April Check in & Chat - Spring into the Squat Rack



  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    Also, on squats, how low do most of you go? I can do signficantly more weight if I don't go all the way down, but going all way way or most of the way (below parallel, but not quite to the ground), the amount of weight I can do is greatly reduced, however, going down further seems to help with my knees.

    :nods: yes, what helps my knees -- and my knees were really awful before -- is to go to what looks like just below parallel... your hip bone level with your knees, so the bottom of your butt below that. That way you engage & strengthen your hamstrings instead of only your quads. Going lower has transformed my overall enjoyment of life because my knees are so much better. I wish I'd known to do it 15 years ago! I have read that going ATG can actually just be harder on your knees, so no need to go lower.

    @lwoodruff -- sounds like you & I have the 'natural ceiling' with deadlifts. I'm sure you have plenty of gains ahead of you though. And no, I hadn't noticed that about pendlay rows but maybe I just hadn't noticed LOL

    @macybean -- sorry you've been sick, that's no fun! Glad you are feeling better now.

    So, I was so excited about power cleans but they definitely hurt my knee. I will try again today but I might go back to pendlay rows and add in chins/pullups. I don't want to go back to hobbling around with my knees all swollen!
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Hi! Did my first SL workout today, and, as I thought I would, I loved it. It's like NROLW Stage 1, when everything's just fun and straightforward...no fussy set-ups. I really forced myself to focus on form, getting really low on those squats, even though it meant a much lower weight than I used to squat. Watching all the videos over the weekend (and again during rest periods in the gym...gotta love YouTube/Wifi) made such a huge difference. Can't wait for Wednesday's workout! Think I'll run tomorrow, if my legs aren't dead.

    Hope you all have a great Monday!
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member

    Also, on squats, how low do most of you go? I can do signficantly more weight if I don't go all the way down, but going all way way or most of the way (below parallel, but not quite to the ground), the amount of weight I can do is greatly reduced, however, going down further seems to help with my knees.

    In any case, I'm just feeling happy that I did a 170 pound deadlift! 175 next time....or 170 if I'm a scaredy cat that day!

    Awesome on the deadlift! For squats, I just went from my last workout of 130 down to 105 this morning. I was really struggling with 130; I'm pretty sure I was getting to parallel, but I like to go just past that point so my butt dips down a little more. 130 was too hard for that, so I'm going to play around with working my way back up. With 105 I could almost go ATG, but I don't think I need to go that low. I really felt the difference in my butt with 105 vs mostly in my thighs for 130, so I know now I wasn't getting down far enough.

    Bench press - 90 lbs 5x5! I think I might even be able to make it through 5x5 on 95 lbs, but I'll probably stick with 90 again on Friday.

    Rows - Dropped 5 lbs from 100 down to 95. It's amazing how much difference 5 lbs makes. Might try 100 again next time.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    You gals are putting me to shame with those numbers. Most excellent!

    I think squat depth is a personal preference, and parallell is really the minimum depth (but plenty good enough if that's what you're doing). Any lower than that is up to you, really. If you're agile enough to go ATG and unleash your inner olympic beast, and if your hips and knees can handle it, then good on you I say. The mechanics are obviously going to be different, but unless you're lifting competitively, who cares? :flowerforyou:
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Hi! Did my first SL workout today, and, as I thought I would, I loved it. It's like NROLW Stage 1, when everything's just fun and straightforward...no fussy set-ups. I really forced myself to focus on form, getting really low on those squats, even though it meant a much lower weight than I used to squat. Watching all the videos over the weekend (and again during rest periods in the gym...gotta love YouTube/Wifi) made such a huge difference. Can't wait for Wednesday's workout! Think I'll run tomorrow, if my legs aren't dead.

    Hope you all have a great Monday!

    YAY!! I'll be doing my first SL5X5 after lunch-- around 2:30.
  • ladyjoie
    ladyjoie Posts: 165 Member
    Hey guys! I know I haven't been posting a lot, I haven't been keeping up with my workouts quite as much as I'd like (still doing two a week but it should be three) but I'm still reading all your stories! You're making great progress!

    I think maybe the reason I'm not making it is because I keep thinking "urgh, an hour and a half out of the house" - I'm a complete homebody, I love being at home and I only go outside when I have to (unless it's sunny, in which case solitary walks). I feel like that could be helped by switching to 3x5 instead of 5x5 - has anyone here done that?
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    @lady....any chance you could set up weights at home? I too hate to leave the house (unless it's something really fun!) and find I'm a much better at home workouts.
    Still feeling a little off today, but improved. Today's a cardio day for me, hopefully with my new rowing machine (awaiting a call to say it's here)!
    There's some awesome numbers out there! On the squat issue, I tend to go just below parallel, it's where I feel I get the most workout and it seems to use some of the muscles I notice screaming when I'm carrying my backpack up mountain passes....and in the end I really just want to be able to continue to do that and maybe even improve my climb. Lowering the weight on my pack is out as I WILL NOT give up my cheese! I don't care what it weighs!
    That was a rather rambling post....this is what happens when I'm anxiously awaiting something! Where IS that delivery truck?
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    Hey guys! I know I haven't been posting a lot, I haven't been keeping up with my workouts quite as much as I'd like (still doing two a week but it should be three) but I'm still reading all your stories! You're making great progress!

    I think maybe the reason I'm not making it is because I keep thinking "urgh, an hour and a half out of the house" - I'm a complete homebody, I love being at home and I only go outside when I have to (unless it's sunny, in which case solitary walks). I feel like that could be helped by switching to 3x5 instead of 5x5 - has anyone here done that?

    I've started lifting in the mornings and 5x5 would mean I had to get up even earlier. So I'm on 3x5. Plus I was tired ALL THE TIME from 5x5 and everything else going on in my life. The Starting Strength program has you on 3x5 from day 1, so it's not a problem at all to just do that.

    After all, doing 3x5 will get you infinitely better results than 0x5 :wink:
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    Hey guys! I know I haven't been posting a lot, I haven't been keeping up with my workouts quite as much as I'd like (still doing two a week but it should be three) but I'm still reading all your stories! You're making great progress!

    I think maybe the reason I'm not making it is because I keep thinking "urgh, an hour and a half out of the house" - I'm a complete homebody, I love being at home and I only go outside when I have to (unless it's sunny, in which case solitary walks). I feel like that could be helped by switching to 3x5 instead of 5x5 - has anyone here done that?

    I'm a total homebody too--I even work out at home, even though a perfectly fine YMCA is 5 minutes away. I switched to 3 x 5 when the workouts started going over an hour and I LOVE IT! I'm still physically beat at the end, but mentally I am much better.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    So much going on in here - I"m gone for a few days and you all turn into even bigger rockstars!

    We had to do an emergency out of town trip this weekend (sick relative), but I managed to fit in at least one lifting session, and didn't eat too horribly. I will say this though - I will never, ever, ever do squats in a Smith machine again. We were in a small town with only one gym, and all they had was a Smith. Blergh. And I had to use a nautilus style machine to do shoulder presses. In retrospect I probably should have just used dumbbells. They only had a short E-Z bar for deadlifts, but at least it was free weights. And all the guys (no chicks at all) in the room stopped to watch me. When I finished and looked up they all clapped, which was pretty hilarious. 3 of them told me they had never seen a woman lift before AT ALL, so yeah, I guess seeing me deadlift 155 must have been a little eye-opening. All of my weights were off, and I think I'll just repeat my squat weight at 100 tomorrow (back home thankfully), and then redo my OHP and deadlifts on Thursday. But even with all the substitutions and incredulity, the lifting helped me deal with an otherwise very stressful and emotional weekend.

    Okay, now to catch up with the goings-on a bit more thoroughly.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Hey guys! I know I haven't been posting a lot, I haven't been keeping up with my workouts quite as much as I'd like (still doing two a week but it should be three) but I'm still reading all your stories! You're making great progress!

    I think maybe the reason I'm not making it is because I keep thinking "urgh, an hour and a half out of the house" - I'm a complete homebody, I love being at home and I only go outside when I have to (unless it's sunny, in which case solitary walks). I feel like that could be helped by switching to 3x5 instead of 5x5 - has anyone here done that?

    Would I home gym be an option? Once I'm out, its like, nbd to just keep doing what needs to get done. 1 hour vs 1hour 30 wouldn't matter for me, its the act of leaving the house that can be hard to do.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    So much going on in here - I"m gone for a few days and you all turn into even bigger rockstars!

    We had to do an emergency out of town trip this weekend (sick relative), but I managed to fit in at least one lifting session, and didn't eat too horribly. I will say this though - I will never, ever, ever do squats in a Smith machine again. We were in a small town with only one gym, and all they had was a Smith. Blergh. And I had to use a nautilus style machine to do shoulder presses. In retrospect I probably should have just used dumbbells. They only had a short E-Z bar for deadlifts, but at least it was free weights. And all the guys (no chicks at all) in the room stopped to watch me. When I finished and looked up they all clapped, which was pretty hilarious. 3 of them told me they had never seen a woman lift before AT ALL, so yeah, I guess seeing me deadlift 155 must have been a little eye-opening. All of my weights were off, and I think I'll just repeat my squat weight at 100 tomorrow (back home thankfully), and then redo my OHP and deadlifts on Thursday. But even with all the substitutions and incredulity, the lifting helped me deal with an otherwise very stressful and emotional weekend.

    Okay, now to catch up with the goings-on a bit more thoroughly.

    I love that they clapped for you! Awesome story and awesome commitment to just make it work at the small town gym! :happy:
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    I really enjoyed my workout today and I didn't feel too taxed while I was doing it, but now my joints are all kinds of sore. Might be more to do with the weather than the workout, though.

    Squats 115 oops that was supposed to be 105. I realized it when I was finished with warmups, but 105 had felt so light that I just went ahead and did 115.

    Bench was 65 and was incredibly easy as well. I stalled out at 67 so am looking forward to smashing through that soon. Next time I will go for 67 1/2 just so that I can say I got through that stall.

    Then I had a decision to make -- power cleans or no. I decided not to because I don't want my knees to hurt, I've been so incredibly grateful that they haven't been hurting and I just don't want to go back to how it used to be. So I did Pendlays at 80. They were hard but manageable. I'll add like 1 or two pounds next time.
  • ladyjoie
    ladyjoie Posts: 165 Member
    I'm okay about getting out of the house and down to the gym, it's just once I'm there everything feels like it's taking forever. The rest time between my squats has increased enough that it takes me about twenty minutes to get through them, my OHP feels like it takes forever too.

    Sadly home gym is not an option yet. I live in a tiny rental house and although there's a garage filled with crap, it's very definitely outside and I know I wouldn't use it during the winter. I'm hoping that when I move in a couple of years I can set up a home gym, but it's not going to be possible before then.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who's switched because of time management!

    @kirabob - I hope your relative is okay. Awesome story about the lifting though!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Got to 80 on squats today and 65 on BPs! Back to my old PR of 115 on deadlifts, and inching my way up there with OHP (47.5 today). :drinker:

    5x5 is quite a bit more work than 3x5, but I'm liking it even though I seem to be making slower progress. 3x5 for OHP may end up being the way to go, because 5x5 for those is a crapton of work. Jeez. Feeling very accomplished though. :glasses:
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Workout B

    3 more workouts until my deload week. I'm so excited I could pee.

    Kira: that's an awesome compliment!
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Got to 80 on squats today and 65 on BPs! Back to my old PR of 115 on deadlifts, and inching my way up there with OHP (47.5 today). :drinker:

    5x5 is quite a bit more work than 3x5, but I'm liking it even though I seem to be making slower progress. 3x5 for OHP may end up being the way to go, because 5x5 for those is a crapton of work. Jeez. Feeling very accomplished though. :glasses:

    Sounds like you were super serious in there today! And oh yes, I feel you on the OHP. I don't want to hate them, but man, they are tough!

    A for me today:
    Repeated squats at 105 to make up for the mysterious Smith machine weight.
    Bench Press - 5x5 85 pounds!!!! I was super duper pumped about this today - I have really been focusing on my form, and re-read the section in SS on benches, and it made a huuuuuge difference.
    Rows - Tried to go up to 100, and my form went out the door. Dropped back to 95 and finished them out - thinking this will be the first place I add in fractionals.
    Chins and dips, both with 66 pounds of my bodyweight. Making some slow and steady progress here - I tried a 1RM on chins yesterday, and got about 2 inches from chin over the bar! So my 40th birthday present (10 full chins and dips, no assistance) to myself may just happen - but thankfully I have most of the year to get there!

    I upped my calories again last week to a conservative TDEE estimate of 2200, and started losing fat again. Woot! I can definitely feel the extra fuel in my lifting quality, too. So thankful that I figured out I needed to eat the food and lift the iron!!!!

    And in my streak of strange things happening to me in the gym, I had a random man ask me today "Where, exactly, did you learn to lift like a man?" Um, youtube? He was unimpressed with my answer. And not too happy when I pointed out that women's bodies were just as capable of lifting heavy objects as male bodies. But I had just finished my benches, so I was feeling my oats. . .:smile:
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    And in my streak of strange things happening to me in the gym, I had a random man ask me today "Where, exactly, did you learn to lift like a man?" Um, youtube? He was unimpressed with my answer. And not too happy when I pointed out that women's bodies were just as capable of lifting heavy objects as male bodies. But I had just finished my benches, so I was feeling my oats. . .:smile:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Man, lifting from home is so boring. I miss out on all the funny gym stories. :bigsmile:

    OHP is one of my favorite lifts. I'm trying really hard to not start hating on them, so am doing what I can to take my time and proceed very, very slowly. Cuz mama wants triceps without arms flapping in the breeze!
  • vashnic
    vashnic Posts: 93
    Workout B today, and and like many of you OHP are my nemeses! Felt really good overall, though. Maybe because it is finally sunny out and I had cake for breakfast. :laugh:

    Squat: 150 lbs
    OHP: 55 lbs (still :angry: )
    Deadlift: 160 lbs

    What seems to be working very well for me is increasing weights by 5 lbs every other workout (too lazy to buy fractionals XD). And I have found a sweet time spot where the super early morning people are leaving and the later morning people have not arrived to take up squat racks. :flowerforyou:
  • Gwyn1969
    Gwyn1969 Posts: 181 Member
    And in my streak of strange things happening to me in the gym, I had a random man ask me today "Where, exactly, did you learn to lift like a man?" Um, youtube? He was unimpressed with my answer. And not too happy when I pointed out that women's bodies were just as capable of lifting heavy objects as male bodies. But I had just finished my benches, so I was feeling my oats. . .:smile:

    That's hilarious. I will now devote some serious time to deciding what to say should I ever be so lucky to get asked this question. ;-)