March Check-in&Chat - Green beer to fuel your lifts!



  • hofosho1020
    hofosho1020 Posts: 179
    Close second....I was busy commenting on the amazing back in the now locked thread. I can't wait to get mine like that!
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Awww yea first !!!


    Arent you just awesome?

    ETA: But I made it roll, so I am even more awesome!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    vashnic your back looks awesome!

    I seriously can't believe we rolled already this month!

    Oh and welcome hofosho (omg I can't even type that with a straight face....pretty soon you are just gonna be "ho" :laugh: )!

    Ah 'em! You saw the one on the back of my neck in my back pic and I also just got my second in November at LA Ink when I was in California on holidays! It's a relatively big piece on the top of my foot and I can't wait to get more!
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    I think my ego is a little bigger than it should be tonight.

    ... Deadlift brain maybe.
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    vashnic your back looks awesome!

    I seriously can't believe we rolled already this month!

    Oh and welcome hofosho (omg I can't even type that with a straight face....pretty soon you are just gonna be "ho" :laugh: )!

    Ah 'em! You saw the one on the back of my neck in my back pic and I also just got my second in November at LA Ink when I was in California on holidays! It's a relatively big piece on the top of my foot and I can't wait to get more!

    I want another one, just where to put it.
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    I think my ego is a little bigger than it should be tonight.

    ... Deadlift brain maybe.

    Its from posting all those buff pics of yourself
  • hofosho1020
    hofosho1020 Posts: 179
    I'm good with Ho. (It is actually my last name, so I'm used to it LMAO!) And, I teach high school. So that's cool. And thanks, you're the first to say hi!
  • vashnic
    vashnic Posts: 93
    Ack second thread and it's only the second week of March. Thanks guys! I've mostly been taking pics of my puppy so far, a much less willing but very photogenic subject. :laugh:

    Soosannah, your tat is gorgeous and absolutely worth flaunting off during a wedding.
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    I'm good with Ho. (It is actually my last name, so I'm used to it LMAO!) And, I teach high school. So that's cool. And thanks, you're the first to say hi!

    HI!! Welcome to the group!!! Thought I had gotten around to all the new folk. I am rather new myself. I finish up week 2 tomorrow. I
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    I think my ego is a little bigger than it should be tonight.

    ... Deadlift brain maybe.

    Its from posting all those buff pics of yourself

    I was thinking the deadlift brain would be what was causing all the posting... but it could be the other way around ... Hrm
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    @ho.....haha okay well I don't feel bad calling you ho now, but that makes your handle that much more awesome :laugh:

    @soos....placement is the hardest part! I know I want my other foot done, the insides of my wrists, something on my back, maybe something on my ribs....maybe even a tramp stamp once I get my bikini body! So many tats, not enough classy spots :laugh:
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    @ho.....haha okay well I don't feel bad calling you ho now, but that makes your handle that much more awesome :laugh:

    @soos....placement is the hardest part! I know I want my other foot done, the insides of my wrists, something on my back, maybe something on my ribs....maybe even a tramp stamp once I get my bikini body! So many tats, not enough classy spots :laugh:

    I cant have any visibly displayed at work and I want something I can cover up if I choose too. I would like one on my foot, but I am a wuss and I know from experience those buggers hurt over bone. The one on my back only hurt when he was on my spine and the ones on my hips only hurt when he got close to the hip bones. They are positioned right behind my hip bones. Would like one over my ribcage, but then again bone. Damn bones. May consider a tramp stamp when I ever reach goal.
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    Hi everyone!! I am new here also, starting Stronglifts tomorrow :smile: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
    placement is the hardest part! I know I want my other foot done, the insides of my wrists, something on my back, maybe something on my ribs....maybe even a tramp stamp once I get my bikini body! So many tats, not enough classy spots :laugh:

    You sound like me... I have two, wrist and foot, but soooo many planned out it is crazy!! Good thing they cost $$$, or else I would probably be covered :smile:
  • hofosho1020
    hofosho1020 Posts: 179

    That's my second one. : )
  • hofosho1020
    hofosho1020 Posts: 179
    and why is it not showing up ahhh!
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member

    That's my second one. : )

    you have to change IMG to little img on both ends
  • hofosho1020
    hofosho1020 Posts: 179
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Sooo I made a minor error today. I did't realize that my youtube account automatically posted videos I post to my google+ account. So long story short I have bunch of people asking why I posted that. And already close to 100 hits. Thank god its a private video. I could of gone viral.
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Sooo I made a minor error today. I did't realize that my youtube account automatically posted videos I post to my google+ account. So long story short I have bunch of people asking why I posted that. And already close to 100 hits. Thank god its a private video. I could of gone viral.

    So youre just going to tease us like that and not give us the link??????
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    @soos.....I understand needing to cover them up. I'm really picky about placement due to that reason as well and my profession. In my opinion there are classy visible tat's and some that are not so classy.....I tend to stay in the classy realm :laugh: And yeah, the foot hurt like a b!tch :sick: but it was SOOOOO worth it!

    @ho.....that is beautiful! Is there meaning behind it?
