

  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    Max recovery is on same disc as cardio recovery from month 1. At least thats where I found it. Lots of planks and pushups but some good stretching. I think I prefer cardio recovery but this one isn't bad, just harder than I was eexpecting.

    My glutes are finally feeling better, just in time for max interval tomorrow Yeah!!
  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member
    Shawn T. (sp?) is really just teasing us with Month 1!

    Month 2 is where it really happens! But I did all of it (with breaks!) and loved it! Surprisingly, my favorite part of the warm-up was getting down on my hands and pushing my heels up and side to side! I didn't think I'd even be able to do it at all!

    I may never learn to like switch kicks!!:)
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Max recovery is on same disc as cardio recovery from month 1. At least thats where I found it. Lots of planks and pushups but some good stretching. I think I prefer cardio recovery but this one isn't bad, just harder than I was eexpecting.

    My glutes are finally feeling better, just in time for max interval tomorrow Yeah!!

    Glad that your glutes are getting better. You're gonna be needing that for the next workout :)
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Shawn T. (sp?) is really just teasing us with Month 1!

    Month 2 is where it really happens! But I did all of it (with breaks!) and loved it! Surprisingly, my favorite part of the warm-up was getting down on my hands and pushing my heels up and side to side! I didn't think I'd even be able to do it at all!

    I may never learn to like switch kicks!!:)

    I thought being a guy and having done p90x I would have no problem with that move. I was wrong. For some reasons, my quads started hurting after 6-7 reps of the "heels in mid air side to side" move (I don't know what that's called). LOL
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Okay, week 6 is officially in the book! I did max interval plyo earlier and it was TOUGH as expected. The last 15 minutes especially drained the last bit of energy left from my body. Normally, my wife and sister-in-law (who lives with us) would do it on their own schedule and I do it at a different time (well, someone is gonna look after the kiddos). But my wife decided to do Insanity with me today. On one hand I think it helped me pushed harder because I want to look good in front of my lady LOL but on the other day, I was wearing myself out faster than usual. I guess I dug deep today!

    Tomorrow is rest day and I'll be doing the fit test that I missed a few days back.

    Keep digging deep!
  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    okay second time round for max intervals and I got through them. I don't think I took as many breaks this time either but its hard to tell cause my nose is running like crazy and I did have to stop cause of that

    Managed to get though one whole round of full body drills keeping up YEAH ME!!!! Next time i'm going to push for finishing all sets of full body drills, not necessarily as fast as them though, just keep pushing.

    Tomorrow its max plyo again, my glutes are cringing already:tongue:
  • allysonvb
    allysonvb Posts: 236 Member
    You all are really making me nervous about month two. I'm almost through week 3, so only a couple weeks until the s--t hits the fan, eh?
  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    So I was lazy Sat and switched days off, so Max Plyo today . Not bad , got though it . My glutes aren't quite as sore , but I'm not sure I did as many pushups this time. I did however manage the side push-ups... sort of. If you drop the bottom knee and keep the top leg straight it modifies it just enough. I manged to do 3 reg and 12 modified on each side

    Monday is Max cardio...Yikes
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    You guys are awesome! I'm glad that you've been digging deep.

    I have a confession to make: I was supposed to start week 7 on Saturday but that was the only time in the past 160 days that I had to miss a workout due to schedule! My son had soccer game in the morning and right after we got home we had to go do grocery to prepare for a party that night. We were out and about for the whole day and didn't get home until 4pm. That's when we had to start cooking and prepping :p The party didn't end until 12:30am. Yikes! No more partying, well, at least not ones that we have to cook a bunch of food:)

    So on Sunday I did max cardio conditioning. Again this was a little less intense workout for me. I managed to finish it with some additional breaks in between.

    Dig deeper!!
  • greeenerone
    I am not loving max-plyo, may be it's because so much time is spent on the floor but I am not getting the after exercise high that I get from the other routines. I hope it becomes more fun when I get stronger.
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    So this is my first day of insanity...just finished the fit test...sweat was dripping after that...excited to dive into the first official workout tomorrow night...two of my kiddos did the fit test with me and they kicked my butt....LOL..i run 4 times a week so i feel im in pretty good physical shape....but i must admit my legs were a little shakey by the end of the fit test:)
  • allysonvb
    allysonvb Posts: 236 Member
    Week four, baby! I'm glad it's a rest day because I feel dehydrated, but I'm ready to go tomorrow!
  • cricket_77
    cricket_77 Posts: 165 Member
    Plyometric for me tonight and then I'm moving on to the week of Core Cardio and Balance before I go on to month 2!!!

    The first month has taken me longer than how the actual schedule is laid out. There were a few days that I ran and didn't do Insanity and then there were other days that I just couldn't fit it in. I never did skip a workout, just moved it to the next day.

    I didn't take measurements, but I can tell a difference in how I look. I have only lost probably 1 lb. though. I hope month two results in some weight loss!!

    How about everyone else? Any weight loss?
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Plyometric for me tonight and then I'm moving on to the week of Core Cardio and Balance before I go on to month 2!!!

    The first month has taken me longer than how the actual schedule is laid out. There were a few days that I ran and didn't do Insanity and then there were other days that I just couldn't fit it in. I never did skip a workout, just moved it to the next day.

    I didn't take measurements, but I can tell a difference in how I look. I have only lost probably 1 lb. though. I hope month two results in some weight loss!!

    How about everyone else? Any weight loss?

    It's not too late to take some measurements:) You'll feel great seeing the inches loss even if the scale doesn't move much :)

    I lost about 5-6 lbs since I started Insanity. I'm currently in week 7.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Good morning! You all are awesome! Keep digging deep!

    Okay, instead of doing Insanity max interval circuit last night, I did p90x chest shoulders triceps. I want to start incorporating more p90x weight lifting into the last 2 and a hald weeks left on Insanity. The reaon is my body fat is down to 8% and I figure I need to maintain some muscles. I'm currently on a 1700 fat shredder diet and so far I average about 1 lbs of weight loss every week. At this rate I feel like my muscles have shrunk (along with losnig fat) since I started Insanity. I want to make sure that my hard earned muscles are at least maintained by the end of this program. Therefore, I chose to do a hybrid between Insanity and P90X. I'll let you all know how it goes.

    In the mean time, let's keep pushing!
  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    I don't think I've gained any weight while doing Insanity , but I sure haven't lost any. However it's definitley distributed differently then it was 7 weeks ago. I pulled on jeans the other day without undoing the, they are my new favorites!

    I took measurements at the beginning of week 1 and can't eait till the end to see what the say. I know my waist is smaller, I'm also starting to see a little defintion in the abs, more shadows of ribs right now but hey have to start somewhere ;)

    I'm looking ahead at my schedule and I think I'll be doing the rest of the week out of order, I have the first cardio with abs on thursday but I think I'm going to trade it with Sat, just cause there is no away I can do both before work.
    So tomorrow i'll do Max recovery , thursday plyo, Friday core and balance with Sat being cardio and abs.

    Keep sweating!!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    My wife only lost 3 lbs since we started 6-7 weeks ago but she lost a few inches overall so you're not alone! Weight is only numbers. The inches matter more, IMHO :)

    You got it! Keep sweating!
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    Day 2 of insanity proud of myself for digging deeper and pushing cookies and creme recovery shake is something to look forward to post workout...tomorrow will be a bit of a challenge as it is a running day and then will be doing insanity as well...providing i can run in the morning after Shaun T just kicked my butt tonight:)
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    sounds hella low cal Proton... i'm only 5'8'' and i was eating at least 2400 on insanity, had good results.

    good for you getting through it on the fat shredder too. i don't think i could do that lol. maybe i should have ate more protein tho. i def lost muscle.

    but, there's only been a few weeks in a row that i've not been doing a beach body program in the last year and a half, and i've been able to get back to my 'max' bench press in those short weeks. not doing as many reps but pressing the weight.
  • lilpe5512
    lilpe5512 Posts: 425 Member
    Good day everyone!

    I was suppose to start week 2, day 1 of Insanity on Monday but I was a no show :laugh: I plan to start over from day 1 today since I originally did week 1 over 2 weeks ago. I'm really trying to get motivated. I will use the group as my motivation!:drinker: