March Check-in&Chat - Green beer to fuel your lifts!



  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    I don't watch sodium. But I just ate over 3000 calories at Jack in the box. So I guess that kinda goes without saying.

    Only things I track are calories and protein

    This ^^^^ except for 3000 cal's at JITB. I wish :love:

    Yea I was under 3500 calories for the past 2 days and feeling it. Had to get some thing in my body to make up for it. So I pigged out right after my workout.

    That said I have a really hard time eating as much as I need to healthily. Sometimes being 6'0 and 220 lbs has its advantages and sometimes it's a real pain in the *kitten* when you don't want to eat.

    Oh I'm not judging....I'm insanely jealous actually lol

    For real about drinking cals? Shakes and stuff? Is that doable?

    I really believe in calories being calories. But I have heard somethings about not drinking your calories. I think those were more in reference to soda though.

    I personally get the Large mango smoothie which that alone is about 600 calories. So you need to be really careful when you do have them. Also, love jamba juice.

    Also they have a ton of sugar in them. While I usually don't concern myself too much with sugar I do try and not overdo it.

    Sorry, I should have been more specific. I meant drinking calories in terms of actually making protein shakes and stuff.....not buying pre-made shakes or juices or pop. For example, milk is great from a nutritional standpoint. Add some protein powder, fruit or peanut butter and you have a great shake that you can really amp up easily to 500+calories. Nutritious without being filled with junk. IMO there is nothing wrong with meeting your caloric goal with something like that.

    Ah yea I thought you were referring to you wanting to drink shakes and stuff at those places lol.

    I do drink 2 protein shakes a day which totals to about 1000 calories and 104 grams of protein a day. I haven't gotten into the habit of adding stuff into them yet but I really need to.

    Also that was with skim milk. Switching to whole milk next time I goto the store. Just didnt even think about it LOL. Was drinking 2% or higher my entire life till my ex came a long and didnt like the thickness of it lol. She really shouldnt have been drinking it either because she got big too. We both did. Then again we never moved. Sitting around watching movies together is nice sometimes but not all the time which is what it turned into.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    My main priority is my hamstrings they are always so tight these days with the heavy squats. Are you able to get them well with that one. Or should I more be looking at one I should be rolling around on. Really dont know. Price doesnt matter too much just want it to work lol.

    I focus mostly on my upper legs/glutes/low back with my rolling, and my hamstrings are usually fine. I only get minimally sore anymore from lifting, but I always do yoga before and foam rolling after.

    Also, a great, great hamstring stretch is Downward Dog. Awesome for calves, glutes and spine too. Very versatile posture that does a lot of things and works a lot of places.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    You ladies are always so helpful. That's why I love ya! :flowerforyou:
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    @Tameko - yeah, I should have specified that I stick to 2000mg of sodium a day because my bp worried my doctor at my last visit. I got the typical "you need to lose weight", but in addition, she said that if I couldn't get it down, then she'd have to take me off my birth control (it can cause high blood pressure also). So, I'm avoiding salt when I can to try and help with the bp (hopefully losing weight in general will help).

    @Doozer - someone was mentioning somewhere about bulking, and he adds instant oats to his shake because it adds a fair amount of carbs and calories. I know you aren't bulking, but it can add to the calories.

    @Darwin. Awesome numbers! Seriously jealous of you deads. I had my first failure today :angry: Glad someone rocked theirs!
  • fishlover888
    @ Darwin - you are bada$$!

    So back when I just creeped around this thread and didn't join yet I vaguely remember someone talking about 'butt winking' during squats and I wasn't really sure what that was until I took a video of myself today!

    Definitely can see my hips rotate back at the end of the squat which I'm assuming is the wink? I'm guessing due to tight HS. Any advice or can anyone point me to the thread talking about this? Any other advice on form is always welcome...

    Wish I could figure out how to search posts within a group so I wouldn't have to bug you all about past topics, sorry
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    I am in week 8.
    Starting body weight: 137lbs
    Current body weight: 146lbs

    5 reps x 5 sets:
    (175lbs) Deadlift (SW at 115)
    (130lbs) Barbell Squat (SW at 55)
    (85lbs) Barbell Row (SW at 65)
    (80lbs) Barbell Overhead (SW at 55)
    (70lbs) Bench Press (SW at 55)

    March Goals:
    - I'd like to squat my bodyweight (145-150lbs by then?)
    - Bench press 80lbs
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    @ Darwin - you are bada$$!

    So back when I just creeped around this thread and didn't join yet I vaguely remember someone talking about 'butt winking' during squats and I wasn't really sure what that was until I took a video of myself today!

    Definitely can see my hips rotate back at the end of the squat which I'm assuming is the wink? I'm guessing due to tight HS. Any advice or can anyone point me to the thread talking about this? Any other advice on form is always welcome...

    Wish I could figure out how to search posts within a group so I wouldn't have to bug you all about past topics, sorry

    Seems like you might be curving your back in a little too much which i believe causes that. keep you back straight and that should keep your hips down.

    Also youre still a few inches from hitting parallel. You want have the top of your hips aligned with your knees. You're almost there though just a little lower.

    I'm not great at these but so take what the ladies say into account more than me. But I think you're doing great

    PS what were you having to step over in that rack? I would kill my self trying to back up and going over things.
    I am in week 8.
    Starting body weight: 137lbs
    Current body weight: 146lbs

    5 reps x 5 sets:
    (175lbs) Deadlift (SW at 115)
    (130lbs) Barbell Squat (SW at 55)
    (85lbs) Barbell Row (SW at 65)
    (80lbs) Barbell Overhead (SW at 55)
    (70lbs) Bench Press (SW at 55)

    Great Job! those are some awesome numbers!
  • tigeratty
    tigeratty Posts: 75 Member
    Hi, new to the group. I've been doing Stronglifts off and on for a few years. Had an ankle injury that sidelined me for a long time.


    Squat 130
    Bench: 60
    Row: 60

    Last time:

    Squat 130
    OHP 45
    DL 130

    I find I lag way behind in the upper body lifts compared to my squat and deadlift.

    I'm psyched to see so many ladies lifting heavy. I'm usually one of the few at my gym, and definitely the oldest. I'm 46.

  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    PS what were you having to step over in that rack? I would kill my self trying to back up and going over things.

    She's stepping over the foot of her bench (I'd definitely kill myself too).

    @Fishlover - are you using your bench to essentially do box squats to work on form? I didn't see much butt winking (although I'm definitely not an expert), and I imagine it would be difficult to do butt winking while doing a box squat (again, I could be wrong). I did notice that your bar position is pretty high on your back. It's mostly preference, but I've heard that low bars are easier to do at higher weights (and in fact high bar could eventually limit your progression).

    The bar position looks pretty good and darn near vertical path, which is awesome. I did notice on one squat your toes actually came off the ground, so you might be rocking back on your heels too far. I found that stopped for me the more I practiced at getting low. I now try and hang out in the "Asian squat" if I can to get used to sitting down low and keeping my weight on my mid foot. Maybe some other people have some good suggestions.

    (Also personally, I'd ditch the bar pad.)
  • fishlover888
    Edited to prevent double post

    Seems like you might be curving your back in a little too much which i believe causes that. keep you back straight and that should keep your hips down.

    Also youre still a few inches from hitting parallel. You want have the top of your hips aligned with your knees. You're almost there though just a little lower.

    I'm not great at these but so take what the ladies say into account more than me. But I think you're doing great

    PS what were you having to step over in that rack? I would kill my self trying to back up and going over things.

    Haha oh I forgot I was doing that... A trick we use with patients. Put a chair or bench behind you so you have to go low enough to touch it (but not sit of course) - not something I usually do but I was working on form. It's a crazy looking bench with the feet hanging forward like that - don't worry I'll find something else to use when I squat big weights that I don't have to crawl over. Plus if I'm not getting parallel I'll have to try to find a lower bench anyway!

    @ Audii Yes on the bench I think, I just didn't know they were called box squats! Bar pad arrived on the oly randomly at the gym today so I thought I would check it out.. I am not sure I like it so I'll take your advice and ditch it if it's still there next time.

    When you lower the bar, where do your elbows go? In front of your body? Not sure I'm flexible enough :P

    Thanks for the advice!!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member

    Seems like you might be curving your back in a little too much which i believe causes that. keep you back straight and that should keep your hips down.

    Also youre still a few inches from hitting parallel. You want have the top of your hips aligned with your knees. You're almost there though just a little lower.

    I'm not great at these but so take what the ladies say into account more than me. But I think you're doing great

    PS what were you having to step over in that rack? I would kill my self trying to back up and going over things.

    Haha oh I forgot I was doing that... A trick we use with patients. Put a chair or bench behind you so you have to go low enough to touch it (but not sit of course) - not something I usually do but I was working on form. It's a crazy looking bench with the feet hanging forward like that - don't worry I'll find something else to use when I squat big weights that I don't have to crawl over. Plus if I'm not getting parallel I'll have to try to find a lower bench anyway!

    Thanks for the advice :) I'll definitely work on less back motion there

    So speaking of butt winking, after watching your video, Mehdi's squat video came up (apparently because you're awesome like that). I watch his to see his form, and it seems like there's some major butt winking going on. Am I crazy?
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
  • fishlover888

    So speaking of butt winking, after watching your video, Mehdi's squat video came up (apparently because you're awesome like that). I watch his to see his form, and it seems like there's some major butt winking going on. Am I crazy?

    auddii - You're right he's a TOTAL butt winker!!!
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member

    So speaking of butt winking, after watching your video, Mehdi's squat video came up (apparently because you're awesome like that). I watch his to see his form, and it seems like there's some major butt winking going on. Am I crazy?

    auddii - You're right he's a TOTAL butt winker!!!

    He is but I kinda think its from gravity because you notice his back is pretty straight till he starts going up. I think it'd be had to keep your back completely straight at 390 pounds. I know it should be relative to how much muscle you have. Plus I think thats about 90 percent of his max bound to be some breakdown.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Great numbers everyone!!

    Squat: 3x5 115
    Bench: 3x5 90
    Row: 3x5 85

    The last 2 reps of my last bench set was tough, but manageable. I was at my "regular" gym, and I don't know if it's mental or what, but I just lift better there.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Great numbers everyone!!

    Squat: 3x5 115
    Bench: 3x5 90
    Row: 3x5 85

    The last 2 reps of my last bench set was tough, but manageable. I was at my "regular" gym, and I don't know if it's mental or what, but I just lift better there.

    Great Job! I totally felt it the last time I had to goto another gym. My whole workout was horrible couldn't wait to get out of there. Was so happy when I got back that I busted it out like nobody's business.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Hi, new to the group. I've been doing Stronglifts off and on for a few years. Had an ankle injury that sidelined me for a long time.


    Squat 130
    Bench: 60
    Row: 60

    Last time:

    Squat 130
    OHP 45
    DL 130

    I find I lag way behind in the upper body lifts compared to my squat and deadlift.

    I'm psyched to see so many ladies lifting heavy. I'm usually one of the few at my gym, and definitely the oldest. I'm 46.


    Hello, and welcome!! I'm right behind you at 45. We can still show those young whippersnappers how it's done. Now where did I put my glasses? :huh:
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    Can we call it butt wanking instead? If only to amuse me.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Can we call it butt wanking instead? If only to amuse me.


    Great numbers today, ladies! Color me impressed.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Ugh! Trying to eat again today and almost gagging when I do . I may have figured out the problem though, I am on lithium and a couple other things. But mainly with the lithium I need to be drinking a lot more than the average amount of water. I realized today that a couple days ago I ran out of bottled water. I tend to forget to drink water from the tap even though I have it filtered. But absent minded I have been drinking about 1/4 the water I should be and this leads to an increased amount of lithium in my system. So need to get back on the horse and down some water.

    Forcing myself to chug it as we speak. It sucks being on 3 separate meds that are specifically linked to weight gain when you're trying to lose. I think I'm still doing ok though.