April Check in & Chat - Spring into the Squat Rack



  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I had to do the OHP with dumb bells since both barbells were in use and would be for a while and I went down to 50 lbs from 55 the time before since I am only doing 2.5 lb increases in OHP and adding weight to the dumb bells was not possible. I was actually quite a bit sore from doing OHP with the dumbbells and I am usually only slightly so if at all with the barbells. Anyone have a clue as to why that would be?

    Just a guess, but I'd say you probably have to stabilize the dumbbells more, so maybe you're using more muscles than you normally do? Or maybe they took a slightly different path, and again, you might have engaged different muscles.
    Deadlifts were 160. The first one was a tough but I got it up in good form. I put the bar back down on the ground and tried to pick it back up and my hands slipped. After my hands slipping 2 more times I finally got the second rep in. Same thing with the third. Borrowed a pair of gloves for the 4th and 5th but still had a bit of difficulty. Should I stay with 160 tomorrow or should I still try to add 10 more lbs or maybe just add 5? Would like suggestions please.

    I'd ask and see if your gym allows chalk. If not, there is non-chalk items that keep your hands dry (liquid chalk or something, I don't remember what it's called), but doesn't make a mess, so gyms don't seem to care.

    Also, I did not get to do SL on Monday of this week due to having to wait for repairman at the house so yesterday was the first time I got to do a SL workout since last Wednesday the 17th.
    45lb plates went on the bar this time for Squats- It was a little intimidating for me. Was also a bit difficult.
    I know I did not get to parallel at least 1 time on all 5 sets. I am not sure if it is because I was a intimidated by the weight and scared to or if I just could not get down. (My knees were also hurting quite a bit yesterday) My question is, Do you think I should I stay at 135 or keep trying to go up in weight. My helper (the young man who cleans the weight so I can get it on my shoulders since we do NOT have a squat rack or cage) says he thinks I am doing too many warm up sets and I would be fine if I cut a few warm up sets out.
    I usually warm up on the treadmill for a mile (15 minutes of brisk walking at 4mph on an incline) to get my heart rate up and my legs warmed up a bit. Then I will do one warm up set with bar only. Then I add 25-30 lbs and do 1 set, then another 25 to 30 lbs 2 sets and then a 5th warm up set with only about 10-15 lbs less than my work weight. Too Much? Opinions?

    Sounds like a lot of warmup. I don't think I'd do 2 sets at any one weight. Maybe just 3-4 warmup sets, just whatever you're comfortable with.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    OHP bar path: i started out trying the hip move thing and it turned into a full on hip thrust, which i decided probably wasn't right. I think it's more about leaning back slightly from the hips with the bar on my collarbones, then lifting the bar up and straightening the hip bend as the bar clears my nose. By the top of the lift, the bar is behind the midpoint of my head (or it feeels like it. I can't get a side-on mirror to check).

    Exactly. At the top of the movement you're basically "infinitely pushing the bar towards the ceiling."

    Make sure you plant your feet, keep your torso tight, etc., because it's obviously a whole-body move.
    I was actually quite a bit sore from doing OHP with the dumbbells and I am usually only slightly so if at all with the barbells. Anyone have a clue as to why that would be?

    If I had to guess, I'd say it's because dumbbells require different stabilizer muscles than barbells.

    I also think 5 warm-up sets for squats is a bit excessive unless you're squatting a really high weight and have to work your way up there safely. Maybe make your warm-up sets 3 reps rather than 5, or do less warm-up sets altogether. And, I furthermore think that if your form is breaking down, then don't go up in weight until you can do all of your work sets in good form (that's for any lift).

    What grip do you use for the deadlift? Have you tried a mixed grip?


    Thursday, so front squat, power clean and Pendlay day. Plus bench and OHP (of course). Lots of upper body stuff going on, but I love it. Hit a new PR with power cleans of 65 that I'm quite happy about.

    Toying with the idea of doing a massive deload for a week or two since I haven't really taken any breaks since February, and I have some strains to nurse (although tennis ball therapy is really helping). Will pull my last workout through as planned on Saturday and then decide from there, but I do think it's time.
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    @darkswan: My hands are slipping on deads. I workout at home and don't have any chalk. I tried cornstarch last night and it worked ok, although it was a little messy.

    It is amazing how a better grip helps! I pulled 176 fairly easily once I had good grip.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Kira - BAMF all around for sure! I always enjoy watching what others do at the gym. Sometimes I giggle inside, other times I am in awe, and some times I just do a mental facepalm at the utter crazy that I see.

    Darkswan - I just switched to an alternating grip and use chalk to help with grip. It took me a time or two to get used to the alternating grip, but seemed to help out today. I agree that 5 sets of warm-up for squats might be a bit much. I jog for a bit and then stretch a little before starting squats as well. Then I do a set at bodyweight, a set at bar, and a set just under my starting weight. I have switched to a progressive lift where I add 10 lbs on each set versus a set working weight. You could look at going bar, 50% difference between bar and working weight, and 75% difference for the last warm up.

    So...workout B today and I felt really good about it.

    Squat: 1x5 @ 70, 80, 90, 100, and 110 - a few pinches on the hip flexor, but overall solid. I did notice that when I lead with my hips on the way up (raising my butt up first), the hip flexor was less of an issue, but my knees were a bit more like rice crispies.

    OHP: nailed 5x5 @ 75!! The last two reps were tough, but they got up with okay form. I was paying attention to all the notes from the earlier discussion so I felt better about what I was doing. I've been wiggling my head out of the way of the bar for a while since a non-linear path of the bar kills my shoulders. Now time to bump up to 80 lbs this next time. It's been taking me two or three rounds to get to the full 5x5 for the weight so I will be more than happy to knock out one set at 80 next week.

    Deadlift: I did the progressive lift here as well, but only 3 sets. So it came down to 1x5 @ 135, 155, 165. I also switched to an alternating grip since I was having slipping issues last time at 165, but it also had to do a little with not having chalk that day. I also realized that I was starting with the bar too far from my body, so today I made sure it was touching my shins before lifting and that seemed to help a lot with the overall lift.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Since it's almost May (REALLY???? !!!!!! :noway:), I suggest new profile pictures of us either squatting or deadlifting?

    Just for something different. And to show of our amazing bada$$ery, of course.

    Disregard my smallish plates when I post mine. :blushing:
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    << Small plates here as was on warmup and also need to improve form!

    Saw friends tonight one of whom is strong, he was asking if I did tri sets (and explained when I looked dumb). Something to consider I guess once stronglifts has run its course, but loving it too much despite setbacks to even think about alternatives at this point!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Since it's almost May (REALLY???? !!!!!! :noway:), I suggest new profile pictures of us either squatting or deadlifting?

    Just for something different. And to show of our amazing bada$$ery, of course.

    Disregard my smallish plates when I post mine. :blushing:

    I'm down to drop it like a squat for the camera. Or maybe dead lift since I can rock out the big plates now. I'll have to get my workout buddy to snap one on Tuesday since that will be my next B day.
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    Kira-No, I don't get paid to hike or climb, but you just described my dream job! I work in an ER as an RN...flexible and I get to work part time (which equals more hiking time).

    Darkswan-Like the others, I switched to a mixed grip. It's really amazing how much it helps. It did feel awkward at first, but I got used to it pretty quick.

    Cardio day for me. Got to use my new rower again. I really love it, it's a water rower and makes swooshy sounds when I row! And the sun came out...yay! I actually got outside in the yard and planted some pansies to make up for the brown, dreary muck we have now. Not that this has anything to do with lifting:)
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Cardio day for me. Got to use my new rower again. I really love it, it's a water rower and makes swooshy sounds when I row!

    Oh? What sort of contraption is this? I'm intrigued (the rower was my favorite thing to do back in the days of my now-lapsed gym membership).
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Ooh jstout that inspires me, tameko how about "drop it like it's squat" for May's chat thread?
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    Squats - 40kg/88lb
    Rows - 30kg/66lb repeat

    Bench. Uh, yeah. First proper fail!
    2 good reps at 27.5kg/60.5lb, one poor one, then one epic fail. My first ever "Drop the bar, sh1t, how do I get out of this?" moment. :blushing: I'd managed to get one end hooked on the lowest pins as it came down, but the other (damn you, imbalanced scoliotic back!) was not going anywhere but down under gravity. I managed to ditch one of the plates off the lower end and rest it on the floor while I sat up and figured out what to do next.

    Followed up with 2x5 at 25kg/55lb which was fine. Fractionals next time then...! On the plus side, new PR of 27.5kgx2 reps finally puts me firmly into the untrained range on strstd.com. :smile:
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    well done on the PR! learn the 'roll of shame' or 'dropping the weights off one end of the bar' I suggest! :)
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    well done on the PR! learn the 'roll of shame' or 'dropping the weights off one end of the bar' I suggest! :)

    I ditched the plates OK with a bit of effort. Before I got to using the Oly bar I had to use a Reebok step and no rack, so every set started with rolling the bar up my body (and then pressing up with no bounce-contraction to help) and end with rolling it down. I just didn't want to have to unhook the bar from the pin in order to get it flat down onto my chest so I could roll... :)
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    it was only the last time I went that I twigged I didn't need to put the springs on the end of the weights for bench, it was quite reassuring actually..

    ooh does this roll at 500 posts????
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Listening to pipe and drum music to get myself in the mood. Half of the stuff I need to get ready at the gym is packed (and I'm sleeping like crap due to excitement), so a nice leisurely morning today. And strangely, I weigh the same today as I did on Monday (after the death of my digestive tract). It had gone up a few pounds, but now it's back down. I figured it was just because I was dehydrated, but something stuck. If it lasts til tomorrow, we'll go with it.

    Ooh, and I'm going to try out a new to me pair of jeans today. They look a little painted on, but they're stretchy. Curious if I should take them on the trip or not (still a tad snug), so I figure I'll take em for a test run since it's casual Friday.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Ooh jstout that inspires me, tameko how about "drop it like it's squat" for May's chat thread?

    I always get this stuck in my head when I do squats, but I start with "When you walk in the gym, you gotta...."

  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    for some reason now that's put 'I'm sexy and I know it' in my head, which is so cheesy but makes me smile and a great gym song!

    been loving the gym tops at café press, but don't have the cahunas to get the very funny one... I clean, jerk, and I've got a nice snatch!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    LMAO at the random ear worms that have gone through my head since reading the last several posts!

    @ lwood, THAT is funny! I would totally wear that to work out, but my gym is at home, so nobody would see it but me, LOL...

    Getting back into a routine after being benched for almost a month, been ridiculously busy this week on the home front, and haven't had the time I usually do to peruse and post in our group.

    On the up-side, it's Friday, you ladies are chock full of BAMF and I am hoping to get mine on this weekend. :)
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    ooh does this roll at 500 posts????

    We shall soon find out :wink:

    ETA: Nope, not @ 500. Maybe 501!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Yay, going to start and tag the next thread :laugh: