Daily Check In Thread



  • acidstained
    acidstained Posts: 35 Member
    Week 8, Day 1 tonight. Only ran 22 of the 28 minutes, due to stomach issues. So sad. :( I really feel like I could have gone the whole 28 minutes... sigh. Next time, I got this shiz. :) Gonna start paying more attention to my diet, I guess, as it seems what you eat the day before and the day of the run is what causes stomach issues. Also going to try and hydrate myself better during the day and take water with me on my runs.
  • michielyn
    michielyn Posts: 47 Member
    W3D1, I hardly knew ya! I ran through my cool down and ended up doing 3.4 miles. It was a good day.
    Week 8, Day 1 tonight. Only ran 22 of the 28 minutes, due to stomach issues. So sad. :( I really feel like I could have gone the whole 28 minutes... sigh. Next time, I got this shiz. :) Gonna start paying more attention to my diet, I guess, as it seems what you eat the day before and the day of the run is what causes stomach issues. Also going to try and hydrate myself better during the day and take water with me on my runs.

    I've noticed the same. When I eat a big dinner, I'm a rockstar the next day.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Week 8, Day 1 tonight. Only ran 22 of the 28 minutes, due to stomach issues. So sad. :( I really feel like I could have gone the whole 28 minutes... sigh. Next time, I got this shiz. :) Gonna start paying more attention to my diet, I guess, as it seems what you eat the day before and the day of the run is what causes stomach issues. Also going to try and hydrate myself better during the day and take water with me on my runs.

    When I was doing C25K I was carrying a 500ml bottle of water and generally finishing it. As you condition yourself you'll find you need it less, as long as you're generally hydrated. I'll go through two 500ml sports bottles of water per day in normal, and more when I train. I only carry water on long runs now.

    AS far as eating is concerned, my shorter runs are generally in the evening and if I'm feeling hungry, having been a long time since lunch, I'll have a packet of dried apricots or some mixed nuts half an hour before heading out. I generally do my long runs in the mornings and before one of them I'll have a bowl of porridge, banana, handful of mixed nuts and coffee about an hour before.

    Again as you improve your conditioning through running you'll find yourself better able to cope with running on empty, although I don't choose to many people intentionally train that way. I find if I'm not fueled then my performance suffers.
  • greentree0
    greentree0 Posts: 40 Member
    W5D3 done. I thought I was going to stop the whole way through, but I got to the end. My 'brisk' cooldown walk afterwards was soooo slow!
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    I did week 3 day 2 today. I usually run on a treadmill inside, but today I ran outside on the sidewalk. My lungs were nooooot happy. I tried to keep a really slow pace, so I don't think that I was unintentionally running faster than I run inside. I was expecting this to be harder on my knees, but not on my lungs. I have asthma but I used my albuterol inhaler before I went out. It definitely felt asthma-related, though, like that kind of tightness in my throat.

    Any ideas why? Could it just be pollen? Should I stick to running inside, or do you think I'll acclimate to running outside?
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    Uhhh so after eating more pizza than I had intended I decided I needed to burn some extra calories so I went out again and ran two five minute intervals with no problems sooo I don't know what was going on earlier today. It is a ~~mystery~~
  • ErinMcMom
    ErinMcMom Posts: 228 Member
    I ran the Color Me Rad 5k today! Ran the whole thing from start to finish and could have kept going! I'm so, so proud of myself! I'm a big c25k believer now. I'm going to finish out the program because I'm a completionist and I plan to move on to the c210k trainer after this! :D
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Perfect weather day to go running yesterday. So did I. Nope. :grumble: I will get back on track with everything this week, starting today! A few days of not feeling well left me with no motivation for the rest of the week. I've got a new C25K program downloaded and I will do it this week starting on Week 3!
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    I did W5D2 yesterday, so tomorrow will be W5D3. I'm not thrilled about the prospect, but there's only one way to find out whether I can do it...
    W5D3 done. I thought I was going to stop the whole way through, but I got to the end. My 'brisk' cooldown walk afterwards was soooo slow!
    Yeah! That's how it's done, congrats!
    W3D1, I hardly knew ya! I ran through my cool down and ended up doing 3.4 miles. It was a good day.
    Well done!
    That's great! I've decided to keep doing longer runs instead of the intervals, so I guess I'm done with the program. Today I did 30 min (3.5k). I kept looking at the time for the last 4 minutes so I might cut back to 25 min next time. My right hip was not happy with the last few minutes, but cardio-wise I could have keot going.
    It's great that you're recognising what's going on. Take it slowly and soon enough your body will be up to speed with your oxygen metabolism and its capabilities.
    Uhhh so after eating more pizza than I had intended I decided I needed to burn some extra calories so I went out again and ran two five minute intervals with no problems sooo I don't know what was going on earlier today. It is a ~~mystery~~
    Nice to hear the problem didn't persist. Do you run with the inhaler? I think some people with asthma keep it with them.
    I ran the Color Me Rad 5k today! Ran the whole thing from start to finish and could have kept going! I'm so, so proud of myself! I'm a big c25k believer now. I'm going to finish out the program because I'm a completionist and I plan to move on to the c210k trainer after this! :D
    The thing with this programme is to push the runners into permanent running whilst looking out for their bodies in the process. It's great to hear you have the patience to stick to it, because you'll drastically decrease the risk of injury. Yet each mile still counts as running in the great scheme of things :)
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I feel so out of touch with you all and you're all doing so well!
    I completed Week 7 Day 2 today.
  • sappy42
    sappy42 Posts: 65 Member
    Yesterday was W6D1, I think I prefer the 21-min run lol....went back to my normal route, since the reverse is too hard on my knees (I'd rather struggle a little going on an incline than hurting my knees trying to take it easy downhill). Looking forward to tomorrow's run.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Nice work, thankyou4 and sappy42! thankyou, why do you feel out of touch with the group, did something happen?

    Reminding everyone of the upcoming 5K:

    Any version of walking and/or running is welcome, it is a matter of getting an idea of how long the distance is and what it feels like.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I ended up taking a break from running due to sickness (migraine) and stupidly long work hours. So I haven't been in here or on the boards for a while.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    I ended up taking a break from running due to sickness (migraine) and stupidly long work hours. So I haven't been in here or on the boards for a while.
    Sorry to hear about the migraine, I have it too, in fact now I'm on my third day :/ Sometimes exercise can help and I did my first slooow run in Friday when slightly whoozy from the medicine - and felt better as a result, quite surprisingly. Just get back on the wagon when you're feeling better.
  • CynNSinCity
    CynNSinCity Posts: 47 Member
    My first week is complete of C25K! I'm very proud of myself it's a minor and major accomplishment. Minor in the scheme of things, major because I stuck with it and plan to continue! Many hurdles to go, but I will succeed!
  • ErinMcMom
    ErinMcMom Posts: 228 Member
    Did week 7, Day 2 tonight. I think I was still high on the adrenaline from Color Me Rad. Ran the 25 minutes, ran through the 5 minute cool down and then ran another 10 minutes on top of that for a total of 40 minutes! My longest run ever! :)
  • ErinMcMom
    ErinMcMom Posts: 228 Member
    My first week is complete of C25K! I'm very proud of myself it's a minor and major accomplishment. Minor in the scheme of things, major because I stuck with it and plan to continue! Many hurdles to go, but I will succeed!

    Congratulations on completing your first week! :D
  • acidstained
    acidstained Posts: 35 Member
    Attempted Week 8, Day 1 again tonight. More stomach issues. The fitness tracker I use to track my runs has an option to add tags, so I'm going to tag the days I have stomach issues and try to figure out a pattern. So freaking frustrating, because I know I could have finished it.
  • acidstained
    acidstained Posts: 35 Member
    My first week is complete of C25K! I'm very proud of myself it's a minor and major accomplishment. Minor in the scheme of things, major because I stuck with it and plan to continue! Many hurdles to go, but I will succeed!

    Congratulations on finishing the first week! You have taken the first step to a healthier you and that is something you should absolutely be proud of. :drinker:
  • kellypence
    kellypence Posts: 123 Member
    Happy Monday Everyone. Had a good training run on Sat with a friend who is a coach for Team in Training (even though my son's bike chain came loose and we decided after we couldn't fix it to hide it off the trail and hope it was still there on the return trip...it wasn't, but that's okay because it was too small anyway so we got him a new bike yesterday), and finished W4D1 this morning. Hope everyone has a good week.