April Check in & Chat - Spring into the Squat Rack



  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    Im in too!!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    501 is the magic number! :laugh:
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Auddii I think you should rock those jeans!!! :love: Swing your hips a bit and enjoy that they are snug on you *kitten*! And definitely take them to Scotland.....that will get the boys attention :wink:

    @xidia.....my whole bench press like the last couple of weeks have been fails :laugh: I have come a pro at the wiggle of shame (this is when I wiggle out from under the bar that is resting on my safety chains). One of the reasons I'm happy I workout at home :laugh:

    Cardio for me today! Kicked my own bum again with a killer interval workout on the treadmill. 40 minutes and I feel effing great. Running/jogging has always been my nemesis (as is for many bigger girls) so I totally have a love/hate relationship with the whole situation. Burned some good calories though which is great as I'm going for dinner and movie tonight....yay popcorn!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    B session for me tonight, looking forward to seeing if I can rock 75kg deadlifts.. and being humble and going back to work on form on squats. will try to wiggle my hips for the OHPs as well!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    I did workout A last night.

    Squats 165 5x5--This was the first time where I didn't know if I was going to make it. I only have 2 more workouts in this round so I might call this my final number and not try to up it.
    Bench: 95 5x5-- Repeat number
    Rows 95 5x5-- I dropped back down to 95lbs because I noticed my form wasn't good. I think I got it so I'll probably keep it at this number for the next time.

    I like the idea of posting a squat or deadlift picture, but I don't have anyone to take mine. I workout alone and only deal with the gym dudes superficially. Asking someone to take my picture is more attention than I care to have. :smile:
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Well ... I'm counting on my camera's self timer cause I work out alone too. :smile:
  • Imadarkswan
    Imadarkswan Posts: 113 Member
    Auddii, Dani, Chunkmunk, jstout and Macy. Thanks for all your suggestions!
    I did only two warm up sets today and the first work weight set I still had a little trouble. Then one of the regulars told me I was thinking about it to much. To quit thinking and just effin do it. They were right. I was going thru everything in my mind trying to make sure everything was perfect and not forget anything instead of just doing it. So, I quit thinking about it and just did it. My form was better, I was quicker and more powerful coming back up and nailed the last 4 sets! :)

    As for the Deads, I stayed at the same weight as last time and tried the alternating grip. It was super awkward, but again. I nailed it!

    Thanks for the help!

    So today my workout was
    Squats 135
    OHP 52.5
    Deads 160
    Then pushups, planks and lunges and a 3 mile jog while it was sprinkling (which was awesome)
    I am pooped but so much happier than I was on Wednesday!

    It would be nice if I could get a pic of me squatting since I now have the big plates on :)
    I would def put that on as my profile pic
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    B for me today, worked up cautiously and noticed I was still getting good depth at 40kg for squats so stuck at that, will stick to it next time as well to keep working on form, but was pleased. also needed far less recovery time so felt less of a numpty! Changed from the wuss pad to not, and it was really uncomfortable on my left hand side (over my bra strap) although the tip to lift my elbows was brilliant, whoever suggested that. Also made sure my legs were in a wider stance and it felt good. Still need to work on hip hinge..

    OHPs ground out 5x5 at 27.5kg, this was my third attempt so delighted I did it. However they were hardly fluid or gracious!! think I might go back down to 25kg and go back up in fractionals now I have my tesco ankle weights!! I weighed the carrier with one of the 300g pouches in it and it was 360g, but I suspect that is unnecessary quibbling!

    Finally, I nailed 75kg 1x5 deadlift and it felt easier than the 70kg last week.. but I was probably a bit slower in between reps as our stupid plates roll when you put them down so you end up shuffling around trying to reset!! Not looking forward to having to change grip in a few weeks time...
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Hi all! Some seriously impressive weights going on here! Nice work, ladies.

    My goal this week was to get in 5 workouts--pleased to say I did it! Three SL sessions and two short cardio (run/walk interval) sessions. I feel great. Still like a load, but I've been better with my diet too, so with any luck I'll start feeling a bit smaller and tighter soon. Trying very hard not to weigh myself until May 1. I'm loving SL so much it's scary. Now I wish I hadn't stuck with NROL4Abs for as long as I did. This program is much more my style. My weights are still really low, but I know they'll get up there quickly, which is exciting.

    Anyway, hope you all have a great weekend. See you next week!
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    A for me today. Stayed at 110 on squats to work on my squat form, and I FINALLY feel like I got it. I think i was trying to stay too vertical before. Leaning a bit keeps the bar in a vertical path over the middle of my foot. Ripp would be proud. :laugh:

    Bench was tough but got 3 sets of 92.5. And rows at 83. Felt good.

    And then I got me a deep tissue massage, followed by a hot stone massage. I'm a very happy woman right now.
  • Everyone seems to be doing great lately!

    Did 135# for squats yesterday and was soooo sooo excited to load up the 45's!

    My friend sent me a link to this and I think you ladies might enjoy it - how to get ready for bikini season!

    "How to dress for your shape: are you human-shaped? play up your confidence and natural sex appeal by wearing whatever the **** you want.

    Life Tip: As the weather gets warmer, continue to wear whatever the **** you want. Flaunt everything or keep it cool under cover. Dress to make yourself feel rad.

    How to get a bikini body:put a bikini on your body

    Want sexy own-the-beach summer legs? shave, or don’t because they’re your f*cking legs."

    Just a little commentary on loving ourselves and celebrating our rad bods just how they are :)
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member

    My friend sent me a link to this and I think you ladies might enjoy it - how to get ready for bikini season!

    "How to dress for your shape: are you human-shaped? play up your confidence and natural sex appeal by wearing whatever the **** you want.

    Life Tip: As the weather gets warmer, continue to wear whatever the **** you want. Flaunt everything or keep it cool under cover. Dress to make yourself feel rad.

    How to get a bikini body:put a bikini on your body

    Want sexy own-the-beach summer legs? shave, or don’t because they’re your f*cking legs."

    Just a little commentary on loving ourselves and celebrating our rad bods just how they are :)

    Loves this!!!!!
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    I love that fishlover!

    Great lifitng reports so far!

    I had a great workout, too. 120 on squats, 67 on bench, 82 for rows. 20 minutes of cycling intervals which I was NOT into, and then walking at the dog park with the puppins.

    I deserve a hot epsom salts bath, and I am going to have one. :glasses:
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    how to get ready for bikini season!

    What's a bikini??

    :happy: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I go in the pool with my workout clothes on. Doesn't everybody? :bigsmile:
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    I too wear workout clothes in the pool...if I ever get near one!

    Dani-water rowers are are type of rowing machine with a tank you fill with water for resistance. It's similar to the magnetic flywheel type, but it feels so much smoother. I've been wanting one for a while and finally found a used one at Second Wind (actually I just happened to call on the right day...it wasn't even on the floor and they were awaiting delivery). It's made by the company called Waterrower (I know, tough name to remember!!).

    Back to lifting tomorrow.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I too wear workout clothes in the pool...if I ever get near one!

    Dani-water rowers are are type of rowing machine with a tank you fill with water for resistance. It's similar to the magnetic flywheel type, but it feels so much smoother. I've been wanting one for a while and finally found a used one at Second Wind (actually I just happened to call on the right day...it wasn't even on the floor and they were awaiting delivery). It's made by the company called Waterrower (I know, tough name to remember!!).

    Back to lifting tomorrow.

    Thank you for this !!!

    I have to take a break from lifting for a couple weeks to nurse various aches and pains. It's going to be difficult to a) resist grabbing my barbell and b) focus more on cardio (eep! dirty word! eep!). But, I'm tired of being in pain all the time, so ... there you go. Hopefully things will mend soon enough. If I have to do a full reset, then so be it.

    Ack. Ack. Ack. Ack. Ack. :frown:
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    Oh no! I hope the break helps you feel better.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Dani - do you know the source of the aches and pains? Just thinking you could do some targeted work to help stabilize problem areas. I wish you strength, resisting the siren song of the barbell. . .

    I stumbled through A today. Not sure if the difficulty came from it being the third workout of the week, not enough for breakfast, who knows. Overall, it probably wasn't that bad, just nowhere near as fluid as my BAMF day on Thursday.

    Squats - 115 This is probably what zapped me, looking back on it.
    Bench - I just went too fast through the whole thing. 1x3 at 90 - WAY too heavy today. Then 5545 at 86.25. Thank goodness for fractionals.
    Rows - 1 rep at 100. Not ready yet. 5x5 at 96.25 Again, yea fractionals!

    Hubby came in today to lift with me for the first time. He has done barbell work before, but it has been a few years. He had a great attitude about the whole thing, and didn't grouse one bit about my weights being so much higher than what he felt ready for. And it was nice to have an easy spotter for the benches.

    Off to the mountains to visit my folks. Happy weekend all!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Feasted on enchilada's and popcorn last night and I must say that all that fuel did wonders for my workout this morning!

    Workout A, increase on squat and row. Did side lunges and back lunges during rest periods on upper body and then did a dumbbell complex to finish is out.....10lb dumbbells and 3 circuits of 8 reps front squat, front lunge, row, and curl to press. Now it's a beautiful day and I'm thinking my girl and I should head out for a bike ride!

    I'm also trying to come up with a plan to use the hill behind my house for my cardio.....I'm thinking sprint up, walk across, jog down, then jog on the trail around to the other side and repeat. Any ideas ladies?

    Happy Saturday!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Oh no! I hope the break helps you feel better.
    Dani - do you know the source of the aches and pains? Just thinking you could do some targeted work to help stabilize problem areas. I wish you strength, resisting the siren song of the barbell. . .

    Hubby was of the opinion I need to quit being a baby and let my muscles actually get conditioned, so evidently around here, "taking a break from lifting" means "get a personal DL record of 120". :laugh:

    Bromelain, my tennis ball and foam roller are now officially my new best friends.

    Happy weekend!!! :flowerforyou:
    I'm also trying to come up with a plan to use the hill behind my house for my cardio.....I'm thinking sprint up, walk across, jog down, then jog on the trail around to the other side and repeat. Any ideas ladies?

    I say you walk up and down with a barbell on your back. Walking is cardio, right? :laugh: