April Check in & Chat - Spring into the Squat Rack



  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    Back to lifting after straining my back on Wednesday. So, I didn't miss a lifting day!

    5x5: 85 on squats, still working my way up. They were super hard today, but I think that has more to do with not being fully recovered from injury than anything else.
    5x5: 90 on bench press...I was excited. My arms were shaking by the last set, but I did it.
    5x5: 95 on rows. This is where my back injury let itself be felt, not too bad, just feeling strained and a bit sore.

    Starting to worry about our family camping trip in May. We'll be out a week in a place with no technology, no cell signals, no gym...I'm anxious about it. Missing an entire week of lifting is scary to me.

    Ah well, family stuff needs to happen. Besides, kids love it. 18th Century clothing, they get to throw knives and hatchets and chop wood, carry water, and no one cares how dirty they get.....boy heaven.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies!

    Workout A this morning and not as successful as I had hoped. Failed miserably on bench @ 64lbs :grumble: I think it was 3,4,4 but I am blocking it out :laugh: Actually that was the only bad part of the workout....so really not so bad I guess!

    Tried a dumbbell complex as a finisher today......really liked it but I think I will like it better after I make a few tweaks. It was only 6 reps with a lighter weight which I don't find nearly as effective, so I'll probably play around with it a bit more to make it fit a bit better with the other complexes I'm playing with. I like the exercises in it though.....front squat, lunges, row, and curl to press.

    I have started to put protein powder in my coffee after my workout and I must say that it's quite tasty! So far I have only used vanilla with a little sugar free vanilla syrup but I think I might try chocolate protein powder on Sunday :smile:
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I have started to put protein powder in my coffee after my workout and I must say that it's quite tasty! So far I have only used vanilla with a little sugar free vanilla syrup but I think I might try chocolate protein powder on Sunday :smile:

    I drink iced coffee every day! With about a half cup of skim milk and a dash of creamer. Nowadays protein powder goes in there too. Because why not? Best of all worlds all around! My creamer is vanilla flavored, as is the protein powder, and it works really well. I have a shaker cup thingy that I use to mix it before it goes into my lidded straw cup.

    I'm going to try not logging for a few weeks and see where it gets me. I know what a portion size is now and how to make better choices (thank you MFP!). I did sign up here with the idea of learning portion control and educating myself about calories in general, but only doing it temporarily, so I guess it's test run time.

    I've gotten into the habit of snacking on yogurt and cheese sticks, and so getting enough protein isn't going to be a problem as long as I pay attention and *sort of* track mentally. I don't really "cheat" on my log-free days anyway because why do self-sabotage? I did that for way too long and I'm done with that crap.

    I did front squats for the first time yesterday, in an effort to teach myself to not lean too much forward with back squats. They're not so bad with that EZ curl bar, albeit a bit awkward. I did get them up to 45 pounds and I was pretty happy about that, because I started at 25 just to see what would happen. I'm liking the staggered 5x5 where my last set is the heaviest for the day. It's kinda cool to see how far I can push it. :smile:

    Going to keep the Pendlays down to once a week because I can really feel them in my lower back when I support myself. Blergh. I need a pulling lift though, and so they're going to stay in my routine for the time being.

    @ Xidia -- congrats on those PRs !!
    @ glwerth -- those are some impressive numbers! I don't know what 90 lbs bench presses look like, hot dang!
    @ vash -- I "sit" before I deadlift (as best I can ... it's kinda awkward) and make sure my shins touch the bar. Then I stick my chest out and straighten my back. With a mixed grip, it feels like I'm "pushing the floor away" when I deadlift. Best way I can describe it. The power comes from my posterior chain starting with my heels someplace and traveling up. I breathe before every rep because I'm not a fan of collapsing with a bar on top of me after passing out from lack of oxygen. :laugh:

    Happy lifting!! TGIF !!! :flowerforyou:
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    I just want to jump in on the log/not log debate.

    I go through stages just like the rest of you. I love the control I get from logging and knowing exactly where I am every day with my cals and macros, but frankly I get so tired of doing it. And at this point I eat pretty clean (sugar and processed food actually make me sick now, so it's just not worth it except in very small does) so I kinda feel like if I am going to get fat from clean, healthy foods, so be it. At least I'll FEEL GOOD and know that I am treating my body the right way. It just doesn't seem like eating should be so complicated.

    Workout B tonight. Plan is 120 squat (although I may chicken out and try 117); 65 OHP, and 175 deads. If I hit the OHP I will be happy for days!!!!!!!
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    To log or not to log??? I try and log throughout the week, but I never log at weekends. After a year or so of being obsessed with calories, then beating myself up because I went over that magic number, I am really trying to concentrate on lifting and exercise first.

    I know what I should be eating, I know about portions. I now need to trust myself to have some self control and do this without logging everything.

    I also still eat 'bad' things at times. I will not feel guilty about that, I love food and I see it not just as fuel but as something to be enjoyed.

    And onto the exciting thing - lifting. This is week 2 of stronglifts for me. Loving it. My DL weight was 105. I looked at that number, then at my husband. Straight away I said I can't do it. I hadn't even tried. This was my problem with NROL4W, I didn't believe I could lift certain weights and didn't push. Anyway, the husband told me I could and wouldn't listen to my complaints when he loaded up my bar.
    And you know what, I lifted it. 105lbs. Not huge compared to some people. But to me it was huge. It showed me to have more confidence, and not to give up. It was hard, but felt so good.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    And you know what, I lifted it. 105lbs. Not huge compared to some people. But to me it was huge. It showed me to have more confidence, and not to give up. It was hard, but felt so good.

    Yep, it sure does! Now you know why the rest of us are still here. Cuz we're addicted to barbell bada$$ery. :laugh:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Gen - yeah it's pretty normal. It's actually a big part of that while starvation mode scream people do around here, most likely. Your brain is smart and it wants to live. Losing fat stores is a dangerous situation in theory because it tells your Brian there is t enough food around. So rather than burning them off it will slow you down to conserve as much as possible.

    That's. why dieting is so difficult for most people once they get under a certain bodyfat (and that varies from person to person). You start getting signals to eat anything you can find, and not move around as much.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Well, I'm not sure if it's my Brian Butterfield diet of the last couple of days (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NjTWvl8x-U), the fact I had two full days off from my last session, but tonight was WINNING!

    firstly, I saw a chap next to me doing something weird, asked and they were good mornings. I've read about you BAMF ladies doing them, and my admiration just went up several notches!

    Then, I did my 47.5kg (104.5lb, broke the 100lb barrier!) squats 5x5, will probably do them again next time for form's sake. New PR!

    Then, I benched 32.5kg (71.5lb) 5x5, which I'd failed on 553 last time, and it didn't feel that hard at all. New PR, felt BAMF

    Finally, I miscalculated the fricking Pendlay rows AGAIN (using the women's oly bar), set up 40kg (88lb) not 35. Did the first set, felt great, commented to the guy next to me that my maths was wrong again, and he said 'well you're killing it, stick at this weight' and I did, and I showed those rows who their mamma was! AWESOME!

    And now I'm going out with the girls for curry!
  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member
    Deadlifts I'm really feeling in my lower back and a little in my *kitten*. Most of the guys who I see deadlifting are bringing their rears down quite far (like thighs parallel or below) before popping up in almost a squat looking thing. Is this normal?? I've been bending my knees enough to grab the bar and mostly opening my hip joint to lift it.. ?_?

    I bring my butt down pretty far (at least parallel) for deads. Grab the bar by my shins and really use my legs to push through my heels and into the floor to throw my body up. Squeeze your butt as you straighten out to engage the core/hips. Maybe ask someone at the gym to check your form if you're worried about it -- last thing you want to do is hurt your back!
  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member
    @ vash -- I "sit" before I deadlift (as best I can ... it's kinda awkward) and make sure my shins touch the bar. Then I stick my chest out and straighten my back. With a mixed grip, it feels like I'm "pushing the floor away" when I deadlift. Best way I can describe it. The power comes from my posterior chain starting with my heels someplace and traveling up. I breathe before every rep because I'm not a fan of collapsing with a bar on top of me after passing out from lack of oxygen. :laugh:

    ^this^ sounds like how I do it too!
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    Logging vs. not--I'm getting tired of logging. I'm still not sure what my calorie number should be. I've calculated TDEE -20% from 1500 to 2100. So I've been eating around 1750, but I think I need a little more. I went on vacation a few weeks ago. I eat healthy most of the time anyway, but I definitely ate more than usual, and drank way more than usual. And I came back 9 days later weighing 1/2 a lb less than my lowest recent weight. I know some of that was from lack of water retention from taking a week off lifting, but still--eating more with no gain. So I'm just going to keep making (mostly) healthy choices and go from there. I just need to plan ahead a little and make sure I have protein snacks at work.

    OHP today I did the first set of 5 at 80 lbs!!! I did the other 4 sets at 75. I took a new profile picture of my super bulky arms to celebrate.

    Squats - 130 felt really heavy. I almost deloaded back down to 120 after the first set, but then I thought "It's hard, but I'm not hurting myself--keep going". So I just concentrated extra hard on form. I don't think I'll be adding weight for a few sessions, but I'll stick with 130. I might try to post a video and see what it looks like.
    DL - 175. Ugh. I think this is pretty much my max for now. I struggled a little--definitely not an explosive stand up quick move, but again--no inkling that I was hurting anything, but it was hard. Keeping my core tight is really key for all of this stuff.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    When you are deadlifting, be careful that you do not either a) shoot your hips up without the bar moving and turn it into a stiff leg deadlift or b) turn it into a squat instead of a deadlift.

    There IS a squatting element to it but its only the first part of the motion.
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    When you are deadlifting, be careful that you do not either a) shoot your hips up without the bar moving and turn it into a stiff leg deadlift or b) turn it into a squat instead of a deadlift.

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't doing that. It was definitely a slower move than when the weight was lighter, but I was really focusing on keeping the move together. I won't be increasing on this one for a few weeks either.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Hmm...to log or not log. I think I like the data that comes from logging, but it is nice not worrying about it as well. I've been on a logging break since the 1st and I've realized that my appetite can be trusted for the most part. I have just about one more week left on this "lazy bulk" where I just ate to eat without tracking. I know I've put weight on, which is expected, but I'm not sure about any true muscle gains at this point. I will probably go back to logging on the 29th when I go back into deficit mode. I am a big numbers and analysis type so seeing the data support the loss is awesome to me.

    But some day I will part with logging just to live a "normal" life. I've learned a lot in the last year and feel much more comfortable that I will maintain at this point. That may be sooner than later as I don't know if I will do any more bulk/cut cycles. Unless the muscle gain were to greatly improve my strength and numbers, I'm pretty comfortable with the LBM I have at this point.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I know that, for me, I HAVE to log. I have found over the years that writing it down is the way I have been successful. And yes, I said writing it down as in I don't use MFP for anything except forums :laugh:

    For me the difficulty is HOW MUCH to eat. Playing with the numbers drives me crazy! I think I'm good between 1800-2000 but with that being said....it's not like I've lost anything in the past 5 months.....sooooo I have no idea which was is up.
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    I nailed the OHP at 65 last night! :drinker: I feel so amazing. Apparently third time really is the charm. I even had a little left in the tank at the end. Man progress feels good! :happy:
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    So no lifting for me today, but did 40 minutes of intervals on the treadmill and then did this mobility cardiac circuit that from Molly Galbraith that I got off of Girls Gone Strong I think. Pretty nice little finisher....only 10 minutes and it still got me breathing but it really works on mobility.....shocking I know :laugh:

    Also I think that I have FINALLY Decided on my intermediate program! Another shocker I'm sure, but I am thinking I'm going to stick with Madcow. Mostly because I like that there is a spreadsheet that tells me what to do and also because I think that it will fit well with boxing since that will be 2 hours on Monday and Wednesday. Also, because I'm familiar with it, I think it will be easier for me to pick some accessory work to go with.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Also I think that I have FINALLY Decided on my intermediate program! Another shocker I'm sure, but I am thinking I'm going to stick with Madcow. Mostly because I like that there is a spreadsheet that tells me what to do and also because I think that it will fit well with boxing since that will be 2 hours on Monday and Wednesday. Also, because I'm familiar with it, I think it will be easier for me to pick some accessory work to go with.

    Wait ... what? When did you take up boxing?

    Kickboxing is only my most favorite cardio, ever. Of course I only do the "lite" version of it with my Kinect, but still, I love it !!!


    Just saying. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    (Says I, having just purchased a pedometer because the 10,000 steps challenge is so on. :bigsmile: )
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Also I think that I have FINALLY Decided on my intermediate program! Another shocker I'm sure, but I am thinking I'm going to stick with Madcow. Mostly because I like that there is a spreadsheet that tells me what to do and also because I think that it will fit well with boxing since that will be 2 hours on Monday and Wednesday. Also, because I'm familiar with it, I think it will be easier for me to pick some accessory work to go with.

    Wait ... what? When did you take up boxing?

    Kickboxing is only my most favorite cardio, ever. Of course I only do the "lite" version of it with my Kinect, but still, I love it !!!


    Just saying. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    (Says I, having just purchased a pedometer because the 10,000 steps challenge is so on. :bigsmile: )

    I actually haven't officially started boxing yet....hoping to start rec boxing at a local club around mid-June....mostly waiting due to my daughters schedule. In the summer it will be easier for her to be up a little later than during the school year. Plus I am going to put her in it as well but her competitive gymnastics doesn't end until mid-end June.

    I am a woman of many interests apparently.....funny that they are all fitness related though....besides shopping :laugh: Also, I won't lie, I'm hoping that maybe getting out into a co-ed sport will lead me to perhaps meet a nice man :happy: In all seriousness though, boxing is something I have always wanted to do but never had the confidence to do it before! It will still be a stretch since I have never worked out outside of my home since I started this whole journey, but no risk no reward right?!
  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member
    @Vegas I'm so excited for you to take up boxing. If I wasn't knocked up, I'd have started a little while ago. I can't wait to get into it someday!