March Check-in&Chat - Green beer to fuel your lifts!



  • zorreena
    zorreena Posts: 267 Member
    Thanks Ladies!

    You know yesterday I was so concerned about some "fat" rolls. Well now that I'm actually looking at it, it turns out that's my ribcage and the nip at my waist.....not so much fat rolls :laugh:

    Wow, silly women we are sometimes! leg lady! I might decide to show one of the potential "Chive" pics I took yesterday :smile:

    Wow Vegas you have some amazing definition coming in. I'm just finishing up six weeks. After being inspired by you all. I took some before pictures yesterday. When I hit the twelve week mark I promise to post progress photos.

    Lifts were good today but I feel stuck at 100lbs on squats. I've done 100 three times now so going up to 105 on the weekend. I've been getting lower back DOMS and struggling with tight hip flexors so have been afraid to push upwards on squats.

    Felt great on 67.5lb bench press. I keep wondering when I'll start needing a spotter. It's getting pretty close since by the 5th rep I've got the bar wobbling.

    I cheated on Rows today and used the lever row machine because of the issues with my lower back. I'm pretty sure I don't have an injury it's just all those tight muscles pulling every which way. The Pole Fitness instructor showed me some stretches and pole fitness really helps out to give some dynamic stretching.

    Hanging from the pole in all the pole moves feels great! I highly recommend to all you Bada$$ girls on this feed. Actually there are guys that do it to so Doozer maybe you should think about it too.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Hanging from the pole in all the pole moves feels great! I highly recommend to all you Bada$$ girls on this feed. Actually there are guys that do it to so Doozer maybe you should think about it too.

    I would pay one whole dollar to see that.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Hanging from the pole in all the pole moves feels great! I highly recommend to all you Bada$$ girls on this feed. Actually there are guys that do it to so Doozer maybe you should think about it too.

    I would pay one whole dollar to see that.

    I could pole dance but I would have to warn you it would probably go something like this....

    How I think I'd look


    How I would really look

  • samfirman
    Thanks everyone...I'm feeling really great about the squats. Those have been a real trouble spot for me, so I finally feel like I'm progressing nicely. :wink:
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Thanks everyone...I'm feeling really great about the squats. Those have been a real trouble spot for me, so I finally feel like I'm progressing nicely. :wink:

    Very nice job!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member

    I could pole dance but I would have to warn you it would probably go something like this....

    How I think I'd look


    How I would really look


    I'm think you should pair those weird shoe things in the top picture with that lacy outfit thing in the bottom picture and pole dance in that. :wink:

    ETA: I can't stop staring at that second picture.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    I'm posting from my phone so this is going to be short. but I just wanted to brag but I made 65 for my OHP!
    oh and 150 for my deadlift but I was more excited about the overhead press than anything!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Holy crap! I left the office after a half day, went running around (never made it to D!ck’s tho), ate, took a little nap, came out here and did Workout B:

    Squats: 6x5 @65#
    OHP: 5x5 @ 40#
    Deadlift: 1x5 @110#

    Damned if I didn’t make those problematic 40 lb OHP’s my b!tch today.

    Put Hollywood Undead on (Thank you, Julie!!! :heart: ) and got my bad@$$ on.

    I feel REALLY good after this one. :bigsmile:

    @Vegas - Your back is beee-you-tee-ful!!!!

    @Jay - OMG…can I borrow your legs if you aren’t using them this weekend? Gaaaawd! Nice work!

    @Julie - Scored major points with the middle kid last night when I told him I’d spent the day listening to HU at work yesterday. Thank you!!!

    @Extra - Your OHP number is awesome!!!! And the DL? *bowing* the 110 ‘bout kicked my butt this afternoon.

    All I know is that I’ve got major calories left, I worked hard, and it’s wine o’clock somewhere, LOL! Day started out sh#tty, but I’m feeling all warm and endorphin-y, LOL… :flowerforyou:

    ETA: @Tree - You’ve brought out the spring wardrobe! It looks wonderful on you!

    @Doozer…those pics cracked me up! ;)

    @sam - Got mad respect and a ton of awe for those squats!!!
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Great job, extra! Woo!

    Thanks for all the nice compliments on my legs, all. I've always liked my calves, and they have just gotten more defined the more I work out. I was actually surprised because I thought they had decent definition before I started stronglifts, and I was pleased to see that they looked even better now. Now if my thighs would just do...something.
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Hi all-

    Busy day for me trying to get my stuff together for my recert, so a lot of post for me to read!

    Wow at the backs and the numbers going up! I am jealous!

    My little NSV today- carrying around a 15lb bag of dog food through Walmart on my shoulder because I forgot to grab a buggy while also carrying 3 other items and my 5lb purse. People looked at me like I was nuts.

    Time to go take my monthly progress pics
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Hi all-

    Busy day for me trying to get my stuff together for my recert, so a lot of post for me to read!

    Wow at the backs and the numbers going up! I am jealous!

    My little NSV today- carrying around a 15lb bag of dog food through Walmart on my shoulder because I forgot to grab a buggy while also carrying 3 other items and my 5lb purse. People looked at me like I was nuts.

    Time to go take my monthly progress pics

    We had to pick a few things up today at Wally World, too. There was a case of beer, plus the 4 bags of groceries and a big ol’ bag of weed and feed, and I got everything but the weed and feed into the house in one trip, and didn’t run outta breath. Then I snagged the weed and feed, and like Soosannah, I chunked it over my shoulder and brought it into the house like it was nothing. How COOL is that?

    Soos, can’t wait to see your pix! :)
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    @zoreena.....thank you :happy: I will post progress pics at 12 weeks too....still got 11 more to go though so you'll be first! :laugh: I'm having some serious stiffness in my low back too. Not sure if I pulled something while doing deads or yoga :laugh: My guess is actually yoga and then it got aggravated doing deads yesterday :frown:

    @tree....I am loving the new threads.....your progress is amazing!

    @juliem and soosannah (I'm probably going to start calling you soos for short just so you know :tongue: ).....woohoo for functional strength!

    @extra.....great job!

    Okay so I know I'm forgetting unfortunately a blanket statement will have to do! Great work all on making these lifts your b!tches!

    BAMF committing some serious bada$$ery up in here!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I took my back pics today but I will spare you until I get the bat wings under control ... mebbe next month. :bigsmile:
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    I took my back pics today but I will spare you until I get the bat wings under control ... mebbe next month. :bigsmile:

    Yeah I had some massive wingspan going on in mine. Back doesnt look that bad, but dayummmm the arms! And then the fact that my husband got a shot of side boob (knew I should have tapped those suckers together) yeah think I will wait a bit on the back shot. But it is nice to have a pic to be able to compare to later.

    Was not impressed with the progress pics, maybe because I havent made that much progress. Only 4.2lbs lost this month and only an inch down in my waist, an inch in my boobs, everything else was the same. Thats a dang month of cardio for ya!! But on a positive note, I didnt have any gains! I think maybe I can see a small difference in my side shots, but front on, no change. I will sit here and gather the nerve to post them. :blushing:
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    I took my back pics today but I will spare you until I get the bat wings under control ... mebbe next month. :bigsmile:

    Yeah I had some massive wingspan going on in mine. Back doesnt look that bad, but dayummmm the arms! And then the fact that my husband got a shot of side boob (knew I should have tapped those suckers together) yeah think I will wait a bit on the back shot. But it is nice to have a pic to be able to compare to later.

    Was not impressed with the progress pics, maybe because I havent made that much progress. Only 4.2lbs lost this month and only an inch down in my waist, an inch in my boobs, everything else was the same. Thats a dang month of cardio for ya!! But on a positive note, I didnt have any gains! I think maybe I can see a small difference in my side shots, but front on, no change. I will sit here and gather the nerve to post them. :blushing:

    Soos, that is a SIGNIFICANT change in inches! Seriously! And 4.2 pounds in a month is great, too. Really it is. Well done!
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Holy crap, it's not even mid-month and we're about ready to roll this b!tch.
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Have tried posting my pics THREE times now!! Saying that they arent there.

    for the love of all that is holy WTF??? I hate photobucket :mad:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Holy crap, it's not even mid-month and we're about ready to roll this b!tch.

    Oh my god its only been a WEEK people. .... better get your roll gifs ready.
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Have tried posting my pics THREE times now!! Saying that they arent there.

    for the love of all that is holy WTF??? I hate photobucket :mad:


    umm still not working :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :explode:


    Finally gosh darn it!
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Progress pics, they are horrid :ohwell:

