March Check-in&Chat - Green beer to fuel your lifts!



  • sampson2010
    sampson2010 Posts: 102 Member
    Lynn, thank you! I have to admit that it surprised me that I could see some definition. When will I quit looking at pictures of myself and not see a fat chick?

    Doozer...dude, your back pic is Hawt!

    Sampson? Your numbers are awesome!

    Thanks JMouse!

    And great work on your back. I hate that so often we (woman, and probably men too) say things like "it surprised me that I could see some definition" rather than really owning our own awesomeness. I feel like we feel so tough and badass when we're lifting and then as soon as we step on a scale or in front of a camera or a mirror, all that toughness disappears. You said "When will I quit looking at pictures of myself and not see a fat chick?" and someone else mentioned a few days ago something about lingering "fat girl issues." Please if anyone has any answers, I'd love to hear them!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Lifting really messes with weight loss too.

    It sure does. When I did just cardio some years back, the weight was dropping far more quickly and consistently. This is really messing with my head, and I have to keep telling myself to dig deep and apply patience. Every time I go over calories (like today) I feel like a total pig, even though I know I'm not actually being one.

    Ngngngngngngngngng. :huh:

    I need a hug.

    P.S. Julie your back looks fantastic!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Have mercy! I love you guys.... :heart:

    Doozer, I think that is a great tattoo, and I am totally down for a tat thread... :) I have pix of some of my faves in my photos here. :) Every single one has a meaning or marks an occasion. :heart:

    ETA: Thank you Dani...and for you (((((((((DaniH))))))))) a great big ol' virtual hug, babe!
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    This is normally not something I'm comfortable posting....but I'd rather do it on here rather than the open it's mostly girls and doozer the honorary girl. So here's my back pic....

  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    This is normally not something I'm comfortable posting....but I'd rather do it on here rather than the open it's mostly girls and doozer the honorary girl. So here's my back pic....


    YESSSSS! Girl, lookin' GOOD!

    Is that Kanji on your back (tramp)?
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    You guys have HAWT backs. Just sayin. :love:

    JulieM: My mom had a hysterectomy and they left only the lonely. She never said as much, but she still got the PMS symptoms.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Any ideas how to take a back photo with a dSLR? I figure that could take me a couple hours with a whole bunch of wasted photos. Maybe someday I'll get a real phone...
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Any ideas how to take a back photo with a dSLR? I figure that could take me a couple hours with a whole bunch of wasted photos. Maybe someday I'll get a real phone...

    Put it on a timer?
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Yeah, about all I have on my back is the marks from leaning against a pillow with my bra on... :grumble:


    ETA: Only took me 13 tries!
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Looking good!

    It's nice your back comes with a design already built in :bigsmile:

    Took more pictures than you and mine still came out worse. Your's is looking all professional and stuff.

    I'm sure you're going to end up looking all beast mode here in a couple months! :happy:
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    Way to go Audii!!!! You look awesome!!!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Tameko, Audii, JulieM.....omg you guys look awesome! Because of all of this bravery I will take a nekkid back pic in the morning and post for you to see! This kind of support is so good because it really reinforces that we are our own toughest critics!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Tameko, Audii, JulieM.....omg you guys look awesome! Because of all of this bravery I will take a nekkid back pic in the morning and post for you to see! This kind of support is so good because it really reinforces that we are our own toughest critics!

    I didn't post one yet, I think you are thinking of darwin. I can understand though. We have twinsie hair. (although mine is growing in, which means its HUGE now because I have super thick hair and my stylist thins it when she cuts and then as it grows out it gets super duper voluminous)

    I took one. I'm just...urgh. I have awful picture issues. Awful. I cannot see myself in a picture and think I look good. I just see ...HORROR. And I mean I've got weird little shoulder blade dimples taht are sort of cute, and that deeper groove down the spine at the lower part (because you build up the muscle on either side) and that's all good but I see the bad stuff and jsut ....URK. No. NOOOO.

    Maybe tomorrow. Also Janell says its probably the lighting and granted tis really bad lighting. so maybe I'll get nick to take one tomorrow in a better spot.

    In other news, I did 165x4 for my squats. Went down for the 5th and couldn't nail it, but I've done it before so.... who knows. This whole week has been bad for missing reps, for me. Hopefully next week is better.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    Nice ink, y'all!

    We should do a show off your tats thread, cos that'll get me to take the healed photos i promised the artist...
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    NSV: 1.3% BF% lost in 5.5 weeks. I'm now carrying under 40lbs of the flabby stuff. :)
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Great Job!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    You guys have HAWT backs. Just sayin. :love:

    JulieM: My mom had a hysterectomy and they left only the lonely. She never said as much, but she still got the PMS symptoms.

    Thanks, Chubby...So it isn't just me. *whew*

    Since I do the body test and whatnot every morning before work (and try to squeeze a little activity in there as well), I jumped on the WiiFit demon this morning and I was back down 2.6 pounds.

    Now, I have to go pull out my tablet, because, again, I am at the office and I can't SEE Auddii's picture. I tried to cancel the work day due to lack of interest, but that didn't happen.

    ETA: AUDDII!!!!!! OMG, girl, your back is amazing. Jeez, look at all of us with the hot sexy backs. Even the hubs was impressed. (I think it's the first time I actually flexed for him, LOL...)
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    ETA: AUDDII!!!!!! OMG, girl, your back is amazing. Jeez, look at all of us with the hot sexy backs. Even the hubs was impressed. (I think it's the first time I actually flexed for him, LOL...)

    Ha, not amazing yet, but on my way! Nothing standing out muscle wise, but I used to have a very lovely hump on the back of my neck that was awesome. I looked kind of like the hunch back of notre damn, and it was all wonderful back fat. Still there a little, but it's a hell of a lot smaller. I swear I'm seeing the most difference in my shoulders (probably because there isn't a ton of fat over top those muscles. Might have to take nekked shoulder pics, but that'll probably require a tripod and some clever editing...

    Anyways, my workout this morning sucked balls. Squats went ok, but had problems on the last rep of the last set. I got up, there was just a pause before I could get all the way up. Not where I want to be since I'm supposed to be increasing on Sunday (still at 75 today). :grumble:

    Bench press, completely failed and had a roll of shame on the first set. Wow, it was horrible. So, I said F it and deloaded all the way back down to 70 and decided I needed to work up from there (this is my third failure at 80lbs). Considering how bad I did, I have no idea why I decided to add weight to rows. I got all of my sets, but form was crappy at 77.5. I'm going to try repeating that next time (hopefully won't have to deload).

    I didn't get a ton of sleep last night (I try to go to bed around nine and instead was in bed around 10 last night), and I had under eaten by about 300 calories to try and make up for the cheesecake and cupcake gorge fest on Tuesday. I'm hoping that's all it was. Argh.

    I had also planned on trying to jog last night, but I always find reasons to talk myself out of it (yesterday was, well it's one of my two rest days, and I need to actually rest or my lifting will suck; look how well that one worked for me...). I hate jogging, but the last time I did it (with a friend), I was surprised at how "fast" I ran (whopping 15 minute mile, but better than dying like I expected). So, while I hate cardio, I want to give it another try. Maybe tonight. Are two workouts a day ok as long as you don't feel like you're going to die? (I have cardio tomorrow, no lifting.) Opinions on doing cardio on "rest days" or same day as a lifting session? Personally I'm thinking I'd rather have true rest days even if that means a few two a days.
  • Iron_Duchess
    Iron_Duchess Posts: 429 Member
    Ok, I went to the gym last night and the only thing I can say is that it was pathetic. I mean, really pathetic . I will like to blame the universe and my TOM, and I will like to blame the three idiots that exercise around me every night that make me lose my focus; but I guess I can only blame myself because I have to take the time to practice my form more before adding weight. (Ok, let me clarify that the universe, TOM, and the idiots do have part of the blame!). I know it is not a race, but it gets to me how weak I can be. Am I seeing improvements, yes. Am I stronger? Yes. (As an example I practiced the squats last night with the empty barbell, I had to ask my hubby if it was the same because at the beginning of the program it was super heavy and last night it felt like nothing). Am I seeing changes in my body? Yes.

    So, were do I stand? I need to slow down and understand that things are better when done right. Not to feel guilty for not adding weight so I can get my form down. I don’t want to get injured and lose way more time nursing my body.

    Now, in a not so serious note, I took several pictures of my back so I can use it later for comparisons and I found out that there is no way of posting them because no matter what I did it showed a little boob. So, I asked my hubby to take one this morning and after many tries he managed to take one not showing anything, but I don’t know about posting cause I still have a chunky back…
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    I had also planned on trying to jog last night, but I always find reasons to talk myself out of it (yesterday was, well it's one of my two rest days, and I need to actually rest or my lifting will suck; look how well that one worked for me...). I hate jogging, but the last time I did it (with a friend), I was surprised at how "fast" I ran (whopping 15 minute mile, but better than dying like I expected). So, while I hate cardio, I want to give it another try. Maybe tonight. Are two workouts a day ok as long as you don't feel like you're going to die? (I have cardio tomorrow, no lifting.) Opinions on doing cardio on "rest days" or same day as a lifting session? Personally I'm thinking I'd rather have true rest days even if that means a few two a days.

    Have you tried the ZombiesRun! app for running?

    I'd say pick cardio you like over cardio you hate :)

    I did two workouts yesterday, and it was weird. Weights before work (OMG! Weights before cardio! So much easier!) and a 3mi run after. My legs are definitely stronger becaue my pace was faster for no extra muscular effort but my poor CV system couldn't keep up. I just hate the faff of showering twice a day, otherwise I might do it more often.

    Most triathletes doing anything over sprint distance work out twice a day (and that's all cardio!).

    You should have at least one true rest day a week.