Keeping Each Other Accountable



  • nathan_oz
    nathan_oz Posts: 229
    Day 5 - Complete. Wow, this was a serious workout, loads of sweating! managed to dig deeper and although still more breaks and I cant keep up with the push ups I feel I am getting better!
  • BunnyBabyDoll
    Day 5 - Complete. Wow, this was a serious workout, loads of sweating! managed to dig deeper and although still more breaks and I cant keep up with the push ups I feel I am getting better!
    Lol I have a ridiculously hard time keeping up with the push ups. Don't feel bad at all. My upper strength is crap but I feel it getting better too :D
  • sandygettingfit
    sandygettingfit Posts: 69 Member
    Day 5 complete - I struggled to keep up but did as best as I could. "The ** is bananas yo." Push ups are definitely not my forte. I used to knock them out when I was in the military but 15 years later - not so much!
  • samanthalee87
    Haven't done my workout yet for Day 5 since I had a very early morning but doing my workout with my boyfriend as soon as we get home from work! SUPER scared hahaha
  • momma_hotness
    momma_hotness Posts: 30 Member
    I didn't post anything yesterday because I know I didn't push myself as hard as I should have doing Day 5 workout. I felt burnt out after a long day, especially waking up in the morn to make up for not working out the night before, even though it was only recovery. By the time I got home from work and school (didn't have a good day there either), I didn't even feel like working out at all, but I didn't want to miss a day. 60 days is 60 days, straight, no excuses!

    Well, I made up for it today. I pushed and pushed and finished Day 6 with a bang! A repeat of Day 2, but I can certainly tell that I pushed harder than I did on Monday and I feel good about it! Dig Deeper!
  • Fit4LifeJulie
    Fit4LifeJulie Posts: 16 Member
    Finally done Pure Cardio. Started it at 8pm tonight. I need to get these Insanity workouts done in the morning when I have more energy. Push up jacks, I will master you by the end of these 60 days!
  • samanthalee87
    Pure cardio was craaaaaaazy! I couldn't believe how much I sweat today! Tonight I asked my boyfriend to join my workout and push me harder as he's done more insanity than I have. I definitely pushed harder and took less breaks. Actually getting excited for future workouts now because I can feel my body getting stronger!
  • BunnyBabyDoll
    Finally done Pure Cardio. Started it at 8pm tonight. I need to get these Insanity workouts done in the morning when I have more energy. Push up jacks, I will master you by the end of these 60 days!
    I think we are all right there with ya, lol. Those push up jacks are bananas yo!!
  • nathan_oz
    nathan_oz Posts: 229
    Day 6 and week 1 complete! Wow that feels good! I have lost 2.6 lbs and half an inch off my belly. Day 6 is a repeat of day 2 and I pushed harder, definitely an improvement but still a long way to go. Now going to enjoy the weekend. Have a great one all!
  • BunnyBabyDoll
    Well, I'm about to get off my *kitten* and complete day 6 the circuit again!! Then Sunday is rest day. Are you guys planning on resting or do you think you'll so some other kind of exercise?? Idk I've been told a rest day is really important, but idk if I can fight the urge to work out lol. If you don't work out are you bumping down your calories for the day? Aren't we suppose to? Because that's what makes sense to me. I'm really excited to weigh myself Monday morning and check my measurements to see how I did for the week!! Have an awesome Saturday everyone!!!
  • momma_hotness
    momma_hotness Posts: 30 Member
    Well, I'm about to get off my *kitten* and complete day 6 the circuit again!! Then Sunday is rest day. Are you guys planning on resting or do you think you'll so some other kind of exercise?? Idk I've been told a rest day is really important, but idk if I can fight the urge to work out lol. If you don't work out are you bumping down your calories for the day? Aren't we suppose to? Because that's what makes sense to me. I'm really excited to weigh myself Monday morning and check my measurements to see how I did for the week!! Have an awesome Saturday everyone!!!

    My rest days fall on a Saturday and my family has a standing Saturday morning walk that we have done every week since November. We do 3 miles and I generally burn about 600-700 calories. Since today was supposed to be a rest day, we slowed it down a little (though I actually walked faster than normal) and only did 2 miles. So I guess you can call that a rest...
  • momma_hotness
    momma_hotness Posts: 30 Member
    Day 6 and week 1 complete! Wow that feels good! I have lost 2.6 lbs and half an inch off my belly. Day 6 is a repeat of day 2 and I pushed harder, definitely an improvement but still a long way to go. Now going to enjoy the weekend. Have a great one all!

    Wow, I want some results like that!
  • sandygettingfit
    sandygettingfit Posts: 69 Member
    Day 6 week 1 complete. Planning to take a much deserved rest tomorrow :)
  • CherishQuick
    Going into day 8 tomorrow....totally rested today...needed it!!! Good luck all!
  • samanthalee87
    We all deserve this much needed rest day today. I hope you're all thoroughly enjoying a day off from Shaun T. I love to do an extra stretch class on Sundays just to keep my body moving but in a relaxing way!
  • nathan_oz
    nathan_oz Posts: 229
    Day 7 Complete! So glad I have stuck at it and stared week 2! Must admit it was tough getting up this morning, freezing cold here. The workout was good although still finding it tough and taking more breaks than I should but on a positive, I managed 4 push ups in one go, total of 12, last week I couldn't do any!
  • BarryWilson1108
    BarryWilson1108 Posts: 47 Member
    I had my rest day on Friday as I work in London on a Friday so am up and out of the house at 5am and not home until 10pm, I also play soccer on a Saturday so didnt do my workout til the next day.
    Just did my second Cardio Plyometric workout - very hard again but felt slightly stronger. Still struggling a LOT with Insanity drills - jump up, jump down, jump back, 4 press ups etc....It is torture especially 30 minutes in! But love the feeling of actually completing my workout and my protein shake is so tasty that its a real treat afterwards.
  • BunnyBabyDoll
    I definitely felt like I pushed really hard today. I feel like I'm getting stronger too. I'm doing more reps during the sets of the circuit. I'm excited for the next fit test. I think I'm going to see a big difference :D I also tried listening to my own music during the video instead of the music that comes with it and I think it helped get me into it. Something about rock music really gets me going, lol. I hope you are also seeing improvement with this new week too!!
  • MrGuitarDude
    Day 5 complete - I struggled to keep up but did as best as I could. "The ** is bananas yo." Push ups are definitely not my forte. I used to knock them out when I was in the military but 15 years later - not so much!

    That *kitten* is bananas yo!! hahahah. Anytime anybody asks me what Insanity is like that is my response.
  • momma_hotness
    momma_hotness Posts: 30 Member
    Well, my accountability slipped and I didn't workout yesterday. But we got back in it today and pushed through Day 7. I don't know about you, but I actually love doing push ups now. When I started working out in November, I could barely do a "girl" push up, but now I'm pushing them out and keeping up with the video. I must say, I am actually proud of myself and it feels really good.