Daily Insane chat, banter and progress!



  • gudgie21
    gudgie21 Posts: 7 Member
    Those graphs in the post above are great - must be so satisfying to look at. I can't wait until I can do some.

    I have a question for everyone - I am not feeling great, I think I might be getting a cold. I'm a bit achy (not in a post insanity way, more an ill way) and just feel really lethargic. Yesterday I drank the lemsip max strength drinks throughout the day yesterday and was feeling better. I'm lucky because yesterday was a rest day at the end of my first week but I'm supposed to be back on it tonight. Has anyone worked out when they are feeling a bit under the weather? I'm thinking it will go one of two ways!!
  • Asterie
    Asterie Posts: 159 Member
    Finished the first week! I had to lose a day, so I'm going to be doubling up--probably on the recovery day, but every time I do insanity in the morning I get so much energy that I want to do it again during the evening. Does anyone else experience this? The only thing really stopping me is that I don't know how on earth I could possibly eat an extra 500 calories during the evening; it's hard enough with the initial 500.
  • cynpin34
    cynpin34 Posts: 41 Member
    Those graphs in the post above are great - must be so satisfying to look at. I can't wait until I can do some.

    I have a question for everyone - I am not feeling great, I think I might be getting a cold. I'm a bit achy (not in a post insanity way, more an ill way) and just feel really lethargic. Yesterday I drank the lemsip max strength drinks throughout the day yesterday and was feeling better. I'm lucky because yesterday was a rest day at the end of my first week but I'm supposed to be back on it tonight. Has anyone worked out when they are feeling a bit under the weather? I'm thinking it will go one of two ways!!

    I had an awful headache on Monday and was really exhausted...I really struggled getting out of bed. I did it anyway, made it through my day (took 1 daytime cold pill) felt better later on. I'm not sure what I had, but it was gone the next day....I had a fantastic workout today, finishing up my second week. I'd say listen to your body. If the achy feeling is flu like, probably not a bad idea to rest

    SO happy to be done week 2!!! Might have convinced my BF to do the program with me...if he agrees to start on Thursday with me...I think I will start over so that I can do it with him each day....if not I'll just carry on. Am turning on my late alarm (2 hrs later than normal) tomorrow and seeing if I can stay asleep until it goes off...not likely though, but I can dream. If I just can't get back to sleep I'll go for a nice brisk walk...or just go on pinterest...lol. Cheers all.
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    gudgie21 - I would just see how you feel? Maybe try and do the workout (unless you're already feeling bad, in which case I would just skip the workout and rest) and see how you go. Insanity is hard enough as it is without trying to do it whilst fighting off an illness!

    I've got my second rest day today, not sure how I feel about it! The next workout is always somehow a shock to my body after a rest day, so I might go to the gym today and do something gentle like a step class or something. I'm addicted to exercise I think... just like to move around a bit everyday! I'm still a bit stiff today though so I'll see how I go, I know the rest days are in there for a reason!
  • gudgie21
    gudgie21 Posts: 7 Member
    I think your right, I'll play it by ear and see how I feel later. Don't want to miss any workouts though, especially as I measured byself this morning and I have lost half an inch off each of my measurements after week one. Very happy!
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    I think your right, I'll play it by ear and see how I feel later. Don't want to miss any workouts though, especially as I measured byself this morning and I have lost half an inch off each of my measurements after week one. Very happy!

    That's amazing!! I'm holding off on that until I'm halfway through, but congrats on your loss! I know what you mean about not wanting to get behind or whatever, but you don't want to make yourself more ill. There seems to be a bug going round at the moment maybe it's because spring is finally here and people are getting allergies or something? Just see how you go, it's not the end of the world if you miss one day, you can catch up!
  • dsendre
    dsendre Posts: 173 Member
    This morning I completed Max Cardio Conditioning and Insane Abs to finish a full round of Insanity!

    Here's my before/after: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/954485-my-insanity-results-17-5lbs-down-almost-1-2-to-my-goal

    Thanks for everyone's motivation and support! To those still working at - You Can Do It!!!
  • lcalvert21
    lcalvert21 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm on my 2nd week of month 2, completed max cardio conditioning! Month 2 is hardcore but you feel great afterwards!
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    This morning I completed Max Cardio Conditioning and Insane Abs to finish a full round of Insanity!

    Here's my before/after: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/954485-my-insanity-results-17-5lbs-down-almost-1-2-to-my-goal

    Thanks for everyone's motivation and support! To those still working at - You Can Do It!!!

    Really awesome results!! Well done :)
  • priesterse
    priesterse Posts: 207 Member
    I finally completed a round of Insanity after several attempts.:love:

    I have lost 14 pounds and several inches!

    Congrats!!! Did you take before/after pics?

    As for me, I did Max Interval Plyo this morning and now only have 1 day left to complete the round!!! Will be posting my before/after pics soon.

    Thanks and congrats on your results. Unfortunately, I was so excited to start I forgot to take a before pic. I am starting round 2 next week and I'll make sure to take a before picture. I REALLY want that t-shirt!
  • gudgie21
    gudgie21 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I did cardio power and resistance last night and I am exhausted today! My boyfriend came home and found me in a heap on the living room floor having attempted moving push ups! I could barely get up the stairs afterwards.

    I'm feeling all motivated today though. I have taken delivery of my new HRM and some pretty new trainers. Who knew trainer technology had improved so much? I haven't got a new pair for about 5 years and these are so light! My current ones are bricks in comparison. They were recommended for high impact aeroworkouts, especially things like gym classes so hopefully these will be good for isanity and I might be able to jump a bit higher!!
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    Just did my 2nd Fit Test and got some great improvements on my 1st numbers!
    Here are my 1st and 2nd fit test results side by side:

    1. 85 - 136
    2. 46 - 53
    3. 75 - 97
    4. 60 - 60
    5. 8 - 10
    6. 14 - 17
    7. 16 - 29
    8. 45 - 63

    Yay, now for a shower and lunch! :D
  • dsendre
    dsendre Posts: 173 Member
    Today I did Core Cardio and Balance for the first time since my Recovery Week. Pretty amazing how much stronger I became in Month 2. I can definitely tell a difference in my ability to do the exercises as well as my ability to hold proper form. Now it has me thinking about doing a Round 2 of Insanity to continue to improve my form.....

    I'm going to do a post-Insanity Recovery Week of Core Cardio & Balance then either start Round 2 of Insanity, move up to Insanity Asylum or start Tapout XT.

    Was nice to have a recovery day for a change!
  • gudgie21
    gudgie21 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi guys, I decided to start a blog when I began Insantiy as a bit of motivation so if anyone fancies a read its here... http://bloggingmywaythroughinsanity.blogspot.com/
  • ryans5050
    ryans5050 Posts: 31 Member
    Day 11 finished last night and doing Day 12 (Cardio Power & Resistance) tonight. The Cardio Recovery is certainly rough on my individual muscles, it just doesn't feel like my chest is trying to explode like I do on some of the cardios - lol. But ugh, my thighs and calves and arms and chest are so sore today.

    Nice blog Gudgie21, I know i've been torn doing to recovery shake thing myself. I feel the same way. Here's Shaun T telling me to do it every time and you can see some of the people are drinking it as well (their bottles don't have clear water, so I assume it's the recovery drink like his is in the commercial part). I feel the same way about the Shakeology drink, I just can't justify all the extra $$ right now on it all unfortunately. I've been going to economical route and supplementing my MFP dieting with a slim fast shake to replace at least one meal a day with. I do think I need to increase my protein intake, so maybe your idea of going with a pure protein shake is a good one. I'll have to find something here locally for the protein. I've been a bit intimidated wanting to walk into a local GNC or sports nutrition type store since I don't want to try to get sold into buying hundreds of dollars of supplements and things like that.
  • SwimSoccerTaxi
    SwimSoccerTaxi Posts: 98 Member
    Day 11 finished last night and doing Day 12 (Cardio Power & Resistance) tonight. The Cardio Recovery is certainly rough on my individual muscles, it just doesn't feel like my chest is trying to explode like I do on some of the cardios - lol. But ugh, my thighs and calves and arms and chest are so sore today.

    Nice blog Gudgie21, I know i've been torn doing to recovery shake thing myself. I feel the same way. Here's Shaun T telling me to do it every time and you can see some of the people are drinking it as well (their bottles don't have clear water, so I assume it's the recovery drink like his is in the commercial part). I feel the same way about the Shakeology drink, I just can't justify all the extra $$ right now on it all unfortunately. I've been going to economical route and supplementing my MFP dieting with a slim fast shake to replace at least one meal a day with. I do think I need to increase my protein intake, so maybe your idea of going with a pure protein shake is a good one. I'll have to find something here locally for the protein. I've been a bit intimidated wanting to walk into a local GNC or sports nutrition type store since I don't want to try to get sold into buying hundreds of dollars of supplements and things like that.

    I buy my Protein Powder @ Costco (might be different options as I'm in Canada) but it has all the necessary components needed and I add it to a banana, mixed frozen berries and plain greek yogurt. I get plenty of fruits and vegetables throughout the day (have both with every meal...except no veggies at breakfast). I would stick with what you can get locally.....and it is so important to get the extra protein.....especially in month 2. Good luck!!!!
  • gudgie21
    gudgie21 Posts: 7 Member
    I am in the UK but we can also buy protein powder in the supermarket. Its good because you aren't approached by loads of sales people. I make mine with unsweetened almond milk (hardly any calories) and then throw in whatever fruit I have. Its actually quite a nice, filling breakfast and when I track it doesn't usually go over 200 calorie. Maybe I'm beginning to think that a whole industry around sports supplements exists for a reason rather than to con us out of all our money...never thought I'd be advocating protein shakes thats for sure!!
  • moniquedeanne
    moniquedeanne Posts: 249 Member
    Finally started Insanity today with the Fit Test and it was so challenging.

    Switch Kicks: 114
    Power Jacks: 51
    Power Knees: 97
    Power Jumps: 27
    Globe Jumps: 9
    Suicide Jumps: 17
    Push-up Jacks 18
    Low Plank Oblique: 55

    Now I'm scared for Day 2, lol.
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    Finally started Insanity today with the Fit Test and it was so challenging.

    Switch Kicks: 114
    Power Jacks: 51
    Power Knees: 97
    Power Jumps: 27
    Globe Jumps: 9
    Suicide Jumps: 17
    Push-up Jacks 18
    Low Plank Oblique: 55

    Now I'm scared for Day 2, lol

    Wow those are seriously impressive first time stats! Enjoy your first workout :)
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    Day 46 done - Max Recovery. Why is it called 'Recovery'? :laugh: