

  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    @krislshoe - that's a great motivation right there! I work out right before dinner and I really enjoyed and can appreciate everything I put into my body :)

    @nofinishiline - yeah, that's what I thought. my coach even asked that I go 1600 when I was doing p90x. I was a little scared so I stayed at 1800-1900. Should have listened to him though because I now can understand why someone can get really drastic result and even super ripped during that 90 days. My BMR is around 1650 and with exercise my maintenance TDEE is probably around 2300. 1700 should give me at least 500-600 calorie deficit a day. Now I'm kinda used to this diet routine. and I don't have much problem keeping up. I'll do tape measure again later this week so hopefully I'll say bye to some more inches.

    Last night I did Max Interval Circuit. While it's almost an hour long, I'm starting to like it. There's more upper body and core in this video than that of max interval plyo - which I don't hate but I prefer the more balanced moves in max circuit. I burned a whopping 800+ calories in that workout! maybe because I enjoyed doing it and pushing harder :) Tonight, I'll go back to p90x shoulders and arms plus ab ripper x.

    Dig deep and bring it everyone!
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    Hi, I started Insanity this past Monday March 18th. I have to say I don't enjoy it so far. I know it's tough, that's not the issue. This is my workout history: Started MFP in September 2012 with the goal of getting fit and losing about 25 pounds to weigh 150. I never counted calories before, although I eat good, I guess I was mostly just eating too much, and getting loose with eating chips and dip, alcohol, and desserts. Anyway, so started with doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred (for 45 days). Was perfect because it is only 20 minutes. I lost 15 pounds and a lot of inches from every part of my body. Then I got Body Revolution. Each workout was only 35 minutes and I usually burned about 350 calories. I lost 22 more pounds and so many inches everywhere. You are in control of the intensity, and I did a mix of the more difficult moves and regular pacing. I loved it. It was so much fun. It's a 3 month program with 6 days on and one rest day per week and I did it pretty much straight through except for one week where I had the flu. I looked forward to it and could relate to it and the people backing up Jillian in the workouts. Then I did about one month of various Jillian DVD's, increasing my daily workouts from 35 minutes to minimally 45, but usually 60-80 minutes.
    So I feel like I am ready for Insanity. I am getting through most of the workouts pretty well so far, but I feel like I am lacking on form because 1) he doesn't say all that much to make sure you have good form and 2) it's like a race to go as fast as you can. I dunno, I'm going to give it at least 2 weeks and then see if I want to continue. I want the results that I see people posting so that is my motivator, but Shawn really doesn't motivate me and I know there are several DVD's I haven't even seen yet, but it seems really repetitive - something I never felt with Body Revolution.
    Anyways, glad to have a place specific to Insanity to post and hope y'all don't hate on me for not loving it yet!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Hi Stacey - Welcome and wow you've lost quite a bit weight! Congrats!

    I did P90X before I started Insanity. In P90X Tony Horton kept reminding us to have good form and that we should stop if we start shaking or losing the "form". Well, Shaun T did that in most, especially in the month 2 videos. In month 2, the moves are a bit more complicated. e.g. each routine could be a combination of moves from month 1. I can't remember if he demonstrates the moves in the month 1 video but he certainly does in month 2. Whenever he does that, I make sure that I pay attention to fully understand what's involved before I do it. Also, the crews in the video are showing us the "form". The ones standing closer to the front normally show us the full/intended form. Whereas, the ones standing closer to the back show the modified moves. e.g. they don't squat as low, move as fast, or jump as high.

    As far as speed goes, we do it at our own pace as long as we can maintain the form. Once we get used to and can manage the form, we can try to go faster. But we shouldn't sacrifice form over speed which could lead to injury.

    Please don't get discouraged. You're doing great so keep up the good work!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    @nofinishiline - yeah, that's what I thought. my coach even asked that I go 1600 when I was doing p90x. I was a little scared so I stayed at 1800-1900. Should have listened to him though because I now can understand why someone can get really drastic result and even super ripped during that 90 days. My BMR is around 1650 and with exercise my maintenance TDEE is probably around 2300. 1700 should give me at least 500-600 calorie deficit a day. Now I'm kinda used to this diet routine. and I don't have much problem keeping up. I'll do tape measure again later this week so hopefully I'll say bye to some more inches.

    well you can't argue with results. i'd trade my midsection for your chest any day lol.

    I'm constantly fretting that i'm eatin too little.

    as it is i'm experencing hungry before every meal (3 hours) and have energy issues during a work out even with a preworkout meal within an hr of a workout. I'd be a broken man if i tried to go that low.

    idk, if your worried about losing muscle, eatting less then your bmr seems counter productive.
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    Day 3 of insanity...well i was sore before i pushed play but once i got going...i felt really legs were a tad tired as i ran 4 miles early this morning but got it done...just had my recovery shake and hittin the shower soon.
  • lilpe5512
    lilpe5512 Posts: 425 Member
    As soon as I stepped in the house after work I changed clothes and completed my insanity for today. I'm so proud of myself! Today is a new day! Now I'm headed to the gym.:drinker:
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    well you can't argue with results. i'd trade my midsection for your chest any day lol.

    I'm constantly fretting that i'm eatin too little.

    as it is i'm experencing hungry before every meal (3 hours) and have energy issues during a work out even with a preworkout meal within an hr of a workout. I'd be a broken man if i tried to go that low.

    idk, if your worried about losing muscle, eatting less then your bmr seems counter productive.

    emm...those are called man boobs lol.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    As soon as I stepped in the house after work I changed clothes and completed my insanity for today. I'm so proud of myself! Today is a new day! Now I'm headed to the gym.

    What are you doing at the gym for? Wasn't insanity enough for ya? LOL

    Day 3 of insanity...well i was sore before i pushed play but once i got going...i felt really legs were a tad tired as i ran 4 miles early this morning but got it done...just had my recovery shake and hittin the shower soon.

    I kind of envy those we run all the time because I don't think my knees can take it or if I had the stamina to keep the pace. Well, the last time I tried to run was before I started p90x/insanity. Maybe I shall give it another try :)

    Good job and keep digging deep!
  • lilpe5512
    lilpe5512 Posts: 425 Member
    As soon as I stepped in the house after work I changed clothes and completed my insanity for today. I'm so proud of myself! Today is a new day! Now I'm headed to the gym.

    What are you doing at the gym for? Wasn't insanity enough for ya? LOL

    Believe me Insanity was enough but yesterday was arm day so I had to hit the gym. Insanity is my daily cardio.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    ^^ that-a-girl!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    Day 4 of insanity...cardio recovery day...yes some of the stretches were hard and i couldnt hold them for the whole time...but after this workout even though my legs feel a little shaky why am i feeling the need for some kick butt cardio??? only burned 170 calories doing this dvd...maybe that is my not seeing a high calorie burn but i guess this dvd isnt about calorie burn its giving the body time to recover..right???
  • dwest1976
    dwest1976 Posts: 41 Member
    I only burn about 200 calories from Cardio Recovery and I'm a 220 lb male. 170 sounds pretty good.

    The level 1 drills on the rest of the videos are the hardest or me right now. The ski abs, in and out abs. Its the one area I can't keep up at all. What do all the other first month folks find the hardest?
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    @krislshoe - yep, cardio recovery it's for, well, recovery. The stretches help our body heal faster and for me I felt better after doing that. I was like you, I actually did some P90X weight on the cardio recovery days because I didn't feel like I've worked hard enough.

    @dwest - hmm.. I can't remember all the moves in month 1 now because the month 2 moves have been haunting me LOL.. ski abs was one of the tougher one in month's not that I couldn't do it but my quats for some reason were burning when I did that. Enjoy month 1 as much as you can is all I can say :)

    I took my rest day yesterday which is a few days earlier than what I had plan. There's no excuse but it was due to a last-minute schedule conflict. I plan on pushing hard and finish week 7 here in a couple of days.
  • lilpe5512
    lilpe5512 Posts: 425 Member
    Yesterday was Cardio Power and Resistance and I can't do some of the moves either. I just jog in place on the difficult ones.
    I was able to the V-push up (I think that’s what it’s called). I couldn't do as many as everyone else but I got in a few.

    Today is Cardio Recovery and I enjoy the stretches but my legs are always sorer afterwards.

    I think me doing the workout in the evening vs. the morning is better. Some morning I can barely drag out of the bed for work.
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    @dwest......anything push up related are by far the hardest thing for me right now...i lack upper body strength and i m hoping by the time im done with insanity i will be bustin out some push ups:)
  • MizVandyk
    MizVandyk Posts: 602 Member
    getting closer for me! Sunday is my start date..I have two back therapy sessions already set up for next week just to keep my old injury in check!. Any advise on keeping my back injury from getting in the way will be greatly appreciated!! I am so pumped and excited to start AND finish this time!
  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    @dwest......anything push up related are by far the hardest thing for me right now...i lack upper body strength and i m hoping by the time im done with insanity i will be bustin out some push ups:)

    I'm on week 7 and still hate the push-up moves... and there are so many of I'm definitely better at them than I was in month 1. Now they do push-up followed by plank followed by. poush-up jacks followed by... you get the picture.. I figure this week I'll focus on getting though the first set, next week 2 sets and hopefully by the end I can finish them. Baby steps
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    @lilpe5512 @krislshoe - my wife couldn't do more than 2 pushups just 6 weeks ago. Now she can do 7-9 with good form :)

    @MizVandyk - I've had lower back injury a few months ago and neck pain (I wouldn't call that injury but still it hurt LOL) just a few weeks ago. I took it real easy so that I don't make it worse. I would suggest that you really land softly and reduce the intensity of any high impact moves. It's okay to modify. Also, keep the back straight the whole time and don't skip the stretches/warm up in the video. Let us know how it goes.

    @lyndabyh - cool, I'm on week 7 as well. What are you going to do after Insanity? I'm going to start my second round of P90X on 4/8. I already have 2 people joining. Would be fun to have more joining us!
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    Day 5 of insanity and it was pure my butt kicked!!!! but so proud of myself for getting it done cause i really didnt feel like doing it but pushed play anyway.