5k Training thoughts



  • nytefalle
    nytefalle Posts: 63
    I just finished the second workout of Week 7. As I set off into the first 5-minute free form run, I realized that I was actually running. Not shuffling, not jogging, but actually running. It felt so good that I made a point of trying to do it again through every free form run for the rest of the workout. If someone had told me when I started this a month and a half ago, that I'd be able to run--not jog, but actually run--for five minutes straight, several times through a workout, I would have laughed them off and refused to believe them. But tonight I did it. I ran, much faster than walking, for minutes and minutes and minutes, and it felt GREAT!

    I feel very proud of myself right now. :happy:

    Fantastic! I can't wait to get to that point.

    I finished up Week 4 tonight & I was definitely off my game. I haven't been hydrating enough the past few days & also had fries away from home in months. The salt on them KILLED me, even though they were marginally healthier being sweet potato fries. My husband thought I'd done something horrible to my ankles this evening because they'd both ballooned up to cankles and then some. I have never seen my ankles this big! I'm definitely back to my fry boycott, even though fresh, hot fries are one of my favorite things ever.

    Of course, I also went running in the dark & kept losing any bit of night vision every time headlights from the interstate next to the track hit me. I'm pretty sure being able to SEE the track would improve my time. All things considered, though, I was still much faster than when I started at Week 1.

    My lesson for today has been to DRINK MORE WATER!!!
  • sb4480
    sb4480 Posts: 199 Member
    I just finished the second workout of Week 7. As I set off into the first 5-minute free form run, I realized that I was actually running. Not shuffling, not jogging, but actually running. It felt so good that I made a point of trying to do it again through every free form run for the rest of the workout. If someone had told me when I started this a month and a half ago, that I'd be able to run--not jog, but actually run--for five minutes straight, several times through a workout, I would have laughed them off and refused to believe them. But tonight I did it. I ran, much faster than walking, for minutes and minutes and minutes, and it felt GREAT!

    I feel very proud of myself right now. :happy:

    Great job!!
  • FitAtFortyFour
    FitAtFortyFour Posts: 10 Member
    I'm eager to start week five but have some brand of Ick that usher my temp over 100 degrees today and had me sleep 14 hrs last night. So...barring a complete 180 in the next seven hours, ill likely not be running again until Thursday. Booooooooo!
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    AWESOME JOB @dragon1ady, can't wait for that day :D

    We had our only vehicle completely die over the weekend. Ended up being the timing chain and were told it will cost more to fix than what we paid for it, not to mention we JUST put new tires and brakes on it, so it's been a crazy few days. Strayed from diet, missed a few gym sessions AND zombie 5k sessions. Finally did W5W2 today and OMG it was terrible today. I felt like I hadn't worked out it weeks, the app restarted itself magically again. And this new thing is happening every time I run now, where halfway through, I feel like I have to pee so bad that it is actually painful. And the worst part is that I really don't have to, so it's all in my head or something. The most I ran at once today was 5 minutes. I was actually struggling to get a minute in, I was pretty let down. HOpefully Saturday is better :(
  • I just finished the second workout of Week 7. As I set off into the first 5-minute free form run, I realized that I was actually running. Not shuffling, not jogging, but actually running. It felt so good that I made a point of trying to do it again through every free form run for the rest of the workout. If someone had told me when I started this a month and a half ago, that I'd be able to run--not jog, but actually run--for five minutes straight, several times through a workout, I would have laughed them off and refused to believe them. But tonight I did it. I ran, much faster than walking, for minutes and minutes and minutes, and it felt GREAT!

    I feel very proud of myself right now. :happy:

    Well, you are giving me hope. So far (I'm at the beginning of the Z5K, just finished week 1, day1) and I think my walking is faster than my running. So, hoping I get a little faster :).

    Also, glad to know I'm not the only one trying this app, some of my friends think I'm nuts right now, but I just think I'm lapping them as they sit on the coach! >:)
  • nytefalle
    nytefalle Posts: 63
    Well, you are giving me hope. So far (I'm at the beginning of the Z5K, just finished week 1, day1) and I think my walking is faster than my running. So, hoping I get a little faster :).

    Also, glad to know I'm not the only one trying this app, some of my friends think I'm nuts right now, but I just think I'm lapping them as they sit on the coach! >:)

    My pace today was almost exactly at 16 min/mile and I literally lapped a walker on the track that started out just behind me and passed a couple that were half a lap behind me. My inner competitive nature got a huge ego boost while I just smiled as I passed them!
  • lizpirate
    lizpirate Posts: 92 Member
    Chelle--I was bad this weekend as well! I was at a wedding all weekend and pretty much fell off the wagon. Climbed back on today, but it was definitely a struggle.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    I have to do the treadmill later since the next 4 days or so are forecasted to be snow and rain. Better to just be safe at the gym. Hopefully I get a better run in than last time. I hate doing it on the treadmill so much lol
  • sb4480
    sb4480 Posts: 199 Member
    Chelle, pay attention to that "have to pee" urge, it could be the start of a UTI.
  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    At last you fell, lizpirate. I JUMPED off the wagon, and then I think I may have eaten most of it.... :embarassed:

    Currently trying to locate a new wagon to climb onto. I think there most definitely will be a zombie run tonight. Must not lose that momentum!
  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    Chelle, pay attention to that "have to pee" urge, it could be the start of a UTI.

    I was just thinking that. Drink lots of water and if it gets worse or if it doesn't go away, give your doctor a call.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    I definitely will, but I don't think it's a UTI I think it's just me being a freak LOL. IT only happens when I'm running. I had to skip my session today because of a snowstorm it was REALLLLLY bad and we had power lines and trees down, too dangerous to even drive to the gym to use the treadmill. I'll try to go tomorrow.
  • lizpirate
    lizpirate Posts: 92 Member
    At last you fell, lizpirate. I JUMPED off the wagon, and then I think I may have eaten most of it.... :embarassed:

    Currently trying to locate a new wagon to climb onto. I think there most definitely will be a zombie run tonight. Must not lose that momentum!

    Ha! I'm sure it wasn't that bad. At least you expended some calories by jumping? :P

    I'm going out for a run this morning--we're having a dinner party tonight and I don't want to feel guilty about the calories!
  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    Ha! I'm sure it wasn't that bad. At least you expended some calories by jumping? :P

    Oh, it was very bad. I don't know where you live, but if you're in the northwest part of the US, you might have heard of something called Flying Pie Pizza? They're actually in MFP's database, you can look them up. They deliver, and their pizza is to die for. Particularly when paired with very dark high-calorie stout beer.

    It was very bad. :drinker:
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    I did run today. I didn't use the Zombies 5k app because me and my fiance both went to the gym because it was too cold outside and took our 14month old with us. And I needed to do a weight circuit, so I used the Active c25k app I have on my phone that is 31min for week 5 instead of 48 minutes. That was a little different to do lol it was 5 minute warm up walk, 5 minute jog, 3 minute walk, 5 minute jog, 3 minute walk, 5 minute jog, 5 minute cool down. And um yea, not so much a fan of that. The first 5 minutes of running is the hardest for me, after 7 minutes I seem to get a second wind and can just keep going. So to do the hardest part over and over was torture LOL It's suppose to be in the 70s finally on Tuesday, so I will do Zombies then :D

    Ooh and also, I scored a pair of Nike Lunar Flywire online for $16 they've only been worn like twice previously. They were awesome, they helped with my underpronating, but they weren't as cushioned. I LOVE running in my KSwiss, it's like running on a cloud, but at the same time I underpronate BIG TIME in them :(

    What shoes do you run in?
  • lizpirate
    lizpirate Posts: 92 Member
    I know flying pie! I'm in Oregon, so I've had their pizza. Nom to pizza and beer!

    Chelle, I have fallen in love with Montrails. They specialize in trail running shoes but they have some awesome hybrids as well.
  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    Then we're almost neighbors! I'm in Idaho. :)

    I run in New Balance W750s. The cushioning is amazing, but the arch support could be better. Since my right foot has developed a nagging little problem that refuses to go away I'm considering switching to another shoe model, but I would need to get over to a store where they can help me find a good one, and it's a bit of a chore to get there.
  • nytefalle
    nytefalle Posts: 63
    I run in Nike Lunarglide 4's, which I love. Being obnoxiously colored doesn't hurt, either :)

    I'm trying to convince myself to get out & finish up Week 4 before the rain moves in. It's almost a "cold" day in Alabama, overcast and 58, but none of that dreaded running in the Southern sun to worry about :D
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    I don't do any trail running at all, if only we had trails :sad: Color Run is in the twin cities in July, and I'm going to a running store to get fitted afterwards and hopefully they will recommend some shoes for me. Til then I'm trying out different shoes I've found online. I wore the Nike a little longer today and they are really too narrow in the toe box for me. I have a big list of shoes I'd love to try: Reebok Zigs, Nike Pegasus, Nike Zoom, Mizuno Waverider are at the top. I have a high arch on the inside of my foot and flat on the outside so I underpronate mildly when I run. In the Kswiss I underpronate but it's like running on a cloud, in the Nike my feet hurt but I don't underpronate lol. I'm gonna try to trade the Nike and run in the Kswiss for awhile.

    It's finally back in the 70s again, so I should be able to run outside Tuesday YAY!
  • lizpirate
    lizpirate Posts: 92 Member
    I had some Mizunos that I really liked. Everyone's feet are so different--the best thing you can do is go to a running store, have them do a gait analysis and measure your feet, and then try on a bunch of shoes to see which ones work for you.