Since people have offered



  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    oh i love it!!!!!
    thank you!!!!!!!
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member

    I am a single mom. I've been divorced for about three years. I have a full and exciting life that I would like to share with a special gentleman. I am old fashioned. I believe in taking the time to develop a serious relationship. Some qualities that I believe I offer are that I am spontaneous, very kind, and outgoing, sweet and thoughtful. I am polite and appreciative. I am non-judgemental, charismatic, smart, and goofy.

    I love to hike and mountain bike, but am missing that partner to make it more enjoyable. I also enjoy working out frequently. While I am a single mother, I do have the time to put into a relationship for the right man.

    My ideal partner would be a man who loves the outdoors, staying in shape, is good with kids, likes animals, and is family oriented. He doesn't drink or smoke. He loves what he does for a living. Even though I'm no Jillian Michaels, I do my best to live a healthy lifestyle. I'm a fixture at the gym during the week. Like kids? Good, because I've got a bunch of them. They have a father, so I'm not looking for that, but they do play a large part in my life. I have two huge Great Pyrenees dogs. They don't bite.. unless you get on my bad side ;) The dogs and I often take long walks. Perhaps you could join us sometime?

    All in all, I'm looking for a guy who's witty, sweet, funny, over 6'5", Ivy league education, and has a 6 pack (height, education, and abs are not a deal breaker.. but you better be funny!)

    Okay... here are my edits. This is better. Trust me.

    I am a single mom and have been divorced for about three years. I have a full and exciting life that I would like to share with a special gentleman! I am old fashioned and I believe in taking the time to develop a serious relationship.
    I am spontaneous, very kind, outgoing, sweet and thoughtful. I am polite and love showing appreciation for others. I take pride in being non-judgemental, charismatic, intelligent, and kinda goofy at times!

    I love to hike and mountain bike, and am looking for an adventurous and outgoing partner to make it even more enjoyable. Even though I'm no Jillian Michaels, I do my best to live a healthy lifestyle! I'm a fixture at the gym during the week. Like kids? Good, because I've got a bunch of them. They have a father, so I'm not looking for that, but they do play a large part in my life. While I am a single mother, I do have the time to put into a relationship for the right man.

    My ideal partner would be a man who loves the outdoors, staying in shape, is good with kids, likes animals, and is family oriented. I prefer someone who doesn't drink or smoke and truly loves what he does for a living. I also have two huge Great Pyrenees dogs. They don't bite.. unless you get on my bad side ;) The dogs and I often take long walks. Perhaps you could join us sometime?

    All in all, I'm looking for a guy who's witty, sweet, funny, over 6'5", Ivy league education, and has a 6 pack (height, education, and abs are not a deal breaker.. but you better be funny!)

    I like this. I thought Mike's was entertaining and memorable but I also thought it was too light and funny. Kind of saying I'm out to have fun. From everything you've said lately, I don't think "I'm out to have fun!" is the message you'd like to send out. It will just invite more of the same types of attention you've been receiving.

    I would recommend changing your body type from "I'll tell you later" to whatever choice you feel is most descriptive. Anyone who avoids the larger body types is also going to assume "I'll tell you later" means you have a larger body type and disqualify you. "I'll tell you later" just says, I am big and lack confidence in my body.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    dont forget to clear out your views. sometimes it's fun to see how much more attention you're profile updates can get you.

    then again i'm a nerd and i like when i can somewhat quantify things :laugh:
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    ok, clear views-- will do
    body type-- i don't know what to put.....
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    There are lots of posts here, and I didn't read them all, so someone might have said it already (although I didn't see this on the first page),

    You are looking for friends.... and someone to spend the weekend together camping on a dating site! I can see that reinforcing the idea of FWB if you are saying right here that you want someone to spend some weekends together all alone... and you are looking for it to be a man from a dating site. It's not like you are on a friendship site and meeting women with like interests or on hooking up with a group to do some interest you share.


    I just saw your newer version above and the camping is gone! Much better profile!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    ok, clear views-- will do
    body type-- i don't know what to put.....

    I would say "about average" or "athletic." You are definitely not "a few extra pounds."
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    ok, clear views-- will do
    body type-- i don't know what to put.....

    is your profile correct in that you have 60 pounds to lose? if so then choose overweight or big and beautiful or however they phrase that there
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    I just picked an arbitrary number as my
    Goal. I have no clue what I NEED to lose.
    I've stopped worrying about pounds lost and I'm focusing
    On fat loss. So, inches and clothes is my guide.
    I can put a full body pic up and you all can decide :-)
  • Danielle_2013
    Danielle_2013 Posts: 806 Member
    Totally can't tell from the oversized jackety thing you are wearing. You could be a size 4 or 14 with that (remember this for pictures too!) on. If you need to lose some weight, perhaps put the option just above average - like "a few extra pounds" etc. Then again, you could be very average for America...and perhaps that would be the best. I definitely agree... just claim the body you have - the "I'll tell you later" thing totally translates just as DB said.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    it's hard to tell with that pic, but i general i say go by your objective view of your body type.
    if you know that you have some pounds to lose then go for a few pounds extra .
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    I would say athletic,average or curvy although that is a thing of debate as far as how interpreted..

    Get good ones though,maybe in some workout gear like this (but lose the sweater or jacket) and maybe one in the dress you are wearing in the leg picture here.

    As long as what you put is reasonable if you have clear pictures of you it won`t matter much how you describe it.
    A guy is going to see a nice,feminine figure.
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    Ok, I'll find another :-)
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    First... Wow! I am really impressed by your new profile (and your positive attitude about this).
    It is miles better than the previous one. People have been making great suggestions too!
    I like the blondish one with the red streak through it.
    I really like this pic too, although admittedly you look a bit sad in it.
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    Ok, this is me right this second, post big dinner ;-)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    hey looks like we have similar body types. anyway i think you're safe with a few extra pounds
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    I would suggest a few extra pounds and having some full body pics up. The reason I say this is if you're in doubt about your body type and you have comments in your profile about being a fixture at the gym and looking for a fit guy, it could be considered deceitful and maybe hypocritical to not live up to the expectations. A guy who meets you for the first time could consider you a little heavy and feel misled if he imagined you to be more average or athletic. I know from personal experience that women who I thought looked okay became very unattractive to me because l felt they lied to me through the pictures and descriptions that were provided.
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    ok. thanks!
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    i made it few extra pounds.

    this is why i wish i could do something about my body. i do live at the gym. LOL i worked out twice on monday, once on tues and once today.

    i took 3 months off from lifting and doing intense cardio, so i have to say i don't feel too too bad about how i look knowing that i didn't lift or do HIITS for 3 months, LOL. i was hoping to get my eating and metabolism straightened out. it didn't work.

    so, this weekend i am starting a 3 week elimination diet :-) we'll see if that helps any. my stomach is my hardest area to deal with, which is often an indicator of food intolerance. we shall see!!
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Hello gorgeous… as promised earlier, here’s my take. Short and sweet. Let me know what you think. I have no pride of authorship so if you don’t use any of my suggestions no worries.

    Hello handsome! I am a single mom who’s been divorced for about three years, and I’m looking for that special gentleman to share my full and exciting life! I am spontaneous, outgoing, sweet and thoughtful, and while I’m charismatic and intelligent, I can also be kinda goofy at times!

    I have two huge Great Pyrenees dogs that love to go for walks. They don't bite…unless you get on my bad side ;) I love to hike and mountain bike, and even though I'm no Jillian Michaels, I do my best to live a healthy lifestyle! Perhaps you can join me in this adventure?

    Like kids? Good, because I've got a bunch of them. They have a father, so I'm not looking for that, but they do play a large part in my life. Though I am a single mother, I do have the time to put into a relationship for the right man.

    My ideal partner would be a man who loves the outdoors, staying in shape, likes animals, is family oriented, and truly loves what he does for a living. I’m not looking to rush into anything, so contact me today… we’ll just take it slow and see what happens.

    Why I changed what I did (gang, please note, I wrote this as a PM to her and then decided to post too lazy to fix the grammar and punctuation).

    Notes: I tried to liven up the writing some (more action words), took out some things that might be negatively viewed like “old fashioned” Took out adjectives I thought might set you up as a patsy (like “very kind” and “polite and love showing appreciation for others”) or that have negative connotation (why would you have to say non judgmental?). Took out “is good with kids,” because a) you say you have a bunch so he knows this, but then you also say you’re not looking for another father (contradictory). I also took out the drink or smoke. Everyone lies about not smoking. Also, since I, too, prefer someone who doesn’t drink or smoke I can tell you right now THIS will cut out most of the decent guys who will ask you out. I’m serious! When I did a search on “never drinks” on Match I got 7 guys! When I did the next step up I got over 500 guys. This does NOT mean you have to settle for a guy who drinks. It just means you go out on a few dates to get your feet wet, and then you can tweak your profile and add that back in later once your confidence is built up.

    The “I’m not looking to rush” line is something I added to the bottom of my profile that really increased the quality of guys who contacted me. A man who used to be in this forum (and dated me for a bit) told me it was because it read like a) I’m not going to rush into sex (drives away the jerks) and b) I’m not in a rush to get married, which makes good guys comfortable that I won’t pressure them into getting married right away because I have some sort of “box” to fill with the first man willing.

    And pictures are VERY important. If you don't have anyone to help you take some, ask waiter in a restaurant that has nice plants or backdrop. Store clerks or even people at whatever event you’re at are happy to take your pic if you ask them. I ask people all the time to take my picture at the mall or wherever. They usually look SO much better than ones we take ourselves.


  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    Woo hoo! Love the new version!! And, love that everyone is having so much fun with it (and it seems you are as well). :) Good luck!