April Check in & Chat - Spring into the Squat Rack



  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    How am I supposed to squat now with those "rip apart the floor" comments?! Note to self...work out prior to reading comments!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    How am I supposed to squat now with those "rip apart the floor" comments?! Note to self...work out prior to reading comments!

    Unfortunately, we do have to continue with workouts even after rest days, and I have a feeling those comments will stick with me for a very long time...
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    Well I didn't burst out laughing and land on my *kitten* doing squats...but I did chicken out on the 130 and went with 127.5. It felt a little heavy so am glad I did!

    I had some progress on OHP...although didn't realize it until I checked my notes. I stayed at 60 pounds, but last week I did 5-4-4-4-3, today I did 5-5-5-5-4. I was soooo close to that last rep!

    157.5 on deadlifts. And it didn't feel terrible.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    xidia and tameko, Very sexy strong legs!!!

    I had my first workout in a while today. I've been sick. I thought the time off would cure my injured butt, but no, it is still sore.

    I am basically starting over again. I did squats and OHP at 45 and DL at 95. I thought that I would be discouraged starting over but you know what!! It was just as fun to lift the lighter weights as it was to lift heavier. It really made my brain feel good!

    The other day I watched the Ripptoe (i think that is the name) video about OHP. He talks about pushing your hips forward and then back and this basically gets your head out of the way so you can do the lift. I tried this today with the bar. It was interesting. do any of you have any thoughts on this?
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Day #2 complete!
    My first A&B sessions!

    today I 'deloaded' my squats. from 45 to 30#. They felt good. Not too easy and yet not too painful.

    I only got to #30 for OHP

    I did 90# for my Deadlifts. I did 3 warm ups (60&75) then forgot to only do 1X5 and did 2X5 at 90#

    I was concerned about my sore legs from Monday and they are fine.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    How am I supposed to squat now with those "rip apart the floor" comments?! Note to self...work out prior to reading comments!

    Unfortunately, we do have to continue with workouts even after rest days, and I have a feeling those comments will stick with me for a very long time...

    Sorry to get the comments started :wink: oddly enough it reminds me to start by pushing up through my heals.....and it does feel like you are trying to push the floor apart.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Well I must say that I'm feeling just.....GOOD!

    My plan for all of these certifications has finally come together :smile: Just waiting to find out dates for the Nutrition and Wellness Specialist courses and I'll be set! I had originally planned on doing the life coach certification first but I have changed my mind and will do it last now.....starting with NWS certification followed by PT certification and then at least I will be employable/recognized and be able to get my little "company" off the ground. From there I will also be able to figure out with life coach certification program is most applicable to what I'm doing or if it's even required which will save me about $900! I can get the first 2 certifications for under $1000 so I think this is a better decision financially as well :bigsmile:

    I also booked my next tat today AND I'm having him design another one which I'm super excited for! It's taken me a long time to come up with this concept and I really hope this artist can make it come to life.

    Oh and I'm also starting to feel like a fit hot chick rather than a fat hot chick and THAT is pretty awesome :bigsmile:
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Well I must say that I'm feeling just.....GOOD!

    My plan for all of these certifications has finally come together :smile: Just waiting to find out dates for the Nutrition and Wellness Specialist courses and I'll be set! I had originally planned on doing the life coach certification first but I have changed my mind and will do it last now.....starting with NWS certification followed by PT certification and then at least I will be employable/recognized and be able to get my little "company" off the ground. From there I will also be able to figure out with life coach certification program is most applicable to what I'm doing or if it's even required which will save me about $900! I can get the first 2 certifications for under $1000 so I think this is a better decision financially as well :bigsmile:

    I also booked my next tat today AND I'm having him design another one which I'm super excited for! It's taken me a long time to come up with this concept and I really hope this artist can make it come to life.

    Oh and I'm also starting to feel like a fit hot chick rather than a fat hot chick and THAT is pretty awesome :bigsmile:

    How wonderful Vegas! It is so exciting to start a new life!
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Vegas, you just made my whole day better. I love new adventures!

    Fisher - glad you are feeling better - but sorry that your rear is still bothering you. I've watched that video too, and for the life of me, it feels so very strange to actually move my hips like that. I don't have any trouble getting my head out of the way, so maybe I'm doing it and just can't tell? I'll be interested to hear what some of our more experienced folk have to say.

    3fold - great job on day 2 - just remember that now is the time to nail form to the wall - don't worry about the numbers on the weights!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    The other day I watched the Ripptoe (i think that is the name) video about OHP. He talks about pushing your hips forward and then back and this basically gets your head out of the way so you can do the lift. I tried this today with the bar. It was interesting. do any of you have any thoughts on this?

    Basically rather than moving the bar in a curve (bad!), you move your body underneath and start off in a kind of lean-back position and then move your hips and shoulders under the bar as it travels past your nose straight on up. It's what I do, and it's basically one fluid movement. Rippetoe is a huge fan of the perfectly vertical bar path, as everything else would (of course) be completely inefficient, since the natural inclination of a weight under the pull of gravity is for it to want to move straight up and down. That means you adjust your body, not the bar. If that makes any sense.
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    @fisherlassie -- This is what I have been working on for the last couple of weeks. Doing it this way means that I don't start the bar out away from my chest. Instead, I put it straight up and I keep it close to my shoulders, which is where my power is coming from. When it's too far out in front of me I'm trying to do everything with my arms. When it's closer to my shoulders I've got the whole column of my body helping the lift -- or at least that is how it feels. This is letting me lift more and is starting to feel really right. I also have to be sure to get myself under the bar right away once it's past my forehead, otherwise I get stuck there, too -- the bar is too far in front of my shoulders and it's too hard. Does that make sense?

    Vegas, wow! I didn't know you were working on all these things. I do love it when a plan comes together! You can be sure that I am sitting in your cheering section!

    So, yeah, I SMASHED my workout today.

    Squats 115 lbs didn't even feel hard SMASH

    OHP 49 lbs new PR didn't even feel hard SMASH

    Deadlifts 155 lbs which I missed on last time SUH-MASH

    Feeling on top of the world now tonight! :smokin:

    And yeah, I know that 49 pounds is still weeney territory, but since I got through my plateau I am all excited about it anyways!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member

    So, yeah, I SMASHED my workout today.

    Squats 115 lbs didn't even feel hard SMASH

    OHP 49 lbs new PR didn't even feel hard SMASH

    Deadlifts 155 lbs which I missed on last time SUH-MASH

    Feeling on top of the world now tonight! :smokin:

    And yeah, I know that 49 pounds is still weeney territory, but since I got through my plateau I am all excited about it anyways!

    I am very impressed!! YAY for breaking through a plateau ~~
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Thank you for all the kind words ladies :bigsmile:
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    Nice smashing Ges!!

    And excited for you Vegas...I dream of a new career sometimes, but then always realize I'm probably in the best career for me.

    Have a great night all!
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    @Vegas: great news! How exciting is that to be able to start your own company?!

    @gesn: isn't it amazing what bodies can build themselves to do between workouts while life is just quietly getting on in the background?

    OHP bar path: i started out trying the hip move thing and it turned into a full on hip thrust, which i decided probably wasn't right. I think it's more about leaning back slightly from the hips with the bar on my collarbones, then lifting the bar up and straightening the hip bend as the bar clears my nose. By the top of the lift, the bar is behind the midpoint of my head (or it feeels like it. I can't get a side-on mirror to check).
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    exciting news vegas, and with your new fit hot feeling we need new pics I think! :)

    the OHP stuff sounds like it makes sense, *goes off to google again*. Man, the more you know the more you realise you don't know!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Just checking in. Doing Workout A this evening instead of this afternoon. It will be interesting since I'm used to the people in the afternoon and it seems as if the regulars all sort of adapted their schedules so the rack is (almost) empty when I need it. I don't want to have to deal with the dudes that have nothing else to do and so spend their entire evening in the gym. Anyway.

    Floor ripping apart: It took a little bit for me to get used to this. There's so much to focus on during squats that it takes a littlw while for the brain to catch up. As a very...ahem...gassy individual, my greatest fear is ripping the floor apart. :blushing: Luckily, it hasn't happened yet, but it was close the other day. Deadlifts are heavy.

    OHP: I've never really paid attention to my hips during the movement. I'll have to see. I try to keep the bar straight and definitely get my head out of the way. Knocking yourself in the chin with the bar isn't nearly as much fun as it sounds.

    Vegas: How exciting!!

    Ges: Way to smash it!

    Tameko: You rock! And you're so nonchalant about it that it makes you rock even more.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Thanks ladies! I'm super excited and ultimately I am hoping that I can make my "company" into a full time job but to start it will just be a part time endeavor to gain experience and maybe make a few bucks. I have this concept in mind that I think will be a hit....I think my target market will be ladies but I think I will start off by focusing on the moms! I want to help ladies be happy, both physically and mentally! And so many of us just lose ourselves when we become wives and mothers.....we are too concerned with being "something" for "everyone" and it's our own well being that often goes by the wayside! And so many just don't know where to start and I'm hoping that's where I will come it!

    I would also love to do work in the corporate world doing health and wellness seminars. I think I could also be successful with that since I have a lot of business experience and I'm a sales professional.....sooo....

    WHY NOT?!

    This morning was workout B....felt great and even pounded out 2x5 on deadlifts. Finished off with that medicine ball circuit but I added glute bridges. OMG kicked my *kitten* again!
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Okay, there must be BAMF in the air all over the world today, because I was on fire this morning. Fire, I tell you!

    Squats - 110, held great form the whole time (this is 5 lbs past where I decided to deload back to 90 to fix form issues).
    OHP - 65 Kept some sage advice in mind (you know who you are), tried not to think about thrusting my hips at the mirror (and collapsing in to giggles), and slammed that bar over head!!! Only my very last rep was tough, and I didn't count it, because I used some torso and legs to get it up (cheater cheater pumpkin eater). But this was my first time at this weight, and it felt great!
    Deadlifts - 165. BOOYAH!!!! I used a mixed grip and felt much more stable on the bar. Only did one warm up set at 115, and that felt good too - enough to check form and enough left in the tank for working weight. I did a little happy dance when I was done. :smile:

    And, while I firmly believe that everyone should exercise in the way that works best for their bodies and minds, I did a lot of internal giggling while a group of women working with a trainer close by did about a gazillion leg lifts, complaining the whole time. Meanwhile I bust out 5 reps of deadlifts, and do far more work in far less time. Ah, well, to each their own.

    I had been planning to do some HIIT on the treadmill to round things out, but after the deadlifts and my assistance work (back extensions and leg lifts from the dip bars) I was wiped. Deadlifts seem to give me a huge burst of adrenaline, then make me want to go to bed. :)

    Vegas - You are right, it is so very, very hard to take care of yourself with young children. And all the fitness advertising geared towards women in that position is about restricting your calories and getting thin - not getting strong and feeling powerful and calm enough to do your job well. If you can figure out how to reach those women, you will be doing some much needed work!

    Macy - I'm curious, do you get to climb mountains for a living? Because if so, I want your job. :smile:

    Have a great Thursday all - We are having a strawberry jam making marathon here this afternoon, so I need to try and find the kitchen counters. Eek!
  • Imadarkswan
    Imadarkswan Posts: 113 Member
    Hey peeps, been a bit busy at work with additional hours plus having to take a lifeguard re-cert class for the summer so I have not had time to update lately.

    But I do have a few questions.

    Last week due to my partner having a slight injury and some scheduling conflicts, I was only able to get in one workout.

    Squats were fine at 130.

    I had to do the OHP with dumb bells since both barbells were in use and would be for a while and I went down to 50 lbs from 55 the time before since I am only doing 2.5 lb increases in OHP and adding weight to the dumb bells was not possible. I was actually quite a bit sore from doing OHP with the dumbbells and I am usually only slightly so if at all with the barbells. Anyone have a clue as to why that would be?

    Deadlifts were 160. The first one was a tough but I got it up in good form. I put the bar back down on the ground and tried to pick it back up and my hands slipped. After my hands slipping 2 more times I finally got the second rep in. Same thing with the third. Borrowed a pair of gloves for the 4th and 5th but still had a bit of difficulty. Should I stay with 160 tomorrow or should I still try to add 10 more lbs or maybe just add 5? Would like suggestions please.

    Also, I did not get to do SL on Monday of this week due to having to wait for repairman at the house so yesterday was the first time I got to do a SL workout since last Wednesday the 17th.

    45lb plates went on the bar this time for Squats- It was a little intimidating for me. Was also a bit difficult.
    I know I did not get to parallel at least 1 time on all 5 sets. I am not sure if it is because I was a intimidated by the weight and scared to or if I just could not get down. (My knees were also hurting quite a bit yesterday) My question is, Do you think I should I stay at 135 or keep trying to go up in weight. My helper (the young man who cleans the weight so I can get it on my shoulders since we do NOT have a squat rack or cage) says he thinks I am doing too many warm up sets and I would be fine if I cut a few warm up sets out.
    I usually warm up on the treadmill for a mile (15 minutes of brisk walking at 4mph on an incline) to get my heart rate up and my legs warmed up a bit. Then I will do one warm up set with bar only. Then I add 25-30 lbs and do 1 set, then another 25 to 30 lbs 2 sets and then a 5th warm up set with only about 10-15 lbs less than my work weight. Too Much? Opinions?

    I failed at 77.5 on the bench. Last 2 sets I only actually got 4 reps in. My spotter helped with one rep on each of the last 2 sets so I will re-do 77.5 next time I bench.

    Rows were 90lbs and I royally screwed them up because I was frustrated with my performance on the bench so I will re-do that weight next time as well.

    Thanks in advance for your suggestions. I may not post much but I am a big lurker and avid reader here :)