Daily check in log



  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Shawn: glad to see life is settling down for you and you are back to bringing it hard in your workouts.

    Jar41: You lowered your calories because you gained inches on your waist is that right? Are you doing the Huge Beast or Lean Beast right now? I would think with the Huge beast, you would gain a little around the midsection as you are eating at a surplus, The last phase should be the cutting phase after you have built up the muscle and then lean out. Shawn you have completed the program once, does that sound right?


    Huge Beast Day 40/90

    Water A+ 114 ounces

    Nutrition A 25/51/24, 1% high on carbs and 1% low on fat, I'll take that.

    Workout A, Bulk Chest. Increased the weights on about half the exercises. Form was very good. Pushed so hard I got a little nauseous again. Recovery drink and supplements afterward took care of that though. Also went and burned some calories working on my golf game for a couple of hours today :smile:
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Huge Beast Day 41/90

    Water A: Drank lots on the course as I always do

    Nutrition: B, Going out to dinner tonight. Have it planned out and macros will be close. I'll have 350 calories left when I get home to tweak the macros in so this could turn into an A, we shall see.

    Workout A. Bulk legs and 18 holes of golf. Played golf this morning. Got home and had a late lunch, then felt very lethargic and dreading the Bulk legs as it is the toughest in these DVDs in my opinion. Finally got off my *kitten* and did it. Once I got going, I did well. Even raised the weights in half the exercises.
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Body Beast day 42/90, end if week five already
    Water B, had my normal amount but also had few beers on the golf course, so should have had more.
    Nutrition B so far, still need to eat another 356 calories before bed
    Workout A Bulk back and 18 holes of golf (shot 77) raised the weights on several exercises and kept proper form.
    Not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow after 17 days off ????
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    Water and Nutrition Well, Exercise not so much. Sunday was just too busy to fit it all in between wrestling and volleyball.

    It has been two weeks, and is time to report results again.

    Measurement, Date Taken (11/8, 11/20, 12/8, 12/22, 1/6)

    Arm 13, 13.5, 13.5, 14.25, 14.25
    Calf 14.25 no change
    Neck 14.5, 14.75, 15, 15.25, 15.5
    Chest 40, 42, 42.75, 43.5, 44
    Waist 31, 31, 32, 32.5, 32.25
    Thigh 20, 20.5, 21, 21.5, 21.5
    Shoulders 46, 47, 47.75, 48.5, 49
    Weight 168, 170,175, 179, 182

    I'm not sure I'm taking the measurements in the proper location, but I'm consistantly taking them in the same location. I was a little flat this time around and hoping it was the lack of calories and not a plateau. None the less, this is the halfway point and I'm nearly on goal.
  • ShawnDMuth
    ShawnDMuth Posts: 270 Member
    Water and Nutrition Well, Exercise not so much. Sunday was just too busy to fit it all in between wrestling and volleyball.

    It has been two weeks, and is time to report results again.

    Measurement, Date Taken (11/8, 11/20, 12/8, 12/22, 1/6)

    Arm 13, 13.5, 13.5, 14.25, 14.25
    Calf 14.25 no change
    Neck 14.5, 14.75, 15, 15.25, 15.5
    Chest 40, 42, 42.75, 43.5, 44
    Waist 31, 31, 32, 32.5, 32.25
    Thigh 20, 20.5, 21, 21.5, 21.5
    Shoulders 46, 47, 47.75, 48.5, 49
    Weight 168, 170,175, 179, 182

    I'm not sure I'm taking the measurements in the proper location, but I'm consistantly taking them in the same location. I was a little flat this time around and hoping it was the lack of calories and not a plateau. None the less, this is the halfway point and I'm nearly on goal.
    That is the key to measurements, the same place each time. Ideally, even around the same time of day. You certainly have grown, keep working at it.

    I did cardio and abs yesterday. Today will be Bulk Chest, I am actually going to do the workout with a friend of mine. He hasn't been working out and is due for some soreness! LOL
    My eating has been pretty close A-
    Water is easy one A
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Water and Nutrition Well, Exercise not so much. Sunday was just too busy to fit it all in between wrestling and volleyball.

    It has been two weeks, and is time to report results again.

    Measurement, Date Taken (11/8, 11/20, 12/8, 12/22, 1/6)

    Arm 13, 13.5, 13.5, 14.25, 14.25
    Calf 14.25 no change
    Neck 14.5, 14.75, 15, 15.25, 15.5
    Chest 40, 42, 42.75, 43.5, 44
    Waist 31, 31, 32, 32.5, 32.25
    Thigh 20, 20.5, 21, 21.5, 21.5
    Shoulders 46, 47, 47.75, 48.5, 49
    Weight 168, 170,175, 179, 182

    I'm not sure I'm taking the measurements in the proper location, but I'm consistantly taking them in the same location. I was a little flat this time around and hoping it was the lack of calories and not a plateau. None the less, this is the halfway point and I'm nearly on goal.

    Steady growth in most of the body parts where you are looking to grow. That is great! Nice work.
  • ShawnDMuth
    ShawnDMuth Posts: 270 Member
    I did Bulk Chest today with one of my old personal training clients. He hasn't been working out so will be hurting tomorrow. LOL
    I am going to train him BEAST style for a few months!
    Eating is good today A
    Water is good A
    Intensity for workout is good A

    How do you guys like the Beast vs P90X? Very different programs!
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Huge Beast day 43/90 beginning of week 7
    Water A+
    Nutrition A- macros close 25/52/23

    Workout A+ bulk arms. Wow what a pump tonight, my arms felt so tight my biceps and triceps were screaming!
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    Huge Beast Bulk Arms and Abs for me too. I put a lot of effort into squeezing the muscle group being isolated as Sagi asked. I don't think I ever squeezed that hard on every rep. I added 2 sets of v pushups. I stayed on the floor to cool off and woke up 30 minutes later, lol.

    Nutrition and water was very good today.
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Huge Beast day 44/90 Bulk Shoulders

    Water A, I always seem to drink plenty. I gave up diet soda so this is pretty much all I drink (except a little almond milk in the morning)

    Nutrition A, Macros exactly on goal of 25/50/25 and within 40 calories of goal.

    Workout A. Bulk Shoulders. I think this is my favorite of the DVDs. For some reason I chuckle every time when Sagi is ripping on Scotty "Scotty your form SUCKS! Drop the weights!). Love the pump I get with this workout and love the way my shoulders are developing.

    Nice to see all the new faces on here and looking forward to all the interaction. Feel free to send me a friend request. I have been logging on here every day for over 460 days. I will be here for your support as I am not going anywhere:happy:
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    Nice work Jfearn, I always laugh when he offers Scotty a hug. How about those Arnold presses? Those really tear me up.

    Huge Bulk Shoulders 44/90 I got my workout in after 10 P.M. I was amazed how weak I am at night workouts. I had to drop the weights last night. Even with less weight I got a good workout, and being afraid I'd be too wired to sleep was a nonissue.

    Water, Good 14 cups.

    Nutrition, my calories were on goal but the macros were about a third each.

    We got new people? Like everyone else I'm willing to help or share whatever I can.
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Jar41yo6m: Nice to get workout in after 10 pm, that is dedication there, super!

    Shawn: no post; slacker :wink:

    Huge Beast day 45/90 "Half way"

    Water A, No issues here

    Nutrition A- Macros 23/51/26, New dinner tonight threw things a bit out of whack. It tasted good though, salmon fettuccine

    Workout A. Bulk Chest. Today was a scheduled rest day, but some friends invited me out after work for a celebration tomorrow so I switched it up so I could have tomorrow off. Got a really good workout today. Slowed things down and really squeezed the chest muscles. Worked close to failure on some of the progressive sets. Worked on strict form on decline push-ups
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    Huge Beast Chest, went a day early to avoid wrestling conflicts tomorrow. I had a good workout, like Jfearn I put extra effort into the squeezes. It was hard to keep pace with the workout when trying to finish the reps with a squeeze.

    Water, good at 14 cups.

    Nutrition, only a couple percent off.
  • ShawnDMuth
    ShawnDMuth Posts: 270 Member
    Got in Bulk Back today, maybe the easiest Beast workout. I didn't say easy! LOL
    Eating is good today A
    Water is good A
    Workout intensity is A

    Nice new pictures you guys! I heard from my friend who I did Bulk Chest with today, he is hurting! GOOD!
  • ShawnDMuth
    ShawnDMuth Posts: 270 Member
    Did Bulk arms with my friend/client yesterday. That routine is pretty fun and my biceps certainly get a good pump. How are you guys enjoying the routine so far? Do you like it more than P90X or how do you feel?
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    I like it better than P90X. I can really start to see the results now. I can see myself doing several rounds of this.
  • ShawnDMuth
    ShawnDMuth Posts: 270 Member
    I like it better than P90X. I can really start to see the results now. I can see myself doing several rounds of this.
    Isn't that what I told you? LOL
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Huge Beast Day 47/90 Bulk Legs

    Water A+ 16 8 ounce glasses and counting

    Nutrition A+ 25/50/25 exactly on my desired macros. Ate every 2-3 hours today to keep the metabolism burning. Ate healthy foods and lots of water. Just 70 calories under goal (trying to gain weight)

    Workout was an A as well. Raised the weights and kept strict form. Bulk Legs is an intense workout, but you have to work hard if you are going to build muscle, especially at my age (48).

    @Shawn, yes you have created a monster. I was always that "skinny guy" Now firmly headed into that fit and ripped guy. I like it (I think Sheri does too!)
  • ShawnDMuth
    ShawnDMuth Posts: 270 Member
    Jeff great to see you are enjoying the BEAST transformation!
    I did Bulk Shoulders today. These workout are certainly no joke. My shoulders are probably what experienced the most visual definition last time I did this program.
    Eating was B today-
    Water was A- ran low at end of day.
    Workout intensity was really good A
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    Two day check in for me.

    Yesterday I had an unscheduled day off. Today back on track with Bulk Back. It was a morning workout and those are really satisfying.

    Nutrition, yesterday was bad; the pizza was awesome. I just need to order less. Today was very good.

    Water was good both days.