Keeping Each Other Accountable

momma_hotness Posts: 30 Member
Wanted to start a discussion to keep ourselves accountable--daily posts of your activity. Husband and I just finished Day 3. Realized our legs were still sore from Day 1 with the first jump, but we pushed through it. I don't know about him, but I have a goal and it is t-minus 58 days away! Bring it!


  • samanthalee87
    Love it! I did the fit test and day 1 today. I posted my results for the fit test in the other discussion. Day 2 workout - Plyometric cardio circuit was INTENSE. I don't think I've ever jumped so much in my life. I had to take quite a few breaks as my endurance is awful but I definitely pushed hard. My boyfriend also does insanity but he does scattered workouts, mostly max intervals right now. Looking forward to day 3 tomorrow!
  • BunnyBabyDoll
    Same here just started pretty much. Fit test was yesterday and my results are in the other topic about that and today was the plyometric cardio circuit which was I agree very intense lol but they wouldn't call it Insanity if it wasn't INSANE right?
  • BarryWilson1108
    BarryWilson1108 Posts: 47 Member
    Hello all,
    I have done 2 days Insanity so far and to be honest it shocked me how hard it was.
    Does everyone else just do it at their own pace and take breaks when needed as I was struggling along and having to take regular breathers. I dont suppose it helps that I had a big night out 36 hours before though!
    Anyway, I am on day 3 and have done well with the food so far so hopefully if I keep working I will get better.
    Just wanted to check that others were struggling to begin with too?
  • nathan_oz
    nathan_oz Posts: 229
    Fit Test done on Monday, my results are posted in the other discussion, Day 2 yesterday was a big shock, Day 3 complete today. It is a great workout, really feel it working the right muscles! I agree BarryWilson11 it was a big shock how hard it was, I cannot keep up with it and today's press ups I just cant do! But I do as much as I can at my pace, maybe for example jumping once for every 2 they do on the DVD depending on the exercise!
  • momma_hotness
    momma_hotness Posts: 30 Member
    Hello all,
    I have done 2 days Insanity so far and to be honest it shocked me how hard it was.
    Does everyone else just do it at their own pace and take breaks when needed as I was struggling along and having to take regular breathers. I dont suppose it helps that I had a big night out 36 hours before though!
    Anyway, I am on day 3 and have done well with the food so far so hopefully if I keep working I will get better.
    Just wanted to check that others were struggling to begin with too?

    Barry, you are absolutely not alone with the struggle. Did you not see the folks on the video in Day 2? Heck, they've already completed the program and were still struggling. *smiles*. My husband and I just completed P90X and thought Insanity would be just a step up from that, but have come to the realization that even the warm ups are more intense than the entire P90X routine. But we want results, so we push forward. I am definitely moving at my own pace. I'm 5'5 and over 200lbs, so my heart capacity isn't that big. Doesn't take much for my heart rate monitor to read "high", in other words, calm your happy behind down and breathe, lol, but my goal is to keep pushing a little harder everyday and the progress will show.
  • samanthalee87
    I confess, I could NOT wake up this morning to do my workout!! I was WAY too tired so I'll be doing it tonight when I get home. My boyfriend tells me that power cardio & resistance is his favorite workout. We'll see about that!

    So proud of everyone else who's gotten their workout in already today! Unfortunately 6am didn't see my great side as it normally does so it's to bed earlier for me tonight. I'll post later on how day 3 goes for me!
  • momma_hotness
    momma_hotness Posts: 30 Member
    I confess, I could NOT wake up this morning to do my workout!! I was WAY too tired so I'll be doing it tonight when I get home. My boyfriend tells me that power cardio & resistance is his favorite workout. We'll see about that!

    So proud of everyone else who's gotten their workout in already today! Unfortunately 6am didn't see my great side as it normally does so it's to bed earlier for me tonight. I'll post later on how day 3 goes for me!

    Based on your post last night, I can see why your body was disagreeing with you this morning on that early morning push. :-) I know you'll make up for it tonight. As Shaun T says, "Dig Deeper"!
  • BunnyBabyDoll
    It is definitely a struggle in the beginning I think for everyone on the planet. Even really fit people go DAMN, lol. I just make sure I stick to the correct form and move as quickly as my body allows which is a lot slower than those crazy *kitten* machines on the DVD. That's the biggest thing though STICK TO THE CORRECT FORM. Just make sure you push yourself more and more each time and soon enough I'm sure we will all be candidates to be on those DVD's :D I just finished my breakfast and will be doing my work out here pretty soon, I'm excited for it. I've been doing well on the diet. It's actually really easy to follow and stay on, I never feel starved because I'm eating 5 meals a day every few hours with lots and lots of protein. Other than that I have some homework to do for class and I'm cooking a nice healthy dinner to show my mom and her boyfriend that eating healthy can be delicious and satisfying. I'm making beef broccoli and jasmine rice at about 400 cal per meal serving :D
  • samanthalee87
    Ok day 3 was intense. Or should I say insane! I got through it but definitely slacked more than necessary and I have got to step it up a notch. I've got to learn to push myself and not give up so early as my water breaks are way too frequent. I feel my body getting stronger though which is great!

    How did everyone else's day 3 go?
  • BunnyBabyDoll
    It was a tough one for sure. Mostly because it was a little more strength focused which is def something I need to work a lot more on. I took a few breaks on the power jumps and v push ups and I collapsed for a min after the moving push ups lol.
  • BarryWilson1108
    BarryWilson1108 Posts: 47 Member
    Day 3 for me was again very hard . I am trying to pace myself a bit better so not going flat out at the start and keep going for longer.
    I had lots of water breaks too but I physically just couln't carry on....I am so stiff after the workouts that even when I am starting again the next day I am still sore. Hopefully this wears off as my body asjusts.
    Day 4 today, will be doing it in 4 hours and counting......
  • nathan_oz
    nathan_oz Posts: 229
    Day 4 done. This is Cardio Recovery, so not an intense workout but all about stretching, and boy does it stretch you! Really enjoyed it though as when I was running I never really knew how to stretch properly, but this shows you!
  • momma_hotness
    momma_hotness Posts: 30 Member
    Just finished Day 4 as well this morning. Was supposed to do it last night, but was too tired when I got home, so we woke up this morning and got it in. Those stretches were definitely intense, but I'm glad we got it in. Day 5 up tonight and I'm ready!
  • samanthalee87
    "I totally hated Day 4 of Insanity" - said no one ever!

    I love me a good stretch so waking up early today was no biggie for me! My muscles felt amazing and it was still a good burn regardless of the low impact. Also doing another extremely fun workout tonight which helps since I didn't burn too much this morning. Going jumping at a trampoline studio and doing an intense class called Skyrobics. I'm in for it but VERY excited!
  • MrGuitarDude
    Ok day 3 was intense. Or should I say insane! I got through it but definitely slacked more than necessary and I have got to step it up a notch. I've got to learn to push myself and not give up so early as my water breaks are way too frequent. I feel my body getting stronger though which is great!

    How did everyone else's day 3 go?

    Sore calf muscles woohoo. Pushup moves are a lot easier for me, but I felt I lost a bit of motivation halfway through. Still got it done though!
  • MrGuitarDude
    It is definitely a struggle in the beginning I think for everyone on the planet. Even really fit people go DAMN, lol. I just make sure I stick to the correct form and move as quickly as my body allows which is a lot slower than those crazy *kitten* machines on the DVD. That's the biggest thing though STICK TO THE CORRECT FORM. Just make sure you push yourself more and more each time and soon enough I'm sure we will all be candidates to be on those DVD's :D I just finished my breakfast and will be doing my work out here pretty soon, I'm excited for it. I've been doing well on the diet. It's actually really easy to follow and stay on, I never feel starved because I'm eating 5 meals a day every few hours with lots and lots of protein. Other than that I have some homework to do for class and I'm cooking a nice healthy dinner to show my mom and her boyfriend that eating healthy can be delicious and satisfying. I'm making beef broccoli and jasmine rice at about 400 cal per meal serving :D

    This! Form. Keep the good form. When you get tired your form will go so you need to slow it down for sure. Doing the move half assed 20 times is the equivalent to 5 times with proper form. And btw, you will turn into one of those crazy *kitten* machines haha. I remember in month two I was laughing at the people on the screen because they had to take more breaks than me.

    I thought I was fit. I look fit. I was like DAMN! It's like I've never done this workout routine before :)
  • BunnyBabyDoll
    It is definitely a struggle in the beginning I think for everyone on the planet. Even really fit people go DAMN, lol. I just make sure I stick to the correct form and move as quickly as my body allows which is a lot slower than those crazy *kitten* machines on the DVD. That's the biggest thing though STICK TO THE CORRECT FORM. Just make sure you push yourself more and more each time and soon enough I'm sure we will all be candidates to be on those DVD's :D I just finished my breakfast and will be doing my work out here pretty soon, I'm excited for it. I've been doing well on the diet. It's actually really easy to follow and stay on, I never feel starved because I'm eating 5 meals a day every few hours with lots and lots of protein. Other than that I have some homework to do for class and I'm cooking a nice healthy dinner to show my mom and her boyfriend that eating healthy can be delicious and satisfying. I'm making beef broccoli and jasmine rice at about 400 cal per meal serving :D

    This! Form. Keep the good form. When you get tired your form will go so you need to slow it down for sure. Doing the move half assed 20 times is the equivalent to 5 times with proper form. And btw, you will turn into one of those crazy *kitten* machines haha. I remember in month two I was laughing at the people on the screen because they had to take more breaks than me.

    I thought I was fit. I look fit. I was like DAMN! It's like I've never done this workout routine before :)
    Yup, that's what Shaun T is always yelling. Keep good form people! It's important plus when you don't keep the form you look all spazzy lol.
  • MrGuitarDude
    ^^ Yep yep... you can also hurt yourself.... especially doing the exercise you love so much BBD... POWER JUMPS!!!!! ;)
  • BunnyBabyDoll
    -.- those evil power jumps lol... Evil I say! Especially since my house is old and sometimes I feel like I'm going to break my house, lol.
  • Fit4LifeJulie
    Fit4LifeJulie Posts: 16 Member
    Day 4 - I missed Cardio Recovery this morning so I did it tonight after my run. The stretches were intense but felt so good! I really needed that.