March Check-in&Chat - Green beer to fuel your lifts!



  • vashnic
    vashnic Posts: 93
    Partial roll of shame today at the benches. :sad:

    Did well in squats and rows, hurried over to finish up on presses as it was getting close to class time. Grabbed a couple 10s (or so I thought...) from the rack, stuck 'em on the bar, and went HEAVE! :happy:

    Then! :noway: :noway:

    Do not accidentally grab a 25 pounder when you mean to grab a 10. :sad: :sad: Bar will tilt crazily and scare the stuffing out of you, whereupon you will drop the bar on your tummy and try to sit up and then have the whole room descend to save you. :laugh:

    Then pretend that it was all part of your workout plan. :wink:
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Not to take anything away from backs or anything, but I moved on to legs today.

  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Thanks Ladies!

    You know yesterday I was so concerned about some "fat" rolls. Well now that I'm actually looking at it, it turns out that's my ribcage and the nip at my waist.....not so much fat rolls :laugh:

    Wow, silly women we are sometimes! leg lady! I might decide to show one of the potential "Chive" pics I took yesterday :smile:
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    this has very little to do with anything...but I am finishing week 4 of SL tonight, and I thought I needed a I finally ordered the skully kitty tank/booty shorts I've been craving since the concert...bwahahahahah and no, :noway: I won't be wearing JUST this to the case you're worried Doozer. I have a thing for heavy rock and skulls...well and dragon tattoos...and boys...and um lots of other stuff that is too TMI for my currrent're welcome.

  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Thanks Ladies!

    You know yesterday I was so concerned about some "fat" rolls. Well now that I'm actually looking at it, it turns out that's my ribcage and the nip at my waist.....not so much fat rolls :laugh:

    Wow, silly women we are sometimes! leg lady! I might decide to show one of the potential "Chive" pics I took yesterday :smile:

    My rib cage sticks out too. *pokes it* like, a LOT - lord knows how bad it would look if I ever got really lean.

    And yes, those legs. Wow.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Thanks Ladies!

    You know yesterday I was so concerned about some "fat" rolls. Well now that I'm actually looking at it, it turns out that's my ribcage and the nip at my waist.....not so much fat rolls :laugh:

    Wow, silly women we are sometimes! leg lady! I might decide to show one of the potential "Chive" pics I took yesterday :smile:

    My rib cage sticks out too. *pokes it* like, a LOT - lord knows how bad it would look if I ever got really lean.

    And yes, those legs. Wow.

    It's starting to sound like Darwin is you hair and shirt twinsie but maybe we're body twinsies lol
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    @jay: WOW on the legs.

    @all: Wish I could join you on the back pics. But I'm a) incompetent with a phone and b) at work. Maybe tomorrow.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    *wolf whistle* damn, jay...schmexy leg!

    Auddii and Darwin, look at your waist!! Getting tiny.

    I'm doing B today--going for 150 deads. Holla! Oh, and 65 OHP. If you hear crying, it's me...failing.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    *wolf whistle* damn, jay...schmexy leg!

    Auddii and Darwin, look at your waist!! Getting tiny.

    I'm doing B today--going for 150 deads. Holla! Oh, and 65 OHP. If you hear crying, it's me...failing.

    if I hear you crying from all the way over here, my telepathy has finally developed. Its gonna be sweet.

    Er I mean...gosh I hope you make it! 65 on the oHP was my fail point. I failed there for months .... deloaded, failed, deloaded, failed some more. Messed myself up by trying to eat a deficit and failed some more. So really if you get it in the next, I dunno, 4 months, you're probably still doing great compared to me. -_-
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    telepathy would be so awesome...unless you couldn't turn it off like Buffy in that one episode of BtVS, that would just suck.
  • samfirman
    Hit one of my goals yesterday...165# squat! So pumped. Deadlifted 205# for reps too. Yee haw!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Hit one of my goals yesterday...165# squat! So pumped. Deadlifted 205# for reps too. Yee haw!

    And again, we're humbled. You're doing awesome!!!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Hit one of my goals yesterday...165# squat! So pumped. Deadlifted 205# for reps too. Yee haw!

    ^^^^ THIS is bada$$!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Hit one of my goals yesterday...165# squat! So pumped. Deadlifted 205# for reps too. Yee haw!

    That's incredible!

    Workout B for me

    Squats 120x5---I noticed my knees wanting to turn inward on the way up. Something to keep an eye on.
    OHP 60x5---I'm trying for 65 next time since I managed all 5 reps of all 5 sets. Who knew that resting a little longer in between sets would be so beneficial? :tongue:
    Deadlift 145x2---I did 2 sets of deads because I accidently did a warmup set with my working weight. Math error on my part. 5+5=10 not 5. My poor hands looked like claws when I was done because it took a minute before I could straighten my fingers.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    That's incredible!

    Workout B for me

    Squats 120x5---I noticed my knees wanting to turn inward on the way up. Something to keep an eye on.
    OHP 60x5---I'm trying for 65 next time since I managed all 5 reps of all 5 sets. Who knew that resting a little longer in between sets would be so beneficial? :tongue:
    Deadlift 145x2---I did 2 sets of deads because I accidently did a warmup set with my working weight. Math error on my part. 5+5=10 not 5. My poor hands looked like claws when I was done because it took a minute before I could straighten my fingers.

    In the words of Bob Ross, it was a happy little mistake. Well not for your hands, but it does completely make you a BAMF!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Omg everyone has some sexy backs! I think I would also end up with boob in my pics if I tried to take them sans bra. I always do my progress pics with one on though.

    Sam nice squat!

    Chubby- WTG on your OHP!

    I was at the gym last night same time as doozer. I was so tired all day yesterday. Like the kind where you feel like if you laid down on the floor you'd be out in 10 seconds. Thus I was going to wait until today to workout. Then at like 1am I actually felt awake, and I hate messing up my lifting schedule so I went to the gym. Since I was working on v little sleep I just repeated my last weights. 120 squat, 100 bench, 95 row. When it came to rows I felt like a dementor came into the gym, so I only did 3 sets. So I'm toying with the idea of moving down to 3x5 on those forever. I guess for me it's not weeping that means it's time for 3x5 or 531. It's the dementors.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Omg everyone has some sexy backs! I think I would also end up with boob in my pics if I tried to take them sans bra. I always do my progress pics with one on though.

    Sam nice squat!

    Chubby- WTG on your OHP!

    I was at the gym last night same time as doozer. I was so tired all day yesterday. Like the kind where you feel like if you laid down on the floor you'd be out in 10 seconds. Thus I was going to wait until today to workout. Then at like 1am I actually felt awake, and I hate messing up my lifting schedule so I went to the gym. Since I was working on v little sleep I just repeated my last weights. 120 squat, 100 bench, 95 row. When it came to rows I felt like a dementor came into the gym, so I only did 3 sets. So I'm toying with the idea of moving down to 3x5 on those forever. I guess for me it's not weeping that means it's time for 3x5 or 531. It's the dementors.

    Did your tree get .....sexier?
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    this has very little to do with anything...but I am finishing week 4 of SL tonight, and I thought I needed a I finally ordered the skully kitty tank/booty shorts I've been craving since the concert...bwahahahahah and no, :noway: I won't be wearing JUST this to the case you're worried Doozer. I have a thing for heavy rock and skulls...well and dragon tattoos...and boys...and um lots of other stuff that is too TMI for my currrent're welcome.


    I'd be all for you only wearing that to the gym :) I'm sure you would look hot. Also that would be less revealing than what that other chick was wearing.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Omg everyone has some sexy backs! I think I would also end up with boob in my pics if I tried to take them sans bra. I always do my progress pics with one on though.

    Sam nice squat!

    Chubby- WTG on your OHP!

    I was at the gym last night same time as doozer. I was so tired all day yesterday. Like the kind where you feel like if you laid down on the floor you'd be out in 10 seconds. Thus I was going to wait until today to workout. Then at like 1am I actually felt awake, and I hate messing up my lifting schedule so I went to the gym. Since I was working on v little sleep I just repeated my last weights. 120 squat, 100 bench, 95 row. When it came to rows I felt like a dementor came into the gym, so I only did 3 sets. So I'm toying with the idea of moving down to 3x5 on those forever. I guess for me it's not weeping that means it's time for 3x5 or 531. It's the dementors.

    Did your tree get .....sexier?

    OMG I just saw your message on my page - that is the best Sailor Senshi ever. You win.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member