up max assist. Guess that is ok since the guy in the video does as well. I know I am gassed on the third rep of Chin-ups. My arms felt so swollen when I was done, worked 'em hard.

    Nutrition A 25/50/25 but ate a lot of my calories later in the day. Still busy at work and difficult to find the time to eat when I should

    Water A, plenty today.
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    Well done Jfearn64, I'm starting to look at my dumbbell set wondering if it is going to get me through it also. If I can make it til January i can get some cheap from the quitters on Craigslist..lol yes I am rotten.

    Good news on my son, a previous injury on meniscus tore further and folded over to cause the irritation/lock. Very minor and was trimmed up without stitches with a scope. He is 100% and just needs to heal and get over the swelling. Looks like his wrestling season is still possible. Soccer is definitely safe.

    Workout, legs...blah. I got a great workout, but I hate split squats....passionately hate them.

    Nutrition, hospital food for the second day. Weight is bugging me, I want to cut back my calories but I want results. I've gone up from 167 at my lowest to almost 176 pounds. I put almost an inch on my waist. I'm going to cut my calories back to 2500 for a while.

    Water, poorly done. may get to 6 cups.
  • ShawnDMuth
    ShawnDMuth Posts: 270 Member
    I did Build legs today. When it comes to leg days, I have to make a serious mental shift to knock that workout done. It is no joke and requires major intensity. It is my birthday today so my nutrition may be a B due to come cookies. I had steak, sweet potatoes, corn and salad for dinner so that is still good.
    My shoulder is feeling better today.

    Water is A.
    Workout effort was an A- I busted it out.
  • ShawnDMuth
    ShawnDMuth Posts: 270 Member
    Well done Jfearn64, I'm starting to look at my dumbbell set wondering if it is going to get me through it also. If I can make it til January i can get some cheap from the quitters on Craigslist..lol yes I am rotten.

    Good news on my son, a previous injury on meniscus tore further and folded over to cause the irritation/lock. Very minor and was trimmed up without stitches with a scope. He is 100% and just needs to heal and get over the swelling. Looks like his wrestling season is still possible. Soccer is definitely safe.

    Workout, legs...blah. I got a great workout, but I hate split squats....passionately hate them.

    Nutrition, hospital food for the second day. Weight is bugging me, I want to cut back my calories but I want results. I've gone up from 167 at my lowest to almost 176 pounds. I put almost an inch on my waist. I'm going to cut my calories back to 2500 for a while.

    Water, poorly done. may get to 6 cups.
    Great to hear your son only needed stitches, a blessing and MUCH quicker recovery process.
  • pgp90xer
    pgp90xer Posts: 219 Member
    Did Beast Cardio this morning, hitting 540 calories burned. Today is Graduation Day for me for Body Beast! Love, love this program. Going to start in a day or two a Body Beast hybrid and alternate between the weightlifting of Body Beast and some type of cardio workout.

    Happy Birthday to Shawn. I have said before that the Beast Leg workout is one of the hardest, such a cardio workout too!
  • pgp90xer
    pgp90xer Posts: 219 Member
    Hey Jfearn64.

    No I am in the Beast Phase of the diet. It is 40% protein, 30% carbs, 30% fat. I have found that with every change in the diet phases it has taken me awhile to really nail it down. Like I would just get use to not eating that much carbs and then you switch and go into the bulk phase so you start packing on the carbs with whole wheat breads and pastas and then before you now it the phase switches on you again!!! If you need help with fats, good old peanut butter comes in handy. Also pumpkins seeds are really good fats and they are packed with protein. My package here reads for a 1/4 cup contains 300 cals, 23g fat, 4g carbs and 18g protein!!! Super food there!!
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Body Beast Day 10/90

    No workout today. I got very dizzy at work and had to have my wife pick me up and drive me to doctor. Not sure why I am dizzy. Possible vertigo from fluid in ears. Unable to work out tonight. Hope to be better tomorrow after some sinus medication and rest.

    Water C

    Nutrition B- ate healthy but unable to eat all my calories because of the vertigo