5k Training thoughts



  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one here who fell off the wagon this weekend. Mother's Day brunch, followed by relaxing do-nothing day with my husband completely threw everything off. Good beer remains my downfall...

    But if we allowed every little mistake to get us down, we'd never get anywhere and the zombies would win. That must not be allowed to happen! Planning for my next Z5K workout tonight.
    TJ Max and Marshalls have foam rollers

    Ross too, not to mention a whole bunch of affordable online vendors.
  • FakingFitness
    FakingFitness Posts: 325 Member
    UGH, still having ankle issues. My left is almost OK.
    My right however, is a mess.
    Although, lizpirate, your suggestions helped, thanks.
    Today I went and got fitted for running shoes.
    I'll retire my one month old Saucony sneaks.
    I bought some New Balance 880v2's, at the recommendation of the staff at Fleet Feet.
    The person who fit me (who also has tendinitis issues, coincidentally) said, If they aggravate the tendon issue, I should return them for some Brooks Ghosts.

    They also suggested I buy a Lower Leg Kit and roll out my calves.
    That little roller, is 100 bucks!
    I'm going to shop for something a little more cost effective.

    TJ Max and Marshalls have foam rollers

    Thanks SB, I found one for under 20 bucks. :)
  • sb4480
    sb4480 Posts: 199 Member
    Excuse me for a moment-


    I fell in the parking lot at my office just now and messed up my foot. I don't think it's broken, but it's definitely sprained :( *sigh* I don't think the universe wants me to exercise.
  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    Ouch, SB! Try to ice it as soon as possible to prevent swelling.

    The universe does want you to exercise. The work parking lot is just out to get you.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    I completely pigged out on peanut butter chicken. But it was totally worth it. It is my favorite thing in the universe and I hadn't had it since December, so man oh man did I endulge lol. I am up 4lbs of bloating today but it will go down in a few days just gotta get back to strict Paleo in the meantime.

    My Nike Pegasus came today so I can't wait to go run in them tomorrow and finish out week 6 :D
  • nytefalle
    nytefalle Posts: 63
    Take it easy, SB, but get right back to it when you can. Injuries have thrown me off of exercising for years at a time :P

    The first two weeks of the month take me through my birthday, anniversary, and Mother's Day. It's safe to say my eating has gone out the window. Today started Week 6, and I was NOT looking forward to all the long free forms. I've been running the 5 min free form at the beginning of last week's missions with no problems, but I still got nervous thinking about Week 6.

    I made it a point to slow down & conserve my energy, so my pace was terribad compared to last week. It was Week 1 kind of awful. HOWEVER, I ran every single last second of ALL of the free forms and had energy left over. Now I know that I can pick up the pace next run and still finish strong :smokin:
  • lizpirate
    lizpirate Posts: 92 Member
    ****, Steph! I hope you feel better soon. :(

    I started week 7 today and I LOVED it! More running plus skipping which took me right back to my childhood. Plus I was able to set a record pace (for me). I've gotten in a routine where one day a week I work on pacing (today), one day I work on hills, and one day I work on distance. Today I managed to do 4.5 miles at a 9.5 minute mile pace. O.o Considering I started out at the beginning of March not being able to run 3 miles straight and averaging 12.5 minute miles, I think this program has been incredible. Can't wait to finish out the 5k training and move to the regular app!
  • FakingFitness
    FakingFitness Posts: 325 Member
    Feel Better Steph!
    I feel your aggravation!

    Today marks 1 week of no running for me. I'm doing everything I can think of, to get this ankle back to working (and pain free).
    I'm starting to feel like I'm running vicariously though you guys. haha

    I may go buy a calf sleeve today and see if that helps.
  • msuspartan10
    msuspartan10 Posts: 72 Member
    Morning all!
    I hope it's okay for me to jump in here.
    I started week two yesterday! I felt really silly stopping after the runs to do the heel lifts. It's a small loop, too, so I kept seeing the same people lol. On the bright side, I jogged for five minutes for the first time during the free form run! I never understood how someone could jog slower than they walk but I get it now haha.
    I have a lingering quad ache that's making it difficult to do anything. I re-pulled it at soccer last week so I've been on IBUs and ice to try to help it get a little better. I suppose I could just stop for a week or two but I've finally got the motivation to be out and running and I'm afraid if I stop, the motivation will go away :-/
  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    Good morning and welcome to the random 5K comment thread!

    Well done on the five minutes! Feels good, doesn't it? I like the free form runs because they make it so easy to see progress that way.

    Be gentle with the torn muscle. If you can't run, go for a walk instead just to keep moving. Listen to what your body is saying, the injured leg will tell you how much it can do, when it needs to rest, and when it can go faster. You just need to listen and interpret the signals right. There is a difference between being hurt and being injured. You can run with the first, should not run with the second.
  • msuspartan10
    msuspartan10 Posts: 72 Member
    Thank you :)

    It does! My favorite part was calling my BF on the way home to tell him. He was very proud of me :)

    Thanks, that's kind of what I've been doing. The way my schedule is right now, I can usually only get one run day in during the week, soccer and then I do one training day on the weekend. The loop I use is about ten minutes walk away so after that and the ten minute warm up walk it's usually stretched pretty well. By the end it's loosened up to a normal gait.

    I'm happy with my progress but at this rate, I don't think I'll be ready to run the whole 5K by June 7th which is kind of disappointing. Oh well. Got to start somewhere, right?
  • FakingFitness
    FakingFitness Posts: 325 Member
    Hi msuspartan10!

    I did 2 miles today, mostly walking and didn't finish my mission. But it felt great to get out there!
    Now, I'm icing my ankle, in hopes I didn't make anything worse.
  • nytefalle
    nytefalle Posts: 63
    Week 6-2 was MUCH better than 6-1. I didn't break any records, but my overall pace was a minute better than my last run & on par with my the end of Week 5.

    I did have a major NSV during my run, though. Halfway through the mission, I realized I had my top on inside out. In full view of the other walkers/runners, interstate traffic on I-20, construction crews both on the interstate & renovating the rec center, and that one guy pressure washing the pool, I just took my shirt off and put it back on properly while continuing my free form.

    Also, tried out a running skirt for the first time versus capris & the little bit of chub rub did not cause anything to catch fire or give me any irritation :D
  • lizpirate
    lizpirate Posts: 92 Member
    You ladies are awesome! Great progress, everyone.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    I did W7W1 today and I did enjoy the skipping, but the 5 minute free forms seemed like a back pedal. Oh well, guess I will enjoy the easier week before week 8 lol. I realllllly want to try to see if I can run a 5k without stopping but don't want to overdo it. I discovered the state trails that start in my town. Right now there is around 40 miles of trail and they are expanding to 70. So excited about them, it was a whole new experience! I'm only at 17 minute miles and I really want to improve but my endurance isn't up where it needs to be so I have to just realize I'm doing the best I can.

    I got some Nike Pegasus 28's, but I think I am so use to my K-Swiss shoes now lol I just love them so much!!
  • angryjake
    angryjake Posts: 39
    Finished W4W3 today and ran the first seven minute mile of my life. Well, 7:02, but considering the fastest I ever ran a mile in junior high was around 8:50, I'm going to count it.
  • nytefalle
    nytefalle Posts: 63
    I'm happy when I average 16 minute miles. Seriously, the second my 3 mile time is better than 47 minutes, I'm going to do a happy dance. 15:01 has been my fasted mile so far and that was way back in week 2. I was that girl that walked the 1.5 miles in middle school because I had no idea how to pace myself to run.
  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    Finished W4W3 today and ran the first seven minute mile of my life. Well, 7:02, but considering the fastest I ever ran a mile in junior high was around 8:50, I'm going to count it.

    That definitely counts. Way to go! :)
  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    I'm happy when I average 16 minute miles. Seriously, the second my 3 mile time is better than 47 minutes, I'm going to do a happy dance.

    You should post here and brag about it when you do, we'll dance with you. :happy:
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    Good morning everyone. i'm only on week 1 but enjoying it already.

    after reading the first pages I decided to google colour runs and we finally have them in the UK. There is one in July about 1h from here so going to sign up for it. Not sure if to take the kids or not as it looks good fun. Thought it would be good practice as signed up for tough mudder in October.