5k Training thoughts



  • lizpirate
    lizpirate Posts: 92 Member
    OK, time for my W6D2 run--I'm thinking I'll take the bus out to the start point and run back. I'm charging my phone now so I'll have something to run to!
  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    I like that too, and I think maybe we needed one? Going from couch potato to running a 5K, or running for several minutes in a row, is HARD. A tangible reminder that it's hard for everyone, and it's not just me, helps a lot.

    Or to put it slightly differently, it's encouraging for me to know that you guys are suffering too. :bigsmile:
  • lizpirate
    lizpirate Posts: 92 Member
    Steph, are you stretching before/during/after your runs? That much pain seems unusual.
  • lizpirate
    lizpirate Posts: 92 Member
    I like that too, and I think maybe we needed one? Going from couch potato to running a 5K, or running for several minutes in a row, is HARD. A tangible reminder that it's hard for everyone, and it's not just me, helps a lot.

    Or to put it slightly differently, it's encouraging for me to know that you guys are suffering too. :bigsmile:

    Yay random comment thread! AKA a way for me to postpone leaving for my run...
  • lizpirate
    lizpirate Posts: 92 Member
    Tough run today--Week 6 has been rough for me. I think it's partly being overtaxed at work, partly that it has been unseasonably warm, and partly that I've been running more on hills. In any case, glad to be done with my run for today.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    :D I'm glad we are still using the thread. My fiance says I run too slow for him to run with and the only person I know irl that runs is a really close friend of mine but she is training for a half marathon so she's quite a bit ahead of me lol.

    After my fiance gets home I will do my W6D2 outside and hopefully it will go as well as last time did.
  • lizpirate
    lizpirate Posts: 92 Member
    I have to say, I'm really looking forward to getting to the regular app just for the radio mode! I've done a couple runs that were 2 hours or so and I end up going through two missions rather than just listen to music since there isn't any dialogue.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    Today I did 5k in about 51 minutes, can't wait to make that number go lower lol. My next Z5K session isn't til Tues. I do weight training M/W/F so I don't Z5K T/TH/Sa. Usually I rest on Sundays, but I skipped yest so I'm thinking of just going for a run tomorrow and using the reg Zombie app and just see what I can do straight running. Even if I only do 1 mile and stop.
  • phoenix3050
    phoenix3050 Posts: 56
    Finished Week 3 Workout 2. No glitch in the GPS so I can officially say I completed 4k today in the 45 mins. Nice feeling, but a bit sore after the workout.
  • lizpirate
    lizpirate Posts: 92 Member
    Today I did 5k in about 51 minutes, can't wait to make that number go lower lol. My next Z5K session isn't til Tues. I do weight training M/W/F so I don't Z5K T/TH/Sa. Usually I rest on Sundays, but I skipped yest so I'm thinking of just going for a run tomorrow and using the reg Zombie app and just see what I can do straight running. Even if I only do 1 mile and stop.

    Good job on making it for the full 5k! That's a big accomplishment.

    I really want to finish out the story, so I'm making myself wait to go back to the regular app. After my run yesterday, though, I think it'll be a couple days. I am sore from all those squats!
  • easternNCchick
    easternNCchick Posts: 198 Member
    I did week 3 workout 1 yesterday and OUCH! lol resting today as needed. The last 2 8 minute free runs killed me
  • FakingFitness
    FakingFitness Posts: 325 Member
    UGH, still having ankle issues. My left is almost OK.
    My right however, is a mess.
    Although, lizpirate, your suggestions helped, thanks.
    Today I went and got fitted for running shoes.
    I'll retire my one month old Saucony sneaks.
    I bought some New Balance 880v2's, at the recommendation of the staff at Fleet Feet.
    The person who fit me (who also has tendinitis issues, coincidentally) said, If they aggravate the tendon issue, I should return them for some Brooks Ghosts.

    They also suggested I buy a Lower Leg Kit and roll out my calves.
    That little roller, is 100 bucks!
    I'm going to shop for something a little more cost effective.
  • nytefalle
    nytefalle Posts: 63
    Yay on getting new shoes, bjhac! Hopefully these feel better on your ankles.

    I finished out Week 5 today and had the following conversation with my husband:

    Me: I beat my old 3 mile time!

    Him: Good job, baby! (goes to give me a high five)

    Me: By one second!!

    Him: (manages to complete the high five while laughing)
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    hahah hey i'll take a new record, even by one second :D we gota latch onto even those small victories, they keep me going!!!

    My fiance bought me a 5oz bag of Lindor truffles, I threw one at him LOL. They were my favorite and I was addicted to them when I was pregnant with our son, BUT I was addicted to them. So I will just enjoy and worry about working them off later....

    Today was an off day but after the truffles and learning we are going to Chinese with the rest of the family this afternoon, I got in a short 30 min run. I didn't use any c25k apps, just started Nike and the regular Zombies Run app and ran. I did liek a 2 min warmup walk, then ran 1.78 miles. I felt like I could do more but not wanting to overdo it on my day off, just came home :) 17 min miles, I will have to work on this after I finish z5k. For now, I just want to keep the victory of knowing I ran 1.78mi without stopping and could've kept going :D

    Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies!!!!!
  • autumnrunning
    autumnrunning Posts: 103
    Just wanted to say i'm on week 3 but the heel lifts on the second week: ohmygod, they made my calves so painful, honestly only way to relieve the pain after was not to walk but jog.
  • lizpirate
    lizpirate Posts: 92 Member
    hahah hey i'll take a new record, even by one second :D we gota latch onto even those small victories, they keep me going!!!

    My fiance bought me a 5oz bag of Lindor truffles, I threw one at him LOL. They were my favorite and I was addicted to them when I was pregnant with our son, BUT I was addicted to them. So I will just enjoy and worry about working them off later....

    Today was an off day but after the truffles and learning we are going to Chinese with the rest of the family this afternoon, I got in a short 30 min run. I didn't use any c25k apps, just started Nike and the regular Zombies Run app and ran. I did liek a 2 min warmup walk, then ran 1.78 miles. I felt like I could do more but not wanting to overdo it on my day off, just came home :) 17 min miles, I will have to work on this after I finish z5k. For now, I just want to keep the victory of knowing I ran 1.78mi without stopping and could've kept going :D

    Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies!!!!!

    Awesome job, Chelle!

    I pretty much failed at dieting today--my husband and I went out to dinner and I had the most amazing Osso Bucco and a couple glasses of wine. No regrets, though! I logged it and will get back on the wagon tomorrow.
  • sb4480
    sb4480 Posts: 199 Member
    Steph, are you stretching before/during/after your runs? That much pain seems unusual.

    I'm stretching b/d/a. I think I'm just in poor condition and that coupled with running on asphalt and new sneaks is putting me through the wringer. Yesterday I ran on a dirt path and OMG it felt soooo much better! And the new sneakers have helped with the shin pain too. I think some of it is just my legs adjusting to the new shoes.
  • sb4480
    sb4480 Posts: 199 Member
    UGH, still having ankle issues. My left is almost OK.
    My right however, is a mess.
    Although, lizpirate, your suggestions helped, thanks.
    Today I went and got fitted for running shoes.
    I'll retire my one month old Saucony sneaks.
    I bought some New Balance 880v2's, at the recommendation of the staff at Fleet Feet.
    The person who fit me (who also has tendinitis issues, coincidentally) said, If they aggravate the tendon issue, I should return them for some Brooks Ghosts.

    They also suggested I buy a Lower Leg Kit and roll out my calves.
    That little roller, is 100 bucks!
    I'm going to shop for something a little more cost effective.

    TJ Max and Marshalls have foam rollers
  • sb4480
    sb4480 Posts: 199 Member
    Diet? What's that?? I've been a big fat fail where eating is concerned. Oh well. This is why I'm exercising I guess.

    Yesterday I ran outside, I did 3.5mi (W3D3 completed FINALLY). I'm so glad I've finished out the week, even if I walked for a lot of the 8 minute free forms. Looking forward to moving on to week 4. The path I was running on was right next to a road where a 10K was happening. It was pretty interesting to see the variety of people, shapes and sizes running in the race. Really encouraging actually. And the dirt path was a nice change. I'd love to run on dirt more often, but this route is on the other side of the city so it's pretty inconvenient. This weekend I'm doing a 5k walk with some work buddies. I might do my shuffle while they walk. I'm interested to see if I can do the whole thing at my shuffle pace. I find it's really hard to maintain a reasonable pace when I run outside. While I usually jog at 3.5-4 on the treadmill, I feel like I'm running significantly faster when I'm outside. It's hard to figure out what the pace actually is though. The walks throw off the average. So for all I know I might be able to "run" a 5k, I just don't know it because I run too fast. We will see. My first *actual* 5k run is on July 7th.
  • FakingFitness
    FakingFitness Posts: 325 Member
    hahah hey i'll take a new record, even by one second :D we gota latch onto even those small victories, they keep me going!!!

    My fiance bought me a 5oz bag of Lindor truffles, I threw one at him LOL. They were my favorite and I was addicted to them when I was pregnant with our son, BUT I was addicted to them. So I will just enjoy and worry about working them off later....

    Today was an off day but after the truffles and learning we are going to Chinese with the rest of the family this afternoon, I got in a short 30 min run. I didn't use any c25k apps, just started Nike and the regular Zombies Run app and ran. I did liek a 2 min warmup walk, then ran 1.78 miles. I felt like I could do more but not wanting to overdo it on my day off, just came home :) 17 min miles, I will have to work on this after I finish z5k. For now, I just want to keep the victory of knowing I ran 1.78mi without stopping and could've kept going :D

    Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies!!!!!

    You ran 1.78 mi without stopping! Awesome! Congrats girl!