March Check-in&Chat - Green beer to fuel your lifts!



  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Morning all!

    I think we should make a new rule around here that if you TALK about your back pics, you have to post them. Who do I see about making that happen? :wink: So let's see, so far we have Tameko and Lynn...

    Seriously, though, there is something cool about what happens when we share these things. For myself, it somehow does something to the part of me that is used to hating my body long as I can remember. It's like a way of appreciating my body the way it is NOW and somehow it is just good.

    And congrats to everyone posting pics! You guys all look great!

    (And I was just kidding about the rule thing, you know. You should only post stuff if you feel comfortable. I'm always still slightly scared when I post a pic, but I usually feel this feeling of relief afterwards.)
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Ok so interesting time at the gym last night/this morning. I went at 2 am. Yea I'm weird and unemployed. Also the gym is empty. Squats felt a million times better than they did last time when I hadnt slept eaten or drank anything. So happy about that. The video I posted in the other thread was my 4th set wasnt so much slow down on the first 3. Weird watching myself do that lol. Was nice having my first video of the first time I did 5x5 with 225

    OHP was an absolute nightmare. Went 5-4-5-3-3 . On the second set I hit myself in the chin with the bar. Nothing felt right about it at all. Thinking about going back to 95 next time but we will see between now and then on how I feel. I hate that lift with a passion.

    Deadlift. Pulled 275 successfully. Damn that is getting seriously heavy. There is something wrong with the grip on my left hand because it was killing me and my right was perfectly fine.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Have you tried the ZombiesRun! app for running?

    I'd say pick cardio you like over cardio you hate :)

    I haven't tried that app yet. Need to give it a download to see what it's like. I'm thinking I could like running since I'm losing weight. The reason I always hated it was that I was a fat tub of lard that was completely and utterly out of shape, and it was so frustrating to feel like I was dying after 2 minutes (if that).

    Ok, just googled ZombiesRun!, and I completely didn't realize it was also a game. That sounds awesome. Only problem is that I have a third generation ipod, so no way of tracking my runs. I saw a review by someone who said it still worked on an ipod, but it has far less features. Hm. Something to think about.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    Have you tried the ZombiesRun! app for running?

    I'd say pick cardio you like over cardio you hate :)

    I haven't tried that app yet. Need to give it a download to see what it's like. I'm thinking I could like running since I'm losing weight. The reason I always hated it was that I was a fat tub of lard that was completely and utterly out of shape, and it was so frustrating to feel like I was dying after 2 minutes (if that).

    Ok, just googled ZombiesRun!, and I completely didn't realize it was also a game. That sounds awesome. Only problem is that I have a third generation ipod, so no way of tracking my runs. I saw a review by someone who said it still worked on an ipod, but it has far less features. Hm. Something to think about.

    I love it. The story unfolds in a really neat way, and apparently if you turn the Zombie chases on it gives you extra bursts of HIIT-like cardio (I don't - I'm more about the endurance stamina).

    If you haven't run much regularly, I'd start with the C25k version, or just the C25k programme, full stop.

    It runs on smartphones as well, if you have one? I believe the latest version doesn't need GPS, but works better with an accelerometer.
  • Iron_Duchess
    Iron_Duchess Posts: 429 Member
    @jay - Just because it sounded like a challenge... I’m in.

  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Your back looks awesome. Absolutely no reason you should have been worried :)
    I found out that there is no way of posting them because no matter what I did it showed a little boob.

    Also, a little boob never hurt anyone. Just sayin'. I kid I kid.:laugh:
  • Iron_Duchess
    Iron_Duchess Posts: 429 Member
    Your back looks awesome. Absolutely no reason you should have been worried :)
    I found out that there is no way of posting them because no matter what I did it showed a little boob.

    Also, a little boob never hurt anyone. Just sayin'. I kid I kid.:laugh:

    Very funny! If you want to see the other ones you will have to pay cause the show is not free. :wink:
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Tameko, Audii, JulieM.....omg you guys look awesome! Because of all of this bravery I will take a nekkid back pic in the morning and post for you to see! This kind of support is so good because it really reinforces that we are our own toughest critics!

    I didn't post one yet, I think you are thinking of darwin. I can understand though. We have twinsie hair. (although mine is growing in, which means its HUGE now because I have super thick hair and my stylist thins it when she cuts and then as it grows out it gets super duper voluminous)

    I took one. I'm just...urgh. I have awful picture issues. Awful. I cannot see myself in a picture and think I look good. I just see ...HORROR. And I mean I've got weird little shoulder blade dimples taht are sort of cute, and that deeper groove down the spine at the lower part (because you build up the muscle on either side) and that's all good but I see the bad stuff and jsut ....URK. No. NOOOO.

    Maybe tomorrow. Also Janell says its probably the lighting and granted tis really bad lighting. so maybe I'll get nick to take one tomorrow in a better spot.

    In other news, I did 165x4 for my squats. Went down for the 5th and couldn't nail it, but I've done it before so.... who knows. This whole week has been bad for missing reps, for me. Hopefully next week is better.

    Ugh my and blue shirt is what did me it was late :laugh: My bad! gots a sexy back there :wink:

    I have the same thing with pictures! But I did take a back pic and imma suck it up and post it! Gotta get over this!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Okay here we go!

  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Oh no! How do I make it smaller!
  • Iron_Duchess
    Iron_Duchess Posts: 429 Member
    Oh no! How do I make it smaller!

    Are you using Photobucket? If you are go back to your original picture, edit, resize, and lower the with to like 600 or less. Apply and save. Copy the link of the new picture (should be a duplicate or the original), erase the original link @ your post and paste the new one.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Woke up under the weather, so barely made it to 65 on squats, 50 on benches, and skipped the rows altogether.

    Saturday will have to be another day ... being sick sucks.

    Y'all have gorgeous backs by the way. :flowerforyou:
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    OMG it won't go smaller :sad: I have resized and applied and saved a million times and it won't go smaller!!!!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    Tameko, Audii, JulieM.....omg you guys look awesome! Because of all of this bravery I will take a nekkid back pic in the morning and post for you to see! This kind of support is so good because it really reinforces that we are our own toughest critics!

    I didn't post one yet, I think you are thinking of darwin. I can understand though. We have twinsie hair. (although mine is growing in, which means its HUGE now because I have super thick hair and my stylist thins it when she cuts and then as it grows out it gets super duper voluminous)

    I took one. I'm just...urgh. I have awful picture issues. Awful. I cannot see myself in a picture and think I look good. I just see ...HORROR. And I mean I've got weird little shoulder blade dimples taht are sort of cute, and that deeper groove down the spine at the lower part (because you build up the muscle on either side) and that's all good but I see the bad stuff and jsut ....URK. No. NOOOO.

    Maybe tomorrow. Also Janell says its probably the lighting and granted tis really bad lighting. so maybe I'll get nick to take one tomorrow in a better spot.

    In other news, I did 165x4 for my squats. Went down for the 5th and couldn't nail it, but I've done it before so.... who knows. This whole week has been bad for missing reps, for me. Hopefully next week is better.

    Ugh my and blue shirt is what did me it was late :laugh: My bad! gots a sexy back there :wink:

    I have the same thing with pictures! But I did take a back pic and imma suck it up and post it! Gotta get over this!
    The question is - which twinsie hair is the evil twinsie hair and who is the good twinsie hair - shall we have a duel???? I totally vote for the light sabers.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    @Vegas.... Nice! :smile: All this hard work is paying off!
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    I like for posting pictures way better because it has 3 preset picture sizes. Original, Large thumbnail, and Small thumbnail. The large thumbnail is usually perfect for MFP

    I just never could get used to photobucket
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    @Vegas.... Nice! :smile: All this hard work is paying off!

    Thank you! I just wish I could figure out why it won't go small!!!! Grrrr! :explode:
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I like for posting pictures way better because it has 3 preset picture sizes. Original, Large thumbnail, and Small thumbnail. The large thumbnail is usually perfect for MFP

    I just never could get used to photobucket

    Can you write on the pictures using That's the thing I like about photobucket, but the rest of it is CRAP
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    I like for posting pictures way better because it has 3 preset picture sizes. Original, Large thumbnail, and Small thumbnail. The large thumbnail is usually perfect for MFP

    I just never could get used to photobucket

    Can you write on the pictures using That's the thing I like about photobucket, but the rest of it is CRAP

    Yes you can.

    Pretty sure you can just log in with a google account so i dont think you even have to make a new one.