Form critique thread, post your videos here.



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Biggest things I am seeing is that your knees are caving and you are not on your heels. If you look at your feet, your weight is on the inside and towards the front - it should be more on the outside and towards your heel.

    Try breaking at the hips more and sitting back - plus focus on opening your hips up and keeping your knees out.

    There are a few other points, but its best to fix things one at a time as other things change when you change one thing.

    Your flooring looks too squidgy so that does not help. Can you get plywood for a kind of platform?

    Minor point at the moment - you are taking a lot of steps back and side to side when you unrack. It should be - one step back with one leg, a step back with the other and possibly moving one foot for a small alignment/positioning.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Biggest things I am seeing is that your knees are caving and you are not on your heels. If you look at your feet, your weight is on the inside and towards the front - it should be more on the outside and towards your heel.

    Try breaking at the hips more and sitting back - plus focus on opening your hips up and keeping your knees out.

    There are a few other points, but its best to fix things one at a time as other things change when you change one thing.

    Your flooring looks too squidgy so that does not help. Can you get plywood for a kind of platform?

    Minor point at the moment - you are taking a lot of steps back and side to side when you unrack. It should be - one step back with one leg, a step back with the other and possibly moving one foot for a small alignment/positioning.

    I see what you're saying and I could feel myself more on my toes, which I knew was bad, how wide should my legs be? When I was doing those squats I felt like my legs were as wide as they should be, but I guess not. What angle should my feet be pointed out, I think they were around 45 degrees from straight. Or is it just a matter of forcefully pushing the knees outward? what do you mean by opening my hips?

    Your stance should be whatever feels comfortable, as well as how much you turn your toes out. Yep - consciously push your knees out - opening the hips means to push your knees out by 'starting' at your hip joint (ok...crappy explanation). You want your whole thigh to be pushed out (more glute activation) rather than just twisting your knees out if that makes sense.
  • Culprit9
    Culprit9 Posts: 16 Member
    Started Stronglifts 2nd week of Janaury with bar only. Meant to have these up at the begining of February but things happen...

    Anyway, working sets are now starting to feel like work so I could use a critique before things get too far out of whack.


    Overhead Press


    Bench and Row will come later...

  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    Depth check please. Been going a lot deeper these days. Think I may be just right or just a tad low. Definitely don't think I'm high.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Depth check please. Been going a lot deeper these days. Think I may be just right or just a tad low. Definitely don't think I'm high.

    Depth is perfect.
  • Culprit9
    Culprit9 Posts: 16 Member
    Started Stronglifts 2nd week of Janaury with bar only. Meant to have these up at the begining of February but things happen...

    Anyway, working sets are now starting to feel like work so I could use a critique before things get too far out of whack.


    Overhead Press


    Bench and Row will come later...


    Well after watching the vide a few times I will try and critique myself...

    Lower the pins. Don't want to be raising up on toes to get the weight off even ever so slightly.

    Center the weight better on the shoulders. (after watching 1 time I measured the bar and found the scoring on the bar to be slightly off center. I marked the exact center with a piece of tape and am using that now as a guide for hand placement & setup )

    Minimize arch in back when raising/lowering. Only move shoulders & head slightly to get the bar past the head.

    Lower hips more at the starting point. Don't round back.

    For all movements - continue to focus on center of balance/form through the whole exercise and remember to breath properly.

    Any other advice, or corrections to what I think I am seeing would be greatly appreciated...
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member

    Was there a specific concern? From what I see, it looks good. Spine angle, depth, weight seems to be on your heels, spine angle seems consistent throughout the lift
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Depth check please. Been going a lot deeper these days. Think I may be just right or just a tad low. Definitely don't think I'm high.

    This would get white lights in most feds - but reps 1 and 3 may be a little shy if you get a sticker (which you do more often in USAPL meets). Hard to tell from the angle though. Can you take one that is at the side.
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    Depth check please. Been going a lot deeper these days. Think I may be just right or just a tad low. Definitely don't think I'm high.

    IMHO, the 2nd squat seemed to be a pinch lower than #1. It's really, really close. IMHO, depending on the judge, I could see 1 red on those lifts.
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    side view of tonight:

    I hate lifting on a cut.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    side view of tonight:

    I hate lifting on a cut.

    I think your depth is just fine and you form looks pretty good. You're breaking parallel for sure, no question.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    form check for OHP, mostly on curve in my back, too much? I feel my back caving in when I press up

    It looks fine to me. In fact I would say you can lean back a little more than that. Ideally you want to press in a straight line (or close to it). OHP at maximal effort definitely requires a lot of core strength, I wear a belt on my top set.
  • Culprit9
    Culprit9 Posts: 16 Member
    Started Stronglifts 2nd week of Janaury with bar only. Meant to have these up at the begining of February but things happen...

    Anyway, working sets are now starting to feel like work so I could use a critique before things get too far out of whack.


    Overhead Press


    Bench and Row will come later...


    Bump -- past the weight by a few lifts but still looking for any advice to correct or improve...
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Started Stronglifts 2nd week of Janaury with bar only. Meant to have these up at the begining of February but things happen...

    Anyway, working sets are now starting to feel like work so I could use a critique before things get too far out of whack.


    Overhead Press


    Bench and Row will come later...


    Bump -- past the weight by a few lifts but still looking for any advice to correct or improve...

    Squats and overhead press is good, you mis-grooved the first rep on that squat video a bit but the rest look good. Only thing I would say is that on the squats you should set your rack up one notch lower so you don't have to go onto tippy toes to unrack the weight, that's not going to work well once more weight is on the bar.

    Deadlifts you have a few issues, back is pretty rounded and it gets worse as the set goes on. Need to work on trying to arch that lower back to bring it flat. You are a little bit to far 'over' the bar IMO and your shins come forward a bit too much, try to keep the shins more vertical by setting up a tiny bit closer to the bar you may mind this helps.
  • Culprit9
    Culprit9 Posts: 16 Member

    Squats and overhead press is good, you mis-grooved the first rep on that squat video a bit but the rest look good. Only thing I would say is that on the squats you should set your rack up one notch lower so you don't have to go onto tippy toes to unrack the weight, that's not going to work well once more weight is on the bar.

    Deadlifts you have a few issues, back is pretty rounded and it gets worse as the set goes on. Need to work on trying to arch that lower back to bring it flat. You are a little bit to far 'over' the bar IMO and your shins come forward a bit too much, try to keep the shins more vertical by setting up a tiny bit closer to the bar you may mind this helps.

    Thanks for the feedback. I noticed the pins on the squat and already fixed that. Also saw the rounded back on the DL and working on that as well, but will pay more attention to setup and being over the bar.