Daily Insane chat, banter and progress!



  • Power_Man77
    Power_Man77 Posts: 207
    Finished Cardio Recovery, now I need to recover from the recovery.
  • Plyo cardio and week one done! Day off tomorrow then step on the scale Sunday morn to see if I lost anything! My body is feeling a lot better now, no more sore achy muscles!
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    Halfway through week 2! Just did day 10 which is Plyo cardio circuit - those drills still kill me but I'm getting better! I did it with a friend today and we encourages each other which was good!

    Back to Germany today so leaving the sunny weather but so pleased that I've kept to schedule :)
  • adaluc
    adaluc Posts: 14 Member
    Finished week 1 today! I am looking forward to my rest day tomorrow!
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    Today was Hip Hop Abs and that was perfect. Also went to yoga.
  • Does anyone know how many calories are burned during the Insanity workouts? If so, what is it under so when I log in my exercise, I know which item to choose. Thanks :)
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    Does anyone know how many calories are burned during the Insanity workouts? If so, what is it under so when I log in my exercise, I know which item to choose. Thanks :)

    Do you have a heart rate monitor? That's the only way really to get an accurate burn reading... There was a thread on the main boards I think about how much everybody burnt and it changes hugely according to person and workout. I burn between 350-450 per workout, and there are others who burn as much as 600... It really does vary! Sorry not to be more helpful!

    Doing cardio recovery today and not looking forward to those held lunges and squat positions - I know how much they burn!!

    How many cals is everybody on whilst doing this program? I'm on 2000 but I think maybe it's too much? Though I guess I walk about an hour a day in total (don't take public transport unless i have to) and sometimes go to the gym so maybe I do qualify as very active... I just hope I'm not sabotaging myself by eating too much! I don't have so much to lose right now though so I guess weight loss is always slower the closer you get...
  • gudgie21
    gudgie21 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm on day 5 of my first week (this evening i'll be doing pure cardio) and thought that I would join MFP for a bit of moral support!! I'm achy and finding it tough because I am so unfit but I'm not considering flaking out yet (which I am very good at!) I've decided not to weigh myself until the end as people seem to get disheartened by the lack of initial weight loss. I'm just going to stick to the tape measure.

    I'd appreciate any tips anyone has, especially regarding recovery drink / shakes. They seem popular but I'm not sure if its worth the cost and whether I'd just be fine eating a balanced meal instead.
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    Hi everyone. I'm on day 5 of my first week (this evening i'll be doing pure cardio) and thought that I would join MFP for a bit of moral support!! I'm achy and finding it tough because I am so unfit but I'm not considering flaking out yet (which I am very good at!) I've decided not to weigh myself until the end as people seem to get disheartened by the lack of initial weight loss. I'm just going to stick to the tape measure.

    I'd appreciate any tips anyone has, especially regarding recovery drink / shakes. They seem popular but I'm not sure if its worth the cost and whether I'd just be fine eating a balanced meal instead.

    Hi there and welcome to MFP, and Insanity! I can't give you tips so much on recovery drink and shakes because at the moment I'm not really taking any. Just make sure your protein intake is high and that will help with recovery.

    I'm on day 11 of insanity (first time) and my advice so far to you would just be to take it one day at a time. Don't try and keep up with the people in the video - they've done the program once before. Just pace yourself, take breaks when you need it (i still do sometimes) and drink LOADS of water! I stretch a bit after the workouts finished, and take a really hot shower afterwards to soothe my legs!

    Some days you will find harder than others, but you'll quickly get addicted to the feeling after the workout. I always feel so proud of myself for persevering and already in 11 days I can see that I've improved. Insanity really trains the mind as well as the body!
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    Today should have been a rest day, but I will be out in the mountains this weekend(Arcticman!!!), NOT working out. So I'm postponing my rest day til then. I did Max Cardio. I didn't think I was going to make it; I don't know if I was too dehydrated or if it was from not eating enough yesterday. The warmup was harder than usual. But I pushed through and did it and that makes me happy. Trying to get in more than the usual 8 or 9 glasses of water today.
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member

    Insanity really trains the mind as well as the body!

    So true!!
  • Day 1 week 2 cardio power & resistance done and I lost 6 lbs so far!
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    That's great!!!
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    I've just completed Day 41 - Max Interval Plyo. Rest day tomorrow :drinker: then 3 more weeks :smile:
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    I've just completed Day 41 - Max Interval Plyo. Rest day tomorrow :drinker: then 3 more weeks :smile:

    Way to go! Are you seeing some results now? I bet you're feeling so much stronger!
  • gudgie21
    gudgie21 Posts: 7 Member
    I hope to start felling an improvement soon. I have already even after nearly a week noticed that I am a bit stronger in my arms. Muy next step is to buy some better trainers otherwise I think the high impact workout will start to mess with my knees (my friend who is doing this has got shin splints from the high impact) and a heart rate monitor as well to get the most out of the work outs.

    I am also off to the supermarket with a list of healthy things from the meal plan today. Its funny how just a few days of exercise can inspire you to eat better as well. Rest day tomorrow...cant wait!!
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    I hope to start felling an improvement soon. I have already even after nearly a week noticed that I am a bit stronger in my arms. Muy next step is to buy some better trainers otherwise I think the high impact workout will start to mess with my knees (my friend who is doing this has got shin splints from the high impact) and a heart rate monitor as well to get the most out of the work outs.

    I am also off to the supermarket with a list of healthy things from the meal plan today. Its funny how just a few days of exercise can inspire you to eat better as well. Rest day tomorrow...cant wait!!

    I know exactly what you mean! You just want to get the best results possible! I'm somehow trying to get 200g protein into each day but finding it impossible! I'm just not that hungry! I'd def recommend a HRM - I'm surprised sometime by my cals burnt, so I think you'd find it useful. I did the workout barefoot today for the 1st time and it was alright actually. Normally I get arch pain in my left foot but nothing like that today, I might try it again tomorrow...

    I did cardio power and resistance just now and definitely getting better, but I'm still not sure i've got the form right for the V push-ups, and the push-up things where your knees are dipped in... I should pay more attention! I think it's partly because the sun is finally shining over here in Germany, but I feel so good today! :) Starting to notice changes in my body, and I had a cheeky weigh-in this morning and I lost weight whilst back in UK when I was sure I would have put some on or at least maintained! I ate so much and went over my calories nearly every day, and drank too much too! Just goes to show Insanity does work! Back to healthy eating now though, I feel so excited to be back preparing my own food again :)
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    I did the workout barefoot today for the 1st time and it was alright actually. Normally I get arch pain in my left foot but nothing like that today, I might try it again tomorrow...

    I started doing insanity barefooted since last week because I workout in the mornings when everyone is still asleep and hubby said he could hear me jumping around. I tried it barefeet and have continued to do so :smile:
  • dsendre
    dsendre Posts: 173 Member
    Max Interval Sports Training today after doing both Max Interval Circuit and Insane Abs yesterday. Had to take a day off Saturday due to other obligations and didn't get Insane Abs done Friday along with Max Cardio Conditioning, so yesterday was quite the workout. Now I only have 2 workouts left!!!

    On a side note, today was the final weigh-in day for the weigh loss challenge we had at work. January 8th 2013 to April 8th 2013. During that time I did the first 2 weeks of Insanity, went on vacation to London, and then started Insanity all over again on 2/4/2013. As of this morning, 17.5lbs lost and -8.22% body weight. I took 1st place and pocketed a nice cash prize! Big thanks to MFP for helping me figure out the nutrition side of all this and for everyone's stories and support!

    Now I need to keep the motivation up and keep going!
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    I took 1st place and pocketed a nice cash prize!

    Awesome :drinker: Well done :smile: