5k Training thoughts



  • Liz731982
    Liz731982 Posts: 5
    I'm a big Mizuno fan myself. They have a fantastic website.

    So glad to see other Zombie Runners on here. I too am training for the Color Run. My goal is to do another 5 K, then a 10K and then Tough Mudder next year. You guys are keeping me motivated that's for sure!
  • phoenix3050
    phoenix3050 Posts: 56
    YA! Week two done. Not looking forward to week three it looks hard!
  • FakingFitness
    FakingFitness Posts: 325 Member
    YA! Week two done. Not looking forward to week three it looks hard!

    I did day 3 of week 3 this morning. Holy cow it was a Hard week!
    But I did it!
    I'm debating, repeating W3 or moving on to W4.
  • phoenix3050
    phoenix3050 Posts: 56
    My thought is--- if I complete all the drills as intended and run at least part of the free runs, I will move on to the next week. If not, I'll be repeating.
  • FakingFitness
    FakingFitness Posts: 325 Member
    My thought is--- if I complete all the drills as intended and run at least part of the free runs, I will move on to the next week. If not, I'll be repeating.

    Well, I got through all the drills. I didn't make it through the free forms... not even close.
    I have decided to move along to W4 though.

    I will say, as hard as I found W3 to be, it was equally as rewarding. (if not more)
    It was the first time I'd felt like I'd 'made it.' Like I was actually a runner. (insert Rocky Theme Song here)
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    My thought is--- if I complete all the drills as intended and run at least part of the free runs, I will move on to the next week. If not, I'll be repeating.

    Well, I got through all the drills. I didn't make it through the free forms... not even close.
    I have decided to move along to W4 though.

    I will say, as hard as I found W3 to be, it was equally as rewarding. (if not more)
    It was the first time I'd felt like I'd 'made it.' Like I was actually a runner. (insert Rocky Theme Song here)

    Week 4 was easier to me, so I think you will do great :D

    And regarding shoes, I do plan on getting a gait analysis in July. At that point I'm hoping to hit 199, and then my reward is to get whatever pair of shoes works best for me no matter the price tag!
  • sb4480
    sb4480 Posts: 199 Member
    I'm going to have to do week 3 over. I'm having such a hard time with it.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    I finished my W5W3 today. I had a major high when I finished LOL. I ignored the "have to pee" urge and did great. I did 3.13 miles during my session, my previous most was 2.83 so I was super psyched about that. My Nike app gave me the 5k acheivement, 52 minutes ha. I feel like I could run the whole time now, but I deft want to finish the program. Week 6 on Thursday!
  • lizpirate
    lizpirate Posts: 92 Member
    Way to go Chelle! I'm trying to get up the motivation to go do W6E1 right now.
  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    Congrats on the new record, chellebublz!
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    Way to go Chelle! I'm trying to get up the motivation to go do W6E1 right now.

    How'd it go? I have to do that one in a couple hours and not gonna lie I"m a lil nervous about it reading the preview for it in my app. Doesn't look like much walking after the warmup! Should be interesting :D
  • FakingFitness
    FakingFitness Posts: 325 Member
    No running for me today... it's pouring out. ;(

    My ankles hurt from running though, so welcoming the rain.
    Does anyone else have this issue?
    I wonder if it's my running shoes... It's not a gee, I'm using new muscles kind of hurt and it's not a twisted my ankles kind of hurt.
  • sb4480
    sb4480 Posts: 199 Member
    My ankles hurt a lot sometimes. I think it's just a side effect of them being jammed and rattled a lot while running. Stuff that with time they'll become accustomed to.
  • Liz731982
    Liz731982 Posts: 5
    Speaking of achy body parts, how does everyone handle their rest days? I'm finding that my body misses the movement on days off. Any tips? Yoga? Stretching?
  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    I tend to be in the gym lifting weights on non-running days. If not I walk, casual leisurely walking just to get moving. I do that outside unless the weather is horrible, then I go to the gym and set my Kindle on the treadmill to help distract me from how boring it is to walk on a treadmill.
  • lizpirate
    lizpirate Posts: 92 Member
    Way to go Chelle! I'm trying to get up the motivation to go do W6E1 right now.

    How'd it go? I have to do that one in a couple hours and not gonna lie I"m a lil nervous about it reading the preview for it in my app. Doesn't look like much walking after the warmup! Should be interesting :D

    It was ok. I didn't get enough sleep the night before and I was running on a trail by my house that is pretty much straight up the side of a mountain, so it was not my finest run. I think I was averaging about 3 mph up the trail. I'm also really feeling all the squats today! After getting my pace and distance up so much over the last few weeks, it was discouraging to feel like I had such a set back but I'm thinking I'll run a longer (and hopefully somewhat flatter) course tomorrow.
  • lizpirate
    lizpirate Posts: 92 Member
    No running for me today... it's pouring out. ;(

    My ankles hurt from running though, so welcoming the rain.
    Does anyone else have this issue?
    I wonder if it's my running shoes... It's not a gee, I'm using new muscles kind of hurt and it's not a twisted my ankles kind of hurt.

    I find that I have issues with ankle pain if I don't stretch out my tendons and hamstrings enough. Doing heel lifts helps, as does stretching them out on a curb or tree or something. Ankle circles are also good.

    I don't actively exercise on my rest days but I do lift a lot of 45 lb boxes at work, so I count that as weight lifting. :P If I have time, sometimes I'll also do some ab work.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    I had to hit the gym and do my w6w1 on the treadmill today because it was yucky outside. Luckily the gym was empty, otherwise I would have felt really silly doing squats on the treadmill lol. I did notice that the speed at which I run happens to be the speed at which I walk lol. So I took the opportunity on the treadmill today to do intervals where I was training at a faster pace. 3.0 is my comfy speed, and by the end i was comfy at 3.5 and doing minute stretches at 4.0, so the gym does have its advantages, even though i do prefer running outside.
  • phoenix3050
    phoenix3050 Posts: 56
    Well yesterday, in the rain, I completed Week 3 Mission 1. I'm a bit sore today in the thighs, but I'm not dead! :) It's a rough workout but I'm determined to get though it. I don't want to have to repeat this week!
  • sb4480
    sb4480 Posts: 199 Member
    I love that this has become our running progress/random comments thread. I feel less alone.

    I ran yesterday at the gym. I ran until I couldn't take the pain in my ankles/achiles anymore. I got about halfway through W3D3 - to the end of the drills. But for the first freeform run and drills I ran at almost 6.0! And it felt ok cardiovacularly, unfortunately my legs were another story.