Daily check in log



  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Jar41: Your elbow sounds extremely painful, take care of yourself! Great job pushing on with your other workouts.


    Day 19/85

    Workout: Rest day for Body Beast.

    Played 80 mins tennis singles and 54 tennis doubles. Nice NSV: Played singles against a 37 yr & while talking about working out, she told me "I was jacked and had great legs", I had to confirm with my 17 yr son that "Jacked" was good. LOL and at 54 I won 6-2 & 6-0, sweet!

    Nutrition: Goal 1370 @ 40/40/20 - Today 1392 @ 49/41/20 - Planned on having my Greek Yogurt w/my shake but started to get hungry and tried it by its self, tasted sour, yuck! Had to mix it in with my shake.

    Water: 72 oz
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Body Beast Day 19/84

    Scheduled rest day

    Nutrition: 2nd day of Shakeology cleanse. Had two shakes, a bowl of salad with 4 ounces of chicken, an Apple and a banana. Not really hungry today either. One more day to go.

    Lots of water today.
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Quick check in:

    Day 20/83 Body Beast Lean

    Workout: Tennis - double 106 mins & Singles 20 mins, really hot day but good tennis. Also, did Body Beast Legs

    Nutrition: Goal 1370 @ 40/40/20 - Today 1699 @ 41/39/20

    Water: 72 oz
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Check in for yesterday Day 20/84 Body Beast Lean

    I am on my third day of a 3 day Shakeology cleanse. Played golf today prior to Build legs. Really had no energy to bring to this workout. I lowered my weights just so I could get through it, but it was tough. The golf took alot out of me. It was over 90F here in Florida and ran out of gas on the back nine. Workout was after I finished golf so I was out of it. Made it through, but man what a tough one. Thanks to intotennis for helping me push through this tough workout.

    Nutrition: Stuck to my 3 day cleanse program well except I misread the plan. I only had 2 Shakeology shakes per day where I should have had three. Probably why I was out of gas on the last day (cumulative effect). Lost 3.6 lbs and 1?2" off my waist in the three days.
    Water was excellent.

    Back to the normal nutrition plan today for Body Beast. Have Back and Bis to do, looking forward to it this morning as I have more fuel in me. Also will be nice to get back to my supplements.
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    Jeff 3 days is a tough row to hoe. Well done.

    Intotennis, my son explained that to my last year. Ripped, jacked then shredded would be the 3 stages of awesome in his 17 year old world. He is currently Jacked and working towards shredded. I've got 5 boys, the two oldest have had personal trainers for 3 years. I used to pay a lot for elite sports instruction, now I just pay for them to get strong and learn how to be healthy. FYI, I have yet to earn anything beyond "JIggly" congrats to you.

    Some rest on my elbow was in order, but a friend needed help picking up hay before it rained. Several hours of loading bales (60-70lbs each) took its toll. It was nice that besides my elbow the only other thing hurting was the 6 blisters on my hands. A year ago I wouldn't have lasted 30 minutes and then I'd be too sore to move the next day.

    Still avoiding the weights, but got walks and a run in still. Nutrition was great. Water was good, too. I'm using the runtastic app to log my walks/running. It is a very cool app for those looking for a cardio logger...it includes Tennis and Golf ;)
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Jar41: Holy Moly 5 boys, I go crazy with just 2! It's great that your showing them the healthy lifestyle, if they haven't' yet, they will one day thank you. Congrats on sticking with nutrition and getting your cardio done; determination!

    Jfearn: You did an excellent job sticking with the Shakelogy cleanse, even with someone eating ice-cream next to you, I don't think I would of have the willpower!


    Early check in for me:

    Sunday - Day 21/83

    Did Body Beast Back/Bis and a lot of errands, nutrition was good for the most part but didn't log.

    Monday - Day 22/83

    Workout: Started Phase two Body Beast Bulk - Completed Bulk Chest today and will play 2 hrs tennis tonight if it doesn't' rain.

    Nutrition: Goal 1370 @ 40/40/20 - Today Pre-logged at 1404 @ 40/42/18

    Water: 40 oz and it's only 11AM
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    Jeff, you work hard and play hard. Sorry to see your schedule. What do you do? I'm an Engineer, I got out of consulting and into government to reduce my hours. I get the occassional long day with construction, but not as bad as you.

    Intotennis, your alias is appropriate. I could play that much volleyball if I could find that many games/players. Yep I got a 17, 14, 12, 9, 7 year old boys.

    Nutrition has been very good, thanks for making me come on here and be accountable. I had gotten sort of lazy about logging. Sort of lazy about foods being "close enough" to my macros or calorie count also.

    I ran/walk 2.6 miles with the family. The intent was to walk with the wife. But we got left in the dust by a 7& 9 year olds on scooters and an 12 year old training to run cross country this fall. I felt compelled to to keep up with the kids on a new trail. I did Bulk Legs as soon as we got home from that, which was brutal. It was a terribly difficult to do coming off a 2 mile run.

    Elbow is much better again, but I'm going to avoid lifting with it for a few more days.
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    I got a 4 mile walk in with the Mrs last night., it is so muggy here. We finished the cold monson season and straight into the dog days of summer. Who stole my spring?

    I got up early enough for a 1.2 mile run, it seems like I'm faster and burn more calories on "mapmyrun" than I am on "runtastic". I just keep telling myself it doesn't matter so much as I get it done.

    Nutrition and water has been great. I'm losing weight, which isn't the intent of the program but it is my goal this cycle.
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Jar41: That's awesome you workout with the family, our boys are 15 & 17, our youngest completed P90X with us and the older started but drop it. I couldn't imagine doing Bulk legs after a 2 mile run, fantastic job & congrats on the weight loss!


    Tuesday - Day 23/83

    Workout - Body Beast - Bulk Legs - The only thing I did well this day!

    Nutrition & Water: N/A

    Wednesday - Day 24/83

    Workout: Played a USTA Tennis match in 90 degree heat, burned over 1,000 calories & had a "sweet" win! This afternoon completed Body Beast - Bulk Arms, tough workout.

    Nutrition: Goal 1370 @ 40/40/20 - Today 1649 @ 36/42/22, macros could be better but not bad choices.

    Water: 96 oz so far
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    I got in late and didn't work out yesterday. Wroking on the Garden Tractor and fixing the driveway had me out late, greasy and gassed.

    Good nutrition, even though I spent a lot of my calories on one monstorous double cheeseburger.

    I'll either be kayaking tonight or working on my sister's boat; an official workout looks doubtfull tonight unless it rains or I skipped work this afternoon to take the boys to the pool.

    intotennis, Nice work on the court!
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    I'm still not working out, and probably won't do anything upper body this week. My elbow just can't handle moderate work, much less a workout.

    Nutrition has been good.

    I managed an 11.2 mile jog. My longest ever and I'm still a little sore. I don't know why I went so far I just kept thinking that I would go a little further and it got our of hand.
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    Nutrition was a bit of a bust, I got the munchies and my house is loaded with snacks. It wasn't horrible, but I should have found a distraction. Usually I'll eat some Sunflower seeds in the shell to keep myself busy but I was out. I really don't need all that salt either.

    No body beast, I was still sore from my Sunday run and my elbow. I feel good today and am looking at a 5k on the 4th. I'll probably just walk today.
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Been out of town on vacation at a beach house. Took the weights with us though so kept up with Body Beast. We are back in town now. Next workout later today.
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    Still no lifting from me. I managed a 5k in 24:58, a second place finish in a dodgeball tournament (12 games) and several hours of kayaking since my last report.

    Nutrition has been good, my logging was really bad over the weekend.

    I don't think I'll be back to Body Beast until the kids are back in school. I started getting fit last year so I had more energy to enjoy them. I sort of lost focus on "enjoying them" until I stopped lifting and found all this excess energy.
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Start of Body Beast Week #5 for me

    Bulk Chest. I really like this one. Had a good workout and felt a good pump. Nutrition just ok today. Took leftover pizza for lunch because I was in a hurry for work. Water consumption down a bit from normal too, forgot my water glass for work (need to go pack that right now so tomorrow will be better!)
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    Pizza...it is my kryptonite.

    I ran a fast 2 miles yesterday. It was extremely hot and humid.

    Nutrition was good. I've really fell off the wagon logging. I'm so buried and stressed with work I'm not really eating very much or logging. I hadn't planned on the "stress" diet but hit 178 today. I haven't been this light in the last 3 months on my MFP log. There is always a silver lining I guess.

    Keep up the Body Beast! I found my other 50# dumbbell and am looking forward to being back at it this fall.
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Body Beast Week 5

    Bulk legs today. This is always a tough workout. Works the legs really hard. Did well though and now relaxing having my Body Beast supplements with some Shakeology.

    Nutrition still just ok, leftovers for lunch. Don't think I will have dinner as I am pretty full now and still have some shake to get down.

    Water intake was good.
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Body Beast Week 5 Round 2

    Workout: Beast Cardio and Beast Abs. Had a good workout and really brought it pretty hard.

    Need to get my nutrition on track, been slacking on that lately.

    Water was good today.
  • bishopbautista
    Day 4 for me and and I can barely move. Getting motivated to do yesterdays workout was hard but did I did my build Biceps and Back and really glad I did it afterwards.

    I can't wait for the soreness to reduce. My bedroom is on the second floor and my legs could barely get me up the steps..LOL