March Check-in&Chat - Green beer to fuel your lifts!



  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    Oh, and also ladies. I despise pain, but I've had 3 kids. EPIDURAL. :wink:
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    I just realized that I was too busy chatting you guys up to actually post my I really thought I had???

    Squats 5x5 90lbs
    OHP 5x5 45lbs
    DL 1x5 115lbs <----PR
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Wow, this thread is really moving!

    C-sections, never had one, or kids but hope to (have kids)... not looking forward to the possibility of a c-section... :(

    This morning,
    Squat 145lbs!
    OHP 55lbs!
    Deadlift 155lbs!

    Note I weigh 150lbs! I deadlifted more than my own weight! Woot woot! Granted they were more 1X2, 1X2 1X1... but I did 5 total! Does that count? Please tell me that counts!

    All my numbers are PRs! :happy:

    Oh and a few minor problems, I tweaked my wrist, I'm pretty sure it's because the barbell slipped on one of the squats, I finished the set and the workout but later it started complaining.

    Also, not sure why but my knee has been achy, on the inner side (not back)... not sure what if anything to do about that... thoughts?
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Well today should be a fairly big day at the gym today as long as I can get these damn hamstrings loosened up. I may just run to dic.ks and grab a foam roller. I really dont want to have to goto 2 days a week on squats but right now that's what its kinda feeling like. But Im going to try the Foam roller, stretching, and yoga first though.

    Whats on tap at the gym today Workout B
    Squat 225 - 2 45s (yay)
    OHP - 100 (I hate yout, but I'm not going to stall after being stuck at 95 for a month)
    Deadlift - 275 1.25 bodyweight (Really hoping I can get to 315 before I stall on this one. 3 plates :p )

    @ vegas I was having problems with the deadlift till I realized that I wasn't keeping my butt down low enough at the start and I was also too far from the bar. Which made me not pull ina vertical line.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Wow, this thread is really moving!

    C-sections, never had one, or kids but hope to (have kids)... not looking forward to the possibility of a c-section... :(

    This morning,
    Squat 145lbs!
    OHP 55lbs!
    Deadlift 155lbs!

    Note I weigh 150lbs! I deadlifted more than my own weight! Woot woot! Granted they were more 1X2, 1X2 1X1... but I did 5 total! Does that count? Please tell me that counts!

    All my numbers are PRs! :happy:

    Oh and a few minor problems, I tweaked my wrist, I'm pretty sure it's because the barbell slipped on one of the squats, I finished the set and the workout but later it started complaining.

    Also, not sure why but my knee has been achy, on the inner side (not back)... not sure what if anything to do about that... thoughts?

    AWESOME numbers!!!! way to go!

    As for the knee, there are ligaments that cross from the back to the front of the knee, and side to side...vertically. My guess is that you stressed the anterior cruciate ligament along the side...I'd heat and ice it..and give it a few days to rest...I'll inbox my bill...bwahahahah..
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Wow, this thread is really moving!

    C-sections, never had one, or kids but hope to (have kids)... not looking forward to the possibility of a c-section... :(

    This morning,
    Squat 145lbs!
    OHP 55lbs!
    Deadlift 155lbs!

    Note I weigh 150lbs! I deadlifted more than my own weight! Woot woot! Granted they were more 1X2, 1X2 1X1... but I did 5 total! Does that count? Please tell me that counts!

    All my numbers are PRs! :happy:

    Oh and a few minor problems, I tweaked my wrist, I'm pretty sure it's because the barbell slipped on one of the squats, I finished the set and the workout but later it started complaining.

    Also, not sure why but my knee has been achy, on the inner side (not back)... not sure what if anything to do about that... thoughts?

    AWESOME numbers!!!! way to go!

    As for the knee, there are ligaments that cross from the back to the front of the knee, and side to side...vertically. My guess is that you stressed the anterior cruciate ligament along the side...I'd heat and ice it..and give it a few days to rest...I'll inbox my bill...bwahahahah..


    I'm guessing those are the ACLs? It's a minor ache, but it's been persisting for a week off and on. I'll try icing it once I get home today and tomorrow and see how it goes. Thanks for the info! :flowerforyou: Your bill, huh? Gee thanks! :grumble:
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    @ kit_katty yes, that would be the ACLs...try alternating with heat too...I usually use heat rather than being for swelling..but aches I like heat...and bear in mind that while I did get a 4.0 in Anatomy & Physiology, I am still JUST a nursing student...and if it doesn't start feeling better you may want to consult a physician. But definatley take a break and let it rest, because if you do real damage you'll be off lifting for far longer...
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Yep, those are the ACL's--knee ligaments are notoriously weak in us wimmen, so that's yet another reason why lifting is so great for us--strengthens those muscles around the knee to give it extra support.

    re: c-sections...both of my kidlets were born via c/s. Declan was an emergency-c after his heart rate was dropping, etc. Delaney was planned because between kids, I found out that I had a blood-clotting disorder, so I needed a planned delivery. I contemplated an induction and try for a VBAC, but then I figured, why? The same OB performed both and she is a fricking rock star--my scar is super low, and with the second one, she stitched the muscles back together because she had the time, and she even reduced the size of my already small scar. I was so lucky! Because of that, my core/abs have never had the huge amount of damage/recovery that a typical c/s entails.

    You can throw things at me now...:laugh:

    Tameko--go to the doc.

    Auddii--LOLZ. Oh, and never disparage my red bull again, you hear? :wink:
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Howdy everyone. Great numbers going up! Y'all are so awesome!

    C-sections- had 2, vertical incisions but also had a tummy tuck about 10 years ago to repair muscle separation(it was really bad) and all the loose skin.

    I swear you need a notepad to keep up with this thread. Had all my replies in my head and poof they're gone WTH

    Workout A for me today. Going to keep my squat weight same to work on my form. Bench press may keep same since was having problems with my shoulder and neck muscle yesterday, think it was just a bad kink, but I don't wanna push it. Rows yeah well they suck. May just keep all weight same as last time.

    Think I finally broke plateau. Down another lb this morning, BUT I know we aren't slaves to the scale around here. But I still did a happy dance :smooched:

    Measurement and progress pics tomorrow.

    Hope everyone is having a great day and next time I'm bringing a notepad darn it!
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    @juliem @doozer @ kit - awesome numbers!

    I could use 15kg and 20kg plates on some of my lifts weakling upper body doesn't let me handle them easily when I'm loading the bar on the floor or propped up on other plates. Does anyone else have this problem?
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    @juliem @doozer @ kit - awesome numbers!

    I could use 15kg and 20kg plates on some of my lifts weakling upper body doesn't let me handle them easily when I'm loading the bar on the floor or propped up on other plates. Does anyone else have this problem?

    Can you set your pins at the lowest point and unrack it? That's what we usually do. Just to put the first set of big plates on, the rest can be added on the floor.

    If you need to add a second big plate, what you do is roll your first big plate (on one side) up onto a babyweight, so its slightly elevated, then you can slide the second plate on easily. Then take it down and do it on the other sid.e
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    I just posted a topic for awesome back here I am pimpin it
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    I just posted a topic for awesome back here I am pimpin it

    You look awesome!

    Yea not quite happy enough with my back yet for that one. Plus I need to do something about the back hair it's kinda gross.
  • suznut8
    suznut8 Posts: 28
    I'm pretty new here :)
    But today I felt great squatting 47.5kg, or 100lbs (i think) , on Friday it will be 50kg :D
    Is it weird to actually fear the weights, because when it's on my back I'm like whoa 'am I going to be able to get back up!'.

    I'm also dead-lifting body weight so I'm happy with that.

    I'm sooooo weak in my upper body and find it difficult to actually increase my weights every session, especially OHP :(
    Anyway, everyone seems to be doing great, very inspirational to see the strength which is achievable.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    @suznut...yeah, I understand, I can get scared some nights too...wondering what I would do if I couldn't get back up...100lb squat are awesome! very nice number. and you DL too...way awesome.

    OHP is my worst lift..I've been increasing about every 2 not horrible. I don't think there is anything wrong with sticking with a weight until you are confident. I've been at 45lbs two sessions now, so I do think next week I'll try and up it to 50lbs...but we'll see.

    @doozer..I'll be your back look gorgeous...we are all so hard on ourselves. I know I"m the queen of that.
  • Iron_Duchess
    Iron_Duchess Posts: 429 Member
    I just posted a topic for awesome back here I am pimpin it

    You look awesome!

    Yea not quite happy enough with my back yet for that one. Plus I need to do something about the back hair it's kinda gross.

    LOL. Ask your SO to shave it. That is what I do for my hubby every other week, of course I think his motivation is more to have my hands all over his back and get pampered, but oh well, it gets done.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    I just posted a topic for awesome back here I am pimpin it

    You look awesome!

    Yea not quite happy enough with my back yet for that one. Plus I need to do something about the back hair it's kinda gross.

    LOL. Ask your SO to shave it. That is what I do for my hubby every other week, of course I think his motivation is more to have my hands all over his back and get pampered, but oh well, it gets done.

    Yea got rid of my SO before I got rid of the back hair. Probably should have made her do that before she left. Tho it possibly would have grown back by now its been 3 years.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I just posted a topic for awesome back here I am pimpin it

    You look awesome!

    Yea not quite happy enough with my back yet for that one. Plus I need to do something about the back hair it's kinda gross.

    Look for a salon that does sugaring hair removal, with the paste not with strips. Its the least painful hair removal for the price. Most people are comfortable with having guys in and won't be weird about it. The place I get my ladybits sugared at does hair removal, primarily, and I recommend looking for that (hair removal and maybe facials primarily, don't look for a place that does it on the side).
  • suznut8
    suznut8 Posts: 28
    Yeah, I can only do the bar with two 1.25kg plates on, I did actually 55lbs, but I only managed one set and decided to deload.
    That sounds similar to my press, I was doing 66lb for atleast 4 workouts before i finally managed to complete the 5 sets.
    It's confusing with the whole kg and lbs, I suppose it's the country difference xD
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    @suznut...yeah, I understand, I can get scared some nights too...wondering what I would do if I couldn't get back up...100lb squat are awesome! very nice number. and you DL too...way awesome.

    OHP is my worst lift..I've been increasing about every 2 not horrible. I don't think there is anything wrong with sticking with a weight until you are confident. I've been at 45lbs two sessions now, so I do think next week I'll try and up it to 50lbs...but we'll see.

    @doozer..I'll be your back look gorgeous...we are all so hard on ourselves. I know I"m the queen of that.

    Yea I should at least probably take one for progress' sake.

    @Tameko Yea I may get it done before the summer incase I do pool stuff. Until then I doubt anyone will be seeing me up close without my shirt on so I'm not really in a rush.