Keeping Each Other Accountable



  • nathan_oz
    nathan_oz Posts: 229
    Day 9 Complete. (put day 7 yesterday (rest day) but meant day 8 as sticking to the days on the calendar) Pure Cardio, extremely tough again. Getting out of bed is the difficult part, the feeling once I have done the workout is so worth it though!
  • CherishQuick
    Everyone...pure cardio is CRAAAZY. This is day 9 and I don't feel much better, just focused on staying on task. Goal for this week is to actually do 1 push up correctly,,. those "moving" push ups are really hard. Felt good when it was done. I sure would like to have my abs ripped up like that.
  • CherishQuick
    Day 9 Complete. (put day 7 yesterday (rest day) but meant day 8 as sticking to the days on the calendar) Pure Cardio, extremely tough again. Getting out of bed is the difficult part, the feeling once I have done the workout is so worth it though!
  • BarryWilson1108
    BarryWilson1108 Posts: 47 Member
    CherishQuick - I think the first couple of weeks are as much about mental strength as physical to be honest. You need to just keep going and have in your mind that it will only get easier as you get fitter and stronger. At the end of the 60 days I am sure if you do one of these early workouts you will be so much stronger and fitter.
  • momma_hotness
    momma_hotness Posts: 30 Member
    Well, my accountability slipped and I didn't workout yesterday. But we got back in it today and pushed through Day 7. I don't know about you, but I actually love doing push ups now. When I started working out in November, I could barely do a "girl" push up, but now I'm pushing them out and keeping up with the video. I must say, I am actually proud of myself and it feels really good.

    Opps. I meant Day 8!
  • momma_hotness
    momma_hotness Posts: 30 Member
    Everyone...pure cardio is CRAAAZY. This is day 9 and I don't feel much better, just focused on staying on task. Goal for this week is to actually do 1 push up correctly,,. those "moving" push ups are really hard. Felt good when it was done. I sure would like to have my abs ripped up like that.

    Keep working at it, Cherish. You'll get it and soon those push-ups will be a breeze. I actually look forward to doing the push-ups now compared to the jumping. :smile:
  • BunnyBabyDoll
    Man, just wait till you guys get to the max cardio conditioning video. I wish I hadn't misplaced my pure cardio one, but at least this is definitely preparing me for month 2, lol. I feel like a cheater. Floor hops suuuuuck!!! I hope you all had a fantastic work out :D
  • samanthalee87
    Ok I woke up SUPER late today. Completely forgot to set my alarm! Needed to make studying my priority and then had an awards ceremony and by the time I got home I had a very late dinner and no time to digest and workout. Got a good walk in with the dog and ate really well so back at it tomorrow!

    I hope everyone rocked their workouts today!!
  • Fit4LifeJulie
    Fit4LifeJulie Posts: 16 Member
    Day 9 done! I felt better/stronger in today's Pure Cardio w/o. I pushed it more and I was able to keep up a bit more. My average HR with today's Pure Cardio was 134 vs last weeks Pure Cardio average HR was 125. I burned 314 calories this time and last weeks Pure Cardio was 274 cal for the 38 minutes. I love to see improvement! :)

    Those darn Stance Jacks I have to rest in between they are really killer on the quads. Level 2 drills I still can't do the pushups fast enough to keep up with them. Pushup jacks again were hard and of course they are at the end of the workout when my arms are already shaking. I still loved it! It felt great to be exhausted at the end.
  • nathan_oz
    nathan_oz Posts: 229
    Day 10 done! I bought a heart rate monitor yesterday so used it on this mornings workout, still working out how to use it properly, it also tracks calories so hope its accurate. I found it tough today I must admit. I had lower back pain last night and was nervous of making it worse. I know I haven't been drinking enough water in the daytime so making extra effort today to do so. On a positive note, 10 days in of Insanity and eating healthier and cutting out all the rubbish snacks I used to have, I am definitely noticing a difference in my energy levels, my skin and the size of my belly! Happy days!
  • BarryWilson1108
    BarryWilson1108 Posts: 47 Member
    Second bout of Pure Cardio done this morning. Was again tough but I took less breaks than I did first time around. Feeling a lot stronger already just halfway through my second week of Insanity. Looking forward to how strong I feel at the end!
  • CherishQuick
    Hi all. Day 9 for me...really struggled to get out of bed today to get this done. I'm glad to hear others reiterating keeping good form. I swear the push ups will be the death of me! I will keep doing this. I read through the meal plans but I think I'm eating ok...really trying to avoid emotional eating for now. I'm rooting for everyone on this challenge!!! I so want to be fit...
  • samanthalee87
    Day 10 done! I bought a heart rate monitor yesterday so used it on this mornings workout, still working out how to use it properly, it also tracks calories so hope its accurate. I found it tough today I must admit. I had lower back pain last night and was nervous of making it worse. I know I haven't been drinking enough water in the daytime so making extra effort today to do so. On a positive note, 10 days in of Insanity and eating healthier and cutting out all the rubbish snacks I used to have, I am definitely noticing a difference in my energy levels, my skin and the size of my belly! Happy days!

    AWESOME progress Nathan! Heart monitors are seriously the BEST motivation! Well for me anyways! You can also create your own exercise within MFP instead of using their categories of exercise. Do you find you're burning as much as you thought you were or what MFP was suggesting?
  • BunnyBabyDoll
    Hi all. Day 9 for me...really struggled to get out of bed today to get this done. I'm glad to hear others reiterating keeping good form. I swear the push ups will be the death of me! I will keep doing this. I read through the meal plans but I think I'm eating ok...really trying to avoid emotional eating for now. I'm rooting for everyone on this challenge!!! I so want to be fit...
    Sometimes it's hard for me to get my butt out of bed too, lol. I just get myself a cup of coffee and let myself wake up a little bit then if I still don't have the motivation sometimes I will try to find the Insanity infomercials, those really get me going. As far as the diet the main idea is just to eat smaller meals more often, you don't have to follow the meals exactly if you don't want to :) just watch the carbs, sugar and bad fats. Lean protein, healthy fat and good carbs like veggies and fruit and whole grains :D and we will all be super fit in no time at all.
  • sandygettingfit
    sandygettingfit Posts: 69 Member
    Just finished Day 10. Whew! I use an HRM (during workouts) and a Nike Fuel Band (during the day) to keep myself motivated. I feel good. Lost an inch of my waist already :=) It's hard to get started but once I get going I love it.
  • nathan_oz
    nathan_oz Posts: 229
    AWESOME progress Nathan! Heart monitors are seriously the BEST motivation! Well for me anyways! You can also create your own exercise within MFP instead of using their categories of exercise. Do you find you're burning as much as you thought you were or what MFP was suggesting?

    Thanks Samantha, I will create my own exercise. Today was Cardio Recovery and I burnt 111 calories, last time I put 'low impact aerobics' which was 203 calories on MFP. That makes sense as it is recovery stretching not cardio! I am hoping that I burn more calories in the other workouts compared to the MFP 'High Impact Aerobics' 379 calories. I will let you know after tomorrows workout.
  • CherishQuick
    Day 10 here....I've got to get that HRM! Good work everyone. I dunno about posting pix, but I will certainly share my stats...Good luck for tomorrow!!!!
  • BunnyBabyDoll
    I need a HRM :(
  • nathan_oz
    nathan_oz Posts: 229
    Day 12 complete! I used my HRM and normally would put High Impact Aerobics from MFP at 379 calories, in fact it was 460 calories. :-) Cant believe I am on Day 12, actually got into the routine of getting up early, it makes my day much more organised as I get more done after my workout. Hows everyone else doing?
  • BarryWilson1108
    BarryWilson1108 Posts: 47 Member
    I am having my off day today as I am in London all day...did my Plyometric circuit yesterday.....Apprximately 1/6 of the way through insanity and I can feel the benefits already. I have a HRM and I seem to burning more cals than others, do you think it may be faulty?
    Yesterday's workout said I burned 679 cals during plyo circuit.