Daily Insane chat, banter and progress!



  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    Oh, and I'm doing that 30 Day Squat challenge that's floating around. I think it's making the Insanity workouts harder because my legs feel like tree trunks, lol.
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    My first day off with insanity today! My body probably needs it but I don't feel like I do!

    I slipped up majorly last night whilst at the pub and went over my cals by 1400 I think - and I'm eating 2000 as it is anyway so not good. It was pretty eye opening for me as before my MFP days this would be a typical day for me. I had no idea I was consuming that much!! I could feel myself getting a bit obsessive regarding calorie counting so I think yesterday was good for me in the sense that I know I'm not going to just get far again over night and its ok once in a whole to overindulge. I'm not going to make a habit of it of course but I also don't feel like my world is over and that I've ruined all my hard work! So progress :)

    Pure cardio again tomorrow I think. That'll be tough!
  • missy_1975
    missy_1975 Posts: 244 Member
    Cardio power and resistance for me today, my fave so far. I'm a little nervous about month two (it's recovery week next week for me), so I appreciated the advice to just go into it with the same attitude as month one (do what you can, cry a wee bit, do some more) :tongue:
  • dsendre
    dsendre Posts: 173 Member
    Max Interval Sports Training for me today. 2nd time doing this one as a replacement for Core Cardio & Balance during Month 2. Definitely a good workout that really gets your heart rate up and allows you to challenge yourself by pushing harder.

    Final week of Insanity starts next!
  • koolaidman67
    Cardio recovery for me today. Really dislike this one because I am so inflexible!! Can't wait for pure cardio tomorrow!!
  • dsendre
    dsendre Posts: 173 Member
    Ugh, today was Max Interval Plyo..........by far my LEAST favorite workout in the program. But, it probably kicks my butt more than any other workout. This one really has me lying on the ground in complete exhaustion towards the end. However, I got through it and now only have 5 workouts left!
  • esmo13
    esmo13 Posts: 5 Member
    Cardio recovery for me today, which I just skipped because I don't like that one. I'm on week 4. I'm wondering what everyone does on their recovery or rest days calorie wise. Do you revert back to your intake for no exercise or conitnue to eat the higher amount. I am so far seeing no drop in weight but I did lose an inch around my waist. Hoping to see some real results in month 2!
  • Asterie
    Asterie Posts: 159 Member
    I'm starting week 1 day 4 tomorrow! I absolutely love insanity, because while I might not do every single rep in a set, I do try to do most of them and then before I know it we're back to having water or (most pleasantly) the cool-down stretch! It feels like these first three days flew by, and I'm excited for the next 60 and then for doing all the rest of the Beachbody videos (a little optimistic maybe, but I'm going to go for it!). Also really excited to do this Pure Cardio session you're all raving about. (:
  • koolaidman67
    Pure cardio done! I think this might be one of my faves so far!
  • Eileen889
    Eileen889 Posts: 117

    I just managed day 1 plymetric workout out it was good doing it but am aching loads now lol

    I know how you feel so much! I felt like I was dying during that workout when I first did it on Friday! Got it again tomorrow so hope it's a little easier on me, but I doubt it! Just remember to stretch lots :)
    Keep at it, ECR. It will get easier for you in time.
  • Eileen889
    Eileen889 Posts: 117
    Anyone else HATE the recovery week workout? It's just rubbish! It's not hardcore insane, and it's not just crazy stretching like cardio recovery.... I just don't like it!
    I think it is OK, although I have been combining it with Inline Skating, TAE BO,and a few of my Jillian Michaels workout taps at level 2 and 3..... I don't think the recovery video by itself is enough for me.
  • ktbkitten
    ktbkitten Posts: 63
    Hi! I just started Insanity this week. I needed something at home that was going to kick my butt! Today was day 4, Cardio Recovery. It was pretty nice how easy and laid back it was today. Tomorrow is Pure Cardio, so I guess it will kick my butt tomorrow. It's good to read all the comments about how everyone seems to love Pure Cardio the best for month one! Love this workout! It hasn't been a week, but I already feel thinner and stronger :bigsmile:
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    2nd go of Pure Cardio today! Puns yesterday's session to be hard work in terms if motivation, and I'm not particularly looking forward to today but I think this is because I'm not doing it at home in my normal setting. I have to do it in the conservatory of my friends house and its quite cramped and bloody freezing! Plus my diet hasn't been so good this week, I feel like I'm gaining though it may just be bloating! I just want to get home and get back to my routine... Pretty proud of myself for keeping with insanity since I've been away though :)

    Hope everybody has a great insanity day!
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    Today was Max Interval Circuit. Tomorrow is supposed to be a Hip Hop Abs day, but I think I'll do the following workout, which is Max Plyo. I'm going to a wine tasting tomorrow night and Insanity will be too much the next morning, but Hip Hop Abs won't, lol. Max Plyo is not a fave because they do a crap ton of push ups(Level 3 Drills, no joke), but my very least favorite is Max Cardio. Couple days away from that gem.
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    Got my workout done today, was a little disappointed with the calorie burn - but a burn is a burn! I'm worried I'm eating too much according to the nutrition plan - I'm on 2000 a day according to my calculations, but I don't know whether I'll see weight loss at that amount. What's everybody else eating?

    Not feeling so motivated these days, I think it's just a rough patch. I looked in the mirror this morning and just all I could was how much I still had to lose from my stomach and back area. It gets disheartening sometimes - because I work so hard! I could eat cleaner and not drink at all, but then as soon as I got slim enough I'd just start drinking again and probs put it back on so I want to be able to get in shape without cutting anything out. I have cut down a lot. I know I've come a long way and these things take time but I just wish it was going a little faster...

    I'm persevering because I know I've got nothing to gain by giving up but just not feeling so great these days.
  • esmo13
    esmo13 Posts: 5 Member
    I know what you mean. I am on my 4th week of month 1 and have gained 2-3 lbs. I have not been following the diet plan and my eating the past two weeks has not been great, but not terrible. I'm hoping to get back on track with my eating and drop those lbs. I have really wanted to lose a few lbs after the first month but I do feel a lot stronger that I was a month ago. It gets disheartening not seeing the scale go down but I try and remind myself nothing is instant so I can't expect to wake up and be where I want after 1 month. Just keep going and you'll be sure to see results!
  • dsendre
    dsendre Posts: 173 Member
    Well, even though I was well over served at the Blackhawks game last night, I still got out of bed and completed Max Cardio Conditioning today. Wasn't able to push myself as hard as I normally do (took a while for the Advil to dampen the headache) but still got a decent workout in and burned almost 700 calories. Going to have to find time tomorrow to fit Insane Abs into my Max Interval Circuit workout as I didn't have time for it this morning before work. Only 4 days left!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Just did max interval circuit.... OM EFFING G!!!
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    Well, even though I was well over served at the Blackhawks game last night, I still got out of bed and completed Max Cardio Conditioning today.

    Good job! One of the main reasons I don't workout after a night like that is dehydration. I did an Insanity workout the morning after, once, and had no energy at all! Plus I spend my whole day playing water catch-up, as is. Adding such an intense workout would make me feel awful.
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    OK, finished Max Plyo...those push-ups killed me today!