Daily Check In Thread



  • AmandaForKeeps
    AmandaForKeeps Posts: 47 Member
    Joe- You made me laugh. Good for you for sticking' with it! :)

    Cheryl, that is a pretty picture. I wish I could run as the sun comes up but my kiddos are still too young to be left alone. I plan to run in the a.m. while on vacation in January, then I guess I'll have to wait another 8-9 years, lol.

    I did w6d2 today. It was nice. I have become sort of addicted to running. I want to do every day but do not. Yesterday, though, I went for an "easy" 15 minute jog (+5min w/u and c/d) in between my c25k program. When i got home, I realized that there are no "easy" or hard runs for me, yet. They only vary by time. I do want to add a fourth day at some point but that would mean doing back to back days (Tuesday/Wednesday). Oh well, I guess I'll just try to keep with the program, lol.
  • Putcake
    Putcake Posts: 93 Member
    Just finished Week 6, Day 2 at lunch today. Started strong, and then in the second 10 minute run, started getting a little side cramp. So I did have to walk for about 20 seconds to work it out. I think that threw off my pace a little for the second mile, but I'm still really glad I got it done!

    Looking forward to Saturday's 22 minute run!
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270

    Done....I feel good...was gonna do it tomorrow morning but good chance of t-storms
  • LMJS
    LMJS Posts: 157 Member
    I did wk5/d3 this morning and I'm so pleased that I managed to complete it on my first attempt. I haven't run that long since I was in school and that was a loooong time ago lol! The last 3 mins was really tough but I was determined to make it through this milestone. Roll on week 6 :-)
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Well done Joe and LMJS on finishing the big scary run as it seems to be when first looking at it!
    I did W5D3 today aswell, but my program was WU, 7min run, 2min walk, 5 min run, 2min walk, run 7min & CD
    my stats for today
    4.82km covered in 32:31 including WU/CD average of 6:45min/km
    Run Pace 5:57min/km
    Walk pace 8:23min/km
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    I completed week 6 this morning. I did fall in a pothole that I didn't know about. It poured down rain about 2 hours before my run and left a hole in the dirt road I run on. I cleaned up my knee a bit and kept going. Did the 25 minute run with 1 short stop. So glad I didn't twist my ankle. Week 7 starts Monday after a 2 day break.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    I completed week 6 this morning. I did fall in a pothole that I didn't know about. It poured down rain about 2 hours before my run and left a hole in the dirt road I run on. I cleaned up my knee a bit and kept going. Did the 25 minute run with 1 short stop. So glad I didn't twist my ankle. Week 7 starts Monday after a 2 day break.

    Congratulations on completing that run! Pothole and all!
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Well done Joe & LMJS!!!

    AmyM - Great job getting out there!!! Sorry about hte pot hole, super glad you didn't sprain your ankle!

    Yesterday I was going to go for a short jog with my daughter when my son was at football practice, on the way home I stepped wrong on a curb and sprained my foot.:sad: My back hurts from laying all night with my foot up. I'm soo bummed! I'm doing R.I.C.E but I'm just frustrated and today we have a cross country meet and Scout Meeting. Tomorrow we have Flag Football & Soccer:frown: it's not going to be easy to stay off it:ohwell: Just pray I can get back to training for my 5k next Sat.!
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Did W4D1 today and didn't enjoy it at all. I decided to run at the park tonight (which I have ran at before) while my boyfriend was walking our puppy around. He was kind of in a rush, so I guess I felt rushed and mindlessly tried powering through the workout. I'm not sure if the 5 minute runs would have normally felt that awful, but I didn't like it at all! I just wasn't in the right mindset I guess.

    There were also a lot of other runners who would stop to walk and take up the entire sidewalk, so I kept having to detour through the grass to pass them which also felt like a constant distraction.

    I did finish the workout and will be doing Day 2 either tomorrow or Sunday, so we'll see how it goes! Here's to hoping it's a little easier :drinker:
  • Riskay123
    Riskay123 Posts: 159 Member
    Just got back in from W1R1. I was planning to start this last week but a neck pain from sleeping wrong put me back by a week. Alas here I am starting the C25K for the second time around. I have to say I found it much easier than I was expecting. I am not sure if that is because I have already done it and know what to expect or because I am carrying a lot less weight this time around. Anyway looking forward to W1R2 on Monday morning before work. Looking forward to getting to know you all.
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    Woo hoo and well done to all the recent finishers of W5D3!

    AmyM good for you for keeping on, I hope your legs and feet feel good today.

    Mamakat I hope you feel better, rest rest rest so it doesn't get worse.

    Insomnia the 5th time I started C25k I did it at a park and hated it, not enough room. I had the same problems you had. I hope day 2 is better for you!

    Riskay, welcome. I love c25k this time (7-8 time starting). I wondered if it was because the extra weight is off.

    I did W6D1 today. I had no problems and was able to improve my overall pace a little bit. It's been raining and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to run today. Thankfully it stopped and I threw on my shoes and went, it started drizzling during my cool down and is now raining again.
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    So sorry mama and Amy!!!!! Runny is dangerous, apparently ;) I'm heading out to do wkd3!!!!! Only one more week to go!!!!!
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    Wk8 done!!!!

    2.13 miles in 28.21.... Not including wu/cd... Getting slightly speedier, and it sure was wayyyyy easier now knowing I can run for a full 42 minutes without dying, so this 28 minute business feels a heck of a lot better now. Nevertheless It's going to take an exorbitant amount more training to get me running under 11 minutes, which is where I want to be... I bet when it gets cooler it will also be easier. It's 78 degrees right now with 81% humidity!!!! Argh!!!! I got über thirsty today, does anyone carry water with them?
  • Putcake
    Putcake Posts: 93 Member
    This morning I completed Week 6, Day 3! I took the path by our house that goes around the high school. I even crossed the road and ran in the bike lane so that I made a complete circle. Usually I just go to the halfway point and turn around. I really enjoyed the new route! Looking forward to starting Week 7 on Monday!
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    After coming to a halt a couple of weeks ago, I had to hop back today - since I had promised to post the Virtual 5K thread today :D

    So I've just done W7D3 and will move on to W8 on either Tuesday or Wednesday. I'll possibly pick W8D2 for the 5K, meaning I'd do the programme first, then continue walking onward from the cooling down. It's true Autumn weather here now and it won't be as warm as last month.
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    W6D3 today! 25 uninterrupted minutes.

    If you would have told me 5 weeks ago that I would love running, I would have laughed at you.

    I wasn't feeling it this morning and I was feeling blah and fatigued, then the map my run coach came on with my time for the first mile, and it was my best and I felt MOTIVATED. then I was crossing the street and saw my shadow and thought wow, I look good.

    I did 2.97 miles in 36 minutes 30 seconds and 11 of those minutes were walking.

    My 5k is exactly a month from today, I know I can do this!
  • Rindy12
    Rindy12 Posts: 215 Member
    I ran my first 5k this morning. It was cold, 46 with a cold breeze off Lake Michigan. The hardest part was waiting in the cold for an hour to start running. There were several hills, some long gradual hills and one steep one. I ran the whole way with no walk breaks, even up the hills. I haven't seen any official results, but according to my Nike running app I finished in 39:52. It was awesome!! I'm definitely hooked!! Can't wait until til my next 5k in October!
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    I ran my first 5k this morning. It was cold, 46 with a cold breeze off Lake Michigan. The hardest part was waiting in the cold for an hour to start running. There were several hills, some long gradual hills and one steep one. I ran the whole way with no walk breaks, even up the hills. I haven't seen any official results, but according to my Nike running app I finished in 39:52. It was awesome!! I'm definitely hooked!! Can't wait until til my next 5k in October!

    You, my friend, are a rockstar! I can't wait to hear about your next 5k in October!
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270

  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    W6D1 today, I think I was still a bit sore/stiff from my 15km walk/hike on Saturday as it was a struggle for the entire run, but I made.
    4.82km in 35:36 for an average of 7:25min/km including WU&CD
    Run Pace 6:22min/km
    Walk Pace 8:35min/km

    Run legs were up in length, but everything else was down in pace. I still made it through though and that's the main thing.